Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1899, p. 3

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fa ii v Weeks ItOeal WHAT OM ABOVE Finger Willie running a matcher at Genes Fee Friday morning a men named Armitage aboat half the finger On bis left hand The In jured band la well- farmers Institute A very intonating meeting la anticipated at the Temperance Hill afternoon commencing Speakers will ho presort from a distance The distribution of Prizes in the Orchard Conical to pleco look Tennyson Club the lecture on The llojy could not be scoured till Kali the Club continued the reading of at its lam mealing la view of the concert- next weak the auspices of the Choir Committee of the Church the Club decided moot on Wodoeedy evening the row to be el Die of Sadie i son Ave and to be com in nod Finger pearly Off At tin- Carnival Friday a named Jack mot with a painful accident While with ih crowd he tripped and foil He ally put out hie hand to break the fall and it spread out on the tec another young man behimJ seated hand It badly and one Anger out to the bone However a doctor watt present the bund at once dreaded and it doing Ha appearance and the way bled many thought thai the linger wan cut off entirely Cemetery The annual meeting of Company took in lam Monday be- being motion Jaa Allan presided The Secretary presented the both annual of the Directors which made men tion of the improvement to grounds year and the necessity of lot own- era to provide for the permanent of Iota by deposits with the Company Dor- inn year there have been more than the previous year aod of number were removals from other burying grounds died in Newmarket and outside of corporation were under years of four ware over and under fourteen over and under thirteen over and under ton over 75 and under JO and over The total number of interments in the Cemetery ia lttt On the motion to adopt the report con Miserable discussion followed regarding the Permanent Care of Lota by deposits Mr Jos Millard wboconterrj- formerly of Toronto on were trough hero by train interred at wee an aunt of Poller of this Town- Mr and Mrs Court The ho were with a couple of ago and admitted the charge but in view of certain extenuating Squire only a moderate penalty and a promise bo- fljaoted that no for furthor plaint would do given The Orangemer- District hold their annual evening of Jaat in lOO Halt New- when following wore tor the ensuing year Die Now Hill I Geo Swain Albert It A ttec Hayes Alt rtbirl Clarke Aurora of Alt Albert Ballard Iine The Lodge at present time in a A camber of now members teen added to the roll It was vote of Lodge next celebration of Battle of the be held at Newmarket the of July Various are already making arrangement and a rod loiter day expected Quietly flcuoy death of Mrs Joseph Belfry last Friday though not unexpected wna never theless a for the largo of relatives Mrs Belfry a noble lady and devoted cut off in the prim life About a year ago her health began to decline and in spite of the best attendance she gradually failed Mr and Mrs Belfry had been residing in and shortly before Christmas came home for the benefit of a change and the brightness of family but rapidly the last two weeks and bar husband v as in constant at tendance funeral took place on Tuesday the remains being interred at Newmarket Cemetery Mr- Buchan an of officiated and assisted and Rev Matthews There a very large attendance of sympathising relatives and those from a distance were Mr- Marshall her brother from Albany another brother from North Carolina Mr and Mrs of Mr of Mr Belfry of Toronto Rev Mr More of Mr More and sister of Mr of The nan go fftampo by Pfcpatiment aaihorlia masters to Three Cent lamps for of no done to prevent the part of Tuesday The 6t Mr Peter were here by train on morn lag held in Johns Church which the took place at fit John a Cemetery Mr Began a re tired farmer about 80 yeare of age fle formerly resided bat lately has been hie daughter in To ronto He waa highly respected by all who know him Kennedy Last Friday In Toronto Morgan made an award In tire of Starr Kennedy elloIn the which Starr moat pay coats to Mr Chat Starr a wealthy farmer engaged Kennedy to work a farm for him for one year At the end of that lime a od Starr claimed from Konnedy latter denied the debt bat offered to settle tor Starr refused and a writ for Thereupon Kennedy through Mr put in a claim for something over WOO After about a week in Toronto ex amining numerous witnesses and accounts the result la above staled i Dp Dentist Opposite Robertson Bakery every da Painless extraction the soft weather last Friday the Carnival al the Rink a great suc cess There were not as many costnmes anticipated hot the attendance of visit- exceeded all expectations The Town Band provided excellent The de corations looked very pretty and the pro ceeds were very satisfactory The prise as follows Gents Costume Mr of representing a the Century Ladys Mies re presenting Diamond repre senting a Cavalier Girls tbcatierldanoa for Williams Qaeor there will be flix with flfligOrdep fnotory is en joy log a wonderful trade boom of in tho pall orders are- ahead of the it has beep this way more or eTer The other part of the factory or screen and are coming lo in addition to that industry has taken a contract for or more hardwood tables to goto iSoglaad They are to torn out a week and alone will give employment to men for about two or three months Tea Aboot attended the Ladles Aid Tea at the residence of on and a very time spent besides adding 91060 to the Pipe Organ fond A delihtfol program rendered piano selections by Miss Mrs Merrick Edgar Jackson by Lush vocal solo by and Mr Foretar cornet solos by Mr Geo by Mr J McKay mandolin by Merrick organ by and Little Mr pre sided vary acceptably Rev occupied last morning aodpreacbed a good sermon from sobject The Bible- one heritage forever Its adaptability to all conditions of mankind in all ages of world waa well illustrated while its revelation of the will of God to man waa manifest the evening Rev de livered an address on Freemasonry show ing ancient origin their benevolence and the architecture which they gave to About 40 Masons in regalia were present and they were admonished to the of the order which exerts influence on the moral eleva tion of ay well the strong tie of Our Annual Sale Begins Heavy White Woo Blankets per pair Heavy Twill Sheeting 2 yds wide 42inch White Lawn our line for 42inch do do for the balance of the month Bargain Day in White Goods of all Kinds Every- Day this Month 40inch Pillow Cotton per yard Heavy White Cotton yard wide 5c Factory yard wide Pillow Slip regularly made per pair 22c White Counterpanes yds long 55c Now is the time to buy your Spring supply when you can save twentyfive cents every dollars worth W A BRUNTON The best cooks always use Baking Powder A r 1 lit 1 a Hospital Nurse Walter re One of the Best that the intercut of the deposit should were Messrs A J ba spent ipon the lots so endowed- The ireaident and Treasurer very forc ibly explained that the did not cod template as the care of roadways trimming of and general appearance of the whole premises must be considered The Secretary explained that some On tario as well as those the lines more for lota and finding the for permanent care of the same As the continued the need of of this hind was apparent The sale of lota ia pat has provided for the improvement care of the prem ises When these are all Bold there will be nothing left to continue the improve ments unless some provision is made iu way- The being adopted a motion instructing the directors to expend the from Permanent Care of Lois fond the lots endowed to amount donated there for but an amendment lay matter over for another year wan carried the consider the matter and report at next annual meeting The Treasurer J J Pearson sub mitted his statement of receipts aod disbursements which adopted without discussion The report that during the year were received from sale of lots for care of lots The expenses were permanent Care fund now amounts to only the interest of need On motion the Directors were authorized to eel the vacant lot in front of Mr lards residence- from earth has been removed if they consider it advisable Me Bare Bert Cane and were appointed and while the ballots were counted on the vote for nine Directors the Secretary stated that out of original only are living and 12 of this number moved flfcm our Mr J- J Pearson was elected on the first board and ie the only who remained on Board ever since There are only three who were elected on the first Board have removed from Newmarket Mr P of California and Mr Toronto the other Is Mr Millard The ecratineere reported the of the ballot as follows Messrs Jackson JJ Pearson J A J Asa Phillips John Black and Webb Auditors I Jackson and J Hughes After a vote of to chairman the mooting The theo mat and elected the following officer President J Chairman of Grounds Com Watson C Bert Cane and Lloyd barrister The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community in their affliction A Dae- Sudden Death The of death of Horace at Winnipeg week came like a thund erbolt to family his many friends here and a gloom over the Horace was the youngest son of Mr Daniel of years age and a general favorite with all acquaintan ces He went to the Prairie City last March and doing well Mr Fop when he retam here a couple of weeks ao brought he was in excellent health consequently tele gram announcing his death scarcely be believed but the Pacific on Sat- brought the casket to Newmarket containing the remains which were ac companied by friend Mr E Pen- nook whose reside at Mr brought a letter written by Mr Robert Fogg cousin deceased explains of death follows It is with much pain that I write this Horace took on Monday morning with a bad cold and we gave some powders for headache hot be got worse on Tuesday I sent for a doctor He it a bad attack of la grippe On Tuesday night the was so bad that I telephoned for another doctor Horace got a lot better on Wednesday morning and eeemed better all day wanted to wire yon bat he would not let me He felt real good Wednesday night Tog doctors were both here and said he would bo right nearly by morn ing- About Thursday morning he began to and soon became sciooe I telephoned for the doctors They came and said ittad to hemorrhage of the brain a blood vessel broke jo bis head ard they could do nothing for it The doctors were both here Arthurs and have dona all we could for the poor boy We neither time nor money I staid right with him ever since be went to bed One consotationhIs end was peace that Horace a great favorite among the workmen where he employed and they marched in a body to the depot with mourners A lovely wreath and cross of white yellow and pink roses crowned with delecatewhita hyacinths accompanied the remains from Winnipeg Elder the funeral ser vice at the family residence on afternoon and the house waa filled with sympathizing friends Interment at New market Cemetery The ramify of the Town in their sudden y s v presenttog a Clown Other costumes worth of mention Rainbow Murray Widow Miss Stouffer Mies Flower Girl Mies GipsiesMiss Barry and Hughes Norses Miss Coyle and Mies Bnrk Seagrams Colors Miss Allan Jackson Ecu Girl Gertie Storm Blanche Clifton Mies Gray and Mies Jew Tom The New Girl Wright SerjeantFred Jones Teapot W Neil Bowl Geo Hookey and J Shepherd Uncle J Bond Old Woman Ernie Wright Spanish Cavaliers Waller Jackson and Herbert It is generally acknowledged that not only by far the beet local paper io the county but one of beat in Province yet there are many homes in North York which it does not enter If the Era hae given you satisfaction in past we our friend to put in a good word for among neighbors who are not getting it regularly We spare no time or expense to supply a paper in every line is readable and wholesome litera ture and have the satisfaction that when paper goes into home regularly it Buch a ft remains year after year We have many letter from people who say they col not beep boose without it Who not give cents a week to know all that is going on abouf them and what is going on in the world generally PROFITS MUST GO Now that the holiday trade is over and before Stocktaking begins we will cut our profits off on all Winter Goods in some lines Below Coat Mens AH- Wool Shirts and Drawers were now Mens Lined Gloves were now Mens Kid Lined Gloves were now Mens Fur Gauntlets were now 1 Mens Extra Heavy Pants were 1 50 now Mens Heavy Frieze Ulsters were now Mens do do Light Colors were 50 now Mens Extra Heavy Ulsters all colors were now Mens Beaver Overcoats Velvet Colar were now Mens Fine Dress Overcoats were 50 now Boys Hea y Overcoats were 50 now Mens Felt Boots were now Ladies Felt Boots were now Mens Long Solid Leather Boots were 75 now 25 Mens Fine Laced Boots were now Boys Laced Boots were now Girls Laced or Buttoned Boots were 00 now Come early as we intend to clear out our Clothing at Most Wonderfully Low Prices I A L S3 grui gtdvertfjsementja THE CHEAP STORE fl Treat The Concert in the Town Hall next evening will be one of superior merit Each of the three performers where known will draw a fall house alone It has been that ft nigger show will always draw a crowd Newmarket bat a Concert will never pay expenses We hope that this Town will not always rest under this but that our will show by presence that they do appreciate an of a refined and elevating character The proceeds are for a worthy object the of the organist the Newmarket Methodist Chnroh hot apart from that the Concert will stand on its own merils We are very confident that David son of will be given a hearty re ception- Her first appearance here month was most captivating and we are assured that her or the Concert next will her ability to far greater effect Regarding Thomson following notice from the Advocate for itself Miss ilabel Thom son Gold of Toronto Conserva tory of gave a concert in the Opera Hall Tuesday evening assisted by Mr Tandy tenor Those who were absent a treat that may never come way Miss Thorn eon has de veloped as a and graceful and ladylike appearand on the stage adds greatly to her aucceae as a vocal ist Her voice la and she very distinctly The fact that Mr is a teacher in the Toronto in a of his superior ability Kingston Whig Mr baa a which he in each a manner that be at once charm hip audience The immense of his voice waa shown to great advantage while perfect control was seen In milder where every war pore and j be retervad Drug that one or two loads are coming down from Brad ford it favorable V York fig Society The annual meeting was beld on Wed nesday last in the Chamber New market attendance limited compared with last year The President Mr Abb Wilson occupied the chair A report of the ooietva operations for 1898 submitted that the financial Hoards efforts was larly in advance of several past Reference was also made the very con siderable improvements by fitting up the old building formerly as an of- fice for poultry exhibits and the erection of a new structure for offices and gate en trance Also to the large improvements to the speeding track Wings to Main Ball had likewise been and other general improvements effected In- repairs to Over were awarded in prizes over the sum paid in 1897 and the amount on band in treasury had notwithstanding this large expenditure from in to 36 to The members of the Board made no for their services during the year which contributed to wards increasing the sum on hand The financial statement will be found elsewhere in todays paper The reports presented by Ihe Secretory and Treasurer were adopted and meeting proceeded to the election of for the current year with the following result all being elected by acclamation President Abb J fiqd Treasurer Directors A Wesley J Wesley Joseph J Woodcock Silas Webb and John Proctor- A and ton The President and were appointed delegates to annual meeting of the Canadian Association to be held In Toronto next month were given to and of last years and the meeting adjourned At of the new Board held Im mediately after the above named gentle men were with an Incjfeaaaoi The meeting then adjourned Sweeping Clearing I Sale MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING DRESS GOODS MANTLES FURS OF AM- KINDS At liiiiiiiiAiA It will pay you to drive 30 to This Sale i xnameeimatnenanonrn DANFORD ROOHE CO ijiii

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