Ml- jii3 NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND 1 i mo bo liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to confidence above fill other liberty ADVERTISER No paper sent outside of North York in advance Single Copies Cents Newmarket Ont Friday Aug per annum if in advanc Preserving Kettles All Sizes and Styles in best Quality of FARMERS AND BUILDERS HARDWAR PAINTS OILS GLASS Furnace Work and General Tinsmsthing NEWMARKET A E PEAT ED ALLS An Irishmans Doctor NO TOOTH Tub story Cold below carries its with it You cant make a man by act of Parliament Ho soy I thought it over It didnt seem to me a selfevident proposition Why not I Theu came a crusher You might as well try to cure the by act of Parliament This made me had been troubled with toothache woiried by it maddened by it kept from my work my meals my happiness by it My was failing in consequence My wan My mind wan A Childs A company of young recruits about to join the army were waiting for the care They were excited and noisy and evidently mothers and sint ers were not among their friends who waited with them for their talk was liberally sprinkled with slang and swearing There is a notion in sillyheroic minds that soldier must swtar When the train arrived and the young men stormed aboard shouting back their goodbyes with interjections of oaths and vulgar lingo Their rude manner of course drew the notice of passengers nearly an hour their course fun was kept up By thai time they had about exhausted thou hearers A Public Nuisance To Editor of iht Sir Please allow space in your paper reference to a very great annoy ance that using the public roads as pasturage for domestic animal We notice that it is welltodo farmers of this and adjoining townships rather than those that are not in quite a Our Toronto better A number of Yon- Si residents are kicking good awl strong over the Earthquake in Chile Chile Aug Concep tion the Southernmost city in the Re public which was recently inundated by the overflow of the River going I was to try once Several of the annoyed and in dignant passenger were on the point of appealing to the conductor when a little girl not more than seven year old a fair and delicate child silenced the map in a- moment Like the rest she had born thnr bad language as long as she could way the track of the Metropolitan j whereby hundreds families were Railway is left the change of the made homeless yesterday visited grade by a terrific earthquake Lord aod Lady Mi mo among others The panic was indescribable the tendered their condolence to the haw several times been destroyed ilvof the late Sir Edgar in earthquake Many buildings were St tender etjnptthr many wareortei In ome places o East and to camp in the streets and business North it is disgraceful wayparalvzed although intense for our which should 1 in ac- At a reprraenutiv mating of wkh the land adjoining Catholics from all part appearance which is as good a any in Province held in this city last Ontario but the cattle and more cans blouin up Are what we are receiving continually from those who like to- have The Newest Things in Dry Goods The Best Values in Boots and hoes The Freshest Things in Groceries At the Very Closest Prices AND Every wise housekeeper knows the Dollars received for her Farm Produce as well as her Dollars in Cash are made bigger by investing them in the class of Goods w se J McFarland Queens s rf J INSURANCE A I DentllL lock opposite Air for alvactofr Dp p Dentist will be th office or Or Monday J A for anit Ajtsarance Companies Money to Loan at Bates At the Post Office Newmarket A of Culture and Violin of and alt 8trln mm p Oliver Graduate of Conservatory of Music Ohio or and St A Has a Fine Display of in Now and continually striving to suit the People r fancy they may have people have different notions In they like but they are odd A- A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low Bates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket NEWMARKET WORKS DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Gall Before Ordering Allan la any or fancy they may have frig they like but fellows sure if they dont think those lovely Different roomy and the Big or anyone who llkefltyle and Comfort com- led have also a lot of and two A I PATENTS I PROMPTLY SECURED Interesting books Invent ors Help and How you Or Of your Invention or improvement and we will ssodlflx sad ftBlcrJr opinion whether faTenUoo Patents sent roe oldest sney Mann A Send a or you our opinion as to whether it Is probably patentable Wo make a specialty of applications rejected in other hands Highest references furnished ft the School of Applied law American Works of i- AGENTS Wfo and Acblflvementa Of Admiral Dewey the world greatest lb by admirer of the Idol biggest and over pages Scientific flmertcait Only Big free romeclitM Stop But how I enquired Fill with iboy The tooth primed looihaoho u Clean it How how ouicd exclamation the lhin they I did it fumigated made with camphorated chalk Lath- brick plate powder and it on Sunday a clerical friend I thin Even on Sunday there were Home hotel Kueu twinges on Monday it was had at ever What was I 10 do I extra careful what you let into a civic could care- Three certified the good harmless excellent character of all I put into tooth 1 felt safe Not for Ions f The were distressing he certificat ed application loat its the it got inside Hold a drink of water in your mouth and sit on the fire until it boils urged a knowing one I beg to think this was the only remedy At last I took of a fanatic Try the Parliamentary cure said lie Whats that said Have the tooth pulled out a short act will do it This drastic It would leave a gash in my social system I should miss an old friend The tooth had a vested interest I hesitated took courage Let the operation cost what it may it must come I said So I summoned the dentist I am ready for the parliamentary cure said I It took a strong pull It was done The tooth was gone So was the toothache I was happy Once more I reflected Extraction cures tooth-ache- I had never realized this before No tooth no tooth ache This was strange but true And yet you cannot make a man sob er by an act of Parliament 1 Let us see No tooth no tooth ache Granted No drinking traffic no drink Eh what la that a fact No drink traffic no drink I never thought of that No drink no I see A mule with no hind legs doesnt kick He is quiet If a man can get nothing to drink he is sober An act of Parliament can make him so By whitewashing the saloon Not quite Sanctifying it on Sunday and election days only Scarcely- What then do you want Parliament to enact Prohibition Temperance League Journal The reunion of the Morpeth Old Boys was a great success The power which has been in a state of flusnende an imation for the past two or three months because of the inability of the original carry their contract to heavy Jo materials have beep revive lately After prolonged have been made with the C of to carry out work for This is than the first price but considerable additions have been- made about represents The company week it was decided not to hold a pecially the shjep make it a veritable P ottvntion The decision barnyard I The of the Aug with in reference to the sheep when a the Ontario eKinrience of several of troops person is driving road and of of a wa by another into a flock of sheep if a sheep f outrage but fortunately eta hurt the owner tries his best to party mem- body wis hurt The explosion occur red out who is the driver then he allegiance a leaning avenue car on tries to make him pay for the A young lal name which six passengers but this is the owners fault He bunch of matches aim It flange of one of the should not allow his animals to be on loosely in hi and the highway It is also a to he went for a rid his bicycle board side The paieosrera from her seat beside her bicyclist who ride a wheel His movement the matches but were mother and straight to the loud est swearer ang laid her little pocket bible in bis lap Not a word was slid One appeal ing look in the mans face and the little girl back to her mother but hod administered a rebuke that was keenly felt by him and his noisy comrades Not another oath was heard during the rest of the journey At the next stoppingplace the young man got out and bought a pack age of candy for his young friend When he gave it to her he stooped and kissed her and promised that ha There are sheep walks in Auntralia ways keep the bible for her sake ranches in Texas but we The act of a of her them both in East and North own prompting as her mother after- on the and as this wards said one of those inspira tions of gentleness that check lawless when direct reproof would only make it more abusive In j the most impressive and tender way Hoping that the Councillors it reminded the young soldier and his companions that decency and divine command still held a claim a I remain upon them and that profanity in- stead of a martial virtue ia an manly shame well how this is and set his clothing on fin- Before njured aod the car proceeded on its The East Council have the names were extinguished the to cue end of the ran passed a bylaw to atop bikers from stomach and side were burner so ridxnKon the sidewalk Why can that he had to be removed to the JnJiB Grand Trunk not they pass one to top the cattle Hospital for treatment shop at Port Huron is and from running at large on i Judging from remark of person the roads I for one will thank returning from and The cheapest animal to raise is Council if they would and think the wateringplaces week it sheep and with the growing seems to be taken for granted that tender lamb and mutton in an article of diet finh has a country it one of the most pro- ing upon the brain and as form of sport it hat an The young roan who takes de- effect the truth light in rowing his best girl A down boys suiucnoned be- bittotned hardpulling boat Police Magistrate last tired mow the lawn week charged with irespassing on the Wind rain and lightning grounds at the Soot of fed considerable property at points in ave Excepting one who was fined Eastern New York and New Jersey on without costs the magistrate let them Wednesday and several persons were off on suspended sentence remarking struck by lightnng Loss at Well boys perhaps youll have room play in heaven Archie Henderson a young man Mrs from arrived about IS years old en ployed by other bikers will agree with me If our Council will do this I think that I it will be a good example for other councils to follow a farmer is in a position to own sheep I think he should be able to litre pasturage for them nuisance is increasing year by year we will soon need the services of the cowboys and shepherds to attend will read this and consider the matter and I thanking you for space in your valu- Bicyclist Pats Answer A Boston school supervisor has the reputation of being a very widely in formed man and much of his infor mation has been gathered by the sim ple method of asking questions of the man nearest him wherever it happens to be One day the supervisor was pass ing some of the large in Fall River The river near by sug gested the idea that the waterpower was used to run them but to make sure he adopted his usual method of questioning the first person in sight It to- be an Irishman who was trundling a wheelbarrow of coal toward one of the engine rooms Look here my man said the supervisor familiarly do run these mills by water Yes said the Irishman bat they bile it first Oh of coarse naturally thats what I meant murmured the super visor Will be King David here Friday afternoon intending to go to Montreal by boat She bad- tickets worth 60 and cash in her purse but as she was shopping in one of the departmental stores she lent It George Cowan farmer near was shooting groundhog and the gun exploded the fragments striking him in various places His hand cut and his head gashed just over the eye At town ship the youngest child of Anson j first into a pail of water and was Mr James late Mrs Taylor had only lea Postmaster Shannon of Picton lor reeve of the township fell Lokoon Aug The Daily News says that if the heir of the Duke of York comes to the throne he will he called King David The News says that upon Frank was fatally in jured by a shunting train in the Bar- ma tunnel yard Clerk of the Surrogate Court at Strat ford is dead The old saying that misfortunes seldom come singly has been again ex emplified Mr Clelamd of Scott the owner of the hotel recently burned at Udora has his bam and contents including horses destroyed by fire on Wednesday night of last week The fire is supposed to have been caused by lightning Insured in the Gore for 1400 about The campers had quite an excit ing time on Wednesday afternoon at Wilcox Lake They were greatly startled by somepeson calling aloud for assistance and few minutes later they were surprised to see Mr Of Oak Ridges down the road with a load of wood which was all ft- blaze Finding it to hot on the load he had mounted one of his horses and was driving for dear life to the lake to put ttie fire out The campers all turned pails pans and very available putting the fire out not however waggon pretty badly ity of the Prince of Wales the child has been called Prince David It is customary although not obligat ory to perpetuate a princely name in kiogbood The full name of the youthful prince is Edward Albert Christian George Patrick David Education is compulsory in Japan which has public schools It is reported that Mr Fawoett late Gold Commissioner in the Yukon has purchased a controlling in The Niagara Falls Record Ottawa Aug One of the Canadian Atlantic shops was destroy ed by fir this afternoon The loss is estimated at about Peter Milnes barn in near Belleville was struck by light ning Wednesday burned with its contents including the seasons crops Insured for loss about The African Methodist Episcopal Riders Council of Georgia Alabama propose to ask the United States Gov for a grant of to start a line of steamers to Africa to enable the southern negroes to emi grate A promise has been given by the PostmasterGeneral that an office will be opened at Elgin Corners as soon as the new delivery system by the trolley is established on Street The office will be at the general store of Mr M On Thursday last while several people were in the Standard Bank doing business Master Bay Shaw the sixyearold grandson of Speight who was playing about the bank got his eye on the tellers revolver which happened to be exposed in an open drawer and boy like took it oat arid pulled the trigger the narrowly missing ladies who were in the bani and He had wen gathering wood where In the wall It la needless to say they were burning stamps and with that Master was promptly ajcisd but it was eome time before the nerves of those- present recovered their normal condition I The coroners jury at Hamilton found that William was accidentally drowned Seven thousand pounds of honey have been shipped in one lot from Hamilton to England It will cost to run Public Schools this year The salaries of teachers amount to a Klondike was al most burned out last Friday night when the steamer OAzaba left Terra sleepers are used on Japanese railways They cost more than wood but are indestructible Mr James Brothers of church had bis right foot severely bruised by a stick of timber falling on it At Tottenham the Grand Trunk station was broken into the safe dril led and blown open About was stolen Two horses were killed and a mower demolished by a runaway the other day on the farm of J fi Smith near Angus In a horse race at one horse fell and Joe a driv er was thrown against a tree and seriously injured Half the people in the world are always crossing bridges before they come to them and the other half keep on going over the bridges after theyve crossed them BatXBRrvBB Ont Aug Two farmers each about years of age were struck by a train while crossing track at my yes terday killing one man Jos ana badly injuring the other Benjamin Blanobet that he died today Both were welltodo farmers and are supposed to have beep under the influence of liquor when the A her sitting the- verandah a few mo ments before and when discovered the child was quite dead It has become necessary for the Canadian commissioners to the Paris Exhibition to procure 1200 ft to ad ditional space at the Worlds Fair This has been rendered necessary largely by the the Can adian bicycle manufactured who seem anxious to make a great snow Thepfobo August night burglars entered J s Bank and Ironsides store blew the safe open the shook smashed every window and case in the bank The men carried off several watches chains and jewellery a bicy cle and a small amount of cash Other small articles were taken from the hardware store The Thompson brothers of received a letter last week addressed to their father John Thompson who died two years ago The letter was from a legal firm in Enniskillen Ireland and stated that a sister of their father had recently died leaving a fortune of The money was left to their father John Thompson aunt not knowing at the time of her death that her brother had her The heirs of the late John Thompson will therefore come in for the amount- The brothers are John Thomas and William plasterers Beware of Swinding portrait schemes dear reader also beware of the glittering made by some publishers give you a bushel basket full of farm story papers songs watches and trash wih the on earth thrown in all for one dollar a year just think of it I You pay the dollar and live a year perhaps youll pay several more dollars to square rip with one else A portrait scheme worked in Wilson recently and iKo persons who patronised the- their money Be sore you know who dealing with personally- A dollar was never to honestly more than He and do not let any oneJell you it will for you worth or periodical- Bias