AV- r lw ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL It President REST Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A General Banking Interest Allowed on Deposits I HATCH DRAFTS ISSUED International Sunday V AM I Drafts Dr Alfred IjQNriot Bull or Iimrii J iiluiidtfihtjj A I li Wil I III p Ill I Jr Main Kin I loj and il to liowc- Hi- IMuur yearn In nil Of Ibo Full In Wall li the ctiM nt reel A Ac promptly I mid can loft at lllimti Hardware falore at tin- of Mr J Green head of West Now murk Prnetleal The August Seek Gomjkn A new hear I 20 INTRODUCTION was one of great prophets His and in imagery He is an curo writer and hie writings have given ripii to vast amount of contro versy He came a class Ilia Jot was cast in evil times and he against the flinsof the na tion Hut a new vision comes in the fortieth chapter of brighter A new temple rises bis eyes and a new and better people appear and comes to the children of the covenant PRACTICAL Gods glory is seen in mans spirit ual restoration His triumph is seen in changing the heart of fltoue to one of Hero is a miracle which shows mingled power and compassion The divine makes one to the divine law It not fear but prompts one to keep the commandments When God restores his favor even those who have it not can behold it in others The divine promise is as the rock The rock may crumble and in time it will crumble but Gods promise never will Tho spirit of the Lord coining into the heart renews it in the image of God The renewed of soul are witnesses of the power of to Have sinners Recalling past make the godly abhor themselves and cling to the Lord TO COMB REV DISCOURSE ON v THE PALACES OF IVORY ATTRACTIVENESS OF CHRIST Church Street Millard and Mrs C Simpson Main llruirir Money to At pur and village property by Davidson for J Conveyancer Estate c for toe following reliable London add Midland Mutual and Also for the Co and Northern Life Co Hopkins Block Mount Money to Loan At Five per cent on by David for taking Affidavits Conveyancer of Etc Agent for Insurance Queen of Loudon Montreal Gore In WW for tee Life To ronto rice Corner Main AGENCY Red Bird Call and ace Samples at Carriage a few Btook THE AND IS JLdT Life Inducement to In young to The wen ROBERTSON Manitoba Flour BEST Patent of all Clover Mangel Carrol and Turnip of the VARIETIES LIME Portland and J Willson Cor Main and Huron A We underpinned do agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Pills if after using of of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We also warrant that four bottles will perma nently curft tho most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Wills English Pills are used Lehman Newmarket It Druggist Newmarket Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Japan BC July Oriental news atatea that a terrible hurricane swept the Japanese coast to lth of July In district prefecture houses were washed away aud killed anil are missing In district the same prefecture over houses were demolished and many people are miss ing At Mura Kitamuro dis- prefecture a landslide oc curred on the night of the 10th owing to the heavy rains Five houses were crushed under the debris and person were either killed or injured Railway traffic of the on the Sanyo railway is still interrupted in consequence of damage done to the track Stony of a Slave To be bound hand and foot for years by the of is the worst form of slavery George of Manchester Mich tells how such a slave was made free He says My wife has been so for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone After two bottles of Electric Bitters she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness sleeplessness melancholy headache backache faint ing and dizzy spells This miracle working medicine is a to weak sickly run down people Every bottle guaranteed Only cents Sold by Lehman Sag Weaving Lundy to the public that be to House on WfttrHt and that be Celebrated Iowa Co Loom ail the late Improvement date and bo Is Work la Bay Carpet J ee Bend your raw in July 28 A serious accident occurred today at the Sovereign mine whereby Ellis Will iams a wellexperienced miner lost his life and his comrade seriously in jured Both men left here yesterday to do contract work at the and just parted work today They had tunnelled about 20 feet and were drilling more holes loading when somehow or other through striking caps top hard or fuse too short not three or four charges went off simultaneously killing Williams injuring bis partner v OLD For Infants and Children Kurtha mid An Bier With i ho liauly Tit Lured Oun Wltu for July lie for hi thin morning a All of udU out of the Ivory He said Among of City of Paris the of lamo with frrcat tower clabor- windows of the hut with trumpeting end ruing foil with ribbed and of Hut there was nothing In all that building vividly appealed to my plain re publican which toy In oaken that had with gold and been warn by and blah ops on occasions J a robe that hud been worn by Plus VII at crowning of the was also a had boon worn at of As our guide opened the brought out these of cost aud lifted them up the fragrance of the In which they hud been preserved filled the place with a sweetness that was almost oppressive Nothing that had boon dona In vividly rue than these things hud been done In embroidery and pel funic today I open the drttwor of this and look upon kingly robos of Christ und as I lift them eternal jewels whole house la filled with aroma of these gunnuntH of myrrh and and out of the Ivory ptiliictvi text King forth His robej rUbtld blaze be advances ilia pomp and and glory over- More brilliant he than Vasntl moving amid ibe Persian than iurlo Antoinette on the day when X put upon of diamonds the day when Henry vilomed her to all leauty all pomp forgotten we In the 7HJc of glory King of on King of earth King of heaven garments not worn out not dust bedraggled but radi ant and and redolent It If thiy must have oven a hundred year of heaven The from which they have teen taken have been sweet cluster of and cenao and all manner of wood Do you not Inhale Aye aye They of myrrh and txUni mid cassia out of the ivory Your flrnt fcnow why the robes of are odorous with myrrh IhU was a bright plant It was and Jaws bought and at a high rlco The first present that ever given to was a sprig of myrrh thrown on bis Infantile bed In and last gift tbat ever bad was myrrh Into the of natives would a and bruise the and then It would exude a gum that would satu rate all the ground beneath This gum was used for purposes of merchandise One piece of It no larger than a chestnut would whelm a whole room with odors It was put Id closets In chests in draw ers in rooms and Its perfume adhered almost interminably to anything that was anywhere near it So when In my text I read that Christs garments smell of myrrh I immediately the sweetness of Jesus I know that to many ha Is only like any historical person another John Howard another philanthropic another a grand subject for a painting a heroic theme for a poem a beautiful form for a statue but to those who have beard bis voice and felt bis pardon and received his benediction he Is music and light and warmth and thrill and eternal fragrance sweet as a friend stkklng to you when all else betray lin ing you up while others try to push you down not 90 like morning glories that bloom only when the Is up nor like four that bloom only when the sun is down but perpetually aromatic the aarae morning and night yester day today forever It seems If wo cannot wear him out We put on bim all our burden and him with all our griefs and set foremost In all our battles and yet he Is ready to lift and to sympathize and to help We have so Im posed upon him that one would think in eternal affront he would quit our soul and yet today he us with the same tenderness dawns upon us with the tamo smile pities us with the com passion There is no name like his for us It is more imperial than more mufdur al than mora conquering than more eloquent than Ciceros It throbs life weeps with all pathos It groans with pain stoops with It breathes ail perfume Who like Jesus to set a broken bone to pity a homeless orphan to a slok man to mko a prodigal back without any coining to illumine a all with groves to make a queen unto God out of lost woman to catch of human sorrow in a that shall never be broken Who has such an eye to our need such a Up to kiss away our auch a baud to us out of the flro suob a foot to enemies a to em brace all our I struggle for some metaphor which to him be not like the bursting forth of a foil that la too hot the sea whsh lashed mtajmby the that is too Ho Is pot Ilka the mountain m brow wreath ed the us a type a gentler comparison We have seemed see him our eyes and hoar him with bur ears and to touch our bands Would thai you you would from other ftttrnoilondl If philosopher leopoU oat of his la bin hands rushed through the streets oecause the solution of mntbcmatlcu bow feel Jeaplna from the fountain of a Saviours arid pardon clean and whltoas snow when hi been How ray foul storm lushed soul let this throw arounirtboo smell of myrrh and and cassia out of Ivory Your seeond curiosity Is to fenow robes of Jesus are odorous with aloes Thorn is some difference of opinion about the Buffalo AllSteel Disc This Is only Harrow or sold In According to tar taxi of the Ivory palaces You know or you do not I will tell you now that some of tbo palaces of olden times adorned ivory and their It tanks of and Asia tic elephants wore twisted Into all man- of shapes and there were stain of Ivory and chairs of and tables of ivory and floors of Ivory and pillar of windows of fount ains dropped Into bast a of Ivory and rooms bad of Ivory Ob white and overmastering beauty tree branches swooping white trailing floors Brev ets of light on the lustrous sur roundings Silvery miiblc rlppUug on The mere thought my brain and you Canada having independent adjustable pressure upon tbe loner of disc allowing any amount or be thrown upon foot of the operator By this means a perfectly flexible action Issecuredand worked to a uniform this fully and with The Ho I OF The only Imm f will Cut an ever I wbere these alow grow what is color flower what the beach of the of the herb ttuinco It for you of it almost stuns and me to know aloes mean Ob If I could only ha walked the world over when Christ j over such floors If I couid have thrown comes with garments bearing that parti- a chair if I odor they to me the bitter- those fount- of a Were there alas You shall have something better such nights a Wus lived through that If you only let Christ Introduce zhtson nights on you that he and to nights In Who ever bad that place ho proposes to transport you such a hard reception as Jesus A for his garments smell of myrrh end the first an In oyer and cassia onto the ivory palaces and aDotber a foul What a place heaven must The of the French the Windsor Cattle of the English the Spanish the Russian Kremlin compered with It Not so many castles on either side the Rhine on sides of the river of God the ivory One for tbe bright winged fire eyed tempest charioted one for martyrs with blood rod robes from under the altar one for the King steps of bis tba crown of militant one for the singers who lead the one hundred and forty and four thousand one for you ransomed from sin one for me plucked from the burning- Ob Ivory Today It seems to rue as If the win dows at those palaces were Illumined for some great victory and I look and see the stairs of ivory and walking on Doors of Ivory and looking from the windows of some whom we knew and loved on yea know There ar father and not and years as when left us but blithe and young as when on their wedding day And there are brothers and sisters merrier than when we need to romp across the to gether- The cough gone cancer cured The erysipelas healed The heart- break over Ob bow fair they are In the ivory palaces And vour dear little child ren that went out from did not let one of them drop as be there He did not one of them from you No Tbey went as from one they loved well to one whom loved better If I should rake your little child and press Its soft fate against my rough cheek I might keep It a little while but when you mother come along It would struggle to go with you And so you stood holding your dying child when passed by the room and the lit tle one sprang out to greet him Is all Your Christian dead did not go down into the dust and grave and the mud Though rained all that funeral day and tbe water came up to the wheels bub as you drove out to the cemetery it made no difference to them for they stepped the home here to borne there right Into the ivory palace- All well With AH Is well nails aw veiling mob ihs last Was a space on his baas as ax your two where he was not Whipped Woj there a space on his brow an square where be was not cut of the briers When the spike struck at tbe Instep did it not go clear through to hollow of the footr Oh long deep pilgrimage Aloes aloes John loaned bis bead on Christ but Who did Christ lean five roan fod by the Saviour Who fed Jesus The sympathy of Saviours out to the leper and the adulteress but who soothed He had a neither to be born nor to die A babe A poor lad A poor young man Not to much as a taper to his dying hours Even the candle of the sun Was not all aloes Our sins sor rows bereavements tosses ami all the of earth and hell picked up as in one and squeezed Into one oup end pressed to his lips until the acrid nauseating bitter draft was swal lowed with a distorted and a shudder from head to foot and u gurg ling strangulation Aloe Nothing but aloes All this for himself AH this to get the fame in tne world of being a martyr AH this in a spirit of he did not No no All this because he wanted to pluck me and you from boll he want ed to raise me and you to heaven cause were lost and ho wanted found Because we were blind and be us to bee we were and wanted munumltted ye in of life fuiceharlne has dominated ye who have bad and sparkling beverages how do you toward him who your stead and to purchase your took tho aloes the unsavory aloes the bitter aloes Your third Is to know these gurments of Christ are with can This was a plant In India and adjoining Islands You do not care to hear kind of a flower It bad or what kind of a stalk it enough for me to toll you that it was used medicinally In that land and in that age where they knew but Utile about pharmacy was used to arrest many forms of disease So when in my text we find Christ coming with garments tbat smell of cassia it suggest to me the and curative power Hon of God Oh you say now have a superfluous idea I We are not do we want cassia We are athletic Our respiration Is perfect Our limbs are and on bright cool days we wo could bound like a roe I beg to differ my brother from you None of you can bo better In physical health than I am and yet I must say we are all I have taken the diagnosis of your case and bave examined all best authorities on the subject and I have to tell you that you are full of wounds and bruises putrefying sores which have not boon bound up or mollified oint ment The marasmus of sin is an us palsy dropsy the leprosy The man that is expiring tonight in the next street the allopath and doctors given him up and bis friends now standing around to take bis words is no more certainly dying as to his body than you and I axe dying unless we have taken the from Gods apothecary All tbe leaves of this only o many prescriptions from the Divine written not in Latin like the prescriptions of earthly physicians but written in plain English so tbat a man though a fool need therein that the tSav- garments smell of cassia I Suppose a man were and there was a phial on bis mantelpiece with medicine he knew would cure and he refused to take it what would you say of him He- Is a suicide And what do you say of tbat man who sick In sin has the healing modiolus of Gods grace offered him and ref to take it If he dies be Is a People talk as though took a man and led him out to darkness and death as though he brought blm up to the cliffs and then rushed off Oh no When a man it Is not because God pushes off it Is because be on In olden times a was burled at cross- mads and the people were aooaitomed to throw stones upon grave So seems to me there may be at this time a man Who Is destroying his soul and as though the angels of God were here to bury at the point the of life and death cross each other throwing upon the grave the broken law and a great pile Of privilege so that those going mar look at the fearful mound and lenrn what Is when an Immortal soul for whioh Jesus died pots oat of the way When Christ trod this plane foot of flesh rushed after slob and thoe who lug so filck they not walk were brought by their friends Hera I see a mother holding up little child cry ing Cure this croup Cure this scarlet And others Core this ophthalmia Oka cose and rest to Straighten this foot Christ every where ho stopped a I do not believe that in centuries Which have gone by since Ms hear bag got hard I all our wounds of soul and gtritsbopedlotlon Jem hero we are We wont healing IS A vutor will cut an even depth In and you The a move- tool flu tliKT teeth can be rcKuiatod mi any condition wn be nil Tin- re in luachtiies dthitTfrair This J box nil steel tin- Hi Stlll will buv i ill-r- THE BEST DRILL MADE The ii fjiaiiitrao- vrlth depth wIim mm fcid as Hi Hal u silver lute In l he rial Ml- i i f Mi j era ifiJ t lil rti Bros- Co Canada ELMER TOOLE Agent NEWMARKET ONT Ti fid I Just as Good Made in Style an Prices ttr No Cap is not 1 business man ih Shannon File It Is not a dead weight that lift yon carry a out Jesus Clory makes tbe bed up soft with velvet and he says Put down here gently Put head will never ache again on this pillow of halleluiahs Send word that pro cession Is bells Bins Open your ye palaces And so your loved ones are there They are just as there having died In Christ as are bars There is only one more they want Indeed there Is one thing In heaven they have not got They want It- What Is Your company 1 But oh my brother unless you change track you cannot reach harbor You might as well take the Southern Paolno Railroad expecting that direction to Toronto as to go on In the way some you going and yet expect to reach the Ivory loved ones are looking out of windows of heaven now and yet you seem to turn your book upon them You do not know the sound of their voices as well as yon used to or to be moved by the sight of their dear faces Call louder ye departed ones I Call louder from the ivory palaces I And here ask you to solve a mystery that bas been oppressing roe for years J have been asking It of doctors of divinity have been studying theology half a century and tbey have given me no satisfactory answer I turned over all the books In my library but Rot no solution to tbe question and to day I come and ask yon far an explana tion By What logic was Christ induced to exchange the ivory palaces of heaven for agonies of earth I shall take the first thousand million years In heaven to study out the problem meanwhile and now taking It as the tenderest mightiest of all facts Christ did that be came with spikes In bis feet came wltb tbornb In bis brow came with spears In bis heart to save you to save me God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever In should not perish but have ever lasting life Oh Christ whelm all our souls with thy companion them down like grain with the harvest ing slokle of grace Bide through today the thy garments smelling of and aloes and cassia out of ivory palaces l without them after finding how convenient Lawyers and Ministers find ihemjuM as convenient The Ladies would not be without ihtm thev knew how handy they are to keep accounts and letters I very well regulated household should have them The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited 122 and Kay St Toronto Noire iaine St Montreal HOME BAKERY By using a Flour we still intend to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on band Wedding a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT Proprietor -oxo- Note I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors this shall upon Itlne It been observed that gray and blue cy to be by Intense light than brown eyes some of total Ocullria ascribe trouble to two the intensity of light and the of the ultra violet rajs- It -Is- recommended that which Is yellow or some other transparent Will In tercept ultraviolet rays be Interposed between and any powerful The New Zealand pill that parsons good attaining and having resided In the shall be W pension annually W Our Groceries Are Fresh this week Right Value New Dress Goods Our German Prints area marvel for quality and price Our Ladies Blouses are pronounced just the thing Our Lawns Muslins and will suit you Ladies and Misses Hosiery cannot be beat Our Stockol J Kings Footwear is complete can please you Our Clothing is the best North of Toronto Our Furnishings are all new this week See Our Paints and Oils We 1 S A