Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Jun 1899, p. 6

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Me around tpe i raAT AWAKE AKC WORTHY TO The house was filled to over- flowing last Sunday afternoon and the Mr Thompson of Mrs IS Cano of Newmarket were greatly appreciated This was instead of the usual S B Review The Sunday held a Garden Party on Tuesday evening at the Mr There was not a very largo attendance but tho music of Newmarket Band was great appreciated There was a little at the gate when some follows from Aurora bad a run away Not mirth damage done SUTTON The Dominion Celebration at Jacksons Point Lake J 1st promises to be the bust ever held at thai well known summer resort- Grand Band competition bicycle races base ball and other interest ing event will lake place Half-hour- ly trips will be run by steamboat during the day No for the grounds bouts and skiflri in abundance for hire and have a time More people are at Jackson Ioint than over before in its history The cottages are being are through with Too fariaitWHk A walk that should last at least for a generation is being laid in the village on Queen St It will add appearance and prove beneficial Seeding is supposed to be finished but some have not yet planted their potatoes Statute labor has already been done in a good many beats in this Town ship Crops are looking well despite the late season and heavy rains Rev A Brown returned from Conference last week and occupied the Methodist pulpit last Sunday evening with his usual ability and acceptance Rev G Webber preached in the morn ing Mr Webber is quite a favorite with both old and young and many regret his leaving the circuit Little Russell Embury of Newmar ket Queens last Sun day evening with bis grandma Mr Win went down to the General Hospital last week returning this week no special treatment being considered necessary r Miss Foster of Tpronto intends spending the summer with her Mrs Alice is spending this week with Mrs John Several J ben attended the raising at Allah Howards on Friday also at A J Milnes on Monday That wedding mentioned in the Breezes some time ago will eventu ate soon if appearances have anything to do with it Mrs Jus Pollock is spending a few days with her son Mr J Pol lock Wha we would like to know If the A or Brass Band intend holding an this sum- When Methodist Aid intend holding their Party What the Union St com pany got at their recent serenade SHARON occupied before the workmen in buildiug them their work BALDWIN are halving a slack times at present a single case of sickness around Grandma bis gone to spend the summer across the lake at Foxton in represented Baldwin Christian Church at Conference at Brougham He enjoyed himself most monstrously Mrs A- Jones of Ml Albert is hav ing her store here brightened by a coat of paint Our junior baseball nine played a game at Mount Albert on Thursday last resulted in a Waterloo for our lads Baldwin Mount Al bert so umpire reports The boys on the Mount need take a rest- They cant play to win A great many have a very hazy and indistinct idea of the cause of light ning Let me explain by a humorous illustration of course Now just imagine two passionate lovers about to kiss Their lips approach until within a certain distance apart when the power of attraction becomes too great a spark passes from one to the other there a loud report smack and there you nave it Just so with two rain clouds approaching other As they come together the elec tric fluid passes from one to the other The concussion of the two clouds produces a loud sound thuo derj usuully followed by an increased fall of rain The road between Baldwin and the station is much improved by ing and gravelling Mrs fas Bain of Cedars is spending a pleasant outing with many friends at Thornbury She will pro bably return home tin- week The body of was brought from Toronto on Saturday morning for interment Rev Mr of the Conjuga tion Church came to preach the funeral sermon the Key being called to Toronto by telephone The funeral sermon was tender and beautifully sympathetic Mrs was an honored mem ber of Mr Church and Yip of Cnuroh hold their at Jacksons Point on 8aturday July A profitable Bible study took the dace of the sermon on Sunday morn the being how wood and atone become silver or gold The foundation of the laid On the Word in II Timothy Rev Mr Botterill will preach next Sunday from What happened to the twelfth Ploughman The Y P at Ml Pleasant is improving greatly They are spiritual meetings and beautiful singing Quite a few from here went the Parry Bound Excursion and report a good time a number from around here attended the garden party at Mr H The funeral of Mm Alfred Green- DAVISON ORCHARD BEACH WITH Grocery and Restaurant Situated midway between Keswick and Roachs Point on Lake Shore Road wood took Sunday last in the The Mr attended 1 church And the remains Synod in Toronto last week Mrs Emily McArtbur is visiting friends in the city A few of our attended the Garden Party at Holland Landing Mrs A spent last week with her sister Morion in New market Wo were to lose Mr Webber from our midst We all join in wishing htm health success in his new home The League paid a visit lo our League on Monday evening last it being Mr Webbers farewell Dr Low and daughter of Toronto spent Sunday Rev Mrs Wicks of Toronto is visiting were buried in dm ceme tery The P Ml intend holding their picnic on Saturday July Mb at Point husband I the prayer- of How iburcb mem ben M at jicw FOR SALE members The Mr sermon from was a chapter of wonderful encouragement to weak and onetalented tnembers of the body of Jesus Christ His main divisions of the sermon were the revelation of Divine nearness to Gods beloved and the revelation of Divine safety of Gods beloved The childrens sermon was His children shall a place of refuge Next Sundays sub ject will be Men who can stand on the sea Miss Lime Turner has from the Hospital She is still in delicate health but slowly improving Mr Hopkin of occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church last Sunday morning and Rev Webber in the it was big last ser mon before leaving for a new appoint ment and was a masterly Dur ing toe year which was Mr Webbers in the ministry has constantly improved and Sunday was perhaps befit and the beauti ful songservice by a full choir render ed at intervals harmonized most fit tingly with the sermon the text of which was Follow thou me the words of Jesus after his resurrection from the dead- to the impetuous Peter The hearts of bis congregation go with Mr Webber to his new field of labour wishing him much success in his work for the Master Three burials on three successive is very solitary Neigh- in bor Marshall has moved to Brown- unusual On last the spent Pine Orchard Miss A Wesley of Newmarket also Miss H Williamson of Vandorf spent Sunday at Mrs J Mr Toole and Mr PJayter of Pino Orchard spent Sunday with Mr Mrs James H Hughes has return- from her visit in Newmarket Several Rebuilt Secondband ENGINES SEPARATORS guaranteed good a new for work Four of them cap he at ray place on St Newmarket Call and See Them or leave your order for a NEW OUTFIT to be shipped with other machinery and save freight I will make it pay fr you If above Engines are not sold they will be let torun on shares The Modern Grocery and Restaurant has its doors thrown open to the public on SATURDAY THE 1st OF JULY meet the holiday trade with a full stock of Fresh Groceries Provisions and all Fresh Fruits in season adding thereto a well equipjed Deliver Wagon for convenience of customers The Restaurant is fitted up airy and comfortable desirable for testing good IceCream IceCream Soda taking lunch or meals which will be served with quality and taste To home we will be known to others ac with all in our new quarters We guarantee goods give satisfaction This will introduce our business to vou Our Motto will not but we desire to make our Everything Fresh Sweet and Clean DAVISON CO LOST A THOMPSON Quite a number of our folks attend- the at Grove and report a pleasant time Mrs Ellen celebrated her birthday on Wednesday We wish her many happy returns of the day KESWICK JULY 1ST Sunday June kith but too ana Finder will be suitably on ana Book Finder will suitably leaving the same at the Era Decoration JULY 5 1899 AT THE hill Oh solitude where are the That have in thy dwell in the midst of alarm Thau rein in this horrible place THE KINO id on Rank hypocrisy The discipline a certain church prohibits the use of tobacco Now there certain mem ber who shouts and rants to bacco scolds against merchants sell ing the filthy weed But when he is home out of sight the parsons eye he rolls the sweet morsel under his tongue and prides himself on being a good pilgrim Hes a good tobacco customer We would like Newmarket Citizens Band to come up this way and dis course some of their sweet music We just dote on good music but not on such as discoursed by Miss tree toads and piety Some time ago a certain youths experienced conversion and with all the impetuosity of youth was moat zealous in yanking his sin- up to the penitents tar He declared his dad a good old Methodist bad no religion he the young man had all the religion there was in the family But three months elapsed and boy oh where He purchased a box of cigars and liberally treated the boys at his old dad dryly remarked He was like the dog returned to its vomit and the sow returned to her wallowiog in the mire A monster demonstration for the 1st is promised at Jacksons Point Well see A longthy epistle from our friend Mosjer Stockton contains fond expression of re- for ell his old friends in North tender memories of old Canadian home v- Now for your Rummer cottage and bo if remains of Mrs of Tor onto wore interred in the Cemetery here the sermon being preached in the Pres byterian Church by her pastor Rev Mr Craig of Toronto who told in pa thetic words the story of her conver sion in Church some eight months ago her earnest christian in try- tog to save others her loss of reason removal to the asylum the return of sanity her very sad but peaceful death trusting in a precious Saviour On Sunday afternoon the remains of Mrs Greenwood were also interred here the funeral Sermon being preach in by Rev A Brown On Saturday afternoon all that was mortal of the late Mr John of Keswick were also laid to rest the funeral sermon being preached by Elder of Newmarket Elder preached his fare well sermon at Keswick last A new resident the village Mr Grant and family have moved into Mr Andersons house Mr Turner of the north end of the village is preparing erect a brick front to his residence A wedding in the village last week The Strawberry festival held on Tuesday evening was a decided suc cess The ladies had prepared an ele gant supper and in- such abundance that a social had to be held on the following evening to dispose of the re mainder rendered by the Baud was well appreciated while that of Sandersons orchestra was- superb People were present from Newmarket Sharon Keswick and surrounding community Pro- between 50 and 60 Several from horo intend spending the Jet at Jacksons Point Mess Messrs Morton and spehfc Sunday at Kewjck Mr Ay ward arid tor Alma drove on Wed nesday Alma her J photo artist fully in- tends closing his gallery here on July on account of moving it near Port Perry Therefore One Week Only he will give great bargains in photos Special day on July 1st Come early to avoid the rush Both churches were well filled last Sunday morning Rev Mr Webber preached his farewell in the Methodist and Elder Prosser was also preaching his farewell in the Christian Church On Saturday evening one of our oldest residents in the person of John Esq passed away at the ripe old age of years The funeral which was largely attended took place on Monday last Mrs Peters and Mrs of East Saginaw Mich married daughters of at tended the funeral The excursion on Thurs day of next week the of July promises to be as popular as usual It been for years the Excursion of the season from this part of the coun try One reason for this is that the publio know it is a settled affair in re gard to date For years it has been held somewhere between the and of July and accordingly make their arrangements weeks ahead so as to be able to attend Another reason is that there is an absence of rowdyism at this excursion peo ple know that they are sure of a nice quiet days pleasure This year the tickets are reduced to cents for the round trip Some people wonder how an excursion can be nip at so small a fare The Keswick and Sutton West Methodist Schools are not so anxious to make money out of the excursion as they are that all their friends should have an opportunity of enjoying the sail with them Boat leaves Roachs Point at oclock Morton Park Jacksons Point There will be good accomodation for those leaving horses There are lots of boats out trolling now every morning and evening A few are being but they are mostly all small Your humble correspondent tried his hand at it one morning this week and after about two hours row succeeded in one Weighing about Ihree pounds Mr Jenkiri was away oh Sunday last preaching on Bougog Island We understand bo has accepted a call for this conference year The Church Choir intend paving their photo taken before he leaves Mr has endeared himself to he during his and will be greatly from We Newmarket Cemetery We are now ready to flop ply you with Pure Paris Green Hellebore I Insect Powder r Fly Paper Sftiokyf J Fly Mats Poison Smith Bros Photograph Gallery will be open on the holiday Come Early end Avoid the Rush will leave FIBS HALL at p headed by The Band The different orders of all Interested are Invited to Hit cad The Mayor and resident Clergy have been Invited to deliver short appropriate addre- E JACKSON President M Secretary J A J Grounds Com We Sell Our Goods at Prices as LOW as the LOWEST and Guarantee the Quality LEHMAN DRUG STORE We mail goods to any address Thoroughness Our Watchword Carefulness our study- To please our customers our con stant aim If there is a suit to make for vou we would like to make it We believe it to your interest to let us make it because we always put our very best work into every garment and make the price just as low as ever the can afford to pay A trial will convince you that the above is just as we say Call now and see the nice display of summer goods Tailotr NEWMARKET CENTRAL TUMI MOP Your Order FOR Summer Suit Light Pants NEW GOODS just in Splendid value Call and See or Jas- R McLaughlin VOTERS LIST TOWNSHIP OP BUST win COUNTY YORK company a glass fito- hereby given I have trtns- or delivered to mentioned of Ontario Voters the required by the sections to be or Hat made pursuant to of all per sons a meat entitled to vote In the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the A- List was posted up Snd day of June and appearing by the last revised of to be and at Municipal Election and hat Ji therefor Electors are called upon td examine If any omissions any othererrors found therein to take pro ceedings to have tho errors Township Cleric Tailor Shop Is removed to boor DAVISONS grocery for one of pur Spring Suits The Massey- Harris Co Are the Largest Makers of Farm Implements Under the British Flag Their machines are used the world oyer Over Binders and Mowers have been ordered and to European Countries or the harvest of 1899 which speaks load for the Companys goods Over Canadian workmen are given employment manufacturing the goods or feet cot Rakes Sharp Tiger front or rear cot or Drills shoe I Cultivators 17 teeth sections Tedders New all Steel or disks scent for the celebrated Tolten the Steel WindMills for Power sod Maple Leaf Grinders Iron with Cylinder the Toronto Grain sud and Grader Fanning Mill VerMaey Engines Plain or Traction Peerless Monitor Clover Machines Stone Crushers the Bain or Speight Wagons Verily A Wilkinson Plows A Full Stook of kept always on B SMITH Agent Market Newmarket BO YEARS EXPERIENCE STENTS COMKiaHT C s J a acdtttoiMioB wet for ecurlBxpAierju Mann JT on rtr- of or rajuri MVKaSKft PATENTS SECUREDI 17riUsforourlntrtUnbooVa Help and Row you swindled Bend us a or of or improvement and wo will WII our opinion to whether It fa patentable Wo a of in other bands A Of of I A0C- Ca J rw i I I flW t

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