Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Aug 1899, p. 4

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Sabbath Good Spied at trust to luck f na Toronto which wo Do not endorse It docs pain to dillydally in matters of people the fiealth With it you can laughters of accomplish miracles With- or disregarded the put it you are no good Sabbath Day when they Keep the liver kidneys bowels ana for the worship of the most vertible holiday The I f faultless blood I had acute rheums- In limb arid I commenced articil l0 rtl save treatment with and 1 Hoods and in short tune Ontario just now being cured- crowded by holidaymakers and lour- was troubled with scrofula tod impure blood a cut on my arm whom Come from the SJitSff State Sabbath is I was well lANutLitoauaoi much disregarded than in Treauloy Street J Canada It of the utmost JicdsSt thoughtful aud intelligent people who visit summer resorts strengthen public opinion in these now rati localities in favor of a rightful oly jaCKHOK Best Advertising Medium York County Iibl- 10 cents pur IWm- lojcrtlon CONTRACT KATES 1 I MO I MO I ISXi aooo axe unaccompanied until and will vhnnKLd unoi each month if Fur oil oner than the inunl he Tor contract muat In the office by noon on Low fur Rent Articles Lust Found etc A reading notice will Inserted fret for any Church or are or when noutlmliwhinfuuoruolluclloii fifty eicvotlon to rul CO J Robertson Barrister alary Public c Newmarket Loan on aecurlty t fur Township King Honey to Off joe- Court Newmar ket of the day of rest Too often the coining of tourists is a moral cures People who would dream of pleasure seeking on Sabbath nt home feel free to give to all manner when away for a vacation The influence on localities they visit is only hurtful is extremely and discourag ing for the ministers and people at popular resorts to maintain anything like a high standard of spiri- life and conduct owing to the flagrantdisregard of religious restraints and convictions on the par some- times of churchgoing people from Toronto and other centres Pishing pleasuresailing excessive and riot ousdrinking fill up day and all respect for public opinion or religious feeling is cast aside Bo far as Orchard Iteach and Morton are concerned we are glad to note that a strong religious sentiment prevails- The presence of Iter Addison Young Revs Turk Campbell and has a restraining influence and there is a strong desire manifest by the cot tagers generally to maintain a peace ful and Sabbath We trust that it may always be so though a few people going there for the day forget themselves and the Commandment Urfas Abo leading a quia while the mm 3lpdervodrmatflorpriiM us UK- of the good In Ontario and why proas bo against a which their own abolish or amend II it in power tomorrow of aubsldy making grant the remarks It was tho Hardy Over again io bold book the railway las of the It fl and a sooak at that la hat no it took ttie to make Hi political from John A till whan the nave the Tapper its the wa but fatted to the or if he did have wanted courage to it but that a of aoiion ia a virtuu when which atn if followed by code of ethics tire protected i h August Y TV AN TO REPORT OF BUREAU OF b Lorllft Old Tina In That Vividly In The formerly latterly been receiving a greater amount of attention An Import ant aid to this hai been rendered by tho compilation of and of all to the growth and progress Tut Montreal Wttmu to tho fact that a month to be out of Montreal into pock- of lottery men chiefly who are pour people then as follows The Minuter of intro duced into Parliament tbroQKh the Senate a bill trimmed to the sup port Of eooioaiaaucai authorities who money by lotteries was to reader it possible me are on pretence of an It got through but baeu held up in House of it la how difficult It to get to move the moat and evils whore Urge money interest are against reform oases there seems to be a on their Canada has already got the lowest reputa tion in matter of lotteries eeema resolved to perpetuate the for year at laast p S EDITORIfllt are a ferment up in British Columbia now A telegram from Van- fraternity been cordially In to attend a party at that place on the ion Barrister Conveyancer tic Late with Marsh Cameron ver that Clarke Wallace M P for Weet York and a the and made Money to at lowest rates Block Main St Jlarrlatcre Conveyancers c V 3 doors or Post Or flee T Herbert Lennox Aurora will beat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Solicitors for J Boas A- Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Fa ode to LOAD at DUNK Dunn St Ac Manning Arcade Klo St West Toronto to Loan Block to Loud I current taut at week that Hon Mr Tan who recently went a surgical Operation at is in a mote alarming condition that the first advices would seem to indicate- For nearly two days after the operation he was most of the time and bis recovery since been slow The is made that Pro vincial Auditor Mr has appointed Mr to make an audit of The of are said to be not ex- at least certain bean floatio about that only sffi- public audit set at rest has been cause tor com- plaint that oar Legislator ready tu make ohangee io Fishery laws IVovtnoe to suit the an- sometimes the exigencies the flirting of the Interests of hardy men who folio the calling of lor a At a meeting of of the river held at week the fraternity speaking of the open close season some of them talked wildly and appealed to fanoy that Government should pay more attention to views men who only use rod while away an enjoyable holi day of considering the commercial value of our inland fisheries We hope our Government will making bo many changes For instance a ten black bass is quite nice a pan fieh one another longer but the sports wanted protection not so for the fish as lor their own pleasure and they got it Let the line be drawn here Bases The testimonials sent in weekly by happy and grateful people saved from Buffering and disease are the strongest proofs of the marvellous virtues of great medicine A trial of one bottle in this season of danger will convince the Kick that there is life sod health in each drop Celery Confound now the gnu are after Mac kenzie Howell and his political friends in the Senate and will be followed op in the when the debate on the Alaskan isje before parliament next session It said that tu locality of he meridian the Alaikau boundary lino in Gov ernment made by a the Jailed States of twentyeight square If this kind of thing had been done by the Government the Opposition would have gone wild over each manifest etc but the boot on and they wit now be dumb shell on to at Frank Duncan Auetloneer lor the Co of York Goods sold on commission Terms reason able Salta to A trial Street Newmarket MARRIAGE LICENSER i MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket A press from Winnipeg states that in connection with abort age for help for the harvest a Id which he Atpreeentlhere are farraere in Manitoba and it even every farmer one man ft would lake to no ply the same In many wheatgroainc districts every farmer will require one and in someinstanoes two or mors men and any help it would take men to sop ply the remainder at one to farmer of the snested to Premier art Country eave It is proposed to Premier salary to He at while the Go costs as about per annum The Premier the real ruler and earns his salary while General draws hi income and expenses the discussion railway aobei- dies in parliament week the member lor Toronto Mr J Rosa Robertson said he certainly thought there were some railways which the Government should own On same aide the House aits another newspaper man Mr Maclean West York and he declared his entire op position to Goysrxunent ownership of rail ways and argued along that line Then we had the view of a Liberal presented Mr Richardson who was opposed to granting bonuses to railways although ho would be willing to make advances for the of railways on condition that the loan be returned These two views were presented by politicians on both sides of the In the course of Mr e remarks he showed that tbe Go- of Canada to the past had given in laud and money for to the extent of or per head for every man woman and the Dominion In the United States the aid to railways did not average per head of the population Yet in spite of expenditure by Canada It was a fact that at the present moment folly fiveeighths of grain of North- West reached the English market not by Canadian railways or Canadian canals but way of Buffalo New York Tub of the late lmta ar took place from the Toronto on Thursday last In with tbe Wish of family only relatives end a core or o intimate friends of the in attendance Mr of a for the family at mid half a i later another service for us the sad The all that is mortal of the deceased statesman then removed to the son of deceased Two contained the sorrowue relatives and friends were extremely elaborate Among those present at the funeral were the following Sir July Hon Sidney J C Roger J A party 0 Mr Mr Justice J WillUon Thomas J H and C Richie Say Papers issued at private resident I I from the taxpayers sod blows it is for ice If benefit of iu Carting AM kloosor Short Notice ana onUsasonable Terms There should be decreases in the many salaries that are not earned before any are seriously It appears that Hon Mr Foster a vary faulty memory or he must think everybody else has Criticising the Gov ernment resolutions granting railway sub sidies to extent of of whioh sum was for though the amount and out of all proportion Hon Mr Blair replied by recounting the subsidies voted by the late Government during Us last few years office of which Mr Foster was a promi nent member as head of the Finance partmeot In there was 1889 In In In In But therswas this difference between them now the days of Con- rule wove voted without any return the Go- other general development Nowi however the rsilwayaroposad to be sobiidlsed by the present WW the coun try to the of throe per cent per an the mads to means at the Hon Mr Blair explained Toronto Star makes following of Methodist order of deaconesses in connection with the distChofobie proving to be of more value expected of It Main J ed pastors call in a deaconess as 1 It is her doty to visit members navel friend i WannuuloriB by the find on entering a home where the nd work from Makes Sick People Well- a If you are still enduring the tortures and agonies of disease in this almost unbearably hot weather yonr position is one of extreme danger ener vating effects of the heated term that test even the strength and endurance of the robust and healthy must you to the brink of the grave un less you take care and precaution I of the that tbouaands n0W At this time your safety and life of Industries the annual reports of upon the use of Celery give a clear presentation year by Compound a medicine that is Riving end nun Ufa dltlona prevailing will prove of life and vigor to the weakly arterial assistance to the future publio- and down and that is J 1st and historian rescuing from death rheumatic suffer- pbere of of tho bureau era and those afflicted with blood die- extending a recent addi tion work being the of so appendix to Its regular report com prising papers of historical and value In relation to economics A subject which has engrossed much of Its atten tion been the development of muni cipal institutions which considering how muob closely our system of local selfgovernment touches the of the than do oar parliamentary Institutions la well worthy of careful study appendix Issued by the bureau last year contained aaveral able papers on the subject not ably one by QC on The Growth of restitutions In Ontario This publication baa been supplemented by to the re port for now which com prises further Interesting and valuable material tending to Illustrate the growth and development of ths municipality In Ontario and many data as to the and Industrial life of people In the early days The flrst In this Work Is accorded to the hitherto unpublished record of town meetings held In Plymouth Rock so to speak of the Loyalist pilgrims who fought a home In iunaua Here the first settlers what now on Juno loth under the of Major Athjlphuacown one of the smallest townships in Ontario contain ing only some hut It been the starting point of many Cana dian families Who descendant art to be met throughout province In early days It was a distributing point Immigrants from the border remaining there a year two before taking up to the or north The records of first crude attempts at organizing such local government as was found to be essentia iven that primitive of society a two fold Interest They render to the reader seeking to know something of Canadian history a yearly statement of proceedings of town ineetinga In ths pioneer and are specially it Is believed tbat they present the doings of earliest organization In the province The records In question the minutes of town meetings from to a yearly return of families from to and the record of live stock marks the beginning of the system of stock registration These docu ments the existence of which had been lost sight of were found among some old papers to the possession of the Allison of An historical rant some significance developed by their publication Is that insti tutions existed here in of parlia mentary government of upper Canada was not organized until 1773 the first Legislature meeting at Niagara than Newark on September Of that Bat the date of the earliest town meeting was March act of the provid- lug tor and legalising town meetings Was not adopted until July There do that the settlers brought the id from York State the former horns most of them where the practice had pmailed for some time The legislative powers of meeting were at first extremely limited practically oonflned to regulations fences and the classes of to be to roam at large- two most Important In any new ftettlerasntUbut as records show restrictions not strictly to and bylaws were from time to time adopted dealing other matters Canada thistle coupled a good deal of their attention and as early as a fins of shillings no inconsiderable penalty those days was imposed on those were negligent In it- The records are noticeable for their directness and simplicity no round about legal phraseology being employed also for the phonetic character of of the spelling has wisely been left unaltered- A sentence such as and not to run ot large Which Appears upon minutes for the tumor of the Bill rigs What a relief it would be to the In general and editors In particu lar if an enactment could bo en forced The annual return of the Inhabitants giving the names of resident families be ginning with will be of wider than local Interest will be highly rained origin to loyalist settlers These lists supplemented by some pages of nor- Anneal a- or its this variety of its goods prevailing at Papers of am sriyen In th latter portion of the volume a matter to- being distribution of by nationalities and races In settlement of province A P Hunter Barrio writes instructively on British Immigration into Upper Canada showing how the sparse early set tlements of the Loyalists of which in hart only reached the number of were suddenly sup plemented by a of immigration from Britain more then doubled it within a decade In 1884 the population had increased to These Old Country Immigrants as a rale settled in groups according to their nationalities and religions We And townships in whioh the pre dominating is Highland or lowland Scotch and Irish or Protestants whioh still retain largely the characteristics of their original found ers though Influences of travel and communication are assimilating them to a Canadian A more elaborate on a similar subject Is the concluding one of the book being a reproduction of an address James read at the Ontario Ex hibition Toronto last June on of Ontario or Peopling of It treats of constitu ent elements of the population and abounds In Incident and Interesting details of early life the writer points out the story of of our though usually re garded as offering attractions to the historian romance writer or the poet than of the French Canadians or the pioneers of Northwest Is full of stirring and fascinat ing malarial for the pen of literary man wblcb have not yet been The same writer also contributes a papers noon agricultur al and municipal statistics respectively presenting a historical review pro gress of the work of the in Ontario and giving some account of the working of adopted the collection of the data by tbe bureau J he Study of Political at Canadian Universities Is concisely dealt with by Dr a surrey of the which has made in this in our leading of the work of bureau in the matter of old iiiiiijf similar with genera approval and as may be material of this kind extant in private hand in danger of being or it is io la- hoped that any one can cooperate tilth bureau in obtaining them for publication will aid in very desirble Work will gosrsntes my Cora core cent Of kidney Irs many instances most of If the Is com plicated four- ounce vial of Will it yea what to do 1603 KIDNEY CURE TWO TOWN Pal M Situated near ftL bale on Terms Apply to Real Estate Agent For Sale or To Boat l Tom or Peon ft cleared Well watered and 3mOB for Sale West hair of the j Con of Whltchiircn and gfj hilldngB Plenty Of from TOOL or To Boat lubacn- For Fur ther particular apply kit It KVOWM BO KewifiariEit FOE SALE North Acres in dtb Mount Albert There a frame dence on property good stabling The is wei ted In gwxl coudltlon For am apply to A Mao MONARCHS FREAK of tw tux Aii HOTEL FOB HA IE The undersigned offer the village of dors for sale up Id favorably with any stabling rilj r For Sale or To Rent Desirable Residence fie Pooled the Surgeons doctors told Hamilton of West Jefferson O after suffering months from Rectal Fistula he would die unless a costly operation was performed but he cured himself with five boxes of Arnica Salve the surest Pile cure on Earth and the best Salve in the World a box Sold by Leh man Druggist a kB Kixostok Aug At 2 oclock morning broke out in the boat house at Milton Island three miles below and totally destroyed the beautiful structure as well the steam The boat house was only built one year ago at a of The steam yacht was built in at a cost of was a pretty yaobt At the time of the malady of mad of Bavaria was at worst he orders of his finest should be In the best condi tion possible for a When the report came that no further improvement could be mads ha had them Drought Into an open field where every conceivable form of noisemaking dene had been station ed The horses were tied to posts and the King from an elevated stand gave that flare of pets the booming of cannon the ring of occupied by the undersigned apply to bombs and other antlandish The horses reared pltmged to pet free and finally loose In she wildest of gallops from thU But toward whatever of the field they fled they were stopped by noises lust as and sent to another quarter to be frightened again and again When became too tired to run well the lng found the un interesting and ordered tbe orgy to cease By this freak the royal stable a of their most valuable animals J FOR SALE no ruber Best Spains need Mr P Olivia of Barcelona Spam spends his winters at Aiken Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head On Electric Bitters Americas neat est Blood and nerve Remedy all pain won left him He says this grand medicine is what his country needs All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble purifies the blood tones up the stomach strengthens the nerves puts vim vigor and new life into every muscle nerve and organ of the body If weak tired or ailing you need it Every bottle guaranteed only SO cents Sold by Lehman Druggist a Niagara Y Aug An unknown man went over the Am erican falls tonight about oclock The was witnessed by a num ber reputable persons who report that he called for help several tames placed his hands over his eyes and disappeared over the to make bitter for tbe man It devil watches the feet God looks after the heart dsrli works hard fruit look sweet Gods work waits Who is not ready A He in the heart la no whiter than In a horse trade The man who loves God will be where he steps When yon go away from home raoe God u everywhere When people begin to think right they Will begin to live right God has somebody preparing food for the man who is new man wUl do by nature what old man not do by law If man to be judged by another nobody ever get to heaven Whenever a man believes that he a of God he to like one The real chosen people of God are those who will hoar His work and obey more good there Is In a man the When yon shake hands with a young It is doubtful If one man In a hundred to praying for preaching that will bit Without the knowledge of God a love eternity produce a heaven that would satisfy human hearts No one has so muob be tween ears to get to heaven ths heart man unto not with the head lbs man who One of Farms on St and very Brick fl COO- Of pell good other able For further particulars apply to JOHN OGRHS Sw2S To Rent Sell Exchange FOB PROPERTY orchard UJl Property can be for one HAIVBR k whs looks at his wlf moon were about to Turn W g77 poorer classes the as preient ins -r- pays about alow W- Of ft Worldb Magazine written plainly for the home showing bow to prevent ana core of the human frame No At post free has articles on how to be how to cure corpulence consumption gout diseases of men- and women the London concerning the more prominent of the their me or the reprefienutlTes of hats attained mora than local prominence Some record a of early town the neighboring of Hsllowsll ana are also and list of Hal low ell lbs first time A Dispersion Bale of Mifl Height gives an Interesting of TOsaeasicns of Daniel a J and Jhe- prices- brought by the same total amount for hut figure or iS28 Another paper and conditions of pioneer Is on of Early i tttaMUhmsni wbloh was first general stors in the Bay of of was by Seymour and blood whenever asks him for aooupU of dollars likely to become very eloquent In prayer at his family altar Ha4 Those who wish w avoid catching when sleeping sleeping car should have their berths mad up so thai bo tne engine Is because the drafts in a train always from front to rear and head is are getting as much fresh air as though yon In other position In ho remmer weather those who sleep can with refect safety bars ft put rmoer thereby enjoy a constant supply of tool air FOR SALE Several lecondband guaranteed good as new for work them can bo seen at my place on St Call and See Them or leave your order for a NEW OUTFIT to be with machinery and save freight I will make it pay f3r you If above Engines are not they will be let to run on THOMPSON- a to graduation edoeatlonal terms bat be wants to take a sradaats am outfit Apply to Woin Street Seed We perfect GLOBE OPTICAL

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