if- i i r i i i i i i A A ONTARIO BANK S00000 TORONTO Oil AS General Manager- NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Basiness TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE A7 American bought arid promptly to I urn Dp Alfred of in late lr Ural of 10 am occupied by Dr Church Main Si market and to p m PAINTING rainier and Paper Hanger JO yearn In till branched of Full line- fcrtiniilt of In taut In Wall tii0 thorn door of Primary Street- A TAYliOR ninllnr rMlDt I jam- promptly neatly and In J am ulna lussocmied will a Car- luge Writer bo lull at IJIihih Hardware at the of Mr J Green head or Street Went Newmarket Bolton and Corner Millards and MISCELLANEOUS Simpson WMainBt DrUKIsta tiuiidniBand Fancy Goods to Loan At per cent on flratolaaB and villugo property by Davidson for taking affidavits C J Ileal Agent o Agent for following reliable Insurance Compaolea Norwich Union Midland Mutual and noulcl Standard Life Assur ance Co and Northern Life Assurance Co Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Five per on farm Security by David Commissioner for taking Affidavits Real Agent Conveyancer of Marriage Licenses Also Agent for the following insurance Companies Queen of London Gore District Mutual established In 1Q and Liverpool Montreal In 1838 alw Confederation Life ABSOClaMon To for the ronto Old Office Corner of Main and Lot Streets AGE Red Bird Call and see Samples at Carriage Repository THE AND IB JUST for Manufacturers Life fiurKUceCo The befit inducement to ROBERTSON hool- Wesson The Hebrews the Dan 14 July 16 Golden Text Our God whom we to deliver us INTRODUCTION Daniels three whom he had placed province ol Baby lon did not worship golden image of and when fchoir was reported to king and a second opportunity given flatly Bo they cast into the furnace But fire did not injure thorn it only loosened iheir bonds while it slow their execu tioners Tho saw with terror form of a fourth like a son of gods walking in the furnace with liberated men romaindor of chapter tells of the ready paid by king to the God of Hebrews and of his command to all the people on pain of death to this God firm on right side Conscience is better Trust for deliverance from that danger which confronts one in pathway of duty Gods glory shines forth in noble of his people the fioVy furnace of persecution It ia sad that so many who see Gods saving power should not by reason of their stubborn an experi ence of it Gods cause at long intervals has needed miracles in exigencies it has needed martyrs always it man liness HOME SWEET HOME TEMPORARY STOPPING WITH f HOME VS BOARDING HOUSE Dr Talcing of Both to Up tb nod A Cord We tbp undersigned do hereby agree to refund money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache Wo also warrant that four bottles will perma nently cure tho most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used E Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Newmarket Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Manitoba Floor BEST ft Hungarian Patent of all Clover Mangel Carrot and Turnip of the VpiBTlEB LIME Portland and Ontario J Cor Mai and Uomi for Contrait took for his toxt morning And brought him to an Ian and took cam of biro And morrow when he ho took out two and thorn to host and unto him of and thou mora corns I will repay said This good Samarium paying bill of a man who hud and killed by bandits The good Samaritan lind found tbo unfortunate on a lonely rooky road to day ore rod upon travelors had put the In jured man Into while this and wolltodo man had till they got to hotel and wound man was put to bod and cared for It must boon a very superior hotel In Its accommodations for though in country landlord was paid at tht rut of what Jo our country would be It or to a day a ponny being then a days and the two paid In this about two days wages Moreover It was ons thoao kindhearted landlords who are wrapped up In happiness of tholr guests good Samari tan the poor wounded follow to bis on lira promising that he that way again he would pay all bills until the Invalid got wolf Hotels and boarding housas In Tory unknown because world had com paratively few Inhabitants and those ware not to travel and priv ate hospitality met all the wants of so journers when Abraham rushed out at to Invite the men to sit down to a dinner of veal as when the positively commanded to be given to hospitality an In many of the In the east these anolent customs aro practiced But have now hotels presided over by good landlords boarding houses presided by Jtorft or In all neighbor hoods village and cities and It Is our congratulation of our land sur pass all other lands They rightly be come the permanent residence of such as are without families as those whose business keeps them as who ought not for various reasons of health or peculiarity of to take upon thombelves the cares of housekeep ing Many a man falling slok In one of these boarding houses or bowls has been kindly watched nursed and by the memory of her own sufferings and losses lady at head of suoh a house has done all that a mother do for a child the eye of sew and appreciates her sacrifices In behalf of the stranger Among the most marvel ous cases of patience and Christian fidel ity many of who keep board ing houses enduring without resentment the unreasonable demands of their guests for expensive food and attentions for which they not willing to pay an equivalent a lot of cranky men and women are not worthy to tie shoe of their queenly caterer The out rageous way In which boarders soma times to their landlords and land ladies shows that these critical guests bad bad early rearing and that In making up of their natures all that con stitutes gentleman and lady was left Some of the most princely men and some of tha most elegant women that know of today keep hotel and boarding houses But one of the great evils of this day la found In the fact that a large popula tion of our towns and are giving up ant have given up their homes and taken apartments that they may more freedom from domestic and more time for social life and because they like the whirl of publicity better than the quiet and privacy of a residence they can coll their own The lawful use of these hotels and boarding houses Is for most people while they are in transitu but as a terminus they are In many cases demoralization utter and complete That is the point at families In numerable bare begun to disintegrate There never has been a time when so many families healthy and abundantly able to support and direct homes of their own have struck tent and taken per manent abode in these establish ments It Is an evil wide as Christendom and by voice and through the newspaper press I utter warning and burning pro test and ask Almighty God to the word whether in the bearing or reading In these publlo caravansaries the demon of gossip is apt to get full sway All the boarders run dally tho gauntlet of general In snootSon how they look when they come down In the morning and when they get in at night and what they do for a living and who they receive as guests in their rooms what they wear and what they do not wear and how they eat and what they eat and how they eat and bow little they eat If a man proposes In a place to be isolated and reticent and alone bar a keep busy In those promiscuous- and multitudinous rosldonoea there so who to do and that makes They pathor In others rooms and hours In consultation about others It bad to walk a half mile before hoy got to WiUIng oar of to detraction they would bo out of breath before there not feel In full glow or dI- or or might because of not- at all But rooms So on same corridor and one carrion crow gees Cow all the other boar it and flock together over the same carcass While reaching over a abaft mak ing revolutions a minute Win Maw head miller at the Wilkinson mills at had a close call for his life screw on the ahaft caught his Bhirt sleeve and in a trice threw him ripped the shirt off his back With rare presence of mind and the exercise of reat strength Maw reach ed forward and threw off belt be fore any other part of his clothing had caught Brave Fall Victims to stomach liver and kid ney troubles as well as women and all feel the results in loss of appetite poi sons in the blood backache nervous ness headache and tired listless run down feeling But there is no good to feel like that Listen to J Gardner He says Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all rundown and dont care whether he lives or dies It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take I can now eat anything and have a lease on life Only cents at E Lehmans Drug Store Every bottle Que July Fire broke out yesterday in the village of and fifty out of about sixty houses comprising the village to the flames including the railway station Scarcely any of the villager saved any property and is very small To tub A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums has soot to his institute bo that deaf people unable to procure them may have them free Apply to Department The Institute tbeT lfi London he come from How long England of things around private- In- the aggregate make a groat- attraction while the sen of these to say Wba Is I no place te keep thorn I should to id bom Mementos or cosy pic tures and a thousand in a are discarded or neglected be cause is no homestead in arrange And yet are the case In the pearl of domestic happiness is set You can never become as attached to the appointments of a boarding or family hotel finmn to things that J are associated in with the different of your house- ffnt ft A W I import tbo gathering and it has to bo told all wnoe over again and as separate have been- gathering until every fl In the carpet and every pa the door re and every casement of the window ha a in the cellar to the maid in the top own flpeak About father or or son defamation and that evening all who leavo tbu house will It to other houses until autumnal sweeping awhile across Illinois prairlw loss raging and k fh r boarding house grace of swift tbnu that flame of consuming totton blazing across the village or olty Those of us who ware brought up In the know that tho oldfashioned Bag Woaving wishes to the public that im moved to House on tkat ho Bill Co with all tho late improvements to and ho a to do licet Work Carpet Call aud Bend your Early OLD NEWSPAPERS at tho Office per lbs Mr Robert of New York is dead While George Nixon was driving a mower in Port Hope hia 11 yearold son was walking beside the machine iBg with Ha go to to the knives and passed every bone in his foot He Fooled the Surgeons doctors tokl Hamilton of West Jefferson O suffering months from Rectal Fistula he die unless a costly operation was performed but ho cured himself with boxes of Arnica Salvo surest Pile- euro on Earth and best Salve in World 2D of eggs In the haymow required lour or Ave of brooding but there are now of hatching by which take Less time and do the work by So while the aw horns may brood life an fulfil and a long to do come to a tabic No one wants to ran a gauntlet of acute and morel- less bypcrorltloltm Unit have a homo your own vou will not bo able to exercise best rewarded of all the graces exercise of this grace what camo to tbe ln restoration of son to life she entertained and to widow of I many of the boarding bouses In the perpetual oil well of family afford and more oho multitudinous style of moral Incubation and one old gossip will get off the nest after hours brooding clucking a flock of lies her each one pick ing up Us little worm of regale ment It Is no to hoar too about your neighbors for your time will bo so much occupied In taking of faults hat will have no lime to look after your own And while you are pulling the out of their garden yours will get all over grown with and talks One of worst damages that come from herding of bo many people Into boarding bouses and family hotels Is In- flloted upon oblldren It Is only another way of bringing up on the com mons While you hare your own private house you can for the moss part control ootnpanlonsblp and Where abouts but by years of age In these resorts tbey will have picked up all bud things that can be furnished by the prurient minds dozens of people will overhear blasphemies and quarrels and get precocious In sin and what the bartender does not toll thorn the porter or hostler or bell boy will Upsides that ohlldren will out Into this world without the restraining anchoring steadying and all controlling memory of home From that none of us nave been blessed of memory have escaped It grips a man for If ho lives long It pulls blm from doors Into he otherwise would enter It smites him with contri tion In midst of his dissipations As the already surrounded by the long wide net swim out to sea thinking they can go as far as they please and with gay toss of silvery scale defy tbe sportsmun on the and after awhile the fishermen begin to draw in tbe net hand over hand and band over band and it Ib a long while before the captured fins begin to feel tbe net and then they dart this way and that hoping to get out but find themselves approach ing the shore and are brought up to the very feet of the captors so the memory of an early borne sometimes seems to relax and let men out farther and farther from God and farther and farther from shore years 10 years years years but soms day they find an irre sistible mesh drawing back and are compelled to retreat from prodigality and wandering and though tbey make desperate effort to escape the Impression and to dive deeper down in sin after awhlk are brought clear buck and held upon Rook of Ages If it be possible oh father and mother let your boob and daughters go out Into tbe world under the memory of a good pure home About your two or three rooms In a boarding bouse or a family hotel yon can cost no suoh sanctity will think of these caravansaries as an early stop ping malodorous with old coffees perpetually steaming and meats In everlasting stew or broil the air sur charged with carbon acid and corridors along which drunken boarders coma staggering at oclock In the morning at tbe door till the affrighted Wife lets them In Do not be guilty of tbo sacrilege or blasphemy of calling such a a home A home Is four walls Inclosing one family with Identity of Interest and a privacy from outside Inspection so com plete that It is a world In Itself no one entering except by permission bolted and barred and chained against all out side The phrase so often used In law books and legal oircles la mightily suggestive every mans house is his castle As mncn so as though it had drawbridge portcullis redoubt bastion and armed turret Even the officer of law may not enter to serve a writ except the door be voluntarily opened unto Burglary or the Invasion of it a crime so offensive that the law clashed its Iron Jaws on anyone who attempts It Unless it be necessary to stay for longer shorter time In family hotel or boarding and there are thousands of in- lb In w- cents a Sold by Leh man Druggist- is be going to Stay Has ho paid bis How much does ha Perhaps he has committed some crime and does not want to be known There must be something wrong about him or be would speak The whole house goes into the detective business must find out about him They must find out about him right away If be leaves his door unlocked by he find his rooms been Inspected bis letters differently from the way were folded when he put them away Who la Is the ques tion asked with Interest until subject a monomania The simple fact Is that is nobody in particular but minds bis own business best landlords and landladies can- hot sometimes binder their from becoming a pandemonium of whisperers and reputations are to tatters and evil suspicion are aroused and scandals and the parliament of th Is blown atoms by some Guy who was not caught ln as was his predecessor of stances In which it Is as I you at the beginning unless exceptional case let neither wife nor husband consent to suoh permanent resi dence The probability Is that the Wife will to divide her husbands time with smoking or reading with some coquettish spider In search of un wary flies and If you do not entirely lose your husband it will be because he Is divinely protected from that have whelmed thousands of as good Intent loos as your either should tbo husband reason consent to a life Bui bis wife can withstand tempta tion of social dissipation which sweeps such with the force of ocean when driven by a Sep tember equinox Many wives np their homos for these public so that may their entire to operas theaters balls and and in a perpetual whirl like a spinning round and round and round prettily until It lows its equipoise and shoots off Into a tangent But the dlfjoronoo Is In ons It Is a top arid in a soul Besides this there Is assiduous hungry prophet and to In ths preservation of her life at demolition of Jericho because she entertained the spies ud to In tbe formation of an Interesting family relotlon because of his entertainment of Jacob and to Lot In bis from the be cause of bin entertainment of angels and to Mary and Martha and ln spiritual blessing because they enter tained Christ and to In th island of In healing of his father because of the entertainment of Paul drenched the shipwreck and of innumerable houses throughout Christendom upon which have come blessings from generation to generation because their doors swung easily open in the enlarging ennobling Irradiating and divine grace of hospitality do not know what your experience has been but I have had men and women visiting at my Douse who left a benediction on every room In blessing they asked at the table the prayer they offered at tbe family altar In the good advice they gave children In the tion that looted out from linea ment of their countenanced and their was the sword of bereavement The Queen of Norway Swollen and Denmark had a royal cop of ten curves or lips each one having on It the name of distinguished person who had drunk from It And that cup which we offer to others Christian hospitality though it be of the plainest earthenware Is a royal cup and God can read on all sides names of those who have taken from It refreshment but all tbls Is Im possible unless you have a home of your own Young married man as soon as you can buy a place even If you have to put on It a mortgage reaching from base to capstone The abused mortgage which 19 ruin to a reckless man to one provident Is beginning of a com potency and a fortune for the reason be will not be satisfied until he has paid it off and all the house hold are put on stringent economies until then Deny yourself all superflui ties and all luxuries until you can say Everything in this house is mine thank every timber- every brick every foot of plumbing Do not have your children born in a board ing house and do not yourself be buried from one Have a place where can about and sing and romp without being overhauled for the racket Have a kitchen where yon can do some thing toward reformation of evil cookery and lessening of nation of dyspeptics As Napoleon lost one of his great by an attack of indiges tion so many men have suoh a dally wrestle with the food swallowed that they have no strength left for tbe battle of life and though wife may know how to play on all musical Instruments and rival a prima donna she Is not well educated unless she can boll an Irish potato and broil a mutton chop since the diet sometimes decides fate of families and nations Have a with at least one easy chair even though you have to turns at sitting in it books out of the library or of your own par- chase for the making of your family In telligent and checker boards and guess ing matches with an occasional blind roans buff which is of all games my favorite Rouse up your home with styles of Innocent mirth and gather up In your nature a reservoir of exuberance that will pour down refresh ing streams when life gets parched and the dark days come and the lights go out and the laughter Is smothered Into a sob First but and all the have Christ In your home Julius Caesar calmed fears of an affrighted boatman who was In a stream by say ing So long as Caesar is with you In the earn boat no harm can happen And whatever storm of adversity or be reavement or poverty may strike your home Is well as long as you have Christ king on board Make your home so In its influence that down to last moment your child rens life you may hold them with a heavenly charm At years of age the Demosthenes of American Senate lay dying at Washington I mean Henry of Kentucky His pastor sat at bis bedside and the old man eloquent a long and exciting life transatlantic arid clsatlantlo was back again in the scenes of bis boyhood and be kept saying In his dream over and ever again My mother we exert be not only nut holy home on earth be vesti bule of our homeIn place may wo all meet father sob daughter brother sister grand father grandmother and grandchild and the entire group of precious of whom wo must ay In words of transporting Charles One family we dwell In him One church beneath Though now divided by stream- The narrow stream of death array of the living God To bis command we bow part of boil have crossed flood And part are bow I -I- sfrt Buffalo AllrSteel Is only Disc Harrow made or sold In Canada Independent curiae Inner of discs amount pressure lo be upon Inner ends of gangs Toot of operator means a flexible action la secured and bo worked to a uniform depth Examine this Machine care fully and compare with others The No Cultivator A Of The only Culti vator that of teeth will rut an even depth In it and you will see he only Cultivator with a move able Coot pet Hint the angle the teeth can bo regulated losuit any condition of noil can different lv on every sec tion retulrluir Thetectli are curried between the whetU or trHllnibiMnil In other Machine draft This I- fnriiihi a nun ami need box when It reversible diamond steel point- for extra It and you will buy no THE BEST DRILL MADE Needs No Introduction f our in ijm W Unit with Jot my bin in stnil- motion -Mill- AVx ha jrr- it to you tiil u talnlfj iMlaUiui- t4 Bros- Co Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT By using a Flour we still intend to turn gut FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stocfc ALBERT BOGART Proprietor Note I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Our Groceries Are Fresh this week Right Value New Dress Goods Our German Prints are a marvel for price Our Ladies Blouses are pronounced just the thing Our Lawns Muslins and Cretonnes will suit you Ladies and Misses Hosiery cannot be beat Our Stock of J D Kings Footwear is complete We can please you Our Clothing is the best North of Toronto Our Furnishings are all new this week See Our Paints and Ho SHARON A School DISK Made in ell Standard and Styles strong durable fiuidh t Meet ap proval- ratepayers teacher and The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited Newmarket Head and Bay St Toronto Branch Notre Dame Montreal Makers of Office and School Furniture- The Era 1900