Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 14 Jul 1899, p. 4

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J mrwaricrtIemFRIdax Outside Is a Poor Substitute For Inward Worth Good health itvwrdly of the kidneys liver and bowels Is sure to come if Hoods is promptly used secures a air outside and consequent vigor in frame with iho glow of health on the cheek good appetite perfect digestion pure blood Lose of Appetite D with tired feeling Sid Ion of I completely run I took Hoods and while I bit much better Hoods built me up A Old near Ottawa Biliousness- troubled With headache and and was ran run down Tried Hoods Saraajiarllle and It gave me and me up Defoe Street Toronto mi lot Toronto int the Makeup ralar the Ear Jrb r tight cii Daughters Just as eooo as a girt think that mistaken her mother that minute she is in real danger No greater safeguard ever existed than the confidence betweon mother and daughter and it is wisdom on the part of both to sustain confidential as long as life lasts or at least until daughter been given in- to keep of some and up- IN A LOOKING GLASS Never tyre aa4 to lake with to Best Advertising Medium York County udVTlfte- pur lino for first pur line for Bubaoquviit pRBionb SP lochia I noli I MO M pjooa moo unaccompanied with writ ten Instructions until forbid and charged will be changed once each month If desired For month the must ho paid for at regular rates J Change for be In the by noon on Bpoclal for Notices Farms to Kent Article Lost and Found etc A reading notice will be Inserted free for any arc or when no lection will hi- for a No to this ruin Thos Robertson Public Main Newmarket to Loan on Farm security T Barrister etc Solicitor tor Township of King to Court Ontario S Barrister Bolleiior Conveyancer etc Late with Cameron carefully managed and made Of Money to loan at lowest Block Main St fit ic V flee Newmarket of Poet Of Herbert Lennox Aurora will beat Newmarket on Saturday and Court J Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora fundi man but Dunn bo Arcade King an notion to have boon accepted regarding bo of the eon whloh baa boon to bo a In throughout As a matter of fact while material la lighter than our own atruospnero on surface interior la than known that go compose earth In faot tba solar orb near la about three times at donee a As for the of the that for a after cooling It will become by living forma anlinnl and table but those are not to bo de veloped highly or to on dure for any length of tituw aa mighty globe will no of boat to dopond upoo- eald la a blue star Beta In the beak of tho oonatellatlon of tho Swan la a double sun one of Its member being pale yellow and other blue The loryred inn of la linked another one la and green These double are true and occasionally triplet appear Castor In Gemini la a pair of anna each of Is larger than our orb of day and It la believed tbat greater of the two around a third and Invisible body tbe presence of is by the swaying of the mighty luminary In ques tion Algol the ax called titar has such a body revolving around It abut ting off its light as make It glare and fade at alternate intervals I myself aa I have already aald discovered a dozen great that are blank shining merely by reflected light from neighboring suns What world they be to be And bow strange th forma of life may be Imagined to inhabit them Alcyone times big as our ran In constellation Lyra toward the whole of our own solar sys tem la moving It may even boconceWed aa possible our sun eventually will become a satellite of Vega But Arotu- rus king of suns gives times as muoh light a our sun a statement which become Impressive when It considered tbat our solar orb cut up into 1250000 pieces one as largo as the on we llvu If by the way tbe sun wore a solid block of anthracite coal Ignited In pure oxy gen It would burs out In 1760 year The atmosphere of the sun la aupiiosed to ho miles deep being various gases and vapors of metal A through the JM sur face Is covered with minute whit forma apparently floating In n ocean of uii Id These are clouds composed not of hut chiefly Iunt as the uses carbon for producing the brightest of lights so the sun employs the agent In of Its tiann- cendant light and heat The ore made up of drops of liquid carbon have a radlanoe vastly exceeding the glow of the filament In an lamp When at a famoua astronomer saya wo remember that the entire of tbe huge luminary Is coated with tbeae ever particle of la thus Intensely luminous we need no longer wonder at the dazzling brightness which oven across tho awful gulf of miles produoea for us the Inconceivable glory of daylight The greatest and most Important In vention to be made in the next century will be a machine for storing the heat of the sun and transforming J Into or some other form suitable for ready employment This heat now permitted to go to waste will be applied to th running of mills th warming houses and other pur pose for whloh energy la utilized It Is worth mentioning In this that every square yard of the suns fao emit an amount of heat equal to that of a blast furnace consuming one ton of coal every ten minutes The heat given out by the solar globe In on second would rale miles of Icecold water to boiling point and of tnis heat th earth receive only part Prof J J Be of the Naval Observatory WHAT JOHN BULL WHEN HE HIMSELF the Worst Fad Best Oovaraed People la tb Contrary the True Amuieaaaata of nation bat the government and cooking It deserves the right man who will appreciate her all are worst governed and the the more of love and fealty Jf M people in for the reason mi that the majority of are she powuM for her mother There lQdlfforOD and keenly no frienda in the world so genuine interested in food English are the ho unselfish bo altogether delightful as worst fed and the best governed a girl mother if the- foolish young because with few care a great deal more about creature only got of her head the notion that mother is oldfashioned or menu of In the bit too our there Is scene In cabinet of a Her experience be oh Prisma restaurant iuJA- j i deliberation with Whloh a by the flebaU bm if is not too headstrong are you going to glva us naked to realize are but given Jftlponsoadlfferentesoboses for her own good are not croaking OT J Fancy an ft what was going to but plain that like fln poaUi should guide her along the path have been thinking of several things I of life The instant anything occurs then proposes a Jeanne in a Kirk life that to tell her mother about she can rest assured that it is something about which she ehould be ashamed If she would hut trust nor mother she would find far more than any girl confidante and far morn reli able too It in lack of confidence between i r i Will Of P Says- Celery Compound Saved My Life Mr Dunbar had been a Sufferer for Fif teen Years A Ions rebuke la magnificent Non monsieur pas la scope da Cost la vtelle fldole te que par lea a grand qui tin Dean potage apoelle les do Temple women do quite a French men to keep up the standard of fc i and English women are quite mother and daughter that is the cause mnoh to blame as English men for of so many elopements that if the absence of any standard in this conn- over result in matrimonial happiness 1 what she thinks of a certain restaurant and she will say Such a lovely room I I like those dark red hangings by Waring Bo Bat the dinner my dear Hospital Treatment And Patent Medicines Failed to Cure Him Six Bottles Celery Compound Wodc The a theory mates some people hot of have them Summer leaves of absence and winter brings absence of leaves A lumber dealer be in bis office and out of doors Perhaps some wealthy men are kickers because they are well heeled mother has tbe beat boy the worst boy invariably next door Whenever a man makes a mistake you may expect a tidal wave of ex planation Most people know what they dont want also that they dont often get what they do want Girls should never throw kisses its almost impossible for a girl to hit the object she throws at Nature has arranged things so that a poor man is able to display as many as a millionaire Its useless to extract a promise by force unless you are prepared to con tinue the pressure of compulsion inde finitely XiotMIarethiT iiacste of or ny stomach trouble that cannot be re lieved at CDRS At all a vial to and cal advice free- DYSPEPSIA TWO TOWN LOTS On Bueet Desirably Situated near old Woollen Factory For on Easy Term Agent FOE SALB A good Ou eight rooms plenty of hard and water OoOd barn and ltuattl Iti irool locali ty on Main Si Apply to THOS or to not prejudico that a moth or object to the attentions of certain young men while she encourages those of another Her experienced eye her what about the dinner Oh the i dinner I don think I remember much great affection for her child combine intuitively almost to read character and with her maternal instinct fully alive she see much better than her about This fatal Indifference Alton down from the table through the service to the kitchen The experiment la constantly tried of setting chefs from Paris and those who daughter die flaws that are such in- Rttlm future misery or the good are at a loss to account for their cold and points that protend solid happiness careless performances to London The Girls be chummy with moth- chef Is served In the kitchen and em are your This distresses day after you haye of all J at flrat until be learns that his patrons the rest of world you will learn admiring the and and oh that you had never swerved in your ailegi- the magnificent to one who wouldnt in the tor- and the company numerous and smart of the flamea or devastation of people are quite Given flood the ravage of disease or the tette crushing of character swerve one iota in her allegiance Times to you A disastrous storm occurred in Texas on Saturday Much property was destroyed An Owen Hound tobacconist has been fined and costs for soiling cigarettes to boys Toronto plenty of light and the restau rant or Is voted charming- The garbage which we placidly at our vary expensive hotels and on board our steamers Is horrible to think of Nor are our clubs better In Abraham wrote Ilia best judges ore agreed that it Is utterly Impossible to dine better than at tbe Carlton members of that Institution Indorse thli statement now In private houses there Is the same In difference above stairs tb same below among the upper class where money is no object tbe contrast Wells Co Montreal After fifteen years of trrrible sufferings from most miserable of all troubles dyspepsia I have been completely by Celery Compound and am delighted to make my experience known for the Rood of sufferers who have not yet found the great dyspepsia During my long years of agony doctors in St Jerome and St Lin prescribed for me and attended me and for a time I was in Montreal Hospital but all the best medical aid failed to meet my case I had also a great many patent medicines but they failed to give the results they promised A friend who had successfully used your Celery Compound advised me to give it a trial and now thank for my deliverance from a alow death After using six bottles of wonderful medicine I am perfect ly cured feel younger stronger and more active can sleep eat and do all my work now with pleasure Celery Compound certainly saved my life Yours sincerely JOHN DUNBAR New Glasgow PQ Cleveland Democrats held a con vention on Saturday which resolved too painful between the splendor of tho table and commonplace into a df Port Hope June A fa- our great noble who entertain royally fire started here tonight in the home of Ferguson in which Mrs a nurse was so badly burned that she will not live through the night Mrs Dodds was going up best cooking Is to be found as might be expected In the booses of tb cosmo politan flnanolsr In upper middle olasa the difficulty of obtaining a decent Is notorious because the working English woman regards a serious interest the lamp fell and SS the cook should begin thinking of differ ent things like at an early period of the afternoon whereas she dreams of beginning her duty Money to Loo a Barrister Reformer Block Money to Loan Frank Licensed Auctioneer Tor the Co of York aotd on Terms reason able Farm Sales attended to A trial solicited Street MARRIAGE INCENSES e I Iiyman G of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private prlVHt residence If At the Oxford Assizes recently a man placed in the dock on the charge having stolen a horde The case for the seemed to leave no doubt on the of those present that a conviction would be sure to follow However it transpired that a very clever counsel had been engaged for the defense and the construction he put upon the case together with his eloquent pleading hod an effect on the jury that they brought In a of not guilty and the priaoner according ly acquitted After he had left the of the court be aoooated by a par Now look ere Its all over now and I ahould like to know the truth Did you really steal that Well says Bill I dont mlpd tell ing you that when I stopped into the blooming dock I thought I had but after listening to that lawyer I dont believe I did London Answer Town Carting and Tcroia DAVID Mala it Ontario Ear Han The of Turkey la most Inquisi tive as to what li written about him abroad Every day translation a are laid before him from the newspaper of the world and these are all closely per used Hi Majesty by way a bad at suffering At on time he want- ad to have an aching tooth removed and dared not Eight slaves had molars drawn out In presence tbat he might have an opportunity of judging the extent of suffering entailed and finally the Sultan oeelded that he would rather bear pain than undergo an ordeal Lower a suburb of Conn is badly flooded AGENTS worlds idol trstto neat Vest book over fimpaaea S Enormous demand Ill 3rdPioorCa Big ihAncoof a UtiJSf of which ion lbT hex agent time After all why should she bother if master and mistress dont Below the upper middle cooking and din ing disappear and you get boiling bak ing and feeding Things will never mend antll majority recognize that good Is an Important factor in hap piness and Insist upon getting it Nothing la dlffloult as to a taste upon a people hot we really think that a resolute effort might be made by Eng lish travelers to raise th culinary stand ard in their own hotels In this respect are simply scandalous Verily We are a great and good nation but at the bare imagination of our national cookery the weeps Saturday roachdespised and maligned skunk baa at last foufd friend respect and on courage him They are the hopgrower of New York tftato w find skunk then main reliance in keeping down a grub otherwise- ruin her clothing July George Montgomery a harnessmaker in the employ of Robert McCully fell from a until about an a half before bridge on the railway last evening and sustained injuries from which he died today Deceased leaves a widow and two daughters He was about years of age and had resided in the city for a long time July In the St Charles river here opposite the village of Limoilon last evening and sou residing at St Roths were drowned They were on board a little boat capsized suddenly Before assistance could be given to unfortunates they had disappeared The body of the father has been re covered Cleveland July Three vessels went ashore last night during gale on Lake Erie They were the schoon ers George and Sophia Minch and the Canadian steamer of Owen The three boats are bard aground but it is believed the Seguin and can be saved without trouble The tow out loose and is reported safe July John Tyo a man employed on the steamer JubiUe was drowned here last night which had cursion party from to Stanley island was returning up the Cornwall canal and Tyo went ashore to take a line at lock No This was the last seen of him alive The lockmen heard a splash but could not not see He probably slipped off the coping in the dark and may have been The body was in toe look was about years of age In New York City says a writer In Truth a new and literature is springing up It comas from the east aide where hitherto literature bas not been supposed to flourish Among Its ex ponents are Abraham a Jewish novelist of unquestionable ability and Morris a Jewish poet whose published in Yiddish and in translations into English have won very high praise from authoritative Mr first becam known to the Englishspeaking through the of nil novel Yefel which he wrote la and whioh gave a vivid picture of Jewish life in New York brought a volume of short stories and Is now at work on anew of stories and on his second novel A great future is predicted for him It Is furthermore re that another poet as gifted a Mr has been discovered on east tide Meyer Burn a Candle at Both If you do light will soon be gone and you will be In the dark Dont think yon can go on drawing vitality from the blood for without doing something to it Hoods gives nerve and by ana the blood Thnait Helps people who are overworked and tired I What In 1883 was rata salary from a night to and flnaijy a unheard of In annals of opera sum was demanded at Hoods Pills are effective There nothing hot weather to Osaka en tesBis the conventionalities of Was The day the Bon Walter in a high hat In shape resembling the ordinary article mad at light plaited straw novel attracted attention bat It had the merit of to recommend it A At two blackcaps recently built a In a drain placed over a root of rhubarb whloh grew and grad ually raised the neat with the eggs and parent felrdaittlng to the top of the The of the garden out rhubarb and lowered the lorn and the old birds have to grow again Carr of Huntington was killed in a prize fibt on Saturday at The corner stone of the new Pres byterian church at was laid on Dominion Day Fill mouse holes around the house with plaster of Paris mixed to a thick paste with water The customs returns show an in crease oi nearly three and a half millions for the year ending June The two tramps arrested at have been identified as Pare and the bank- robbers The United Government balance sheet shows a deficit of nearly 89000000 for the year closing on June Sir Charles Tupper was years old Sunday He received many calls and congratulations at his residence in Ottawa At Saturday evenings session of the Lodge it was decided to hold the next gonvention at Stockholm Sweden comes in 1901 A bylaw to grant the Lake Erie Detroit River Railway a bonus of to extend the line from Ridge- town to Thomas was defeated at St Thomas Geo Beach for allowing ahorse to bark a tree in front of Simpsons residence at Weston was fined and and the value of the tree The tree wbb years old A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Thos Chatburn assistant superintendent of the Thomas Cousins Co s carriage works at Maple who left there somewhat unexpectedly The great majority of the roads in Canada are under the control councils and are built by statute labor supplemented by money grants statute labor system is suited to a pioneer age It suits the abilities of the people making a home in a new country and it suits the spirit of their circumstances They feel keenly the need of improving their road and work with a and was ft history of statute labor the pioneer days of what are now the populous districts of Canada But where the townships have grown weal thy and well populat ed a different condition exists To such an extent has labor de generated that some townships find tht they can do more muting all the labor at daw statute labor has nob outgrown usefulness there is certainly heed for reform when a mans labor is worth than 59 per Burglar Saves an Infant New York July To save a babys life a burglar in Brooklyn gaye over his intent to rob summoned the childs mother confessed his mission expressed his sympathy and fled The burglar had broken into the Sat of John Marguerite the blue eyed flaxenhaired baby had been tucked away in her crib A little be fore midnight Mrs Farrell was awak ened by a strange voice Get up commanded the intruder Get up at once Your child dy ing riurty The mother ran to the child just in time to save her from death and the burglar went out The babys father the policemen was on duty Children Cry for CASTOR I A The slayers of general Luna are said to have been acquitted by a Fili pino court of investigation The City of Winnipeg asking power from the Legislature to tax circuses from to per day license fee Col has declined a sword of honor which admirers of his in Budapest Hungary desire to pre sent to him For Sale or To Beat acre in imj Con or Well n THO- Zephyr Acres for Sale half of Earn bair ui in Kb Coo of or vation fences and building- Plenty of wafer miles from TOOL FOE SALE One of the Best on Yonge St and very Desirable Residence rr ISO acrew King Well orchard One mile able I In ihe 1st Con well and other ftewmarket io JOHN Newmarket To Rent Sell or Exchange FOB FARM TlIias Amy Servos of St went to bed in good health was found unconscious during the night and died before morning This is the parlor eh the real estate man Yes said the father but I usually call it the courtroom Ive got seven daughters you know A large number of Servian poli ticians including exPremier have been arrested in connec tion with the attempted murder of ex- KJng Milan London July The Colonial Of fice has been notified of a serious out break of the bubonic plague at There were thirty cases of the disease and deaths in the first week in July The Appetite of Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order All such should know that Dr Kings New Life Pills the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy gives a splendid appetite sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that iosures perfect health and great energy Only cents at Lehmans Drug Store 4 London July The London and SouthWestern Railway Company the owners of the steamer which was wrecked on the rocks in the channel on March have paid into court the sum of to wards settling the claims for damages lodged by friends and relatives of the victims of the disaster Simla July Fuller details of the disturbances in the district Madras are now to hand According te these one town comprising houses of was burnt ground Over two hundred murders are said to hare been committed the people being hacked to pieces and thrown into the flame of the burning houses Altogether fifty small towns been looted and burned to the ground on Gorbatn St Newmarket on good Brick with bard and aoft tbe door Good Barn and underground an excellent orchard of applee pears Ac Hie above property can be rented for one ear or a term of years For further to 11 A Fine Residence -AND- Farm for Sale Tbe Lai Coal I J For Infanta and Children Ufa and Dewey the worlda naval hero jrT6loS friend and admirer of and beat book pearly fflu Only Enormous Outfit free Chance a lifetime The Dominion Com pany 3rd Floor Chicago residence and altuate of Cprpora- of Newmarket of land a good Brick frame Barn Stable thereon also a large orchard at prime bearing age la a place particularly suitable for a retired farmer caa be given at any time or not until fall to suit purchasers 2nd The NorthHalf of the West 150 of lot In Sod Concession of Whitchurch acres The House and Barns are fairly good Soil Tbe chaser would take this subject a lease to Joseph for two years or reasonable settlement could be made to Immediate For particulars and Conditions of Sale ap ply to George Rose and Charles Webb Ex ecutors of Thomas or to FIELD their Solicitor Newmarket following Valuable Properties are hereby offered Lot one Concession Four East North half Lot Conces- West of Concession of East excepting a strip of feet The North East quarter of the East half of Lot 10 in the Third Con cession of East The West 126 acres of Lot 10 in the Concession of East The Easterly half of Lot Conces sion of East Tbe Easterly acres of Lets and in the Concession of Lot in the 1st Concession of East East of Let 18 in the 1st Not The South East quarter of Lot 8 Con- cession of East Village in being part of to the 2nd Concession of East Village Lot number in Village of Mount Albert said prop crtlea are Improved end advantageously located as far schools churches markets are concerned For further particular apply to W goflir A Bulging Toronto ortoT I r a f

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