Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Sep 1899, p. 3

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i W33B a v JUT A y WHAT IB OH ABOUT TOWN- Baseball Junior to Ml list Friday sad iho home by two root Bend Serenade by the Band on the Christian lwo Friday evening daly by crowd of people as the rwideats of that vicinity The Band at better this summer than have for a long lime Fingers Shortened A young mm Noil mot a painful aooldent at factory He was working a and owiog to of wood right hand was Two lingers oat bo badly that olid bad to be ampatated Time Cord A the jeweler la on the lookout for novelties this applies to hie advertising well an show A neat Time Card giving arrival and of all trains in Newmarket on both I and Metropolitan Hoes by the Em job department last week or the convenience of all hie cus tomer and York model Jhu Hoard of of the of York mot at Court on day apportioned applicant for tutelage at the model of the county as follows To to Toronto to It beats us why Newmarket gets suob a proportion as to iv and taitiou as the junction Produce Good last Batter firm at lb ltlo per lb and eggs Lota of fruit lied pail bine 40c basket gages pail Apples basket or 9160 a barrel apples basket Pears pail to per bag Onions per Tomatoes to basket Vege tables as usual Corn good cabbage So to pair live chickens to 50c pair live turkeys lb Automatic Indicator During Mr spare time at Water- ho filled up an au tomatic eleotrio belt in the boiler house which when tho water in the reser voir near the Water- Works is low and also when it reaches water mark It lias proved a ureal convenience and the propriety o bavin a similar indicator for the Upper Reservoir now advocated The would not be very much and it would engineer a Rood many trips It would also save foal for some times the reservoir is filled to overflowing Charoh A taau from Mr a student at Newmarket High School occupied the pulpit last and did very well The pastor ed to be home for the prayermeeting last night will preach again on Sunday In the evening the Royal Templars will attend in a body for their annual sermon in commemoration of the anniversary of tbe Order Visiting members from Aurora have signified their intention of being present Regular monthly Fellowship Meeting at oclock sharp next Sunday morning The The will reopen for the fall term on Tuesday Sept Those who intend starting should by all means be on hand the first day It is sometimes thought that the school will be over by noon and therefore it is not necessary to come until the next fact Is the first day is one of the most important of the whole term for the take this op portunity of explaining regulations and work for the whole term Students from a distance requiring board can be directed to comfortable homes by applying to the Principal The school is reopening with excellent promise for its continued Mr completed the repairs on electric bell system on Wednesday potting in new batteries and leaving every thing very satisfactory light of loit sons store and another for boarding house I The are now on rtU Worked beginning to arrive for work A mammoth hammer for the of steel enow shovels is one of the pieces Work on now building is progressing satisfactorily The heavy pieces that sup port the root will bo all Id this week School apd both ptotesilefv Gotham St on to sum Mr then sold his farm on IJcUord to Mr for The Time In to the extensive improve meots being made by the Mfg Co and tbe Office Co of Newmarket to which attention has re been directed In these columns we also learn that tbe Messrs Davie A Son of King are now an addition to their large tannery feet three high When the output of Ibis manufacturing establishment will be doubled This busy hive of Industry is a to Townshtn of King as as the Hiding of North York so well repre sented In the Provincial Legislature Government by the head of the firm Hon Davie A Strong Candidate After repeated and urgent solicitation from all parts of the Riding of West On tario Mayor Cane of Newmarket has con sented to allow his name to before Association in on the of September Mr is by far best man in this pari of the Hiding for the and if his name goes on the ballot he will poll almost the vote of the Town of and Northern part of Whitchurch He Is not only an ardent Reformer bat well quali fied for the position by years of municipal training at the board not only that bo Is a and enterprising business man being at the present time Manager of the largest fac tory in the Province of Ontario giving constant employment to over hands He is also a thorough temperance man though not a orank and will have the hearty support of the strong temperance sentiment in the Township of Reformers all Polling throughout the Riding of West Ontario meet at oolook on Tuesday evening Sept to elect delegates- to ville Convention Send Your Copy large amount of local news which the Eai its readers every lime coupled with that ranch of it comes in late makes it imperative that copy for change of advertisement be sent In early- Advertisers will please note this and by observing It will save both them selves and ourselves Successful In to bis duties as Provincial Secretary Hon Mr Davis the operations of an extensive farm In the Township of King During the past week two car loads of pigs were to city from this farm and we understand he still has on being fed for future shipment We did not learn the realized for the sold but under stood the sum to be quite satisfactory industrial on order of the Commis sioners Mr Cassidy of the firm of Allan placed a granite stone about feet square into the wall of the new Hospital Wing at the Booth East Corner bearing an inscription to the memory of Jane Porter the lady who died in left toward the of tire build ing It is a very fitting tribute The Commissioners meet today for their regular monthly audit Bolton A Its top lleeton Wood bridge Queen Oct- and- t 9 e t I is IB The All this week the pare have been nearly filled on leaving Newmarket during the Fair being etch Eight extra oars will be put on next week from Newmarket and four extra from Rich mond Hill to Toronto Following Is the TABLE From Monday to Friday Sets to cars will leave am and noon p and From Toronto for Newmarket am pm 7 and Special from Richmond BUI am and Return Fare south cents Elgin Mills North Fare all good to Sept 9th T Blouses regular to 140 clearing at 29e Organdie Muslin per yard Organdie Muslin per yard Colored Pique for 8c Mens Heavy Knitted Cotton Socks I Ladies Fast Black Cotton Hose inch Factory Cotton while it lasts Good White Cotton Towels SPECIAL A full line of Fall Tweed Dress Goods reg ular value while they last BLACK DRESS GOODS Everyone admits that we carry a better and cheaper stock of Black Dress Goods than any house in the trade These goods have advanced fully one half out we give them to you at the same old prices and in some cases less Dont delay but make your purchases now A Goods Tuio Runaaxays While unloading a car of at the de pot last Friday morning a span of horses belonging to Mr Starr were fright- toed by a lorry coming along the track not being tied they made a bolt for the street It was the team driven by Mr bnt Mr Thompson who was helping to load jumped from the oar and put after them J oat as he caught the the rig ran against an light pole near the Eagle hotel upset the and did abont worth of damage On Saturday Mr Thompson driving one of Mr delivery wagons the Town Line the broke just where a railing along aides of the road Mr Thompson drawn over the dash board by the lines He think he could have stopped the bat he let them run because he was giving a tittle girl a ride and she Jolted oat of the rig falling down the embankment Fortunately she was not hart and the horses were caught by Mr David Millard near Mr place Visit to fie market At instance of Mr P or the York Mills and Reeve Duncan of York Township one of the moat pleasant of gatherings was enjoyed In a trip over the Metropolitan Railway to Newmarket Friday last The party comprised Warden Woodcock Councillors Gibson and Clerk the whole of the members of York Town ship with the Clerk Mr J Hill A and a goodly company of other choice spirits invited by ore of the excursion to the amber of about 26 World reporter who gives us following account With a complete of drinks light luncheon materia the party left York Mills at ten yesterday morning and arrived without at Bonds Lake where the new power house of the railway company located An inspection of the large machinery was supplemented by a sail on the steam yacht Qipty Warden Woodcock and Councillor Fisher however preferred the row boat and with latter at the oars easily outdistanced the yacht in a sail around the pretty waters The ran through to Newmarket and re turn to Aurora gave an that was amply appeased by a splendid menu served by lioky Welle at the Here Warden Woodcock was most desirous that the should me County In dustrie Home and accordingly the return was again made to Newmarket where three buses were procured for that pur pose with the addition of Mayor Cane and Clerk Lloyd the party were driven out to that institution They were met by Superintendent and conducted through the building and surrounding grounds About persons are at present located at the Home and of the various rooms and cheery happy appearance of the in mates speak volnmes for the able manner in which the poor conducted The grounds around building are ally trim and neat and those who ere able to judge that farm attached is operated on uptodate principles At the invitation of Mayor Cane party were then driven to the large Factory of which Mr Cane the presiding member The of the of tubs pails etc were and the remarkably low price at which clothes pegs are retailed was easi ly accounted for when the rapidity at which these articles were out was seen The Cheese Factory was also to have on- bat time did not per- of that pleasure The return was made over road at pm and the gathering broke all too eoon for many of those present The thanks of those present are deservedly doe to Mr Birrell for his conception of outing and completing arrangements to Warden Woodcock for hie services as Gibson Miller and Mr J An- for the light veto of humor thrown into the party at various stages of the game Fair A meeting of Directors of tbe North York took place here Wednes day evening the President Mr Abb WilJ- son in the chair The Committee on At reported that they had visited Industrial at Toronto and had secured subject to confirmation by the the Roman Chariot Hippodrome for races and other specialties The Board confirmed the notion and steps were taken for pro perly advertising the show along the rail way north and also for secur ing reduced fares on the trolley from To ronto The Secretary was instructed to provide badges for officials and the Board spent the remainder of a very late session In Judges The prospects of a very large exhibit were never more promis ing are already coming in and visitors to the Fair will have something to The attractions will surpass anything ever before attempted in North York or even outside- the largest cities- You will miss it if you do not take in the Newmarket Fair The Board of Management met on Wed nesday at the Library Boom Present President Morrison Secretary J Smith Treasurer C Hughes and Messrs T J J Quiches Bud L Jackson The reported re ceipt of Grant which was 436 less than The was instructed to return loan of to the Town Council and pay the insurance premium The Library Committee was authorized to expend and place the shelves as soon as Nine of the latest book published eluding David were accepted and will be catatoKUrd at once The Li brary Committee was instructed to have two electric lights installed as soon as coo- veoient one in the library other In front of the door Secretary was instructed to procure tickets pays till Oct 1st The catalogue em- braces all popular authors of the day and books are distributed three days each week The Library ie situated n Wrights Shoe Shop opposite Starrs book store where tiokete be had at any time and any further Information W A BRUNTON corner store never fail when using Baking Powder Bicycle About the 1st of July a bicycle taken from the front of the repair shop at Canes Factory and the matter was placed Con stable Savages Time went on but no trace of the wheel could be found until this week when he got a bint of a the description in the vicinity of Bolton Savage accordingly set on morning and returned the same night bringing tbe wheel with him It had been sold to a farmers eon for cash and the person that got tbe wheel from Canes had left for Manitoba The The new piece of sidewalk front of Dr Webbs is appreciated by the public Tbe halcyon days are nearly at an end The long vacation is about to into another period of activity know not whether to be glad or sorry It is reported here on good authority that Mr Silver of Button has sold the of his orchard this season for to a wholesale buyer A load of Templars attended ser vice in Aurora last Sunday evening Fecks Bad Boy appeared in the Hall last Tuesday night Late cars on tbe T and Elec tric roads are now the order of the day Mrs Luttaby finished a last week with blocks in it Mr the Water weaver in- forme as that he made a carpet for Mani toba last week he has three more ahead of him yet Fall work coming in Mr got in a oar load of furn- this week The Royal Hotel hue is getting a new coat of paint Allans marble works sent a HATS HATS HATS When You Are Expecting Company What the first thing you do Clean up don you That Our Fix We Expect Company This Fall and a great deal of it too so must cle up ail summer goods 10 make room for the large stocks of Fall Goods which the company are coming to see We are Selling our Felt Hats away below Cost Prices forget to see in the store Mens Fur Felt Hats were for do do do for do do do or do do Fedoras were lor do do do for do do do fa These are not old hats but all new this summer We continue to sell All Summer Goods at Very Low Prices MONTGOMERYS young man who bought the wheel wae out flns monument to on the People buy from re parties and from those who are known the community A snap at sight is not a snap We have learned that the young man left his wheel at the factory to be re paired When he called for it the repairs were not done and permission given to use another wheel until be got word to for it Word was sent to but in meantime he had removed and finally sold the wheel in his possession District Convention The annual League and Sab bath School Convention in connection with the District Meeting of the Bradford District of the Methodist Church will be held In Aurora on and Wednesday and 20 The pro grams are printed and are being circulated this week The conventions promise to be exceptionally interesting bob it that the date with the Exhibition in Newmarket The first even ing addresses are promised from Rev Dr of Toronto and Mr A Day general secretary of the of Ontario The mention of these two names will be sufficient to fill the The second evening Rev A Crewe of the league Department- of- the Methodist in Canada and editor ol the Canadian worth Era has been and he powerful to Intellect as In appearance Among others who have to take part are Rev and of market Mtes Wilcox Bond Head Rev Mr Evans Mtss Brown and Key Geo Brown of Bradford Dr Bertie Toronto and Mrs Elmer Davis- King City Rev targe Tottenham and jrfev J Wilson of Bond Head Every Method- 1st Sunday and League in the Dis trict Is expected to one or more dele gates Bar Or of of the billeting committee THE CHEAP STORE Dp bandy Tuesday Mr- J had six new bedroom throughout pot Into the Central Hotel this week Cheap to Saturday At Starrs Prices lower than ever Sliver Wedding We copy from a Rochester K daily this reference to wedding of Mr Caldwell a native of old Newmarket- One of the moat pleasant gatherings ever held in Livingston Co the reception given on Saturday evening by Mr and Mrs Edward Clark Caldwell The occasion being their silver wedding anniversary celebrated at their commodi ous home in York Some seventy were present in cluding friends ana relative from Roches ter and Genesee also Mrs Bogart of Newmarket Canada a of Mr Caldwell The spacious candlelighted parlors were riohly decorated with ferns and a profusion of choice peas Mrfl Caldwell wore her wedding gown as did also her bridesmaid Miss aid and both looked as as upon this date twentyfive ago Delicious refreshments by a Rochester caterer were served at email targes and a larger one in the drawingroom was laden with many valuable and beau if gifts care folly selected by bride and grooms large circle of friends as remembrances of this happy eeht Caldwell was the daughter of Mr Neil Stewart one of the most pioneera of Livingston Co whilst Mr has for many years held the Postmaster York and is a dealer identified with many Interests in his home patriot A bad occurred on the Canadian Pacific Railway Wednesday morning and the the oats fast train from Chicago on the down grade result that fourteen care I ELP WANTED FOR SATURDAYS Salespeople for Grocery Hardware and Mens Wear Departments male and female not under years of age apply to Mr Martin Grand Clearance of All Summer Goods Special Interest to Ladies Prints that were clearing at Sc Prints that were clearing at Muslins that were io to English Ceylon Flannels were now Prints Muslins Ginghams c a mis cellaneous lot that were from to yd your choice to clear IOC Summer Dress Goods Lot were 60c now now 25c now IOC Parasols or a Blouses Three Lots J CENTS i Special Interest to Men Mens Boys Straw Hats Half Mens Boys Linen Hats 40c for for Mens Colored Shirts were 50 for Mens Summer Clothing of all kinds Everything that comes under this Heading pos less than Cost Price Hardware 10 per cent discount from our regular cut prices is being fully appreciated- as the increase of business in this Dept goes to show The count covers Hardware Tinware Graniteware Cutlery etc would surprise you what this diav count will amount to in a year I J A NEWMARKET

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