i w are master of your and if you do not mi Wiener to duty the blame Is ftMiJ easily located If blood is out of order Hoods will purify It la specific remedy for troubles blood bowels or liver Heart Trouble- bad heart trouble for a number of years and failed to mo I tried and three bottles completely ana perfectly cored met A- Wallace Bridge A As I had lost fire with I gave my remaining the subject to throat trouble ware not vtery strong ara now and v stronger and have not since had a cold Pembroke tVV curt Href to l JACKSON Best Advertising Medium York County Hatch Transient per Hue Aral Insertion CONTRAOT It AT EH SPA Inches A loch I 0 with writ ten Inserted until forbid and will changed once each month If desired Fur than each month the composition inuat be paid for regular rates for contract roust bo In by noon on Wednesdays Special for Executors Notices Parma to Articles Found etc A reading notice will be inserted free fur where potters fur nished or when IS taken cents will be for a notice No to ruin Robcittson jtury Public AjC on aecurlty for of King ytoDay to Court Ontario S Conveyancer etc Late Marsh Cameron Toronto carefully and prompt made Money to loan rates lock Main Newmarket 99- -J- if Wtf SO our Cobourg to and Nortburoberiand of Having trial of the batik place there in SeptoraborUnxt the of those United Count- will be required to pay part of expense concerned aa jury etc and homo by where tho was com- The Pott hoy only now been an injustice to which Judicial County York long been suffering Nearly ono fourth of the time of some of our Assize and County are taken up with these changed vouuc cases and mem bom representing outsido to Yorks declaration of that the attention of Ontario Govern has boon called to the wrong our present syatom entails we a re medy will be provided To our own tho people of North York arc looking for redrefla especi ally as it is reported that the Govern ment lias agreed to bear too expense of witness fees etc While not desirous of interfering with law respecting the privilege of changing the place of trial it in very important as a matter of com mon justice that in which of trial originated should bear the most taxation consequent up on transference of the action else- whore The history of Ontario courts proves that tho Counties of York Middlesex Lennox and are more liable to Ixj called upon to deal with this class of cases then other Counties of the Province because of being central points of law but apart from this fact it is only right and proper juatice should be done in the premises by making it obligatory upon each county to bear the expense of litigation as well as punishment of crime in all cases or iginating within its own municipal limits The Senate Intervenes Wffr fig cop at i fta for prefer- able to boo as people could to tin A from New York dated the death of fiobt noted iafldil laoturor from apoplexy SHE Restores an Ontario Lady to Perfect health After Years of Failures with Other Medicines past week of Great and United States at treaties by United with Ber muda and British India Col onics the bill the Toronto Star the that majority In fa up a heap of trouble for the party bill will be of a more Tub Government It is under stood has refawd to Brant the request made it to remove the export embar go on into United Stales regulation It imperative to out np Canadian into lumber before exportation Is come to stay Other Remedy Can so Meet the of Debilitated and Women St Wotgan c GSt V Moran of Poet Of flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will boat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Days J At Co and Ontario Bank Aurora panda to Loan Dunn ace Manning Arcade Toronto Money to Block Money to Loan Frank Duncan Auctioneer for Co of York on Terms reason- Farm to AtrlaleollclUd filmcoe Street Newmarket Jackson twuer WApRIAGE LICENSES I Office Newmarket Ohio Papers at private residence If Town Carting All kinds of Notice and Terms DAVID MILLABD Cor Main Ontario A grand garden party will he at Vroomanton grove July 20th held AGENT tlfe and Achievements of Admiral worlds front cat naval by tbe if friend and of nations Wnl ayhr f rtoarly halftone Only SI- demand frtPJbanccor a fo- In one of his speeches on the con of our Canadian Hon Edward Blake remarked It is sim ply an unconstitutional way of thwart ing the peoples will At the last Federal election a prominent plank in the political platform upon which the Liberal party appealed to elector ate declared in favor of righting the wrong perpetrated by the gerryman dering of and a plank the people with no uncertain sound In pursuance of this mandate the present Government sustained by a decisive vote of the Commons pass ed a measure accordingly in which the principle of maintaining municipal lines in formation of constitu encies was a recognized feature leav ing the work of dividing counties into districts to three superior judges In due course this bill was sent to the Senate for but a large majority of that body being Conservative in defiance of the popular chamber and without regard to the clearly expressed wish of the electorate by a vote of to Senate did what Hon Edward Blake declared might do thwart the peoples will and vetoed the measure The division was on strict ly party lines with the exception of Senator of Quebec who voted with the Liberal minority and the result not only reveals the of the Conservative members of that irrisponsible body towards the Government but it avers that the Senate led by Sir Mackenzie entertains the doctrine that the Com mons of Canada are not to bo permit ted to give effect to the popular will by writing the wrong inflicted upon the country by the iniquitous gerry mander which a Tory Government en acted while Mackenzie one of its prominent members Another result is that when the next general election takes place the elect ors of hived Liberals in West On tario will again be called upon to join hands sending Representative that will vote not only to undo the gerry mander of but also vote to wipe out the irresponsible incubus known as the Canadian Senate or so curb its power to thwart public sentiment as to make it subservient to the people The very idea that a body of men nominated by a should exercise authority to veto the through jhflbaiiotbpx Oh two different occasions last week Hoase of Commons was called upon to ex- proas sorrow at loss of Its the flral being Hon Mr and the aeoond Hon Mr Liberal leaders of Government and Opposition paid tribute to charac ter and worth of both of these parliamentary associates Ik reply to a question on the floor of one day Jast week Premier of Manitoba elated It is not inten tion of lb Government to a measure prohibiting the sale of to tbe foil extent of powers of tbe province bat it Is the Intention to Introduce a the first session of neat The to parliament include the following appro to Toronto viz for diversion of the Don and the of the harbor for rented rooms at the Grand Rail Sta tion and or improvements to the ryiat and its Opposition press ie not satisfied Fault found for iooreasing the total yearly expenditure and yet it or more A from Montreal political of roles to effect that Mayor will become a member of present Ottawa Cabinet without in to late Hon Mr It is known so report joes Mr Pre- desires to outer the Ministry hot he much prefers having a portfolio If Sir Wilfrid would praotice of haying these superfluous Cab- ornaments and if future Governments should follow suoh an country suffer to any appreciable extent the debate on Sir Top pers amendment respecting preferential with Great Britain he took occasion to say that the Duke of Devonshire had of fered preference to Canada the Government bad neglected to take advantage The member for North York Hon Mr brought the Opposition to an unexpected halt however by reading a letter the Duke of Devonshire deny that bo had ever offered a preference to Canada in tbe British markets and stal ing that he bad no authority to make an offer and that nothing in bis speeches warranted the view wrjich Sir Charles Top per to hold of his opinion on the question of policy in grant ing preferential trade to the colonies One of grandest and noblest of medical triumphs over given to suffer ing women is Com pound a medicine that has saved thousands of daughters wives and mothers of our Dominion In cases of debility weakness ner vousness irregularities of nerve force impoverished or impure blood constipation and stomach troubles Celery Compound is the only reliable true and certain agent for banishment of disease and the estab lishment of permanent health Mrs- Hopper of one of the many thousands of women who sing the praises of Celery Compound as a blessing to women says With very great pleasure and satisfaction I wish to add my testi mony to what has already been said in favor of Compound For a very long time I suffered from general debility nervousness and run down system Having beard of Celery Compound to try it and am happy to say it has done for me more good than I can express For ten years I doctored without any good results but after using Paines Celery Compound I am perfectly re stored to health can eat well diges tion is gnn1 and my sleep is sweet and sound Altogether 1 am a new woman- J recommend Celery Compound to my friends July There is trouble on the frontier growing out of a quar rel the Khan of an I of he A battle was fought Friday in which men wore killed and 120 wounded The Mahmnndtt were victorious He That Any Good Would Win be provided with good health and everyone who would have good health should remember that pore blood in the first requisite by giving blood and good health baa helped a man to besides strength and to thousands of women who before taking it not see any good in life to win Hoods Pills are gentle yet effective IV i en flaya end movement wholly stood Europe soys in In for example la continually with terrorism dliturtnnce which broke out in toward the of the reign Of ana ended in tragical death of Czar continually described as nihi lism No greater confusion however bo made To nihilism with terrorism Is as wrong as to contuse a philosophical movomont like xtoioJem or positivism with a political movomont like lot us say republicanism Terrorism we into existence- by certain special conditions of political straggle at a given historical moment It baa and has died But nihilism has Impressed Its stamp upon whole of of educated of and that stamp will bo retained for many years to It in nihilism divested of some of ltd rougher which were unavoidable a movement of that gives now to life of a great portion of tbo edu cated classes of Russia a certain peculiar which we regret not to in the life of Western Europe Is nihilism again In Its various which to many of our writers remarkable sincerity that habit of thinking aloud astounds Western European readers nihilist oarrlbd bli love of sincer ity even Into minutest details of everyday life He discarded tbs conven tional forms of society talk and express ed his opinions In a blunt- and way a certain affectation of outward roughness Here la an instance of It We used at Irkutsk to moot once a week In a end to bave some danc ing was for a time a regular attend ant of these soirees then having work in hand them One night as I bad not made my ap pearance for several In succession a young friend of mine was asked by one of the ladles wby I did not appear more at their gatherings He takes a ride when be wants exorcise now was the ruther rough reply of my friend But HdRSESHOEMAGIO all A cold if dagger on Dont- Jet- it get start you few my Cold Core break op any form of cold a -a- few boors grippe fllpbtlierla booe eycTj pocket It Is belter tbon a life a to Arch COIIIiCURE TWO TOWN WiTB he might to spend a of hours us without dancing ventured one of ladles What would bo do retorted my nihilist friend Talk with you about your and fur below He has bad enough of that But he occasionally ills- Yea but if a girl roughly replied my friend he helps with KiUd Tari lata ace- -V- a subject which aecmVto interest a writer In St Pauls mainly because it touches that substratum of beliefs is in of though being a materialistic people In a age and having put away from ourselves things we none of us confess to it As a matter of foot however We ore always either literally or turning over our money when we see a new moon or picking up a rusty horseshoe as a bar- of But the point never j seems to bo reached In those magazine discussions Is the that Initially and horseshoe has nothing to do with horseshoes It existed long before horses were ever Shod and It has left traces of ltepresoace street Desirably Situated in plaoes where horses have never been the old Woollen rectory For Bale on known Terms Apply to In comparatively modern times tea Estate Agent over door nailed to the lintel with the uppermost be It Wrt a noted has been chiefly regarded a J protection witchcraft a which survived In a good dwelling eight luckbringing form to the present t barn and altuattrf good day But horseshoe- hoped mar baa Main St Apply been a symbol from immemorial CBOKIN or to days all modern done has been to fit it to the horseshoe I have seen the mark painted and sometimes out on ancient shrines and temples in Interior of China It has been Id use for In Inula It Is to be found in ruins and on the of buried discovered recently by Dr in the region now known as Rhod esia It been found Incised on sacred stones of the of Central Australia painted on tbe bodies of such of the tribesmen as have gone through religious peculiar to these aboriginal survivors Spencer and last year to Induce tribal priests ex- pound the horseshoe mystery- to but it was either too sacred or too and learned nothing that the mark was an indispensable part of or the their Ths horseshoe mark Is Best on St also in British Guiana in region of tbe Amazon In Georgia and Illinois In In temple of Desirable Brick Residence For or To Bent In 2nd Out flcott cleared Well rfaiernl and goid buildings THOH Miaou Zphyr Acres for Sale half of the half in Con of Whitchurch and Plenty of water from Newmarket Tool Pine FOR SALE Art Bat The great feature of In the of people The Marten girls when take service away from borne In the neighboring nicies of the Zee still tenaciously cling fast to their native costume In all Its oddity men of wear full black woolen kneebreeches with black woolen stockings and at borne vtoodea shoes Above have on a wide blouse fasten ed at the neck a pair of gold but tons and underneath this a rod Gunnel shirt which shows toe waist goddess in Upper and on in numerable end bowlders In British Isles bat always points uppermost In so far there fore as confers respectability magic Is preeminently respect able only awkward thing about It Is we do not know terrible mysteries It may have originally signified or to what pagan riles we may be un wittingly committing ourselves when nail the rusty symbol over out lintels being lot the Con of King Well cultivated well good orchard good barns and other buildings One mile from Newmarket Terms reason able For further particulars apply to JOHN P ROSA VANITY To Rent Sell of FARM PROPERTY Why on Nobody who ever saw Rosa Bonheurs picture would believe her guilty of any vanity A blue Jeans blouse and are not the dress of a woman who thinks much about her look But women outdo them one and all a black bodice over wblcb In a on St Brick with bard and oIt the Good Barn and an orchard or applet The above properly bo rented for year or a term of yin For further lare apply to Writer with tho r and fl London Prt Press referring the large number of deaths from that have occurred ince the of July cele bration in the United States making the partake of of an demlohae these Mover before have so many cases followed national celebration never before has disease so jo its deadly results It alarmed the public and aroused re newed among men as to the possibility of getting at the root the trouble and finding a All the injured by the explosion toy pistole in their hands Two of were treated in hospitals with eerum The treatment was unsuccessful and both patients died on Thursday It in better to abolish blankcartridge pistol than to run risk of oaring lockjaw Weekly touches the bonus system hitherto prevailing in Province by making the following reference to the new hotel project in Toronto The bonon system against the extension of at the last of the Provincial Legisla ture some of protested received a pretty extreme application in the bonus granted at expense of the Toronto tax- pays to new hotel It seems to rje generally kit that Toronto need a new hotel For I hat very reason the f pay without the aid of subsidy company com prises some of richest men Toronto the list is headed by names ford sure proof the enterprise is not only etraoge hotel for the wealth class charitable aid when ether hotels ask for none Rut as continues the meagre ft nnbUo private enterprise desert that bath will bo given July moat pe culiar accident occurred in as Smart Mfg tool works In that building were two large revolving grindstones weighing about a ton each The men who were working upon these stones noticed that they had attained an unusual speed and surmising that something endeavored to shut off the engine but were unable to do so as it bad run away They immediately fled from the building and a moment later the two great stones burst and the fragments were hurled through the roof and windows One large piece crashed through the roof of a twostorey building half a Hock away The building was badly wrecked Fortunately no one was hurt though there were some narrow escapes Robbed the Grave A Btartling incident of Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia was subject is narrated by him as follows I was in a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sun ken coated pain continually in baok and sides no appetite grad ually growing weaker day by day Three physicians give me up For tunately a friend advised trying Bitters and to my great joy and surprise the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their three weeks and now am well man I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of another victim No one should fait to try them Only guaranteed at Wiimot Lehmans Drug Store losses of the insurance com panies by the recent Quebec tire am ount to The British cruiser ashore in a bad position coast China Are grand but Skin rob life of Salve cures triem also Old Running Fever Sores TJ Felons Corns Warts Cuts Br Burns Scalds Chapped Chilblains Pile cure on earth Drives out Pains and Aches a box Sold Ihrnan Druggists stomacher or In of bright- figured chlnts often of large and prouounoed pattern Their black woolen skirts are abort and foil and show at bottom tbe edge of a rod flannel petticoat mocking are bbiok and their shoes at least of doors are wooden that name bo headdress as everywhere In Hol land Is the most distinctive part of the whole It consists of a high cap of colored linen covered In Its turn with a muslin cap with an edge and Insertion of lace all most carefully and elaborately made From under the edge of the projects stiff and straight a long bona of blond hair and from each side over the ears hangs down a to waist These curls are the particular feature of Old and young wear them through all vary ing degrees of luxuriance of growth from young girl who assumes this whole costume when she arrives at a marriageable age through the plentiful abundance of young womanhood to the string I and ultimate paucity of age The children is utterly impos sible to distinguish as to sex at an early age since all wear skirts tightfitting caps boys however have a ahaped crown in the latter la ap parent when pointed out When a boy Is years old he lays aside these garments for the of his father whom be straightaway resembles in miniature is one of he brightest and most variously colored that can be found anywhere of mora southern lands a that renders a clothesline a glory to behold is not the only fishing along the Zee where the folk- life la interesting and dull of color These charaotcrlstlos are particularly trua of Volendara wblcb lies on coast of mainland Just beyond The women here however are not- so striking but the men are more so because of the fullness of tbelr long blaok trousers make thorn look particularly as seen from the buck like women of the Orient Keystone f ARMS FOR SALE South Half of lo No lb in the an artist painted her portrait She was satisfied it but noticed one detail with disapproval my she asked are You must put my boots In because I have such email feet They were small in reality but In general carelessness of they did not tome la for much attention She was as proud of her Legion of Honor medal as of her feet and it alwan bad an value in her eyes because she got It from the own band Most of the women Paris who have order are In religious life One is an actress This la Marie Laurent said Con of Eaas containing to be tba oldest actress on French acres and except about J acre stage She received the medal not for for purposes There is a good her achievement an actress but aa rough cast House and frame Barns and bead of tba Actor Orphanage a and about 12 acres of land home for tba rob on children of j tbereoo Tbe soil is a clay loom and is left Without means about from Albert The place is fairly fenced and a good spring of water on it Tbe North West of lot 12 3 East containing acres There is a good Brick and also a frame barn also a small plastered fences are fair and there are acres of Cedar on same The oil is a good clay loam and is right at the Village of Sharon For particulars as to price teres and conditions of Sale apply w or to C hie Solicitor Newmarket An acquaintance surprised me A famous expression shoot until you can see the whites of their eyes has been supplanted out In the Philippines by a new phrase According to one of the mem bora of Kansas Regiment the customer order to attacks anon the Filipinos Is shoot until yon can nee the lights on their Philadel phia Press prior KM to Record an enterprising Mr Cox- has acquired square mile of territory InXorrbern which ho breed for the value of the The area of farm Is twice large as that occupied GreaMf aymptMM4f An eminent Gerionn declares that as lohgaaV after a long a not feel a go to sleep at once and not annoyed or heavy dreams on night following he may consider that be too great a demand on bis physical day by the question What la a chipmunk how does he differ from a I everybody knew this gay sprite of the roadsides lie la a tree about aire of the com mon red one and of same reddish tone which like brother of the trees Is much brighter in winter than In rami mer when long worm handsome for suitable for cold weather and nuptial time Is replaced by a worm- weather suit of cooler shorter and paler tort marks are two white stripes along the aide of the back from the to the root of the tail each bordered by a black line mak ing the prettiest of oar lesser quad rupeds and giving to as with erect ears and trailing bushy tail ha scuds along tbe fence or scamper In and out of a brush pile for ho is a true ground squirrel rarely going even upon the trunk of a tree an air of dandy pride and alertness that is most engaging In the far west there are fourlined and checkered onexErnest In I i A Curiam The catfish uses bis lungs as an organ of bearing The needleis lung becomes a sac filled with air end commonly known as swim bladder In the flih as chubs and most brook fishes the air la large and is connected by a slender tube the re mains of the trachea to oesopbagua At Its front it fit closely to vertebral column Tbe anterior vertebrae are muob enlarged twisted together and through them a chain bones which con nect with the hidden cavity- of air air bladder therefore ear of the as tympanum and bone the ear of the higher animals An ear of this sort can carry little range of variety In sound It probably gives only impression of Jars or disturb In water David Starr Jordan in Popular Monthly la Stranger mildly wonder why newspapers or sheets of blank paper art tied on the windows or certain house A sheet of -paper- arranged meaning that rooms to rent In the house or properties well improved S and all are located as and just as significant and are concerned In It import as three golden palls over For further particulrira apply to a shop in other John A fircOMIlvarv Q o trjea SuiBlng Toronto or to Lloyd Tbe following Valuable Properties are hereby offered Lot one Concession Four East The North half Lot Conces sion West 150 acres of Lot Concession of excepting- a atrip of feet The North East quarter of the East half of Lot 10 in the Third Con cession of East The West acres of Lot in the Concession of East The Easterly half of Lot Conces sion 6 of East The Easterly acres of Lots and in the Concession of Whit- church Lot 180 in Concession of East East of Lot 182 in the 1st Concession of North The South East quarter of Lot Con- cession of East Village Lot being part of Lot in 2nd Concession of East and Village Lot number CO in the Village of Mount Albert- I market a