isanfa rf I A ex V- 1 eIoI Anient J fi ll from the by hi I vn compared rel in a coord ibe Ottawa coo- from Falls tfara Power Co all rights on of river The now Ontario Government company a j right to power whiob an feature of old agree ment and to tho Legislature took exception Beach depending the vacation here Mrs fitaalt of Toronto or on friends Town this Mr and Mrs John ware k at Monday Mrs Is visiting for a A in Toonto with her Mr Jacob of is friendB at his former home Mr and and Allan sDont a at Orchard Beach last Aurora Banner Mrs of is visiting Mr J Konnody Mrs aod two of Toronto Are visiting with Elder and Mrs Keveral attended Monthly of tho In a of weeks ago Mr Eli Bell and bride also hie mother sister are spending few days the vicinity of Point this Mr President of Whit Association last in on a holiday trip Miss Phillips who is at tho Brooklyn Hospital Is home on account of her tragical death Aurora Banner Mrs- Cane of New market was of Mr and M Floury on Saturday and Sunday Miss of took 1st honors In tho second year torm at the reoent exam In Toronto Conservatory of Mr Jasv formerly of A She Bra UP I HUT WITH Pointed FRIDAY JUijY flleide mistake about r manner of Mr George Taylor M fjPo Tory Whip in the Commons when ho took the liberty to infeinuate that a certain contractor had present ed Wilfrid with a hand some residence in Ottawa which told plainly that he fancied himself possessor of some wondrous secrol when disclosed would produce a in and at once stauiped Premier as a mercenary trading politician But Sir Wilfrid arose and denied the whole story from beginning to end ing and clearly established that rood of ib not a woakness in Ida public or private makeup the of Mr Tailor reaulted in more clearly demonstrating the honor The Independent Con- Telegram makes this in referring to this Judging by moral standards Mr Tailors achievement was worse than Hag- Daily is authority for the of little trees already five iDobes high have boon found growing on western shores of the Islands of Mull aod on tho west coast just above high water mark and the arc transplanting hem to their pardons The are to have grown from ihe apples cast Dominion line last fall The Chronicle calls this a do- of hardihood and vitality of pips Dai recalls faotthat Free State negroes are by a band organ Becker a Free took one with him to post and finding that natives enjoyed the and being also desirous that ahoald marry in fashion be announced that the organ would at every christian wed ding The result that took place almost daily It was discovered that many couples got married more than once In order to procure the Oh Tuesday Commons passed the by authorizing the of the and a bill founded upon it was introduced The details of the proposal for the and the joint ownership of the able were explained by Mr And the ad vantages which it would be to Canada and the empire from a as well a sentimental standpoint were shown Sir Charles Tapper cordially supported the resolution and Mr and the Government upon the attainment of a bo to be desired a but party strategy is not regulated by moral Btandards and the failure which proves that hie move Jv was inexpedient carries more than the truth that his move was inexcusably wrong It is a good law t politics never to expose the feness of an adversary in such a way as to give him a chance to reveal his feitrerigth The attempt of Mr Tailor fasten the uilt of a corrupt fe- action on Wilfrid violated law and incidentally outraged one or two of the ten which are usually regarded an import- ant J July 24 This afternoon ivorine collar and factory was destroyediy fire loss about 500 insured The was caused by explosion of a coal oil lamp while the proprietor was away to dinner Alaska June The River steamers and have arrived at Seattle with of the Edmonton trail survivors ifrr These unfortunate have been on trail nearly two years They relate and demonstrated of both the land and water routes overland Under of the Canadian QoyecnmPnr Hudson Bay and other trading have sent out relief parties in several starving the and Rivers During the it is mated that of scurvy and as many Oar Society POINTS Mibb at home for a few days Mrs Smalley of Toronto is visiting re latives in Town Mr Manning and wife were here over Sunday P J Flanagan left for Montreal week on a visit Miss Wilkinson of is visit ing with Miss Mr Walker station agent at was in Town on Miss Bertha Marsh of Toronto is visit ing with her aunt Mrs G Martin Don Sutherland and Frank of Toronto were bore Sunday Mr Frank Millard of Toronto spend ing his with Mr Wake Howard Mrs Powell and children of visiting her sister Mrs Bailiff fleld The Misses entertained a number of their young friends on Monday evening The Misses Potter of Hamilton are at Mr A rob Thompsons for a few weeks Miss and Mies Ken nedy are visiting in Aurora with Miss Kathleen Keen Mrs Bastedo has returned from New alter visit of six weeks with her sister Mrs at the Post Office is speartiux her holiday at ford Emery Browne of Montreal is holidays at hie Mrs It fillips of former was Town ioat dan rfiit Jtufelljpjc on Mr the the at in Military Xtoo in Toronto this weeV Towrbss boon for the coming torm to at View School in of Ottawa In Its account of last week between and Orillla Timet of the latter says For Manning Doyle and Cain of Newmarket were King pine of the team Mr Morton wellknown among the boys Id Newmarket wa here thfa week calling on old friends ha been located in Sudbury District for severe vears Elder of Soufiville in town on Monday accompanied by hip son Rev J3 A of Jersey who a over on a abort visit Ho at his fathers appointments last Sunday Miss Carrie Davidson of who captivated people here by her sink ing at the opening of the Methodist Pipe Organ last December won the Gold Medal In the vocal department at the reoent exams of Toronto Conservatory of Mostc Newmarket friends add their congrat ulations Rev writes from Ran dolph as follows We like our new home very much Wo have a very pleas ant field Whooping cough Is preva lent here our youngest daughter my siater is staying with and I all have it We are improving a little but we continue to wboooooop On the occasion of Mr Walter leaving Newmarket for Man a few daye be waB presented with an address accompanied by a pair of gloves and a pair of slippers by the Chris tian Endeavor of the Friends Society Mr to in revival ser vices in connection with the Friends In Manitoba Messrs Hunter evan gelists are now at their island borne in Muskoka to rest recuperate and study Many invitations from Boston Minnea polis Springfield Philadelphia Toronto Calcutta India and other placea have been bat are planning to spend moat of tbe next year in Canada Fifteen years ago the of they began evaogeliatio work in town of Ease Centre and from ihpn until now to con- in work holding union services in every city in Dominion ex- some in Province of and in many of the towns and villages from the Atlantic to as also in Bermuda Newfoundland and several cities territory of Sam During tbat time between and one hundred thousand have professed saving in the meeting they have been privileged to bold with the pastors and We the following very compli mentary paragraph regarding a Newmar ket girl from Toronto Toron- will be Interested in from a description In an English paper of recent date of an entertainment given by the Duobesa of Albany at for charitable object The beautiful boose and grounds were thrown open to the public and while interior of was devoted to bazar proper a drawing room theatre was in grounds where a dramatic and musical performance was given under special supervision of the Duchess of Al bany The very little of London artiste as aplo vocalist Miss Hope Morgan a daughter Morgan of this and paper In ques tion refers to her performance in the fol lowing terras Hope Morgan a charming Canadian displayed a voice of remarkable clearness richness and flexibility in her interpretation of Aquas and Chanson do JnlUt pretty that were greatly appreciated Later on another llgbtfal son was by the same artist honor Hope Morgan in by CtAlVany out of a number of other no small one as the royal family- arc In regard ess of Albany and the Princess Henry of of dfctlnot Clifwn and of Toronto visiting Ethel Mr and family Sunday at Morton Park Dr of spent a few days here with Dr York has contented to in St Church Sunday evening Williams and children of Toronto vialtlog her mother Srigloy Mr tailor gono to St Annas on a pleasure trip Mrs Irwin and daogbior from States aro visiting at Mr A J Mo- Mr and wife from tho viomlty of are spending va cation here Mr son from Caster- villo was visiting at his grandmother Mrs Win Cane feat week Master StovoiiBOu of is spending bis vacation at his uncles Mr Wm of this town Miss Cane has to Pone- tang to spend part of vacation on houseboat Mr Albert of Toronto guard at the Central Prison fa spending a days with his father atreet of Toronto who Is part of his vacation Mr Webbs was up at the Lake a couple of days Mr Maxwell of Toronto who been a weeks holiday in Colling- wood and Newmarket returned home on Emily Meade of Toronto of Mr Meads ie visiting here io a couple of weeks on way to Lake Muskoka Bandera of and Mor gan of who delivered addresses at the pionio at Zephyr last week were driven out from by Mr Woolten Mrs J and Mrs Peter spent over Sunday at viaitlng relatives r will leave for home on morning next Monday Mr Fred of the of the on evening Mr though not out of eenB a very able sermon to the I rge Dr who represented Tuscan Lodge at the Masonic Grand Lodge in Ottawa last week returned home on Satur day night He reports a very large and enthusiastic gathering The Dr also vis ited Montreal and greatly enjoyed hie holi day trip GIGANTIC CLEARING SALE OF Stock taking has revealed too large a Stock of Dress Materi als We must sell fully half these goods in one week The prices will be just about half what they were which means a heavy loss to us but the Stock MUST BE Bargain No 1 50 Remnants of Black and Colored Dress Goods lengths from to yards Prices were to your choice of any remnant at 25c per yd Bargain No Fine All Wool Cashmeres 46 inches wide in all the best shades The price is 50c your choice of any of these at per yd Bargain No 3 pieces Fancy Figured and Plain Colored Dress Goods The regular price is your choice for one week Bargain No Fancy Figured Black Goods Gold Medal Brand A big bargain at a nice range to choose from this week at Bargain No 20 pieces Fancy Dress Muslins all kinds dark and light shades prices regular and 20c Your choice of any of these at Bargain No Ladies Lace Trimmed Wrappers made of strong good washing Print Regular price 125 Your choice at firea occurred Friday at several place in England assisted probably by the great heat whtoh is drying everything up Oct July E barrister of was bit on the face by a kiss ing bug and the effects was so painful that he had to be brought to the Gen eral Hospital here for treatment Physicians fear he will lose the sight of his right eye Bombay July There is trouble on the frontier growing out of a quar rel between the Khan of and sections of the A battle was fought on Friday in which men were killed and 120 wounded were victorious We have quoted the above only to show what we will do Every line of Dress Goods in the house will be marked down Get here as early as you can on Saturday morning H The Cradle ONeill At on wife of ONeill of a eon the Pasture fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Blanehfopd fa own make the beat around JOS merle I The Altar Billing At the of the brides mother Mrs Aurora on by A Mr Charles Billing to residence o Mr J on July by Rev Dewey Mr Herman to Mils Jane Weeks both of Brad ford Al the residence of Mr on July by Rev J A Baldwin to Mary At residence of ihe father on July by Be Dr daughter of Martin of Chatham to Bay Belt or on of Newmar ket Newmarket on by Rev Father Morris Mr Fred Dallas to Mies Mary Ryan both of Toronto Main North All Orders Careful aqd prompt Attention On to Mr and Mrs Gerald Pearson a son In Town on of to Mr and Mrs a daughter BabbiobLl On Friday the wife of 5th Con of King of a eon At Randolph Vermont on to Rev and Mrs H a bouncing baby boy tilbs Mrs and babe doing nicely The Tomb At the 8th Cod of King on the John father of Byron G Brown of this place aged years Al bis year Leading Furniture ami Undertaking House Street The proprietor takes this opportunity of sincerely thanking bin friends for very liberal patronage in past and hopes by Square Honest Dealing j To merit trade in future In the early part of season I did not place my orders for vehicles soon as I should have done Old Reliable Firm The Carriage Co Of Oataawa whom I bad honor of representing in flection years experience in heir the only conclusion I can arrive at is this are leading the carnage trade commenced right Their first resolve was to make but good reliable work an they have triotly adhered to it The re- thai the irnde well that a vehicle of any kind made by Co standard for Canada to quality and in every particular There ore statements made like olio wins We can tarnish yon with a rig equally as good as MoLaoghlina for less money These statements should be taken with great caution as many persona been badly disappointed financially ruined by experimenting with inferior vehicles There is Nothing to be Compared with the McLaughlin Make Any order placed with me now can be promptly Samples and new to can be seen at my Show Rooms Inspection and comparison invited Soliciting a continuance of your favors I ana sincerely JOHN NB Repairing in all its branches attended to with neatness and dispatch T rf Pop the Dining One wants an economical Or coarse you want rich and tore for this apartment we can soil yon bat for the majority this is not the case Therefore we are now selling finest offering of dining room seta ever shown The arennparalleled Latest Styles in ShamHolders J Opposite Royal Bote IbabairaiE a Tailor Shop Is removed to Next of DAVISONS GROCERY Leave Order tor one of our Nobby Suits WC 1 GRAHAMS GALLERY CLOSED 1st of Septemher WHBN Premises will be Enlarged and Renovated New Scenery Etc 0 Graham JONES OLD STAND J 1 1