Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1899, p. 3

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t WHAT ON IN ft ABOUT The High School Entrance and School Leaving Examinations begin Too Friends Sunday bed a pic- at Millards trove Saturday noon which wet enjoyed by children Wire The patent wire fence constructed by Toole IB giving satisfaction that they cannot keep op with ardors If you are any fenc ing place your order with them at turn before season late Change of pay to Dominion pa falling Bat of oext Market bore will bo hold Friday Jane Both city ana local buyers will bo In attendance and it Is hoped that farmers will not heal- late to ibofr produce of North York will be held In Newmarket on Monday afternoon to a program for the fall which to in this Town together with hoped that every wn 1jBh Monday louijxirnooc at League an excellent program President Richard- in and Miss Millard at the Mi Boner t read the les son Admirable readings were by Monro and Miss Skinner and a splen did J Id Produce Notwithstanding the large of butter sggu to Market last Saturday the prices remained firm Batter sold from to and eggs not less than Ho or eeven of potatoes were flu red at and a bag a was asked for and 10c a lor homegrown strawberries Dp Itutxdy Oakery every day Painless Open Ontario Bonk On Tuesday fortysecond annual statement of Ontario bank was pre sented to the shareholders and was well received Out of the net profile for year which amounted to two semiannual of have been paid balance of profits carried forward for the year amounts The year has been a very successful one and the shareholders are to be congratulat ed the efficiency of management of lite institution A Mr of Hill District Chief Ranker of An cient Order of paid the Lodge here an visit on Monday evening and was cordially received pleas ed with working of the Lodge On be half of the High Court it gave him pleasure present to Mr J head Mathematical Master of Newmarket High School a fast Die riot Chief Jewel he having discharged the duties of the for two years with much effi ciency Mr was taken by surprise but mads a very neat reply The didnt home from camp lilt near midnight- Maybe men of the They Metropolian bad Now le time to get Strawberries for Preserving We have not heard of any move yet on the part of the various organizations In town to In making the Decoration Day a If was to send delegation of or mam bers the of the order and to place on graves of departed mombers a wider would be created The attendance has been large on some former decorations Lot the day all predecessor both these respects The weather tamed so cold last Friday morning the of the decided to hold tbe Garden Party announced for Mr Irwins lawn the that evening of plana caused more or less inconvenience but it was no the best thing to do Between two and three hundred were and the Town Bind gave lots of good but being able to secure a piano on such short notice urogram was carried as intended However we are request on of League to those who so kindly consented and wore prepar ed to take pan Everybody was agreed that a more table place could not bo found for a Garden Party and with time to fix op and decorate the it could bo made very Con sidering the young peo ple are to by congratulated on cess The refreshment booth was well and they will over of week Ha death of Mr Cherry of the Township of King for many years bat was to give any particulars regarding tbe sad event which is deeply lamented by a large number of friends Thursday the of Jane ho com plained of feeliotf ill and becoming the family physician waB summoned He pronounced it a case of An operation was performed on Sunday and ho appeared to be doing as well as could be expected till inflammation set in and he expired the Bame evening The iate James Cherry was one of most widely known men in King ad joining municipalities haying served his native township for many years as coun cillor deputyreeve and reeve with honor to himself and the municipality He re tired from life year He wee known to tbe as a painstakiog official kind neighbor and warm friend and to bis family as a kind and indulgent father Deceased was in bis year leaves a daughter and three sons to mourn bis death bis wife having ceased him a couple of years For many yearfl he was secretary of Robertson Lodge AM and still retained membership when that lodge was removed from to King He was also a member of Lodge and Bolton Lodge in which he carried insurance The took place on to Lucre Hill Cemetery Bolton and the largest funeral seen there for many years Service was conducted at the boose and grave by Rev Or the Masons performing tbe burial service of the Order In to it last Sunday The ftralbs 208 and train Is antmuVlaier the new Tim for the Bucket A horse to Mr sen of Holland Landing that ployed on the road broke loose in here night ud got access to a barrel of oats It est so many that ft died from the day i m Promoted Mr a Hill flohool succeeded In obtain- Jog the degree of In Mr Ethan Connolly or an- pupil taken 2nd year stand ing at recent exam Raising the Roof Another Is being added to tbe cottage on street purchas ed by Mr Lehman The roof was BQOoess- fully raised on and everything is now against daoger by wind or rain Mechanics will not hesitate to tackle anything thoae days Farmers Institute The elected at a recent meeting of the Executive of the North York Farm- era held in Newmarket are as follows President J A Hopkins Holt VicePres Boot Phillips Thorn bo in Bipdyjivfilt Friends BufoWafre both The yoao of are arranging for a- Party on Thursday evening of next week Town Band willbe present and Rood pro gram provided Everybody welcome A Good Sign carpenters painters and paper hangers are busiest people In market jost at It has been sever years since town has experienced such a boom In these pursuits as it now on- very busy Is the one receives from men engaged in the trades noted they are astir eafiy and lata to finish one job only to up another and another which awaits their convenience A ROUSING SALE to Begin the of June inch Print regular for Latest American Cambric regular 5c for French Sateen Fancy Blouse Patterns were Ladies Blouses our 50c line do do for do do for Metalic Satin regular 500 for Fancy Plaid Dress Goods regular for Black Cotton Hose fast color for Mens Whipcord Shirts for 50CS Mens Flannelette Shirts for Special Values in Lace Curtains Art Muslin Cretonnes and Art Sateens Presbyterian Church The ordination of Rev A the Presbytery will take place at oclock next Rev J Moderator will preside The Induction of the new will take place at oclock at which the Moder ator will also Rev Mr- Rogers Toronto will preach tbe formal sermon- Rev Mr Martin of Oxbridge address Rev Amos of Aurora will address the minister The ladies of the will en- the visiting at tea at tbe of the service R Clever Trick On of a board bill for two borsoB I and a man not at the Royal during the seaton Mr refused to let a stallion be taken away Monday Next morning the man in charge watched his opportunity and got the animal without observed As Boon as the was made were placed Constable tiomervifles hands for arrest Ho got nearly o Hill before being taken The cue will be beard today The Cheese Market At the Market last week only boxes of cheese were offered Four buyers were present boxes sold at and the remainder at Newmarket factory was not represented owing to the salesman Mr ia at Council bat an offer of for boxes was accepted This is of a cent per lb lower thao the previous far this has not bean a brisk season at Newmarket Factory bat now milk are coming in loaded Last Monday were made here and the of the will average The receipts week will show of milk The Former The of York Parry Bound was GROCERIES Prices always Lower than our neighbors A BRUNTON corner store The Beat use Powder It isnt a Matter of How MUCH YOU EARN BUT WHAT YOU SAVE A very true old adage is You will be the Any fool earn but it taks a MAN l0 MAN or WOMAN rf y Genus Ham Cap and wTWtar at MONTGOMERYS Our Boot and Shoe Stock is toast complete that our Stock of Clothing is Largest and our the Lowest Town We are selling Ladies Kid Oxfords self lip a do do do do do pat tip turn sole do do do do do do do do Hoc are selling Ladies Kid pat tip turn solo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 50 Fruits fitc Bananas Strawberries Gooseberries Lemons Oranges Green Cherries Pineapples Ac at A Christian Church The- annual Conference of the Chris Church in Ontario wae held at Broug ham last week and more largely at- leaded than for several years The officers elected were as follows President Elder Earner Secretary Elder P Toronto Treasurer Troll next Conference to be held at Preparations going for ob servance of Childrens Day in Christian The regular Meeting be held on Saturday afternoon at oclock Methodist last Sunday morning by Rev Mr on unattainable gospel was a noble effort Th Song 8ervioa on Sunday evening was largely atumdbd A foil choir did well and sobs by Mm Dr Irwin and Miss wero excellent Miss Sutler- land of Bradford two briUiant aalaotfonson Organ The ad dresses by the pastor and Mr Jourdan were short bright and to the point Six more ware fall con- Next morning the pastor ft to on the the with the and in the Rev Matthew will his farewell VftiaeonRreftatioiv the frayerM6cH ffhurrfay of next week the eieoiioo of church to Quarterly Board will R Boon for Mr Cox from Ohio and his brother Mr of were here on Monday on behalf of Gas and Oil made an examination of the wells on toe properties of Messrs Geo Williams and Joe Wesley claimed to be experts in that line and had a good deal to say about the formation and general location of gas hot were inclined to be reticent regarding their opinion of the formation here they were re serving the information for the people who sent them here but this they did sayr Tbat tbe gas is pure It not from vegetable decomposition but from natural deposit about three hundred feet wide and rone In a east and north west direction It is in what they call the shal low strata about five or six hundred feet below the Mothtrig definite was said at to the quantity and yet impression was left upon those who accompanied the experts to the wells that there was abundance for all practical purposes No doubt we shall hear something farth er in near future To sink a test well would probably cost and even if gas found in abundance it would take no small amoant of capital to start busi ness though there may be promise returns With natural gas for heating purposes alone it can be applied at halt the cost of wood can be regulated in a moment to salt the weather exceedingly convenient and a great saver to ail manufacturers From the Information obtained we feet sore that it to interest En our who would find a Klondike mine and confer a boon on the rising Town of would then a large manufacturing centre Natural facilities always load to local development- The North American Hotel Property is to be sold by Auction tomorrow Band engaged to attend a Garden Party at on Tuesday evenings The Merrygoround did a big last Saturday night The Royal Templars provide tbe pro gram for the Gospel Temperance Meeting The strike was declared off on Sunday and the men went to work again on Monday morning after being oat for four weeks Tbe bomestead is improved by a new coat of paint New mown hay will be tbe farmers wel come perfume shortly Dr Richardson has added a substantial new to his residence on Prospect Ave Mrs McLaughlin has had a new side walk on her Park premises Sidewalk repairs on street this week The is after the owners of several dogs for not taking oot tags Rev Weeks the new Christian parson bonght a driver last week from Mr John Cowiesoo of East bury The machinists at Canes Factory are two more pail lathes to keep up with orders In that line Quito a lot of wheat is in during past week The price is firm at and Gardners Foundry got In a big order from Toronto this week for castings Messrs A Allan shipped a nice monument to Aurora Cemetery for Curt a plot Lots of visitors at Dutchmans Bay watching men building the grade for the care The Town Fathers make occasional calls The High School did not observe Civic holiday too near exams Some people at the North sod would like Inspector to take a walk down there fa evenings Some horses and cattle thtf are running the streets are a nuisance The Engineer cleaned the at Water Works last Monday Mr Evans baa added a buggy this week to the Royal Hotel Everybody is annoyed at the mail train coming op late in the evening The Poet Office closes at sharp The Presbyterian was this week Presbyterians have decided to hold Garden party at Mr St about the 1st of inly J Boats etc are lovely at the Cemetery week at wort op trie Town east putting fifty rods of tile In the of Tandys Another medicine man on the market Saturday know were to find the crowd It was as quiet Sunday in town on Holiday only for the merry o Sunday Schools day to will for the Every a great success About were on the boat The train was run in two seotions which caused a delay of half boor in galling to Penetang Kveryoody enjoyed the sail with the exception of a few who got seasiok the way to Bound Nearly all dined the boat it took a long time to satisfy hungry crowd this was the only boat arrived at Parry Sound at oclock and a number remained over night New market Band marched op town and sere- the citizens Tbe home was j arriving at about minutes to oclock The motioofihe Newmarket and also Christian Island Indian Band greatly enjoyed j Several people lost their bat off the boat It was after one oclock when the train arrived Newmarket with a CALL AND SEE THESE GOODS MONTGOMERY Danford Roche Co THE CHEAP STORE thoroughly satisfied crowd Everybody got the wonh of their money the Society will over a AAaSa LADIES BLOUSES 35c each The Electee Work on the road is progressing favorably this week They have lift and teams on the grade and if not Interrupt ed by wet weather expect to have the road bed ready for ties by of July superinten dent quite confident that the track will be completed to Newmarket Water works by tbe of July The bridge over the track south of Aurora finished stone work for all the bridges Bonds Lake and New market is completed bat the stringers have not yet arrived The Co had ordered steel stringer but will have to pot in wood for the present the iron foundries cannot MM their orders for several months The poles and arms are all to corner and the fs done to Oik Ridges The machinery at the Bonds Lake Power is not likely to be ready before the 1st of some say not then Part Mr- barn was pulled down on Monday to let the road pass along pond Several stately else have removed Friday Mr was kicked by a ho ree at looks corner and be hardly able to It was a wonder his leg not The first was run Tnesday far as Elgin this point will be the northern terminus of the electric road until additional power bo supplied at Bonds Lake Ink Drops Still ai on ty School next Friday Dominion Day week from here as if ft quiet 1st The station has coat of Cherries were on sale here yesterday Hardware discount BOYS PANTS Blue Serge Lined Men and Boys Clothing at Wholesale Prices 25 Pair rThertirfn the hilfppitjeahaa already ra oaths aid lees of the islands than they did a war W date 810000006- died eith er of WouSApr disease and many more health shattered- SALVES OINTMENTS AND PLASTERS Dr Chases Ointment 45c box Mother Dr Davis Carbolic Ointment Dr PetitsEye Salve Hansons Corn Salve Dunlaps Corn Cure Plaster Menthol Plaster flexible Kidney Plaster 0 Strengthening Plaster Benson- 15 15 20 10 3c At HERB REMEDIES Lanes Family Medicine 20c Garfield Tea Diamond Tea 20 for Dyspepsia 30 BEVERAGES ETC Lime Fruit Juice pints quarts Franz- Josef Mineral Water Fruit Syrup Pine Apple Strawberry Raspberry pints If Raspberry Vinegar pints 20 Hires Root Extract 10 Home Adams Ginger Beer Johnsons Fluid Beef Fluid Beef for a I J i it r iX J tit Condensed rand XMiWB088ft A 4J Aite-n- A

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