Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1899, p. 8

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my itife around the Hub j HIV comes in with fife Tells the story When your head aches and you feel consti pated and out of tune with your storpapb sour and boy a packs- of Hoods Palls And a dose from I to Yon be surprised at how they will do their work core your and biliousness rouse the liver and make you feel happy again Bold by all dealers Bail of Canada Paid op Capital Reserved Fund Total TOUONTU- A Drancb of Hunk lb established at BRADFORD or anil up wards paid thereon current rales Wo make a or Discounting Farmers Notes And LOWEST RATES For apply to are YOU INSURED TANDARD ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED in forte over COB- tRBPOKUKNT FIND TO IltWHU ZEPHYR The Aid tea hold at the of Mr John Walton on evening one of the most in the history of the society A tea was served on the lawn after which games and music were enjoyed by all A number from and Mount Albert wore present Pro ceed SUTTON Celebration at Point on Domin ion Day concert for the evening of July let promises to bo the best ever given The excursion the Farm on Tuesday was fairly pa About people left station Mm relict of the late died here on Sunday last year Mrs been re sident of our village for a great many years her husband dying eighteen ago funeral took place Friends Cemetery Dr Carmtchael officiating Orangemen an preparing for a big celebration on the Glorious the attractions will a baseball match vs Children Cry for CASTOR I A Annual Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments Canada Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canudian Policyholders over 8700000 Profits paid policyholders lives of Females Insured without extra premium SNOWBALL Section No 10 King held their 1 school picnic on Saturday afternoon June in Mr grove The usual sports occupied the afternoon football races games etc It was a very enjoyable day At the beginning of the year members of the Methodist Church here decided that they would not bold any more socials or parties for the purpose of raising money but would raise what was required by free will offer ing On Tuesday evening a homo so cial was held at which the various parties who have had the matter in hand were expected to report scheme has succeeded beyond expecta tion enough feuds having been re ceived to pay all the expenses of the church and the same scheme wilt no Crops Id thin section are In splen did condition Mr at present building ftftvllar for Mr Ed Corners house Mr Will Ego litd of the raising of a new bam fur Sir last The poles for the telephone from to are being erected MOUNT ALBERT Union Sunday School Excursion to Jacksons Point July Mrs Spring of Newmarket spent with Mrs Mr Terry and Miss Lily Terry were at the lake iast week H D w having an acety lene gas plant installed in his store the Presbyterian Garden Party on Saturday July Mr Will of Roachs Point was the guest of Mr lost week Mis and Miss of Chicago are visiting the Misses Leek Quite a from village at tended Mr Milton Mainprises barn raining on Thursday leal The Rev Mr will have no assistant during coming year Mr Hart the present junior pastor goes to Victoria College to complete his course The pupils of the department if the Mount Albert public school at invitation of Mr pic nicked at Musslernans Lake Sat urday wards of children wre in attendance PARAGRAPHS WHICH HAVE CHRISTIAN Ilia u Slrlk- link nd Tata ay by Tata When an excited comes news of great field of at enthusiasm It is contagious who hears tidings is ready to swing his bat and cheer and pass along the splendid story to his nearest neighbor When a man has been through a terri ble battle with sickness and at last has gained a TJodcr What Would Not Do a few brief paragraph fre quently published In London Inde pendent are the rounds of the English religious press would no make or getting the goal of Hi existence Ho would not with to anything impulse neither result of own to tell the labor nor the gift of Ioto to lie would not wear gold nor He wants every man and woman had and do- acquaintance to know about the grading Nor would lie splendid remedy that brought him back allow the little birds and that sickness and discouragement to area for to be reoklesalj bought- Mun perfect health to deck Him with feathers and fura ftr ihrce He would not took Immunity from Mr a Crampton of SharpsburK Co In a recent letter nS BuflaloNY healthy animals He would not present at amuse- menu wbloh profane and pol lute souls of thorn who gain by them peril or by tortures or Hints shoe Cramptoo of to Dr ft V walk at all tied the best doctor could get but they did rae good I look lhr Golden Medical It cured me I came hone to and there three of different dUeaKA I advised the Dr Pierces medicine which Id and all were cured- I have old one dollars worth of your medicine by telling people how it cured You will find enclosed onecent stamp for of your Medical Advisers clothbound This grand Discover is the most perfect formula ever devised for the complete and thorough renovation of the blood from all unhealthy germs and lurking taints of even name ami nature By making pure and health blood free from bilious poisons it builds up strong and active manhood and blooming at tractive womanhood If out of health write to Or Pierce He will send you good fatherly profes sional advice without charge See his re above Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write I WI ME LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And gat prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows TBS M Manager J Balfour Secretary Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A Agent purposes Had preftence protects you Inferior goods Plant Spray Plant mineral bod arsenic or Purls Sure to all life etc lo vtrjcfc lAtiou only relfthie Sheep Dip Slitci in a preparation for the akin Ihe of In cuttle It la highly and dot- work with or rltatlng by leading Horse Wash prepared liar to and for ridding tijem of lu utndleetiaedpccu- post vermin It a effect brighten the pelt and put the akin lo a thoroughly condition Price per M era can Pig Wash uBed In diseases of and ror SttoylDK Hoc vermin general Keeps akin healthy condition and tn- a healthy In the dressed Children over years of age written at Special Rates j doubt During the even ing the Rev Robinson of delivered an excellent ad dress Rev and Mrs Dewey of Au rora sang several selections and Mr Dewey gave a short address The pastor of the church Mr Cooking al so gave a short address A very pleasant evening was spent by those present AURORA A somewhat peculiar case was brought before A Love J P on Tueday A man by the name of who claims to come from Or- who through the coun try soiling rustic chairs sold a horse to a man named Mopes who lives on lot in the concession of Whit church for six dollars- gave a dollar bill and was given four dollars in change The bill was eventually taken by four different in dividuals before it discovered to be an old United States Confederate bill and of no value whatever It was returned to who in turn took it bo who it was shown was willing to give back to the horse and his four dollars but claimed twelve which to pay Then had a warrant issued for rest for passing bogus money and the matter came before Mr Love as stat ed above It was at the trial that could not read and neith er could from whom Mapes had obtained the bill and it was quite evident fully thought the bill was good Upon hearing the evidence Mr Love dismissed the case It seems singular that any would accept one of these old Confederate bills but in this case ten dollar was accepted by three or four per sons who ore in the habit of handling money daily as a genuine bill Children Cry for CASTOR I A Four little girls were caught by the tide at on Thursday A sneak to get away with horn the litan National t King aid School Section will hoW their picnic cm Friday wen Jtas for marl Ken House Ponder Hen and Poultry destroy vermin peculiar to the feathered Block fowls or In sheds Act as a destroying and purifying Usod liberally ibey roup and kindred diseases those goods from for Newmarket We correspondence UK HA ROT LI lied MtouCfvlils Oat THE -AKD- are Invited to Improve tleir holiday by attending our SUMIHBR SESSION- A few fftrVo training during July and en a will racixjan three will quail any flll a good roercAntlJc to ler tiroy Get Principal It ia crutjl to tack on any old because he ia only a work home Build no fence but wire along a public road in the land of snow drifts Attend to the feet of the work as carefully as you do the feet of the drivers It is conceded by all that have given the matter attention that grass pork is the cheapest made Mind you the women folks are of more real account than anything else on the farm Dont slight em If lambs bleed too much when dock ed take mandrake roots pound to a moisten if dry Place in a piece of cotton cloth and squeeze out juice Apply a few drops to the stub Lice can be driven from by taking a paint brush and with it apply ing kerosene or oil Small unsaleable cooked potatoes are good for the hogs mix with skim- milk and a little cornmeal A clover field bloom is fine for the shoals When the dam is seen to lie down to let her pigs and then jump up quickly and try to posh the pigs away sometimes not without giving utterance of pain the rouble is with the teeth of the pigs which have be come sharp These sharpteeth should be broken off or filled down They can easily be distinguished by exam ining the mouth of the pig and easily corrected Pigs of different ages and sizos must never be expected to do well in the same lot The larger stronger pigs will crush and fight the smaller weak er ones until if not injured they will not venture nearer than a given dis tance from the trough One mistake often made by feeders is in giving a heavy feed of grain in the morning This causes the well satisfied hogs to lie around all day when they should be searching for their food through the pastures The bulk of the grain be given at or near night Feed sparingly in the morning A sour swill barrel is often the cause in pigs A sloppy watery mess should never be given to young pigs for by gorging themselves it they will become potbellied having indigestion and Look out for sore shoulders on your Bowes See he collars fit Wash galls with salt and water at night and with clean water in the morning and pro tect the spot with a pad men were killed in the War Eagle mine at Rowland by their drill striking an charge Mr John Johnson of Midland was killed by falling from a scaffold at the elevator Mr Dennis Buckley a resident of Hamilton for years took acid in mistake for with fatal Ha would not waits food or whllo others perishing for need of them Us would not trail yards of fabrics along the ground behind whils lack proper and decent garments Jesus would not earn Mi bread bj following or producing any material Injurious to the mora or physical Wellbeing of the community would f took to tor flurih appointment or honor of which wore not worthy or of wbloh others were more Jesus would not underpay or overwork strangers In ordxr to provide for Idle ness or luxury of or lie would not condone faults or vices la the wealthy and powerful would not In times of popular write verso and fiery articles to the by which passions am A fanned into fury and wars are promoted Ho would not lend into other continually o the People mens countries Nor would He invent any they may A have flirtrent notion In adenine means lor wholesale kind of hut they an odd cf human lives He not follows sure think lovely fill childrens books With of roomy and battle am iolt He would not demand where cows for sale A He oould not chastity He would not violate the sanctities of womanhood in of men from the of their sins Jesus seeing His Fathers Image In all men would not describe people by epithets derived from the color of their kins Having no spitful prejudices or jeal ousies against or race of human He would not Invent slanderous fiction to try and justify such prejudice He would not hinder a man having a darker shade of skin from sitting jo a railway carriage by His side Jesus would not refrain from telling those who do such things thai they are not yet Christians and never so describe Jesus would not a woman be cause she earned her bread by doing household duties without homes cannot exist He would never use the words menlnl duties because whatever duty is glorious Jesus would not the of the poor and Ignorant the futile aspir ations of the suppressed or the of the wronged Jesus would not rashly destroy any beauty whloh had come from the hand of His Father Jesus would never do a deed in itself evil on the plea that it might to good Jesus would never sacrifice others to Himself on the score of His own superi ority Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Largest Canada for the ma outsat we of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES BICYCLES We cooatraot HighGrade and Repair all kinds on short notice I The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT If you are not a subscriber the Era Send for a trial trip of 3 months FAMOUS WOMAN BOOKBINDER JtobaBDa a With Indn One of moat interesting of society tradeswomen of London is Mia Johanna the royal bookbinder It Is no hobby with her She it and has made It distinct Modern Society says of her that it Is a treat to sit and watch her at work She is so fully alive to the beautiful possibilities of her craft To her Is duo the carrying on of the School of High Design set by Sanderson and Roger shop In New Bond street where the Countess of sells the product of the school of needlework wa crowded the other day by prominent members of the nobility curious sightseers and pros pective purchaser for the fair countess stood behind tho counter herself that day and it Is sufficient to say that her lady ships as a saleswoman equalled the magnetism of her pergonal beauty Is not to be confounded with any of the cheap elixirs and cough syrups Such remedies so called simply soothe the sufferer They are mere palliatives They never touch the root of the disease or cure a chronic cough Dr Cherry Pectoral is a real remedy it is the pre scription of a practical physician and not the preparation of an irrespon sible medicine maker It ronchitis Hi Mothers oar Mi Bay will under WPmjUft jew 7 vcat her They how It weakens and- how affects the baby All such mothers need Scotti Emission It gives and abundant L3 Horses played a part in one feature of the siege of during Indian mutiny in August 1857 The rebels between July and September did their very utmost to breach the defences of the by mining They no fewer than distinct and separate mines and of all these only was In making ft breach so vigilant was defence The success of this mine was due to the or the horses of the Sikh cavalry which were picketed In what was called the Sikh square Their incessant stamping pawing as files teased them at their pickets so completely smothered the sound of the mining tools thai the rebels were enabled to drive the gallery right up under the wall destroy ed SO foot of it Fortunately the mutineers fired the mine by daylight and were not readv to the breach it made The thus were able to hold party that attack at bay until broach barricaded It was an Ingenious idea to make use of the noise made horses to cover the sounds It will bo remembered that besiegers of betrayed at- to drlye a mine by the extravagant noise of the band they establish oloso to work In order to drown of tools Croup La Grippe Whooping If I want with ftshpi but I how to poor fellow to suloldsv Kim and all colds coughs and lung diseases a standard and a remedy and should be kept on hand in every household About a year ago I had an attack of bronchitis accompanied by a dry hading couh This soon developed into quick com amotion I hid heard of the curative properties of Cherry Pectoral and commenced using that medicine at Before I bad one third of a I felt better and la a short I was cured A COKER Ark I caught a bad cold which resulted in asthma so severe that I was threatened with whenever I attempted to lie down In bed A friend AyeV Cherry Pectoral I began to take it soon obtained relief was completely cured Sine then I have this in my family with great success for colds coughs and croup S Editor rt Stevens Point Wis I contracted a severe cold which and did not yield to the various remedies I tried Ayer Cherry Pectoral vhere I bad traveled and decided to give it a trial I purchased two bottles and before had finished the first one I was almost cured- and I am now In perfect health My work to very severe weather but I find that si timely dose of Ayera Cherry acta against colds and coughs- HULL Road London Some time I cold and A friend at Van Art reconunaoded Cherry Pectoral I procured a and never had anything afford too such quick or a J WRIGHT Chester Free Medical Advice all diseases Address Co Lowell Mass ktk

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