Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Aug 1899, p. 6

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til nBflPONDEKivnwD iiV VINE ORCHARD Mr livbman of spending hie holidays at Mr Miss in tern of Manilla is spending a wooka in Mrs of Toronto who has been with her mother baa returned home Dr Webster Medical Hoaltb Officer of family a few days with sister Mrs May from took in the ex cursion to Fails Mr A baa boon spending a few of his holidays Col- Mr and Mrs Lehman a couple of weeks at Mount Forrest HOLLAND LANDING following spent Toronto Civic Holiday here J Chapman and wife Chapman Chapman and Art- Chapman Win Mias Dean Taylor the Misses as A John Murphy Stanley K Green- wood Mr Colo J as Taylor and sev eral Miss Lillian Scott of AnuB spent a few last bore friends Mr borne on a few weeks vaoation Mrs Butlers of Now York city nee Miss Tillio of place calling on friends on Moo- day last Miss Grantham left on Monday evening for Toronto Junction on a few weeks visit Mias Hitching spent a days with in Newmarket week Mr Kemp of Sutton Sunday last at JSheppards Mr and wife of Toronto are Waiting at Mr Nostrils Wo are pleased to say that Morris ie slightly improving Several took in the excursion to the Falls on Wednesday last and report a good time Excursion to from the bridge on Wednesday next the Pansy of the Mount yjeaa- ant though but an jnfaiaf in days ia in it strength and wisdom mature years the consecration ser vice of Wednesday evening wis full of spiritual life and fire Mm led the meeting very success fully- and her address on Tho better part pulsated witb spirit of the risen Christ M preached on Day from Hob 33 The words empathized wore tho God of pence you do bis will congregation was very large and the wrapt attention of testi fied to the timeliness and acceptability on the Messrs Frank and Charles of Toronto are visiting with their sister Mrs It H city for a few- weeks YyW- Mies Helena of London is pending the with Ethel Friends staying at Mr Mr and Mrs Thompson have MOUNT Mr John Rosamond has been in Toronto for the past two weeks for medical treatment Mrs Wallace and son visit ing at Wesley of Newmarket were their brother Dr J Wes ley for Mrs of Toronto and children are visiting her parents Mr and Mra Mart Mrs Holder and familv have re- turned borne from a months visit at Mr is giving up business hero Mr and Mrs Davis and family of visited this week at Stephen Terrys Our Library Board will be making a selection of new books very shortly They have about 200 to purchase with Any one having any books to suggest should hand names to Secre tary Mr A E Jones Rev A McFadyen and family are spending a months vacation at Mary McNeil of Toronto is holidaying this week at Mrs Wat sons Misses Nixon of week at Councillor Moores Mr of Toronto visited for several with Mr Long Mr Thoa bad several cars of lime and cement shipped to Button to be delivered in thai vicinity Mr John Blizzard of Newmarket was in the village on Sunday We see John often of late Mr Wilson is laid off work owing to having bis finger split while in Saturdays baseball match feov Mr Smith of is in of Presbyterian pulpit here and during Mr MoFadyena absence He is the guest of Thomas OBrien The Methodist parsonage has been repaired extensively Since the re moval of fence leaving the lawn it looks rather pretty The Mt Albert second team of base ball gave Baldwin a good drub bing on Friday Score to Mine boat of Saints Heat as the Owl would say was very and from latest reports has not his apparel ended yet senior team suffered defeat at a combined team of Baldwin fZifi ejhyr supposed to be Zephyr Saturday owing to latest mend There is much need of rain at pres ent especially for root The Ladies Aid of Christian Church at Keawiok intend holding a Festival at the residence of David Esq on the evening of the A good program will be provided Mann and of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Draper on Sunday- Mr Connolly of Brechin visited his parents on Mr J A of is visit with Mrs A Winch Mr- Draper of Parliament Buildings Toronto visited his friend on Sunday Mr of Mt Forrest has been visiting her many friends here the paal week Mr Nightingale is visiting with Mr Percy Morton Mr Joseph of Hamilton has heen visiting with Mr Mr Stephen Winch has been quite ill past few daya but at time of writing was much better Quite a number here took in Maccabees Exoursion to on Tuesday They report having a jolly good time Mrs of Toronto is viaiting witb Mies Maude Morton Miss Ida of Guthrie is visit ing mother Mrs John Prosser Mr I M Gilpin visited friends at on Sunday accompany ing him home Miss Alice Winch visited the Misses Grose of Keswick last week Mr- A Kirkpatriok has returned home after a few weeks visit with I MGilpin Miss Bertie accompanied Stewart to Thornton to remain a few daya Rev Geo Black of Christian Church Hamilton Ohio has visiting friends around here past month The wedding reception of Mr and Mrs J Barker was held at the home of Mrs Barker on Monday About forty guests were present be sides the usual charivari crowd at such gatherings Tbe Sabbath School here and the meetings are closed for a few weeks to the repair paint ing and cleaning of the Sabbath School room Mists A Irwin very ably introduced the subject Sun day evening The hall was crowded with attentive listeners Miss Minnie and Mies Fieury are visiting J for a few days Miss Fleming of Toronto visited Mrs N on Sunday last Mr Chicago and children have been visiting Mr Earl for the past few weeks Messrs Elmer Toole of Newmar ket are constructing a new wire fence in front of the School House which add much to its appearance Miss Latimer Canning ton visit- ed Mrs J Davidson last week Miss Annie Davidson accompanied Latimer home but returned again Saturday last Mr Frank Morton accidentally in jured shoulder last week by being thrown from a rig A bus load of young people from Uxbridge and Newmarket called on Mr and Mra A last week Mr Norman Williams has purchas ed the Blacksmith Shop house and lot in Sharon previously owned by Mt and takes possession 1st Mr J has two men engag ed for the next year His present men intend leaving in a few months Flora Williams is at present home in Newmarket for a short re creation There has been a rumor afloat that we are to lose one of our in the person of Mr I Gilpin merchant Many be sorry to see him leave here after a pleasant of five years Mr John lightbouse keep er at Fox Island was In the village last week for a few days Mi Port Perry was spending two weeks with friends at Pine Orchard and The Misses Vera Greta of Newmarket also Miss Addis Phillips of Aurora are spending a week at Mr J Auxiliary of the Pino Orchard Union met last Wednesday at Mr to the Lake are the order of day Mrs Playter over Sunday at her brothers Mr J E Mr Charlie friend from Toronto Sunday at old home continues hero and delved and en substantial increase to the cause Christ will come speedily from thefaJtWttl labors in the Sunday School and preaching of the word sermon Sunday moo was The inalterable Writing John Mountain Special sotvioea were held at Egypt Pcxsbbyterian week Seven members were transferred from Sutton congregation and never on confession of faith Sacramental servico on Tho presid ing elder of the district wax present The now pastor retains his popu larity Minn Sherwood one of the numerous daughters of Jesse Sherwood was at on Tuesday morning of last and left by tbe a train her tour Mount Albert ball team played here on Friday winning by to but as the affair in to ended in a disgraceful fracas farther comment is withheld If young men calling themselves gentlemen cannot play a friendly game of ball without a squabble theyd better be at home tending their own business There now Rev Minors son from arrived homo on Wednesday evening for a vihit with his parent Ho brought a basket of beautiful carry peaches Doubt was cast on my act of at tempt at robbery near here My in formers were Chapolle and Miller Did they state Roy Minor lias been asked to on the circuit for another year so of flock wore a telling certain gay old boy out east had better look out or next thing he knows hell know nothing His be buzzing around his ears like a mad hornet and comb his hair with a three leKRcd stool Flirting with other mens wives is rather nefarious busi ness especially when they have the rep utation has Your neighbors are watching me boy- Dunk Crawford and Steven son had the contract of building up the approaches to county bridge with stone and gravel They did an excellent job in a workmanlike style New guard rails have also been put iu This country is swarming with bata The air is clogged with em One tackled the Owl one night recently never do it again Peace to its ashes Garden stuff is early about here Mrs had new cabbage July Mrs Arnold new corn Aug 1st the Owl tomatoes Aug 6th The Free Methodistdiscipline does not prohibit good eating oh no that never would do and Tarn glad of it Consequently there are some capital cooks amonga them I had a try at some of their dainties one evening re cently and my judgment is that they are fully equal to our other prime cooks During the rush of the berry season Mrs Willie has been mana ger of the domestic economy of Geo mansion There has been auch a demand for berries that our local growers inform me they could have doubled their orders if theyd had them to spare If somebody dont keep civil tongues between their jaws there bound to be trouble round Saints corner Three families are ready for war and hostility may break out at any mo ment A lot of saucy children are at the bottom of all the trouble Peace lot ua have peace Several of our elderly men are suf fering from lame I think the new atyle of folding the an Improvement This little town sells about ton bar rels of sugar per week Our naughty boys are rummaging round to find who have any good eat ing apples If anybody to spare send them to the Owl Hell sample em free of charge is nearly laid up with muscular rheumatism The of one leg seemto be shrinking up We hope that In their exuberant hilarity at Alberts defeating Baldwin team the will not forget to- record the phenomenal victory the Zephyr lads- over the We had the feast for two Sundays of church three times but last it came down to one Mr John Brammer has two of nieces spending their holidays here with them Mrs Wilnon and daughter of Toronto have returned to their home Mrs Alfred of here for a months visit with her mother Mrs A Miss Edith has left ua again for home in the city Miaa Wiluon a few days visiting friends at Bradford Some of our folks took in the cursion to Niagara on Wednesday Mr J M has nothing to do now days by the looks of the moo he ha around him He is building and harvesting Wilnon of Toronto visiting relatives here Mrs T ih rusticating Mm James Hughes has returned home after spending a few in Newmarket The day was good about expenses was i deligbtful day and everything passed very pleas antly was the most suc cessful excursion of the from this neighborhood There was at the Metho dist Quarterly Meeting on Sunday Young preached a very ap propriate sermon The Meeting on Sunday even ing was attended usual an able address being given by Mr Next Sunday evening Mr John ia to introduce the subject is looked for A great interest ia taken in the C The new President Mr is proving to be right man in right place Your correspondent and other friends had the pleasure on Tuesday at Maooabee whilst at Orillia of having a short visit weth our genial friend Mr J P Belfry late of Newmarket He re ports everything moying up and bright prospects for fl Our Fruit Jars Best Sugar Extra Standard Granulated are excellent quality of heavy All sizes in Wine and Imperial measure A seasonable time to try Good Coffee 26 lb it Cant Equal Just arrived a full line of Pure Spices at the Davison Grocery Our Whole Mixed Pickling is worth trying Our Pure Cinnamon cannot be excelled No Test Like a Trial fa Davisons Extracts Strength IS in ORCHARD BEACH A lot of Campers took in the Mac cabees excursion to on Tues day and had a beautiful sail The music of the Band added to the pleasure of the day The lesson wis taken up in a very able manner by Mr Zephyr Villa last Sunday evening Mr w Oliver has kindly consented to take the lesson next Sunday evening Davison A- Co havi- enlarged their restaurant accommodation by the ad dition of a large awning in fronU of their Summer Grocery Their ice cream is a great Mr Herb Flumerfelt of Toronto is spending a few days at Zephyr Villa Miss Etta is spending a few days with Miss Wright of is a guest at for the remainder of the season Mrs Wright of Toronto and Mias Wiley of Richmond Hill are guests at SumItHolm the camp of Mr Cane Alias of Toronto a guest at Mr Olivers cottage Mr Will Ramsay of spent over Sunday at Rest Cottage the summer home of Rev Mr Turk The fly lays four each sum- mer and thirty each time The descendants of one female fly in a single may number Aug A sail fatality occurred at the railway crossing here thin morning whereby Mr James sen of the sixth con cession of Scott Township lost his life Mi was driving out of town when his horse became frighten ed at a traction engine ran into tin- incoming train Mr was knocked unconscious and only lived a few minutes He was one of the oldest settlers in Scott Township and was about years of age The horse had to be killed Davison Co I Main St Newmarket Now is the Time to order or a LIGHT OV DAVISON SCO So as to have them ready for the Fall Fairs IV guarantee our work and Prices the Lowest Possible Give us a trial order ROACHS POINT The Cookstowh Church of England Choir Tuesday at Morton Park and was greatly enjoyed The ferry Aynts brought them over from Belle Ewart to which point they drove A game of baseball was played at on Tuesday in which the Point boys gat badly left hotel is not overcrowded with summer boarders like it was year which is no doubt on account of the cool season Mrs Lain of Stratford who has been visiting at Mr Woods Lake View Farm returned to her home last week Mias Ada of Albert re turned home after spending a week with her sister Mrs Miss Marie has gone to Mt Albert for a visit Mr Young of Toronto is spending his holidays at home here Mrs Hubert and Misses Hubert Mann and Carr of Toronto were the of Miss Ferris over Sunday Messrs J also Mr Grant of the City spent over Sunday at Mr Mr Purdy had a large bee last week moving his stable Quite an improvement The young people of Morton Park deserve praise for the excellent Con cert which they gave in the Pavilion last Monday evening The Grama- was greatly appreciated by Also Mies Queen of Brooklyn elocutionist On July Boyds store at the Point was broken into by burglars and a of caudles and email articles taken away Jock and Sinclair were arrested charged with persons They were arraigned at Roachs Point and were committed to stand trial be fore Judge in Toronto Orchard Beach Summer Lake Leave your Order we deliver at an appointed time promptly SPECIALTIES H J QUEENSVlLLE Ice Cream in quart tins packed in ice Nice to use at Cottage or Camp Ham Sandwich by the Dozen Cooked Ham by the lb Try Davisons A in With Strength and Flavor I Cooked Corn Beef by the lb Admiral Dewey ia being accorded a cordial reception Naples The- first case of Yellow fever was reported among the troop at Havana Tuesday Davisons Chocolates are delicious lb Delicious Heinz Pickles in bulk Choice Opera Mixed Candies in fancy boxes and New Cheese Take a wheel or drive down the Lake fehore Road and test Davi sons Ice Cream We are increasing facilities for making cream so come again DAVISON CO Lata midway between Point Michael Butler of Ottawa lost his life in a fire that destroyed dwelling Mr Fred Woods of Toronto was drowned while swimming in the Hum William Lee went to sleep on the railway track at and kill ed by a freight train Mr Andrew Carnegie has given J to found a public library at in Yorkshire It is said that Finlanders are considering the question of settl ing in Newfoundland Austrian newspapers report a re bellion of faminestricken peasants in Bessarabia in southern Russia The Basque Marie offers a reward of 600 for the capture of the missing teller Herbert Dr Howard Sherman a dentist of Winnipeg was drowned at Lake by the upsetting of his canoe Telegraphic connection between Dawson and the outside world will be probably be completed by the end of September One of the Canada Atlantic shops at Ottawa was destroyed by fire Thurs day afternoon The loss is estimated at about According to official figures Great expends a year on the support of the power This does not include private charities The British torpedo gunboat fired upon a French fishing boat the de which was trespassing in British waters and refused to heave to and killed one of the crew The biggest robbery that Dawson has known for several months was committed two weeks ago Sunday a wellknown being the vic tim While of King and saloon was dozing in the bar some one came in and stole In gold and cash Government has commuted to life Imprisonment the death of Ed Elliott now in Whitby gaol who was sentenced to be hanged on August for the of Murray at in November laat Elliott is only years of age and that the ground of the Governments notion Crop reports received at the P offices In Winnipeg give in a good account of present conditions although in Borne districts there has been much rain No frost damage has been In fcSmonton district it is estimated there will be bushels to the acre and- an average of bushels in other districts I A Wrong Idea A great people have an idea that it is impos sible to mike a good mil of them This idea is result of having at some time placed a the mercy of an photo grapher We are pleased to hive these people call at oar we can do knock this idee their beads to abort order by giving them a trait A Cull hoi ted SCQITH Gallery Two South of House Newmarket Secret of Dress The WellDressed Wan has no special secret It is pretty widely Known that most of our welldressed men have their clothes made at our establishment alio to keep your garments looking by having them and repaired We do that work right and at a ate Charge I 1 I Girl Tor ventral per month v- Homo I

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