Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Jul 1899, p. 6

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i nil if Vt M VWi Yi M wbaAWAKE and to SHAEON Miss Mary Wilton of Toronto SfRyiaitiurolttCivtiBiuour villa for a abort I Lena Kajvanajh has returned from visiting her brother at Mr Harry and three friends wore vieitkig Mr A Sunday A number from hero attended meeting of Mian on Sunday evening A bylaw prohibiting the riding of bicycles the sidewalk we hope it will bo put in to action the arc a to people on the aide walks Mr Konyon is bouse cleaning his store this week Ik is doing a rush ing business a- ft fShia Village baa over the peculiar two The twins the children- of Harry and a nam ed with whom be lives died and the too poor to indulge in ft funeral They went therefore to a local carpenter had two small bozos made and burled the twins on the lot in rumors began to float around and the district coroner deemed an in quest necessary The necessary papers were seoured by County and and a few days ago the two homemade coffins were exhumed A post mortem was made and an through with the result that the rumors were found to bo groundless there being nothing usual beyond the uncertified burial of the twins at this tally by Saturday t hi Insur ant by Great going on for the Garden Party next Tuesday night We hope to see a big crowd from Newmarket and can promise thorn a hearty welcome and a right royal time Newmarket Band is engaged for the occasion ORCHARD BEACH Unless all will bo fitted with year haft tightened Into a y Rev Mr from Borne ignorant people and was well repaid for the service by the words of commendation received at the close f AiW7 l- i- MUTUAL CORNERS ft J Mrs ami Win are at lim writing- Mr awl McArlliiir of New- market and of Bund Head at Miss and Morton of their holidays p- at Hill Top Kami Mr Jacob Smith has building a barn in place of olio that rwiitly by light ning golw out of the insurance The masons an- work ing at the foundation and under- ubiing- The Band was liver a party Holland landing ono oven last A time spent Farmer in this section are fall wheat most of them having fin ished baying The oats spring wheat and barley crops are in these parte Mrs Win Greggs sister of Toronto is visiting at Mr The Baud went to party at- on A crowd of went to Park for their annual It was a kind of but we are that the day was all too abort to fully enjoy all the pleasure that the wood and water Mr Hill was tho skillful genial charioteer and deserved all the thanks that were so generously given him for the care and guidance lie and from the grounds- Mrs Jos has returned from her home visit and ahe and the children aie the better for their outing The service in the Presbyterian Church was well attended and the ad dress Afterwhiles was well received The children hud a short sermon Christ at the door and they seemed not only to appreciate it but to absorb the lessonii given Mr wife of came to the village on Monday and will be the guest of Mrs Bain at The Cedars for a little while The rain on Tuesday was greatly appreciated by all and did gardens much good Miss Millard of is the guest of Mis Sara Bond Miss Wright and Mr Mil ton Wright ant back again from To ronto Mr was calling on friends in and the first of the week A from here tojk advan tage of the excursion to pronto last Wednesday to visit the city Pearson has returned from her visit to New Mrs Empire her sister coming with her The school children are nearly all away enjoying the holidays- Miss Patty is visiting friends in Hamilton Master Byron spent a few days near Raven shoe last week MissMavjorie Wight has gone to Milton other places for a couple of mouths vacation Master are visiting their uncle at Orassi Ft Master Ralph Green is a ponding his vacation ill the city Bertie is also away Mr Read Lewis is having built near his house and Master Bedford children of Rev A Bedford of are visiting their grand- pa Mr John Moore The brass liand went to Sutton to play at a garden party on Tuesday evening and were caught in the heavy thunderstorm Miss is visiting her couafn in Very little news has been inserted from this burg for some time owing to the a of the The farmers have finished having and are now working at their wheat harvest The Quarterly Meeting in connec tion with tho Free Methodist Church was Sunday A good crowd attended the services In the noon took place At the Lake Shore Five persona were baptized can now depend as they always have in the satisfaction of threshing performed by Mr W Smith Ho got a new Sepa rator Miss Abby Irwin of Browns Corners is at present visiting with Mrs A Winch Mr Mrs of Nor wood is visiting Mr George Bait Mrs of Barrio is visiting with Mrs Gilpin The Band gave our townspeople a few selections while en route to he Garden Party at Button on Tuesday evening Mr Howard Morton Sunday at Morton Park Mrs Norman Williams returned homo from Newmarket on Sunday after a weeks visit Mrs HJ Winch has purchased a farm near Richmond Bill He has moved effects from here He and the family will be greatly missed Mr John Gold ma chine expert is assisting Mr Walker with his work of setting up machinery Mr of the Co is assisting Mr Jesse Miss May Mann is visiting Mrs Mann for a few days Miss Alison of Toronto is visit ing with Miss Maud Morton for a week or so The Misses Osborne of Sutton West visited Mr Perry Mortons on Sun day Ina Shaw has returned home from Toronto for her vacation The people of this vicinity were b hoc bed to hear the sad news of the death of Miss Mary Phillips of New market by drowning The parents and friends have the heartfelt sym pathy of her many friends here The deceased was engaged here as School Teacher seven years ago for two terrnp Mr Neil of Mich and of Toronto were visiting with Mr Howard Morton last week Miss Culverwell also her sister and family are visiting at Mr Cul ver wells Miss Mae Stewart of Thornton is visiting at Mr Quite a number from here attended the Garden Party at Sutton last Tues day evening Mr J has returned home after visiting friends in Lloyd- town Mr Bacon and wife of New market visited Mr and Mrs P Rose on Sunday Mr Bloomer the celebrated horse trader and dog fanoier has en gaged to one of the leading merchants of our town for the coming season Look out for pretty dogs and fast horses Mr Howard Morton manager of one of the stores here statea that business never was better than at the present time The good outlook for the farmers combined with the quali ty and honest dealing produces the good results Mr Jesse has purchased the farm on the Baseline There were 20 at Manns Boarding House part last week Among tbe number are Allen and his sister who were miraculously rescued under wharf during the fearful storm on Lake last year The Misses of Toronto spet a few days at Al so Mr Graham Weddel and lady friend spent over Sunday Good attendance at bible class on lawn last Sunday evening Mrs Howell is bo take the lesson next Sunday at the same place Mr Cano spent Sunday with his family here Mr Andrew is also spending a few days at the same Mr Lundy of the Aurora is rusticating here for a few days Davisons Restaurant looks neat and tidy in its new coat and is fixed up very inside lee cream has a big run Mr and Mrs of Toronto are spending a week at Mrs C E Canes cabins Miss Mabel Cane arrived from Toronto on Monday Miss entertained a a party of girl campers on Tuesday afternoon and evening Rev Amos of Aurora who hi rusticating here this week was fortun ate enough catch three nice lunge on Tuesday Business is booming at the present time between haying harvest and Some very horsetrotting place a week ago Sunday evening as the People should take warning Detective has his eye open Wheeling in great vogue night the present time Mr Millgate was a guest at Mr Homers on Sunday Wheat harvest ended very quick season an account of so much being kiUed out We understand that there was a young man from Yonge Street on Sun day visiting old acquaintances The following are some of the that were in this burg last week Mr and Mrs Joseph of Mongolia Mr Mrs Hare of Mark ham Mr and daughter of River Mist Susie of Toronto Mr John of Gilford Mrs George and Mrs Arthur of HOLLAND LANDING BREEZES mill rt A new kind of Insect that bores the maple trees is found at Ham- The regular Gospel Temperance of the will be held on Monday at oclock A special program la in preparation including speakers from Roach Point The collection is to boused in ing to support a missionary among Lumber-camps- A cordial invitation is extended ail The apple crop which gave ing promises in the spring will he al most an utter failure in this locality On Monday night of last week there probably came near being a case of robbery and perchance murder near here Andy Miller well known about here was coming up from Markham for his monthly juberation He had about fifty and ex hibited it before covetous After leaving the train he stopped at Brown- hill for refieshmeots and dilly dallyd along till darkness set in then resum ed his journey for A short distance from BrownhtU in a dark lonely road he was seized by two strangers who were embracing him affectionately when Nelson LaChapelle happened along and Andy yelled for aid seized an axe he had made threatening demonstrations whereupon the men decamped and escorted Andy home Dame and Crittenden of Bald win and J of Scott are in Mr sells no more to bacco Its contrary to Free discipline All our Baldwin bridges are to be put into an efficient state of repair which is none soon I kin toll yen Miss Rose Cameron Miss Park Mr Henry Arnold and this old covey were sampling George Tomlinsons berries on Sunday All pronounced them delicious The bushes are loaded to the ground of Newmarket was in town on Thursday last Thos has a large heart and with the Owls lock of a mate He has promised to look up one Our folks trot up and down to the lake these days to every there and thats not a few Im glad to see them enjoying life and family spent Sun day with Young College Corners Berries are extremely plentiful Two lassies picked four pails and a half one day recently so tis said Women are reckoned to be tho best berrypickers though J Graham of Sharon can beat the best of em unless perhaps it be John Thompson of Prospect was expected to spend Sunday last in Baldwin according to promise He didnt show up Come along John Letters from Frank Crittendens family tell of abundance of work in Washington State Heaps of employ ment for laboring men at a- dollar and a half per day Miss getting twentyfive per mo as domestic Harvesting is late around here The blueberry struck home Monday with of berries which were quickly disposed of Cole is home Exams were tough Tub Hot Hotter Hottest Tho shower on Tuesday was appre ciated by all Cucumbers are on the move again and reports say that good crops are anticipated Pickers are scarce and the growers cannot get them picked fast enough as they grow so rapidly Monday August the it pro claimed civic holiday here An excit ing game of crickot will take place be tween the rap Co employees aid the homo team Get practiced up boys and do tho Toronto fellows this time Quite a number took in the excur sions to Toronto and Jacksons Point on the Mis Teena of Bond Head is a couple of weeks at home Mr Gray had the misfortune of losing a fine cow on Sunday last It appears it fell down a deep ravine and when found it was dead having broken its neck in the fall Mr returned to the city on Monday last after spending a two weeks vacation at home The Methodist garden on Friday evening was largely attended some being the proceeds of the evening John Of Misses Mrs of Mr Detroit are visiting at WmE and of Toron to are at Mrs Mrs Garrison- of Toronto baa been ths of Mrs the past week Foster paid his sister Mrs Watson a visit this week Albert Wilson raised his barn on Wednesday of last week On Friday last Mr un fortunately mislaid pocket knife while cutting with his binder and as he was searching for the knife his horses three abreast galloped off with the binder with the result that when Mr saw the wreck he thought that nothing short of a new binder would answer however more doe consider- inspired him 10 again repair the old one and so he has made good his break Mr Ed Carson left on Saturday last for his home at Elgin Corners to help his people harvest Mies Guthrie is a guest at Mr On Friday evening of last week a young man in the employ of Mr lot Con bad a bicycle stolen the premises a ladys wheel with a black frame rubber ped als black seat and yellow rime The hand pieces were off the handles- The young mans address is Geo Kettleby services one week from next Sunday mi the Grove adjoining the Church Love Feast and Sacramental in the church also sermon at 280 in the grove Extra Standard Granulated Sugar WHY for 100 Wo have a Glass Jars They are worth buying New Cheese ice per lb Pink Salmon toe per Fresh Lobsters per tin Fresh Pickles in bulk quart Because every Jar is perfect -xox- ORCHARD BEACH GROCERY RESTAURANT You will find complete with Supplies all kinds for Campers or Cottagers Canned Goods Pickles Salad Cheese Our Teas and Coffees are Highly Recommended Seasonable Fruits on Hand Cherries Currant Raspberries a Dozen MOUNT ALBERT ROACHS POINT Mrs James Moir and chileren of Toronto are of Mrs Tillotr for a few days The services which are held at Mr Wm Eastings every Sunday after noon at are largely attended Last Sunday Rev Dr Young gave his address on the lesson As the Deer Park has broken up it was decided to take organ to Mr Hasting to aid the till further arrangements are made Aire J A from the city in Waiting with friends here Mr Kilgour hold bible class in the Church every Sunday evening at oclock during the sum mer Miss Smith of Toronto is the guest of Mis Ferris Mr Hamilton is recovering from a very severe and painful illness Wm Tanner of Newmarket spent over Sunday at hisliome A small boatload of city girls a jolly notion to go out fishing from Point all by themselves Each armed with a fishingrod and line and having purchased a couple of dozen angle worms from one of the small boys of the locality who are driving a brisk trade in this line with the visitors to this pleasure resort hied themselves to Kennedys Rut the city will never learn to bait a hook Timidly and cautiously taking a worm from the can which she imagines is dead proceeds to bait her hook therewith Thrusting the hook into the worm it commences to wriggle when the fair angler holds It out at arms length and gives a scream Her companions follow suit After the spasm was oyer they grew bolder and each in turn thrust their hooks in thecan pulled out a worm and thus hanging loosely they threw out their line comes the won der each again in turn pulled their line Out of the water the worm gone but catching no fish Fishing is voted a bore then returned to the whence they startod cnattered enthusiastically of the fun they while fishing On Saturday William J Dea con of Browns Hill was charged be fore Magistrate and with selling liquor tin Sunday of June last A number of wit nesses were examined but all denied having been at Browns Hill on the Sunday in question When question ed with a reference to a camp meeting held in the neighborhood they exhibit ed a total ignorance as to its exia- The inspector therefore failed to fix the date of the alleged offense in this way and the was dismissed Deacon was then charged with sell ing liquor to a minor on July 1st The minors aunt was called and tes tified that he came home rather the worse of liquor that she gave him strong tea to sober him up The min or denied being intoxicated or having any liquor at Deacons and Deacon denied supplying him with any At this stage the case was adjourned to allow the inspector to make furf her in quiries and it was intimated that unless further evidence was procured this case also would be dismissed Mr Haver- son of the License Holders Associa tion appeared for Deacon Mr Terry a retired farmer who has lived here all bis life died on Friday from the effects of injuries re ceived in falling stairs It is thought that he got up in the night to get a drink The remains were taken to for interment Dr and wife of Toronto were here on a visit at his laws Mr Hopkins A large excursion from to the Point passed through here on Tuesday They were caught in a heavy shower and the girls spoiled their fine hats Charles Wilson had bis finger split open while playing bat The school boys went to Zephyr last Friday for a friendly game of ball and came home victorious James York is putting a stone stable under his barn Large Bananas Our Restaurant is Taking Well Delicious Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda Ice Cold Drinks Lemonade Lemon Sodt c We have just supplied our with a large quantity of HighClass Candy Delicious Chocolates Maple Cream Angel Cake Puffs Candy Opera Mixtures Crystal Jellies Filbert Cream pars Prize Pop Corn lc Package Provided on Panties Davison Co The MasseyHarris Co Are the Largest Makers of Farm Implements Under the British Flag Their machines are used the world over Over Binders and Mowers have been ordered and shipped to European for the harvest which load for the Companys Oyer workmen are given employment in the goods Binders or feet cat Rakes Sharp Tiger Mowers front or rear out or Drills 10 1923 feet cat 1 17 teeth Tedders New all Steel Disk Harrows or Also agent for the celebrated PeaHarvester and the Steel WindMills for Power and Pumping Maple Leaf Grinders Iron Pumps with Cylinder the Toronto Grain and Seed Cleaner and Grader Panning Mill Saw Engines Plain or Traction Peerless Monitor Clover Hollers Road Stone Crashers the Bain or Speight Verity Wilkinson Plows and A Full Stock of kept always on Sand use Market Square Newmarket B SMITH at Lloyd lot in rear of con of Whitchurch has a cat that was years old last spring and it has kill ed a rat and three of four mice this year The people of Marys have carried a bylaw to raise for a waterworks system for the townVy city had another fire on destroyed a number of cabins J- Mrs William French is at Mr ftobt Rowlands for a short time Miss Leek was up to the Lake over Sunday visiting her sister who is there for the benefit of her health Mr Jos was out to New market on Sunday to hear Commission er Be Mary Jones aged two years fell through the bannisters of the way in the Town Hall and was killed Toronto Bod a SO White Wheat a On per a TO Barley per per bus eel Rye per t f totter roll per lb potatoes per bag do i Apples per bbl Wool per 1b Hay ton ors i Turner per lb For Sale or To Lot In the rear of the 3rd concession of ICO acres For containing ther particulars apply to FOB ICO Acres la Concession niUcs of Albert There is a good frame resi dence on property also good stabling and outbuildings The place well jiud fences la good condition For apply to PATRICK FOX Mount Albert Q Newmarket a a a 0X0 a a a 1 CO T5 a fl 100 on TOD Oil a a a a a a a A Wrong Idea A great people have an idea that it impos sible make a good por trait of them Thisidaais result of having at some time themselves the mercy of Inexpert photo graph We we pleased to these people call at oar as and this Idea oat of their heads short order by them a fiwtolaw trait A Call Solicited Two South of House- Public Notice Certain Wheel Road Scrap era the Municipality of the Township bave by some means gone Any person who can give 10 their confer a favor by communicating with the undersigned Clerk Tp of King Dated July King July a per bushel a Rod Wheat Wheat per bushel Buckwheat 1 r A per bushel Bye per Bethel Eggs Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Apples per wool per Hay per ton now fork per Beef per lb 1 pair a W a Turkeys dressed a top v IS Shorts per ton Old a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

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