Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1899, p. 4

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a MS I V- The I fr Wprl ThyKwKoodtaaraajjRrlira end Permanently All Others Fall Hoods not merely a elm pie preparation of Dock8tll- and a Iodide It Uo contain thou great antSbillotta end remedies Mandrake and It contain kidney remedial Ural Juniper Berries and all Other very valuable agentaaro harmoniously in Woods it carefully under the personal supervision of a regularly educated knowing these facts abiding faith v The tap worI4 bag over at Ireland OR anil vessel a to bo Queen White Star fleet Her total length feet a distance than from Lot to Timothy a pretty vessel tot January a excellent as indeed la every of that paper the preacher declared tile Christian to be the beat cornea to me It edited and by boaion per annum 00 CO DO Ok Interviewed after hie return from Mr A of the Bureau of department at Paatia reports everything to be in a very condition In inK districts One company ho ia ton of mob In ore daily with a matter of cures when medicines totally absolutely fill Hoods Sarsaparilla beatIP One True Blood by mil druggists it all fori f ji ilenmavket Bra I Best Advertising York County ItATESTniuiilfHi or ttrat m Woo Wi to retorns of in Mr Liberal rrceivoj an majority over at tb of who him at the general election contested the Mr Whitney amazed but the feel way Wednesday as ftllifl ReVeljitji on baud from i loft in from Memborw subscriptions Whitchurch Mcmtjcrs donations as per per Father for picnic Rent from Corporation of agreement PROCEEDS FROM Keith in prize list Phillips ate money Stewart rent of booths and special licenses Keith rent of herd ticket entrance money in speeding c 10 Proceed of Band Con cert at rink FJrriKa UP A for cedar GO 4 J J Hoppor building 15 fencing grounds J for plans ftfi J Stark and carting for race OHeam work on tnick fencing 10 MP laclim J I J Advert unaccompanied with inaorteo until once tooatli iraitiJfa For each month the composition be paid hi rate for contract advert laoincnta inuai be In noon for Farms to and Found etc A notice will be lascrtod free for ny where or when no or collection li taken otherwise will be this rule It reported about the Court the Ontario baa with County for the views of the County on the of the aeparation of North Toronto from Mr re plied that until meets no view can be and North Toronto people wait The Junction U Iota of fun with Mr John and the Before the election trial took place Mr St John travelled and West to tell the of by the re turn of Mr Hill at the lime giving profound of his to regain before the quite a different and now the Tribunt is having satisfaction for the Kind ly references Mr St John made- to that journal daring the campaign Lemon 1897 Government grant County grant Wood aold Refund per Robertson Huninter tnry Public Main Street Newmarket looon in on tfdUvltor or Jlooej lono Court Ontario Tut appointment of Mr librarian to the Ontario eitielatare to the of immigration Europe and BOjjperviarjr of abroad of the Department of the I He ban recently entered op- on biadnUea and it expected he will for EiigUud next week an en ergetic fellow and will likely malt a emigration official any cea be to have pay Ah Ottawa deapaioh to Montreal Witness that the report sent from an agreement having been reached between Canada and the United Staieu by which postal money or ders may be forwarded to their destination in either at domestic rale of the country of origin is wholly erroneous Inquiry of officials elicits the in OF fcTC Richardson con tract for office gateway to grounds 187 J Snider shingling main hall ike 19 I Richardson on buildings 50 Hunter work on build inland grounds Cane A- Sous lumber A- hardware- 00 J- A Allan W5 1 KXPBKBK ETC 90 Paid printing account Jones A Co engraving advertising Railway fare for dieraBandA Kilgour putting up merrygoround and fare men 10 Mr Harvey soloist at concert 00 Grenadier Band per con tract 130 00 Expense in collecting Toron to Aurora Bradford Lithograph Co for Fall Show hill A Williams rent of merry goround Paid gatekeepers ticket- sellers con- watchmen Hand lodgings expenses printing postage cartage 205 Salary of Secretary of of keys thieves entered Elm 9t one ffeek arid fiched- of the money deposited in boxes Hon Rosa read a paper fore the ire last Friday on Tho United Empire Loyalists It was a on their devotiob to old Hag gold bearing quarU mine ie al leged to have discovered near Ottawa and now brokers deal- inir mines are oh qui to learn Toronto been ask ed to contribute towards iog gt James Montreal to get out of- financial trouble Thieves broke into a car in Queens Wharf yards lust week and stole worth of tobacco and a quantity of meat Notice appears in the round houses and car shops of the that hereafter employees will get their monthly pay on Sunday This ia to obviate loss of time on week days excuse might be offered by any one breaking the Sabbath where is the Alliance now On Friday evening last a trolley wire suddenly snapped elf and the loose end falling down broke through a window in the and touched J Jamieson the on the shoulder The connection thus mode with the ground current a blinding flash and the next moment Jamieson was unconscious be tween the tracks in front of the car Of course the breakage ceased to fur nish power to propel the car other wise it would have passed over the prostrate man On further examina tion it was found the electric current had projected the through the vestibule window His face and head were cut by the glass and his clothes burned almost off his back but fortunately deadly current had not touched bis body A surgeon dressed the injured mans wounds and he was removed to his home Among other things Toronto is eking legislation to make York County pay for constructing asphalt pavement in front of the old court house property For years Toronto has only paid a share of in the I shape of rent There is no lack of gall iu Toronto Alderman so far taking money from the county treat- is concerned What is for Children in a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Props and Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other unbalance It la Pleasant- Its guarantee Is thirty years by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays cure and Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep Is the Children Panacea The Mothers Friend Is as excellent medicine Cor la to children hive repeatedly iold me that I recommend to any of good effect Ihdr children frcription me Lentil Matt A cBSK Brooklyn THE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER IT Prevention of Cruelty to Horses p S with Marah e Toronto rf and formation that no order has been issued and no of the kind has I been The from was a mistake promptly at loweat rates Mala St Newmans I Dunn flt Solloltora o Arcade Si I Grant to schools Cash in hand for 655 36 Many hnr ran down by impoverishment of blood atjii ills is and hanbl lit of I Dicks Blood Purifier would such an one would fix lify to endure fatigue enable him to work loss of and make a cheerful willing worker PC53 of a Memo Members subscriptions in Treasurers handa for Program of S Convention at TOroolo If oner Money to Loan AUCTIONEERS Uoenaed Auctioneer tbe Co of York aold on Terms reason able Farm to A rial solicited street Newmarket MAURI by man MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 At tbe a Office Newmarket Office at private If deal rod NEWNJARKET Wow cornea from Ottawa the In- land Department hare prepared a analyais of certain flqoh of opium citrate iron and quinine etc the apeoimeaa were collected in Ontario and not more than fifty per cent were to bs pare This presents a band and there do ago to of as frauds exist coles the guilty are punished who perpetrate them It Is hoped Mr will give in- suuottons along this line If onehalt of the ckraea palmed off on the pohlic are im pure and it is time the authorities made examples of perpe trators of frauds Tub Government is still its majority the West last week Mr Donald Mannish Liberal was returned to the Ontario by the majority over Mr Conservative who was de clared the sitting member at tbe genera election but unseated by courts Over more were polled than at the previous election Although a victory for the Government candidate wan anticipated no one thought it would the propor tions it did The return of Mr the Liberal majority in the Legisla ture op io eleven quite largo enough for all practical purposes The next political storm centre will over North Waterloo IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Alloa WRSBfiYliYS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music primary Instruction here have stood a after examinations A Tan result Of the libel case Ottawa publishers Is one of con siderable to newspaper men and Chief Justice Armour who presided at trial deserves well at the hands of journalists for noble Iho occa sion respecting newspaper publishers and their duties privileges We congratu late on its success action brought by a dealer nam- I Andrew whose hands some L stolen were found of the re ported preliminary proceedings to which exception was taken to the following head ings kept a fence He is a Hebrew and stolen Roods heading made and be sued for damages In sending the case jury Chief strongly Thursday Jon Prayer and Addresses of Welcome Rev and Rev Address Good Citizenship how best promoted by the Rev Dewey Aurora 920 Discussion Announcement Collection and Closing Friday morning Jan Devotional Exercises Reading Minutes Address Duty of Parents and how best to interest them in work Discussion Normal Lesson Rev Walter Amos Aurora 1140 Roll Call and Reports from Schools 1 155 Appointment of Committees and Closing Friday Afternoon Devotional Exercises Reading Minutes Address Rev Newmarket Discussion Report of Nominating Committee Lesson for following Sabbath Christ at Jacobs Well John Taught by Jackson Newmarket Report of Treasurer and Financial Appeal Conducted by Rev Amos of Scholars Addressed by Mrs Cane Newmarket 500 Announcements Collection and Closing Friday Evening Song Service Reading Minutes Introduction of PresidentElect Secretarys Report Address The Home Department Rev P Clifton Parker pastor First Ave Baptist Church J Toronto Question Drawer for Questions Bearing on Work Answered by Rev Robinson Resolutions and Farewells God be with you till wo meet again When Your Agony and Torture Can be Permanently Ban ished by Paines Celery Compound Sorely Cured by the Great IT Able after a factory experience with Celery Com pound have come to conclusion that it is a true specific for that merci less tormentor Neuralgia indicates a low or de pressed state of nothing so rapidly weakens and exhausts the system as pain that prevents sleep and keeps the body and mind in agony and torture Neuralgia being nerve disease is common in the face and fre quently the entire head- suffers ex cruciating pain Attacks of neuralgia are very uncertain sometimes they come and often the pain and agony will continue for weeks and When there is a lowering of vitality when sleeplessness anxiety malana and debility are at work and when there exposure to wet and cold with rheumatic tendencies neuralgia is sure to prevail Celery Compound being a nerve and nerve food it reaches the root of the trouble in s way that other medicine can do The most terrible and long standing cases have often been completely by the use of a few bottles Celery Compound has in thousands of cases saved lives after the best medical exertions failed If your life a con tinued misery from neuralgic tortures be wise and use at natures true nerve medicine Celery Com pound Beware of substitutes is the kind that euros It pays to Dicks Blood Purifier it increase the flow and rich TmftL Size DiCU CO Proprietor CNT8 I CO Agaats Montreal It A The Buffalo AilSteel Disc Harrow Tola la Harrow made Or wM to Canada upon the inner of the allowing any amount of to upon Inner enda of tie gangs the foot or the operator Br a flexible action secured and can be worked t on 1 form depth Examine this Machine care fully and compare with favor of War Department proceedlpga He lliobook la camps at that newepapera bad a perfect and on with General rathe at la Hong mate to report the evidence any Kong lutho American at la police or other of law The oh the tfOlrwpfewirh tiiofnliof lirlrofuioforlxliial picture to parties concerned Til tree book Freight paid givfo Wrop nil trashy war tioiiif free j guard and In advantage by the public these far more than made op for tne nil newspaper was one of prevojitiyes war Out flt free P of publicity of offence jQarbtr War Mm- It wholesale mm Toronto make people are in trouble on a Is reported in a paper re new postal reflations it any wonder country people make The Globe tiays The here report that letters are posted every day for In Toronto prepaid only two cents Italy and all of quite irrespective of the notices given in the tho rate applies only to Great Britain United and such of onion lea as hays consented to tor count of their debts and omo others in debt on account of their Vet iTjfivnta and i their action on tbe Bowels Millers Worm Powders correct all such troubles as lack of Appetito Biliousness Drowsi ness Sallow Complexion nice to Bold by Among bachelors there are criminals among mar ried men tho ratio is only 18 per is hot vfhat you bat but what assimilates that nourishes Millers Iron Pills dure faulty p Lehman The No Cultivator IS A OK made both or teeth cut- even depth In the ground- Examine and you will see why The only Cultivator with a move able tooth set ao that the angle of teeth can regulated to suit any condition of Pi can be regulated to act differently aec- it teeth are the wheels Instead of trailing behind in other rnafihlnea thua lighter draft This ma chine ia furnished with grain and grass seed box when required It baa reversible diamond for the teeth also tfalatte-cut- points can will buy no other famine It you THE BEST DRtLL MADE Wo Introduction Over manufac ture In use Canada Therfnry Drill made with lever for instant depth of hoe in all of toll team is motion Sows absolutely correct Jb scale seed every kernel a depoalted at a proper to grow only the beet and you will be aatlsfled- beet Bros- Vig- Go Lunit Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT ALWAYS TRY S FFIS FOR l GOOD fi J Childrens Trunks readies Over Stockings Childrens Over Stockings Hand tiatfiheJa Gloves Mitts Felt and Boots- anil rreat Variety Slippers of all finds ifoocasin8 in all sizes Hairlined Moccasins attached Childrens Boots Ladies Fine Boots all sizes and kinds Mens wear from the Finest Boots to the Coarsest SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICE- COME AND BEE VV Shoot Given Away of S GRIFFtS ww

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