Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Aug 1899, p. 2

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Prices flan ford Co Silo A- Branson fija-rj- Firemens Excursion J ft Thanks- A Now J Loprd timva ftJoy Draw MoDoagall for J Hotel for ftIo Lost Era Metropolitan tlectric fly jUvoKcbmODd am and jr pm fccttvo Toronto Cin Crowing JO and and p pot on and taken off at Walling only- SPECIAL EXCURSIONS On and Saturdays IK Leave CrK ftio and pm jo Richmond Hill and return Jtuvmtf at for GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Division rr j n noon J J Us a D go a S J f ta 4 a- to rf io i ft EDIT Tat now la making reading for I Mb Bain J for Wont- baa of the in place of lb J P Edgar The now fa 0 old of and Toronto the official organ of the Orange years in honor of event on bo July a edition of sixteen Kighi are printed on toned paper and foil of Among are lor twenty five by The Development of Im perialism by J Hopkins Pro of during the last qQartor by Hog bos Inspector Union by QoJdwin Smith Tvootyavo of by of Orangeiam in Canada by J Wright of Oraogelflm ia United by Johnston tiupreme Grand Wo- and of many of the Order o tr She OP I DOT WITH The transition of Parry from a to a great mining centre bae been pat tip form io a saae of the the Parry Sound North an newspaper that has been the locality for a long time and knows the place of the Star is a very creditable one and it con tains a budget of Information regarding the rich copper deposits within Its The toper la admirably well and halftone that show where the at in the mining The mine become as the leading mine of the pictured in various stages and other properties in the locality are brought Into prominence by plotnres from the The Bell properties and machinery are shown and mining issue of the gives all the detalla regarding the history and value of that have loomed op In the locality bat a abort time ago was only as a timber district The aopplement by the Star shows that the newspaper enterprise la appreciat ed for it an of good advertising and is an people of the district are alive to the situation calls its special edition and Parry Sound Ontario is now to be considered as one of tbe great mining camps of this great min ing country AUG West Ontario Oar Society Column POINTS By the Budden and unexpected de mise of Edgar Speaker of the Canadian Commons who re presented thin celebrated Grit hive the seat has vacant and a byeelection Of there will be numerous candidates but the electors need Dot be in particular hurry in pledging support due time the Reform Executive of the Riding will be called together when arrangements will be made for holding primary meetings in the re spective polling subdivisions of the for the purpose of nomin ating delegates to a Convention charged with the duty of selecting a party nominee as to the de ceased gentleman who represent ed the Riding ever since its formation gerrymander of at the suggestion bo it was understood at the time of Mr Alfred Boaltbee who had political designs on East York and who was defeated by the late Hon Alex Mackenzie We would suggest unless such should be forestalled by undue precipitancy in forcing an immediate election that the Reform Executive of the Biding meet at early day and for primary meetings to be held next month after busy part of the harvest work is and that within of thereafter the Convention assemble so as to prevent possible packing or influence being exercised oyer delegate selected to represent the party thin election will only be for the unexpired term of present parlia ment we apprehend our Conservative not bother about mat- indeed a division can be worked up among Liberals And this prospect ia very remote in deed The of know too well what to allow anything to intervene calculated to give power to the believe a majority of the torate ere decidedly favorable to a j strong gijiajrty exigencies demand it local man will receive iitbe nomination But in any event a tliij euro jo be Dr from Texas is in town again this week Mr Arch Goring is spending a week with relatives in Two bus loads from Newmarket spent at Morton Park entertained some folk one evening last week Mr Ed Lehman has received the ap pointment of tseohef at Mrs Dr Scott and Douglass are spending the holidays at Trenton Mr and Mrs Pickering of Zeph yr are visiting at Mr Miss Perkins was At Home Fri day evening with a of friends Mr and Fred of Toron to are visiting friends in Town this Dr Workman of Toronto was Col Lloyd at Orchard a few days week Miss of VancleckhiJ visiting her cousin Mrs Morrison Miss Edna sang a solo in the Presbyterian Chorob last Mies Randall sister of Mrs J Dickson is here from Philadelphia on a vacation Mr of Toronto spent over Sunday in Town toe of Mr Warden Woodcock also the Misses flUapo of Newmarket spent over at Roachs Point Rev Mr baa gone to Detroit and other places in vicinity for his holidays Rev and wife and little Inez were at Lake last Monday Mr Fred Jones has been very sick past week with Inflammation of the bowels but is recovering Miss Annie of Toronto is town this week with Mrs John Warner and other friends J Tnriff Esq Minister of Crown Lands Ottawa was Walling his slater Mr J Boss of Lot last week Mr Arthur Oliver is from Gait where he was for a player Jor two or three Sundays Messrs J Vet Alex Christie are off on a two weeks rote- among In a sailboat Hill Ultra Mies Ethel and Lillian have returned home Saying spent past tent weeks with relatives ana friends near Aurora and Newmarket Mrs J D Morton and vaoatton fotop spends days homo torn Toronto on Visit MrtHope is visiting with and Mrs A spent over at Prattle is ibis week in A of is of Mies Winifred and sons of are visiting at Councillor La s Mr EH Pearson brother of Mrs A J la very poorly and oonflned to bis bed Miss Potter of Hamilton and sis lor are spending a month with Mrs Archie Thompson Miss Powell of Toronto la stay month with her cousins Miss Lola sad Jessie Miss Birdie Fogg of la spend her holidays with ooasln Mrs D Millard Aye Walter eon of Mr J P Hooter of Toronto is spending bis noli- day iu town at Mr Mr J going into too business a transfer of license for tho Hotel near Toronto J 8mltb got word from bis wife on Wednesday is visiting at Feasor- ton bis baby is dangerously ill with inflammation of the losgs Mr J Green will York of at Btooffvilte to day There was some talk of a load of Royal Templars also Mr and Mrs Robinson Long of Albert wore of Mr By Nolle last Friday also Mr and Mils Stephens sod Mabel of over day Mr and Mrs Isaiah Johnston left last Friday on a trip to and They will also visit Mr Johnstons sister Mrs Carlton of for a of weeks Mr and Alex Millard were visit ing at The over on their way borne from Miss Millard accompanied to the oily on Monday for a visit Barf it A ton Her of Newmar ket has a years weekly visits to town with vary results In the teaching of singing and violin will again open the first week in Septem ber Two daughters of the late Abram Coryell who was one of the best known men Jo Newmarket years ago Mies Esther and Miss Martha here from with the remains of their mother on Tuesday and are at Mr Joseph Millards for a few while on old friends Mr retires from of Newmarket Model School after the long term of year and intends taking a rest Mr Rannie has done good work in Newmarket and his moral influence has been above reproach The teachers that faae under him have a high standing and he has left a good record Ha rusticating with his family at Orch ard Beach We notice by tbe that there were applications for the po sition of Head Master of the High In that town After spending two even ings a selection of was made next evening it was decided to tako a ballot and it was also agreed that as soon as a candi date received a majority vot his appoint ment would be made unanimous On the third ballot Mr J Dickson of Newmar ket received the necessary majority and on motion of Dr seconded by Mr he was appointed principal of the High at a salary of per It mast be very gratifying to Mr Dickson and his friends to be chosen amongst so many competitors Draper wfab is fa at their office In continue to from parts of Canada death Sir Edgar speaker of the of a deep of regret with friends here The party are follow ing up their prophecy that there will be an election in the near future by a of meetings local and other wise The Passion Play continues to at- large crowds at Island this week first of the A U Toronto district was held at Centre Island on Saturday and was a signal success fully eight thousand people being present The band of the Highlanders furnished ex cellent music throughout the day Grand Master Graham stated that applications for membership had been received during the first half of The Order has a firm footing in Ontario The drowning of no less than ten persons in different places was re potted in the city papers last Monday owing to the high wind on Saturday and Sunday Contractor Grant of Toronto has secured the contract to build the Lon don waterworks dam at a The City has three or four cases of smallpox in the isolated hospital this week It is said the prospect of another strike on the part of the trackmen of the up big excursion to the sanitarium at on was a great success trains were crowded Miss factory inspector for Ontario reports that in Toronto the girls in ice oream parlors while they work late at sight and come early in the were allowed two or three hours out of store each afternoon She said she was endeavoring to con- tine tbe work of confectionery girls to sixty hours Monday next will be Toronto holiday Excursions everywhere will be order of day On Wednesday Lennox Lennox issued a writ on behalf of John i against Price for damages for slander Newmarkets Leading Store GIGANTIC CLEARING SALE OF Stock taking has revealed too large a Stock of Dress We must sell fully half these goods in one The prices will be just about half what they were which means a heavy loss to us but the Stock MUST BE REDUCED Bargain No 1 Remnants of Black and Colored Dress Goods lengths from to yards Prices were to 60c your choice of any remnant at per yd Bargain No Fine All Wool Cashmeres inches wide in all the best shades The price is your choice of any of these at per yd Bargain No 3 pieces Fancy Figured and Plain Colored Dress Goods The regular price is your choice for one week Bargain No Fancy Figured Black Goods Gold Medal Brand A big bargain at a nice range to choose from this week at Bargain No 20 pieces Fancy Dress Muslins all kinds dark and light shades prices regular and 20c Your choice of any Of these at No Bargain Mrs of Woodstock is dead of blood poisoning due to a fall on a rake which penetrated her knee cap Robert Kennedy of has entered suit againBt his son Michael for three years rent of a farm in King Township Revenue Officer of Toron to seized some smuggled cigarettes io a Kingston hotel and two eating houses on Nearly all the bricklayers employ ed in Vancouver have gone strike as a protest the employment of contractors of Chinese labor The crop report from Northern Pacific Railway lines in Manitoba for the week ending July a most satisfactory one Several estimates are bushels per acre A scaffold gave way beneath the men engaged on a grain warehouse at near Chatham and Jaa sustained such injuries that he may not recover Ladies Lace Trimmed Wrappers made of strong good washing Print Regular price 125 Your choice at 95c We have quoted the above only to show what we will do Every line of Dress Goods in the house will be marked down Get here as early as you can on Saturday morning E MADDOCK Oar Toronto tetter Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Our own make the best chore used around here on sale Horseless carriages may now be seen every hour of day gliding about the city streets and they to possess many advantages They arc swift easily guided easily stopped and are almost noiseless A paper states that they seem destined to drive other means of locomotion in the out of the field His honor J is off on a months holidays down in the Maritime Provinces Judge is performing Chambers duties dur ing Judge absence The date of the annual convention of the Rings Daughters and Sons to be held in this has been from the days of Oc tober to the llth- of the same month The Conservative meeting held under the auspices of the Conserva tive Club of Ward one was one of the largest held for some time The prin cipal speakers were Sir Tapper J Whitney P Osier P but on the platform among others were P Clark P Crawford P P Dr P P The principal topic was the po litical issues of the day leaders laid great stress on the recent bye elections and manner in which they had been carried on Alexander of 189 St attended the meeting but got off the platform and broke his Hon Sydney Fisher of the Paris Commission Ottawa has succeeded in obtaining 1200 ft ad ditional space for Canadian exhibits It will Be given to the- Carriage and Bicycle group Mr the Ontarios is in Ottawa i The Tomb At bis residence strte west Toronto Monday July Hon SirUraen David Speaker Commons of his year Howard At Stooff on the 1st Of Aug Howard son of late Stephen Howard of Bond Head in his year Monday July at fiath- street Toronto Eva Cell Lead- ley wife of Reginald Leadley and eld est daughter of Mr and Mrs Bay View Villa Lake Sim- Bt Paul Mian July Amelia Coryell of the late Abram Coryell formerly of aged years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery Tuesday last At Philadelphia July Harry nephew of ThosCountiixhain of Spit aged years as In a lengthy obituary the South Ml was ratability the execution of of details and bis remarkable facility tot systematizing that wrought a radical change the ion and the realty records of she St Aug 1st to Mr and Mrs Martin a eon York In Aurora on Saturday the wife of Mr York of a Monday Jnv 31 Mr and Mrs Reginald 570 Toronto of a daughter BRIMSONS CARRIAGE WORK 7 Street Leading Furniture and Undertaking House The proprietor takes this opportunity of sincerely thanking his numerous friends for very liberal patronage in the past and hope by Square Honest Dealing To mem their trade in the future In the early par of season I did not place my orders for vehicles as soon as I have done with that Old Reliable Carriage Co Of I have bad the honor Of representing in this section After years experience their the only conclusion I can arrive at this Go are in carnage trade They commenced right Their first reeoife was to make reliable work they have to it he re sult that the trade thoroughly well that a vehicle of kind made by Laojtblin Co is standard ood for Canada in durability and every particular There are made like tbe following We can famish yon with a rig equally as food as for These statements should be with great caution as many persons have been fcadly disappointed and financially ruined by experimenting inferior There is Nothing to be Compared with the McLaughlin Make order with me now be filled promptly am pies and new outs to can be seen at my 8bow Rooms Inspeotioo and invited 8oJioltloff a of your favors I am yours sincerely JOHN Repairing alt in branches attended to with and dispatch St J Of receive Careful J- pop the Dining Room One If you and heavy this aparttnenti wo io sort but for majority this riot the case we now flnett offering of room ever shown The Style fa J Hotel i find A A Wrong Idea f- f A great many people have that It is impos sible to make a nor- traSI of This idea is of having at some time placed themselves at the of an outofdate photo We are pleased people at our studio a we can and do knock Ibis Idea Out of their heads Id abort by them lifetike pdr- A Call SmiTH BROS Gal wo doors South of Newmarket GRAHAMS 1st of Septemher Premises be Enlarged and Renovated New Scenery Graham flBWMKHT r i

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