Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 May 1899, p. 2

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Co Smith Bra Listen has expressed a do- homo on I v- if A V -A- ii iBton Court of J Horses Wanted A Attention J A TV A Hon Tendon Wanted A Wood Card of Thank Jno Ice Cream Parlor Miss Kerr House to Rant Goo Driver It Is In Hoc Queen that of l fatally who possible bo in England shall birthday with her In Wind year old at Palace boon renovated preparatory to opening to public A cablegram Bays Her Majestys yiitt on Monday of a i as the rooms whore she lived a girl been restored to their former Her bedroom con lain a filled with bar old toys and bar doll stands upon a In Electric Leave- Hill i a Leave ami taken n Our Soeiety Column PERSONAL POINTS Dlcyolca put J Mies If of Toronto EXCURSIONS home this week On of Toronto was a Return ft a at Lawn oyer too Leave I so ana Toronto Crossing I JO Bailiff and wife spent over and pm paronte fti Biloam Excursion Toronto and roturn leaving Mr paid a Hying visit to bis at tor She JUuimarhrt I RRIOUTKB BUT WITH ULIOUTKR Printed oil FRIDAY MAY 1809 EDITORIAL BOTES At the Waterlog on Wednesday last lion J Davis Provin cial Secretary a among the speakers who the electors on the political of the day On Monday last J A J to Hon Mr loft Ottawa for Edmonton to join the Commissioners ap pointed to arrange treaties with Peace and Indians It appears com plaints have made of enoroaobmenta of white men the Klondike boom A in commercial circles that the Premier has intimated that there will be no insolvency legislation this ses sion A statement to Ibis effect will be made by Wilfrid in the Com mons at no early date when reasons be assigned for this decision A despatob dated May states that at a meeting of Catholic Liberals held in Kingston the night previous a res olution was adopted endorsing Hon as Ontario of Works and pronouncing the coming olio Liberal Convection in Toronto as un called for we may judge of the con vention referred to by remarks in a roccot issue of the there is some misappre hension in the of some people re specting the purpose of gathering It appears from reports in the city pa pers tbat the applicants for the vacant Sigh Constable position in county are Referring thereto the Star of Monday There been talk of increasing the salary of and this drew applications The County Committee however composed of Messrs Chester and in on Mrs P Flanagan and daughter return ed from Manitoba on Saturday Mr J is filling the position of bookkeeper at Storehouse Peck loft Wednesday morning for Coder to spend a few days Miss Brown of Toronto was a guest at Woebawken during the Band Concert Mr Ed Jaokman ia back from Cold water to hid old Bit at limns tinshop Miss of Toronto is spending a week or so with cousin Mies Oliver Mr Low is as constable at the in the Court House Toron- Mrs of near Hamilton has beon home for over a week on the illness and death of her father Mr Bert Corson of Toronto epent over with Messrs Howard and Laurie pane Mr of Vivian ex- reeve A Whitchurch in town on Sat urday says that Prank a New market boy is sick with lever at Winnipeg Hospital Mr Jas Fax of Toronto was the guest of Mr John during his stay in town Harry Anderson formerly of Au rora was guest of Mr Fred last Sunday hire Maddock and little Allan are spending a few days in the with her sister Mrs who has been very tow the past few is a little better at last report 1 Willsan and wife of Bond Head were guests at The Bowery over Monday night Mrs Murray is visiting in the Scotch Bettlement West for a couple of days Miss Emma is spending a few days in Toronto the guest of her Sheriff Mrs Campbell and two children from Toronto are spending a week or bo at her old Hollers Mr and Mrs Grant Hughes have re turned from South Carolina and are visit ing his parents on Park Ave Miss Alice Knight of Niagara Falls is here on a months visit with her ThorneVibe Methodist bo laid by Dr pa the May Among- those who art also to a hand on It wo no Mrs Gob Miss of Newmarket wholl a prom- flB worker From a copy of NVJ we notice the of had a celebration of tenth week was an enthusiastic Mr J English of ibs town was one of Committee in Toronto Saturday and Lady Edgars At last Satur day evening tbo Mr James Edgar and his graceful bride nee Gillespie wore the recipients of many welcomes and congratulations from the immense crowd who attended tbs recep tion Mr Ho lad ay popular at tbe has been removed to this week Sorry to see Fred go it was never any trouble for him to wait on anybody no matter what he bad to do but glad to know that these qualities been recognized by tbe bank and Fred Is promoted to teller At annual meeting of the Moot- real Tuesday night a beautiful Tea Service waa to Mr A Budge a Newmarket man who has filled tho position of secretary for tbe long period of yean Mr Budge was also banqueted on Wednesday busi- moo of Montreal In reference to article last week about the First Railway we unintention ally omitted the named Mr Michael Cane who is tbe oldest employee in Canada be ing in continuous service tor years He assisted in the construction of tbe road and was afterward appointed Baggage- Master here holding the position with or edit ever since Toronto letter On Friday last the Ottawa Normal Football Team met and defeated tbe Hall team by tbe score of to The sample of ball pot up by Norm lit a dazzling On Normal team were Messrs J and Bunney both Newmarket boys Gib sons work materially helped the score of his team while tbe wore unable to on who played goal Empire Day In accordance with instructions issued by the 1 napoo tor Public Bchools of York are preparing to celebrate Empire Day next Tuesday In a patriotic manner The program in every school is open to public who should show their interest in national matters by their at tendance- Hast Council haying In hand the revision of salaries of Mrs Queen county officials have decided to recommend to the June meeting of tbo Council that the salary be reduced to per annum and fees Mrs Ralph of is in Town this week visiting her sister Mrs Kenan end other relatives Mr Wm of Theasalon for marly a merchant in Town of Saturday makes men- a friendly shake here last Saturday tion of the fact that the succession duties doe by estate of the late James Austin former President of the Dominion Bank have been made subject of a law suit brought by the AttorneyGeneral Albert Auntie and Mrs A J Arthurs the and executrix of the estate As the writ states Crown seeks to re cover from the defendants the amount of the duties due to the Crown under the provisions of Succession I Act It alleged that the testator short- before death of a very large part of bis estate By way of affording needed relief to cer tain poor and almost destitute settlers at Kennebec in northern part of the County of Frontenac an passed by the Ontario Government last week making a grant of to assist in purchasing seed grain and potatoes The whom relief is intended number about and they are reported in a moat deplorable state of destitution The locality rocky and not very well adapted tor agriculture at best but last year the July frosts almost completely destroyed their crops and timber is about exhausted To add to their misfortune an Infectious has broke out among them which calls for on the part of the Government log a friendly The Col was dressed in full regimen tals on Monday left for the oity on the morning train Mr Gibson of Toronto was borne last week on account of illness of Jiis mother who we regret to say Is not Im proving Mr Will wife and of were here a couple of days this week on account of the illness of bis mother W Bunney late of this town been appointed Choirmaster and Or ganist for the First Congregational Church in Ottawa The Directors of the Hill Society has the thanks of the Editor for a complimentary to their Spring Fair on the Tug Peace Conference wilt meet at The Hague next week A cablegram states that- two in particular will by agreement of tbe great powers be practi cally and discussed namely the extension of arbitration in the settlement of International disputes and strength- broadening of the Geneva agree ment for the amelioration of the rules and of warfare Several of the more influential powers long ago accepted arbi- in principle and some more recent- Messrs J Sanders J and Howard of wheeled to town on Sunday and spent the day with friends and Engineer OHolleran bad the photo of the light aad water works plant taken by I Smith Bros on Monday Mr John Frost wks an unwelcome guest in this vicinity last Monday morn ing tomato plants that had been set out for an early start Mr Simon took a oat home to Mt Albert on Friday and return ed on He is not Improving very rapidly and is still weak Toronto Night mar riage of Miss Ethel Molock of the and Mr Arthur of take plans In Janev article regarding New market which appear on first page of issue is from tbe versatile pen of Dr of who here visiting tie daughter short time ago Sharon May 1899 Council met this day all members present Com received from Cookshutt Plow Co re Road er Frank Stewart re supplies to Abner family Crown Lands re Survey of roadway Iota and Con and P Gibson re above survey to be made on May re for damages on account of tbe accident causing the death of Ough on East Town Line The writ served upon the Reeve claiming damages re above claim was also laid upon the table The after due consideration of the made by the administra tor of the late unanimously decided to contest the to the uttermost as they find from evidence already obtained that there was no negligence on the part of the munici pality or its in any way in reference to said roadway which they are prepared to establish by the strong est evidence and the Reeve was in structed to promptly enter defence The introduced ByLaws making grants on Roads and Bridges and to reduce commute and apportion 8tatute Labor ByLaws regularly passed Road Overseers were made the previous appointees having declared to act viz John Hodge Overseer Con A Travitja do jr do Messrs Maries pard and Ales Rutledge appeared be fore the Counoil asking that a pond on the con roadway opposite lota 16 and be drained On motion the matter was referred to Messrs and Moore as a sub committee On Reeve and Boyd were instructed to purchase Road Scrapers and Coun Moore was to purchase feet of bridge covering instead of the amount formerly decided upon Payments ordered as follows Morrison re damages sus tained on road to Frank Stewart supplies to family Counoil adjourned to meet en Tues day May Sharon at a as a Court of Revision and for other business ollicial announcement has boon that the Ontario Government will pay a reward of for the re arrest of Pare and who broke Napaneo Jail and for each if taken separately The- committee of York County Council to adjust the salaries of County officials mot again last week and will bo prepared to the June ses sion It is understood some radical will be recommended halfyearly mooting of the ml of the Provincial Sab bath Sohool Association will be held in the Jarvis St Baptist Church Tuesday the for important business Ralph Ramsay son of J Ram say of who saved an Eng lish lady named Miss Clark from drowning up at Bala Park last summer received a stiver medal last week or watch charm on which following is engraved A token of than as to Ralph Ramsay for sav ing the life of Edith Clark Dr Bond of York Mills sou of the late Bond of Newmarket drove into the city Friday afternoon and loft his horse and rig standing at the curbing in front of Eaton Co a horse took fright and started down Yonge Hi It broke loose from the and fell on the pavement at the corner of Queen The fall broke the horses fore leg and as it was free from the harness and threatening danger to the crowd Po liceman Smith despatched the animal by a blow from a At the York Assizes on Monday were no prisoners and Mr Justice Robertson was presented with the traditional white kid gloves This has not happened here for thirty years Rumors are current new elec tric railroad is projected connecting the city with The route spoken of is south from the village along the old Elgin Mills plank road to the second at Markham thence down through East York meeting the Belt Line Railway and connecting with the city system at I he Don For committing a breach of the peace on LiveryKeeper of Newmarket a young man was fined at the last week The last Satur day was attended by thousands of patriotic citizens bo witness the de coration of North- West monument in Queens Park The feature which as much attention as any part of the proceedings was the drill corps of the public schools the uniformed cadets of Upper Canada College and a brigade from the High School It is said that managers of banking institutions are talking of withdraw ing their branches from towns and villages where nightwatchmen are not maintained If they do so private banks will soon make large inroads on their business The expenditure necessary to meet the required improvements on the pro posed site of the Sunlight Soap Co to secure their works being removed from the old country to this city is esti mated at They however employ hundreds of men The Medical Council is in session here this week The Criminal Assizes are now on at the Court House- John Phair the third man connect ed with therobbery of worth of leather from Teotda factory here was arrested in Detroit on Saturday and along with Geo Daniels and J P Young will be tried during the pre sent Sessions NEWMARKETS LEADING STORE Every Department full of Bargains and doing a Hustling Trade GOODS Plain and Fancy Dress Goods about 7 pieces in the lot reg price to clear at Fancy Figured Goods looks like silk a Dig bargain at Covert Dress Goods very special New Blouse Ginghams city price 20c ours See our Black Dress Goods Gloves Hosiery Parasols Ladies Strong Parasols A Regular 1 Parasol at Extra Fine Laventine Parasols worth at Pure Wool Hose fine quality at Extra Heavy Cotton Hose at pair for See our Standard Kid Gloves the best in the trade for the money Price Extra Fine Silk Taffeta Gloves per pair BLOUSES 50c 2C I ooc Fancy Muslin Blouses reg at New patterns in Print and Percales Blouses at A handsome line of fine Gingham Blouses worth 1 each go this week at 50 Mens and Boys Suits- We do the Biggest Clothing Trade in this part of the country because we carry the biggest stock buy for cash sell for cash and sell good clothing as cheap as any house in Canada Mens Strong Tweed Suits at One lot Mens Fine Tweed Suits ten suits in the pile The price of this line was 795 they go on Satur- day each for 5 00 Mens very fine dressy tailor-mad- Suits our close price has been 1250 to clear this week Splendid Suits for big boys three pieces at See our extra fvie Black Dress Suits Boots and Shoes- We are doing double the shoe trade of former years We have the best and sell the cheapest liens Fine Lace Shoes at Ladies Fine Low Shoes special at Ladies Fine Low Shoes cloth top and turnsole reg 175 Childrens Low Shoes at 65 Special Lines of J D Kings fine Shoes to suit those wanting fine goods See our Shoe Stock H E Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON Onfc May Fred- who spent three months in Whitby jail as the result of a quar rel with his wife and has since neon refused admittance to her house wen thee early this morning shot his wife ibthn back- andthink- 7 I Y to WHITE ROSE Mr Herman of Newmarket the hustling agent for the Organ Co has plaoed an organ in the basement of our Church After listen ing to its melodies for the two or three Sundays we as a League and wonder how we got along without it The Ladies Aid deserve high credit for able manner in which they have assisted in furnishing our remodelled Church throughout We are heartily glad to learn that our Wednesday night Prayer meeting is to be resumed We hope for a larger attendanoo than formerly and an inoreased interest by ChurchMem here so that our faithful pastor may bo encouraged in his efforts Our League is growing in numbers and interest Great ie due pur President Mr P Forester for the noble efforts he has put forth to make it a success We hope the boys at the baok will assist in order Everybody was to see Miss Maude Cart in her place in the choir again Miss- Annie Smith sadly missed from the choir and from our midst v Seeding almost a thing past for this season about here mantle of the fields is rapidly becom ing notlcablo- With the return of arc see many friends woo have A Few Churns Oar own make the best oh am here on JOS The la town on Friday May to and Mrs Atkinson a daugh ter At on ftUy the wife of John of a daughter Tbi visit At the North End on the of May to Mr and Mra Peter a Taylor In town on the nth of May to Mr and Mrs Henry Taylor a son At Sharon on the to Rev and Mrs a Ungate Leading and Undertaking House l Manila itay General tons advance guard cook San The usual quietude of our old the native capital at 830 oclock this ioned burg has not been broken the morning Many of the richer week with other than the report inos are coming to Manila and came to the village on Bator- ers are work in the day evening that Mrs John Storey fields The latter show their respect was dead Mrs was the States sovereignty by ter of Mr Shropshire of Spring- i moving their hats to the passing dale and the have the trains thy of the community in their bereave- Senator mBDt Charles Lieutenant- Mr and Mrs Lloyd of Mount Colonel died unexpectedly at his were calling on old friends and relatives last week Quite a number of the friends of Mr Geo Wilson who recently took unto himself a wife gathered at his at Russell this morning The Senators demise was due to congestion of the lungs contracted while driving from to his home at Russell he was unable to make direct train the wants an outfit Of want Hon end heavy for this apartment we can bat for the majority thti Is not the caw Therefore we are selling the flbeat offering of dining room sets ever shown The Vfliea eon paralleled Latest Styles Opposite Royal Hotel i home on Saturday evening and were connections upon returning from to a taffy pull after making a little noise Mr Robinsons nursery stock has been delivered and perfect satis faction is expressed concerning nearly trees The handsome orna mental shrubbery he has placed in the Cemetery is certainly worthy of note and will no doubt he only bis initia tory in this line Mr Robinson has grafted and planted in his own nur sery upwards of rootgrafts which are also very promising The Altar At Presbyterian May 10ih by the Rev M two weeks ago His death will be deeply deplored in the northwestern portion of Manitoba where he was best known Karats Ma Flour per barrel a White Wheat per S3 a 0 OS Wheat per bushel a bushel to Bertha I eldest danghter of lbs late Hay per Buckwheat bushel per bushel Peas per bushel Bye per Bethel doa Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Wool per lb Thomas of Tomb At residence of her boo Mr- Daniel the 16lh Hannah aged years and Interred at Pine Orchard Thurs day afternoon In Newmarket on Wednesday the 17th of May- William Cane in his year aaThe Funeral will take afternoon Mesial- fait late- at 280 for service thence to Newmarket Cemetery I 5 Beef per Geeeeper lb Chlckensper pair Ducks per pair- Turkeys per lb- dressed Bran per ton Shorts Toronto S Main BjSib iiil 065 0 GO 0 QIC 0 10 a a a a 0 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a May IS Bed Wheat per bushel White Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Barley per bushelt per bushel bushel Rye per bushel Butter roll per lb Potatoes per baa per Sheepskins i 6 W Beef hind 0 pair a i 71 OH Wool per lb Hay per ton a OSS 049 16 ICO 014 a a a a 9 CO a a a a a a a a a a a

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