Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1899, p. 2

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w- fi rri i S- NEWSI FRIDAY FEB 84 II Roche Co g A Smith Bros l Webb Electric EDITORIAL- NOTES Chicago papers announcement made that soiQotlstB of that city ap plied tbe to and dis covered lumore wlilob mental disturbance cow irfiono making the experiment of inn these tuinom with idea of Lin- mans reason I in and I On Tuesday last by a majority of Weal Huron returned our personal Editor Holme ah its to a vaoancy in Commons It was a do- Liberal victory for the is evenly divided politically Mr WiPJo j President of the Can Proas AJsootatton We congratulate liwi lhe result of the campaign A itiii convention to ho held next nil sue leader of tho i ion in Federal politics It will bo com- iored of Conservative inonibore of mewl and Legislature defeated daifB of both Conservative Bona- Ontario and a dozen live men front each tho Province Mr Whitney thinks thero not time to formulate a party platform in jKiriod hi the is now in session urn for inn mid JO in within Ill the iho Jovtniiii riluin Star York County aversion to paying Ua maintenance of the new Court la characteristic o that body which Is bo economical as lobe worthy term parsimonious Is that bo What the facte the was under taken an agreement between the County and City was into stipulat ed amount fur which tils county was to bo hold ia stated In that agreement county ban shown no aversion obligation but object to pay for the extravagance and of Toronto Why should the rate payers of York be taxed for aggrandize ment of heard of To ronto corporation being taxed for Toronto is the great Into which tnoBt of oar county rate or and now our con nil to be a party to paying for are stigmatized RAILWAY IVjjJ IS v J Our Society Column PLEASANTLY SASHED v X x a EC I of Tupper the assurances of Op- poailion organ at Toronto to the contrary West Huron Mr It Holmes Liberal as a in lhj on last The jubilation of Opposition leader about the union and of the party bo represent from the Atlantic to Pa cific nice talk on the or on bat dont count in the ballotbox Hon Mr was wild with delight at New prospects before the election but he got down to hardpan when the ball its uteri J J c if i w w Bra in oMiowb WITH a recent trial before Justice he ruled that nominations for municipal elections may bo received at any lime during the day set apart therefor The Judge held that only where a single nomination is made that the hoar limit applied before him from Loudon whore a candidate was received after the hour by the City The prosecutor wanted to have the clerk arrest ed for wilfully disobeying the statute but the learned sustained the action of the returning This an import ant ruling to refuse a nomination the hour would lender the returning liable to action rin ted all at Home I UHpiitcbes on Monday any Tor j High for more relations between this the American Republic A settlement of certain for a long time have between two vouchsafed at the has progress in the of ijLaa been earnestly ft much Kmmiasion alao telle fche upborn they have been acting lability to agree upon the of Alaskan boundary- wonder for the Americans and on of squatters rights and tog to submit the question arbitration on pt tbe Venezuela treaty- according to reason or of international of case The of the leave to be chosen by Great one by the United two to agree upon some in- umpire On the other Americans desired that bo composed of fee to each o umpire- To this the objected as it did of final settlement Rations were broken and made till the 2nd of the negotiations a dozen or questions were sub- the Commiaaion including and reciprocal trade issues felt that Alas- I difference was too im- for aake of could possibly be A Provincial election in last week party made almost si clean sweep Out of a House of fortysix members the Opposition four seats Ever Con federation the Cabinet of that Province has been composed of members of both parties in point of fact a Coalition but previous to last contest at the instiga tion lion Geo Foster exFinance Minis ter at Otis- Conservative convention was at and a resolution adopted to conduct the then approach ing election on atriotly party lines Mr went farther even challeng ed Hon Mr- Blair to a trial of strength especially in The result however was a BOrt of Bolls Run for the that ado we almost a political for the Federal Opposition when the Dominion take place As a political prophet and party manager Mr had better step down and out A sua been introduced by Mr member for South Essex enacting that no municipality shall an eleotrio lighting plant where a company baa al ready Installed a system without first tak ing over the assets of such company other words restricting the freedom of corporations and compelling them to chase it may be a discarded eyatcm With bgcu a law Newmarket would have been at the mercy of the old company which existed town estab lished the present lighting plant and the Corporation have been compelled to purchase a lot of material that would have bean dear at almost any price We are having loo much legislation too in- with matters of private concern and too muob rope given to combines and private companies to fatten on body politic A bill something of this nature was opposed on a previous occasion by Premier Hardy and we sincerely hope he will frown on this one Of for the of date of management for pub from May to Moo in commend to the consider Roes propriety of the when public men are J fror A to the Mail from Ottawa under the heading latest vice has to say The Ganeral has hit upon another device for raising the wind are regarded of great value by collectors especially if the number so altered but limited Mr bad a number of with the threecent stamp em bossed upon them on hand when the recent reduction in postage was made He has had them changed into twocent stamps by placing a big figure on Queene head The a big rush for envelope and revenue And pray would the and others of the Tory ilk in whom Mail would fain make the country believe all the adminis trative ability of the country concentrat ed bays Wasted entire stock a we presume while a careful administrator eaves something out of and prevents loss to the treasury If Mr keeps on with these devices and thereby red the annual deficits of fafa predecessors in the Office Department the country will not to recognize the advantage of an efficient Minis tor controlling the affairs of state Yea J the in economy that Mr Miss tiarab in was in last week Mr Frank of ia home on ao count of IHoees Miss York was home from Whitby College over of Toronto spending a week with OHvor Alias of Toronto visiting with Mrs Geo A family gathering at Mr Wait last Mrs- Pringle of Toronto was visitinp at Mr Sunday of was in town a visit over Sunday a few friends on Wednesday eyenlng Mr Hughes ia back from Whitby alter an absence of two months Miss Maud Partridge bad a week her critical Mr J of Toronto was a guest at The over Mr and Mrs were At Home with friends on Tuesday evening Rev A of spent two or three days at week Miss Clara spent ovor Sou- day at Pine Orchard Flanagan returned from Toronto Hospital aod is improving nicely Mr J in this attending Grand Council of Mr Will Wesley of Gravenhurat was visiting hie aunt the here last week Mr Harry of moving into Newmarket street Mies is spending a few weeks with her cousin Williams at ington Mr and Millard attended the funeral of sister- inlaw last Mrs A who has been poorly all winter is now suffering from an attack of la grippe Mr Scripture of Toronto gener al agent of the Ontario Mutual gave the Era a call yesterday and Emily Wilson of Sharon were guests of Miss over Sunday Mies Maud Wallace of is spending a week with Manning and calling on old friends The Choir of Church was right royally entertained by Mayor Cane last Wednesday night Rev Matthews left for Stratford on Wednesday to attend Grand Council of Mrs who waif confined to her bed for several days account of a severe attaok of la grippe improving Mr John Baker of and Mr and Mrs of were visit ing Mr Cook for two or throe ays Mrs Robinson and con of North Dakota are visiting for a few days with Mr and Mrs J Willson Mrs Robinson of North to and Mrs J Wilson were visiting Mrs Alfred at this week Mr and Mrs Camming of have been here since las owing to the illness and death of her sister Mies Reynolds Richardson and hie sister also Mr Howard Cane and Mr Herb attended the at Whitby College last Friday night Word was received here on Saturday of the death of Frank Smalley in North Dakota The body will be sent here for burial at Miss May Rudolph returned on Mon day to her home in Paris after spending over six weeks in Town the guest of Mr and Mrs John The Street East Crokonole Club was to Mr Arthur con of on Wed evening and spent a jolly time A of Ottawa who is taking a course in Military College Toronto spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting relallyee Mr Robinson Long and wife of Albert also daughters Elliott of Goodwood and Mra Rose of Baldwin were visiting at Mr Henry one day last week It Is pleasure we polo that Mr a graduate of the office has been President of the J8th St Endeavor W A J Martin of form- on the teaching etatf of Newmarket High School fcaareoclvod call to of to late Mr J of Toronto was homo to attend his- brothers also from Toronto Mr and if re Alex Millard and Mr Millard Mr George Mr and Mrs and sod Mrs Frank and Job of Waterloo were also Jan Presbytery of met at Burls for induction of Rev J It late of Into tho perforate of tho congregations Falls Ell and and Rev A of addressed the minister Roy Smith of people A letter been received from Mr Adam at Vancouver lamenting the demise of David Phillips whom he says was of beat known members of the Order in that part being a of Lodge a of Doric Chap ter He marked ability was kind and and was wide ly esteemed beloved Mr David Lank df Saekatoon was In Town last Friday and Saturday old friends before returning to his western home Mr built hooae on Prospect Aye by Mr Jab and there resided before Timothy waa opened for trbtuc We were glad to see him looking hale and hearty It is since he lived here He of Holler We notice by the Port Arthur Jour nal that Mies A Campbell formerly of Newmarket in the ceremony of receiving a large and fashionable gathering at new home of Mr Mrs It Bays She dressed in black stu0 skirl with bright red waist of a light material The house most tastefully red off for the occasion cot flowers and ferns having been brought up from Nothing Done by Halves Here We sell Dry Goods Clothing Boot ami Shot Groceries Crockery Carpets and Gents Furnishings and in every one of these Departments we claim to be leaders We caVry large and wellassorted stocks in every line and buying for spot cash as we do enables usf to buy right and sell so low that people like io come here This business irrows every month selling twice as many Boots and Ladies extra fine Kid Button Boots J Kings make price 50 for Ladies extra fine Kid Boots J I Kings make price regular 00 for Ladies fine Kid Button or Lace Boot regular for Ladies Strap Slippers at Half Regular Prices Ladies Oxfords very neat self- tip regular 1 lor Kings Boots are the Best in the World to Oar Toronto tetter municipal and taught fiir Co will not soon Many hero pleased The Anglican churches of Richmond Hill and Oak Ridges are talking of amalgamation- one clergy man to all three places Early Monday morning fire broke out in top storey of Mitchell factory Adelaide Street east and did a lot of damage before being especially by the water Loss on spleen cocoas and chocolate is figured at 2CKK As there had been no fire in the place since Saturday origin is not accounted for Aid suggestion bo spend on a set of chimes for the court rather than a hip ball etc is commendable and will be re garded as a common sense thing by the great mass of fce people who have the taxes to pay The school children who got a free ride to Tampa had quite a reception when they retained but no one can tell what real good has been accom plished by the tramp The children who went think they own the earth they had parents who had a pull ie the common talk A Toronto Harbor inter viewed Hon Mr and Hon Mr on Tuesday respecting harbor improvements The deputation went away satisfied Eon Mr Gibson in the Private Bills- Committee of the Legislature this week intimated that bonus by laws to private firms and companies would have a hard time in getting through The Industrial Exhibition Associa tion held its annual meeting on Tues day The old directors were except one Mr Christie de clined and Mr chosen in his place Mr was again elected president Mr Muir Principal of Gladstone Ave sohool has been exonerated by the Trustees from all blame in con nection with the searching of pockets of pupils for ft missing ring in the de partment of an assistant Whew Architect Lennox wants another before he can com plete the court house A deputation from the York County Council on Wednesday waited on the Government to protest against the ratification of the private bill which North Toronto now has before the Legislature for the purpose of obtain ing separation from the County Very successful meetings of the Dominion Cattle Sheep and Swine Breeders Associations were held in To ronto from to in clusive efforts of the Associa tions during past year have been along the line of cheaper transporta tion At present between local points in Ontario the thoroughbred stock in less than load lots is shipped at onebait the regular Be- Ontario and Manitoba and Brit ish Columbia the rates are now to Winnipeg and to New West- minister privilege has been granted of allowing thoroughbred calves cheep or swine in less than car load lots of over three bo penned off So one end of the car without orated For a long time this has been a standing grievance of the live stock men throughout Ontario Shoe Snaps Men fine Box Calf I ace Boots J I Kings regular for Mens fine Buff Gaiters reg for Mens fine Lace Boots reg at Long Boots reg at Mens Long Boots reg 3 at Mens Lace Working Boots Good and Strong at 1 Bound to double our Boot and Shoe Business and our thousands of customers will our efforts We handle only the Best and sell Lower dealers in Shoddy We have the Sole Control of the fam ous King Shoes Newmarket Shoe Snaps Boots size only reg Boys Heavy Grain Leather a grand school boot special value Boys Neat Buff Lace Boots reg for Infants Button Shoes reg 75c for Girls Button or Lace Boots at Markets Feb WW per barrel a White Wheat per OK wheat per bushel i- per Barley per bushel per Peaaper bushel Bushel IT Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag CO Apples per 2 Sheepskins TO Wool per lb Bay per ton new Pork per Beof per CO Chickens per pair Ducks per pair Turkeys par lb dressed Shorts per tun CO PIANO THEORY TAUGHT y J tfi TOO 10 a 14 00 a If a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Miss Toronto Toronto Feb lays I Red Wheat per bushel a White Wheat per bushel 0 a Pup of Cecil Carl Forsyth Wheat per bushel 0 The Cradle Dodob Near Ltoydtowc on the lust to and Mm Ira a daughter In King the to Mr and David a son At on Inat to Mr and J a son At on the inflk the wife Geo Williams of a daugh ter The Tomb At King Citv on the John Hogan ftgecP66 years At Aurora on Root Snow den Fleubv At his late residence 1st coo of King on the In his year The Metropolitan School Music To- I Barley per Residence j Street Oats per bushel Peas per bushel 20 per lb IS Potatoes per Ray per to per cut Beefforeqrs CO hind Geese per lb Chickens per pair 30 Turkeys per lb Q FaruUure and Undertaking House ploying pine Where the old year new begins yon have a in usually the point where ranby people make other changes Now the time to put a good Bed room Dining room or a Parlor and Bee the Oar prices will astonish yon tha next TWO WEEKS J Opposite Hotel and Bmljaimiii A In King on Harper aged on the 12th William Thompson- aged 62 years In Bradford on the aged yeara Williams At on the Williams Town Clerk in his year VsHNoeraisn At on the youngest eon of J A and G trend aged 6 ay Funeral at Aurora Cemetery last Weduesday On morning Feb Mary Reynolds daugh ter of Mre A Reynolds jaar today from her late resi dence at- at 2 oclock to Pine Orchard In Feb J Webb eldest son of bis year la North on the son of Mr Geo aged I yean At Sharon on Feb 92nd Mary Ann Lake widow Elijah Lake in her year Funeral on Friday meet at her Late residence at pm interment at New market Cemetery Toot At Pine Orchard on the 18th of Feb widow of Tool in year Interred at Friends Burying Pine on Tuesday afternoon Fun eral largely attended At Cavalier North Dakota the Frank in his year Interred near Mount Albert yesterday leaves a wife and three children to mourn their S is s CO a P3 S CO el a Try a bottle of Cream J ROADHOUSH Main 3r All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention for all roughness of skin 15c Bottle Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes carefully compounded at all hours NIGHT BELL at i

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