CHINA ALL MAY 1899 A of J Hots houbt a Simp Our urn Dinner printed colors your choice regular ads A Knap in printed Hovcrut colon- your choice GO BOOTS SHOES Heat wo have bad Very neat the style Want of room pre vents carrying a large stock hut it is complete and our prices are right GROCERIES Baking Powder in quart regular for Half Price to clear Prunes quality lb now lbs for Kino Quality of Figs lb Excelsior Coffee in the Try it Weeks IS QOTXQ ON IK ABOUT TOWN Tfc Metropolitan Wot week greatly re- lardod Railway but Rang to roach oorcer by Christian It is that Mrs Dr Irwin of Weston formerly Lola of who is vlsijlpg here will in Christian Church next Sunday evening J Service of Praise the unfavorable a very fair aodieoce assembled to the of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday and were well for any discomfort ox- on their way The ttirtainmunt every and was a to the ability of Mr Arthur Oliver as a musical director of Toronto more than lb high of her friends riob soprano loIihtin everyone and indicating rnurvelloue results of fine natural abil ity supplemented by and Her renderings of solo The fouling of King and of the ob in Hark Hark My were iinially musical lilgb Io regard to it almost invidious to par ticularize when all their parte ho creditably who Kindly lent valaablo to the choir their soloaio Thorotsa Holy City being greatly admired tonor parte were especially welt maintained Mr KhowIcs aod Dr in excel lent voice and they were beard to advant age in their in the Mies as usual acquitted herself cxoelJently as an alto Boloist and Mr Oliver is evidently developing Into a bass mure than osual ability duett Love from StainerflCan- was very well rendered by Mr Perhaps the leading of entertain moot was the man ner in the were presented The promptness and vigor of the and well sustained harmony were worthy of greatest praise and gave evidence of careful and efficient training Mr Oliver has every reason to feel proud of hie first in New- market Special mention be made of the splendid lloral deoorations were superintended by Forsyth whose efforts are always very much ap preciated of Cone Esq Mr Canes general for After an extending over a period quickly by the of more than months Win Cane of Newmarket and very little time wae of Factory lowed to elapee after hie in the Newmarket pawed peacefully away at 5 I town before be was elected a member of on moroing Many times dor- the Council He a man who liked to Inn his long he was at the point of ahead and to set- death hot no expense was spared and by town ad vanning in all ile material and the most treatment life pro- other interest longed tho fondly expressed In Newmarket incorporated as that he wonted triiKlb a town and Cane was elected Mayor by At times he suffered greatly and gradually acclamation At the end of the year be I RASMITH The Leading Grocer or Main Timothy Sts A Question of Spex Do tire If so You need Do If so You need Glasses Doe type become in reading j If so You need Glasses j Do you suffer from frontal h If so Glasses will Help You Do you know if you have perfect eyesight 1 If not we can Inform You IT WILL COST YOU L Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Store NEWMARKET Wholesale Retail PROVISION STORE Two North Furniture Main Hi Newmarket A Supply Twice a Week of Park Famous Hams Lard c The best and Mildest Cared Meats on the today A trial will con vince yon Also Flour Rolled Corn Meal Butter Potatoes Salt Canned Feet Bologna Ham and Honey o Orders filled on he shortest Mr Hewitt has constructed a very run on Niagara 8t for hie frost on sidewalks early Sun day and Monday mornings- The Town delivery wagon in Starrs Bakery looks quite freeb in its new A man get more backache out of a garden spade that he buy for forty nine cents than he can out of a MOO Mr Meade has his front yard and made a very neat lawn From this time on while the trees are putting on their foliage and mother earth trimming op with her of green the drive to and from the lake will be delight ful other evening Mr Walter a very large porcupine that was lodg ed in a tree on the old homestead Quite a curiosity in town Did yon get an Dog Tag yet T Bet ter look after it time will soon be up Mr Silver lost a valuable mare colt one day last week- It will Boon be time for medicine fakirs to tell tales on street corners by light of an nil lamp And they always have large audiences and are usually well patronized there a are number of people In every who like to be bum- bagged A stave bolt fell on Mr Barry hand at Canes Factory last week and jammed bis finger so badly that he had to lay off a few days It it a great wonder that we dont hear on every since last Friday night ZizzVfZeZua The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church are arranging for another of their popular Teas on tbe first Wednesday Jane The dog case up before Warden Woodcock last Saturday ad- joaroed for another week The new Traneformer was at tached to the Light in front of store on Wednesday morn ing From eight to ten oars of pail timber for Canes Factory are arriving at the depot every day now Banker Boss successfully operated a urn- cycle on Park Ave Wednesday A travelling scisaorgrioder is making a lour of the Town week redcoats are going to drill two a week from now until Camp The boys will be a credit to Newmarket if they attend they ought One day last week Mr George EvaDB a teamster at Canee was kicked on the top of the head by one of hie horses and laid up for a few It was a call Four school boys have got into serious difficulty for shoplifting The Is looking up the case Strawberries are on the market Some alterations are being made the Industrie Home It is rumored that Warden will the County Council at Point this year of going to the Falls i grew weaker till end came Mr William Cane was a dependent of the tanee of Antrim Ireland Mr Cane emigrating to America and settling in Albany where Mr- Cane born on When a child bis move to Upper Canada and settled in the township of Co van about fifteen miles from Port Hope both parents dying throe or four years afterwards He an ordinary edu cation fioiehed by private study His studies were devoted to for whiob he seemed an aptitude with the knowledge he afterwards gained of man and affaire peculiarly fitted him for the to he has principally devoted hid ion From the start it became evident that he had talents of no ordinary stamp that he was likely if life was spared to make his mark Shortly after bis fathers death a build ing in whiuh many of his papers and were stored burned Thrown upon bis own resources by perseverance self reliance and an honorable in every thing be did be soon obtained the respect and ooofideuce of those by whom he was surrounded He lived for a time io Mariposa and and in located at ville in the township of East miles from Newmarket where be had a shop making pumps wagons and other wood work He also purchased a sawmill about a mile and a half north of In he built a sawmill boarding house and several other buildings on the fifth concession of East about three and a half miles south east of Here he soon had a very extensive running a and plan ing mill lumber yard and a large farm be sides engaging In several smaller lines This place soon became called Canes Mills and was known far and wide as a busy hive of industry Here he met with bis first great- misfor tune the mill took fire and in spite of the efforts of a large force of workmen to the ground He rebuilt the mill and soon it running once more He was not left long in peace the place was again by a disastrous fire which consumed the bsw mill and of feet of This was a terrible lose but here he showed the and energy which kept him through life Again the men were at work and the mill re built He ran when he de cided to more to Newmarket Paring bis residence in Bast bury he held the several offices of Justice of the Peace Deputy and for fourteen consecutive years was a school trustee the year 1874 he was elected Warden of County of York February he removed to New market where be the present fam ily residence a steam saw mill a planing factory and several bouses for his work men He also purchased the Foun dry and engine works In May the Foundry and Engine were named Shortly after he built the large tannery he afterward sold to Park Co and a few years later met the same fate as the foundry In Mr Cane suffered another ter rible by fire The large pail and along with two large dry kilns a storehouse several lomber sheds and a large quantity of valuable lumber was consumed Mr Cane and his sons decided to form a joint stock company The present Cane d Sons Mfg Co limited form ed with Mr Cane President A tempor ary was built and used the season The company then the present large brick which la really three factories separated by walls They also patio a splendid of waterworks boll a fire hall purohased a hose teal andfull equipment for fighting fire In again caught Are when the second of the pail factory was burned- Had it not been for their private fire department there is no the entire place again have bad given such unqualified satisfaction that lie was reelected by acclamation and eaob auoceeding year for nine He was nominated for the tenth term but resigned He was shortly after tendered a with a costly silver a mark of in be was held by the poople- During hie entire official connection with the municipality of the town Mr wag untiring io to further its inter ests being especially active in secorlog the excellent waterworks the Town Hall and Market and Other important improve ments His energetic hand aided in poshing forward a number of local enter prises to completion He was President of the North Association and had been urged by bis party to be a candidate for Parliament bat taste did not seem to run in that direction He was an earnest worker for party believing that the interests of country depended upon its administration of affaire It will be seen that Mr Cane has held numerous of trust and responsibility He was one of hose reliable men who are always found at their poet and who are themselves satisfied with nothing leas than the utmost faithfulness In the discharge of their duties He had the entire confidence and esteem of bis fellow citizens In private as well as in be lived an eminently useful life being kind to the poor and a friend to everybody His gen erosity was sometimes imposed upon but be preferred to err on virtues side rather than to stop to enquire into the act ual merits and demerits of every applicants for aid He was a member of tbe Methodist a man of purest christian character and in hearty sympathy with reformatory movements in a moral of the age He was a man of very noble impulses and untiring In bis efforts to aid in promoting the best interests of hie fel lowbeings Mr Cane was married on the of May to Miss Catharine Belfry daugh- of Mr Jacob Belfry conse quently the day before his death was his wedding anniversary Hie devoted wife six sons and two daughters are left to mourn the Jobs of a kind and father namely Cane Esq Mayor of Newmarket end gen eral manager of the business Ed J Cane and Egbert Cane all connected with the firm G Cane of BC Dr Fred Cane now in Yukon mining district Mrs Granby of Caisterville and Mrs of Newmarket Flags been flying at halfmast over the Town Hall and Fire Hall out of re spect to ever Wednesday morning The funeral will take place at this afternoon from the residence of deceased and as the family have sympathy of the whole in bereavement it will no doubt be very largely attended baa to remain Over Sunday and will assist the choir at the In Presbyterian Church A is place next In connection the call to Bev Mr anniversary on Monday evening was well attended proved very Interesting Dr president occupied and Millard pre aided at tbe organ Matthews gave an on origin and of the j League Mr Elmer Davie of President of Bradford complimented New- market League for ita standing in and expressed bis pleasure io male- his first visit Be spoke of the of firet League in America at a near Cleveland won derful progress Districts now bave representatives in Foreign Mission though this only the tenth anni versary Where will it bring us in future Rev J Wileoo of e an excellent address that souls is the League to greater energy on the line of spiritual and individual work The were interspersed solos and Mr J- Mc Kay well as The annual report of Newmarket League was read giving following statistics Mem here on roll Jan hi active associate active and 7 associate lapses and with drawals leave a net increase of Missionary amount sent away prior to May between May and May J Bal ance in hand 20c Organ Fund on band Jan reud prior to May ji Expenses Paid Ladies Aid ITU General Fund disbursements during the year on hand Money raised Jan to May 1 THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE This is the Age of Progress and we are keeping pace with it 1 26 6 Quite t Success Notwithstanding the disagreeable weath er on Wednesday evening there a large attendance at the entertain ment under the auspices of Pauls Church J Robertson Esq presided The program was a varied one he beat presented features of the evening the Flower Drill by a number of little girts and the entitled The Sculptor A very laughable skit was the Drill by boys and girls exhibiting an ani mated collection of boots Marching to Georgia There were also by Mies Pauline and Blake Hewitt while the negro by Messrs Cole and Hewitt the juvenile portion of the audience The piano dnett by Miss and If was well rendered far girls and Instrumental selections were al so given- by Miss Miss Edna Mo- Arthur and Mrs Some beys and girls bow nicely they go of and pro gram closed with a laughable farce The characters reprinted by ftfiss Clara M A Roas prunton and J The letter Regular last Monday j Mayor Cane itoadnouse Hughes and Smith Following bills passed Hunter carting 15 1 do street- watering Telephone Co conversation Pharmacy Electric Light supplies Vacuum Oil Co freight and cartage on oil freight on Electric Light supplies Telegraph Co message Gray breaking stone Can Gen Co supplies Pay Sheet No B 25 do do 16 Office Specialty Co dog tags A cheque from the License Inspect or for being final distribu tion for was received as satis factory The tender of Hunter for street- watering at per day was accepted The Finance Cora recommended that inasmuch as it would be a dangerous precedent to make a grant to assist George Partridge on account of injuries to his daughter no grant be made Mr asked if tbe sidewalk was in fair condition as this is a hard case The Mayor said that while all regret the accident the sidewalk was not faulty in construction and in reason able repair The fall was through ice on the walk though the Inspector kept ashes on the walk regularly Mr agreed with Mr that if there was any lack or fault on the part of the Town some assistance should be given in this case Report adopted The Treasurer was instructed go pay the Auditors the sum of each for their service Mr Smith brought up the matter of appointing an Engineer and after some Mr Jas County Engineer was appointed at pleasure of the Council The question of building an addi tion to Water- Works residence was by unanimous consent allowed to re main until the fixing of Main is completed The lowering of the hill in front of Fire Hall was discussed and the matter left the B Com to consult the Co and the Engineer The improvement of Main Street by placing granolithic walks both sides between and Timothy Streets was discussed together with proper tile drainage Several members were in favor of tbe Town paying the expense of granolithic walk if the property own ers pay the other It was decided to consult the En gineer and as soon as the definite cost csn be ascertained the will consult with people interested Council Adjourned at The main business street of Port near wiped out Friday night Twenty buildings destroyed and p R 1 N G NEW GOODS ARRIVING For the Spring Trade and EVERYTHING JUST AS Shelf Hardware of Every Description Tools for Farmers and Mechanics Stoves and Tinware THOROIGHLY UPTODATE You will he Satisfied if you Ural with J A ALLAN CO Newmarket Lines We are doing well in BLOUSES DRESS HOUSE SEEDS FRESH and FLOWER FIELD GARDEN SEEPS From most SEED HOUSES SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE i removedP Tailor Shop Is removed to premises of GROCERY yoop Order for one of our Nobby Spring Suits I LUNDY T GRAHAM Photographer JONES STAND Cop Photos in the f Highest Style of the Art s Call aid See Specimens iyM v lrfAVl Vk J