Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1899, p. 2

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J -J- 41 J if J a Advertisements Dull Day -H- Clearing Co Slaughter Toronto Jobbing House While Pino Syrup- Test -J- Suiting LeaJin The H Card rf Kobe Office By KhlMI u inn papers that Mr W 0 who boon an On tario Government for ha to bis position an office as broker that was biro by Opposition In I ho Ontario Assembly Commute Mail ho himself w bo a very capable official oases The says Mr Molochs charges coot for a totter frorn Toronto to Toronto for a letter from Toronto Junction to To to It goes on to have a about the PostmasterGenerals tangle ITlio funny part of tlio whole thing is I the scheme which Mail I plain one of the legacies tbo political Inaugurated and AURORA until the thorn a SPECIAL EXCURSIONS ftuif IJlli Mini luiVlliK t GRAND RAILWAY I I WN material tor filoci the hero for has and op ground- Mr of Town Tuesday calling on old Mr A Payne formerly Electti- the Co of Montreal was in Town on Wednes day Principal Thompson and Mies of the both been off duty with la grippe Andrews passed away lost Friday morning alter a painful ill ness from of in Henrys Works J P dentist Toronto Milton in Boston and A in Texas Mrs Win died Wednesday on was this place Wednesday evening Rtva Dewey Amos Irnrio and Mr Yule were appointed to bring Normal Work before their individual ir and for organization on to on lfae wften number are willing to a form a class was in not had to correct ROACHS point was no aery lea In the here last Sunday owing to illness with La Grippe- Miss Emma Young loft on Monday for Buffalo after spending a couple of Hoc borne A party from the of Keswiok came to Roachs on Friday evening where others joined and every seemed to enjoy them selves immensely especially return ing homo Miss of was ing at Mrs week Bona visit- At the meeting on IKMWNAL POINTS lEAbANTIY A r Ml s EC k J CO J a HO I B a t Mr I Monday Mr of town Mr Lehman left on hit Ottawa to attend Normal Mich from Wbitby College with Mrs J of It Viaitinx in Town and vicinity Miss Maud Partridge low weok Mies Lola Ross eft on Monday to coo linuo studies at logo Mr took in the show in city and it was Miss Clara of for a with Aire Albert jihiy desire BALDWIN BRICKIES A When two well fed and vigorous men tackle a poor scrawny halfstarved little Owl you certainly would expect to see the fly One particular puff of the week blew abroad throughout a of our Free Methodism Kick ing thereat was the order of day not in the sense the Owl occasionally kicks Unintentionally mode some slight errors according to those of tin church which to which we J V tf s- s hc Newmarket UP HOT fcSI BHIOIlTEEt WITH EACH The J oil FRIDAY JAN EDITORIAL A Ottawa despatch to the Mail The report of PostmasterGeneral is now id printers bands will how total revenue during the past year Of a deficit on the years transac tion of The value of postcards during year but out of ihu there had to bo deducted certain which roduced the revenue to the amount named of 257 paid to the railways for the con- of cot of by vehicles being Thompson Mr More and from at Mayor a couplu days tbia Mr and Mrs of Owen Bound have been guests of Mrs during the filr ar of Toronto is spending three or four with In in ter Airs Mr son of Mr bean vary low this week had tlie measles and caught cold The many of ttlr John will to tbat he in u lew with dropsy and other Ailments Mr Mar writes We are having a fine winter Not much but steady cold weather Elder pulpits last Sunday with Elder and preached at and Alton The many friends of Mr and Mrs will be pleased to know that their son who travelled alone from Rochester arrived safely In Kansas Mr Stiles Alberta writes under date of Jan We are vp weather not enough snow for sleighing horses and cattle grazing Miss Gertie Millard entertained her the at her home when young Tongues Could not express rapture of Annie E Springer of 1125 Howard Philadelphia Pa she found that Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption bad completely cured her of a cough that for many years had made life a burden All other remedies and doctors could give no help but she says of this Royal Cure- l soon removed the pain in my chest and can now sleep soundly something I can scarcely remember doing before I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe Bo will every one who tries Dr Kings New Discovery for any trouble of trie Throat Chest or Lungs Price cents and at any Drug Store bottle guaranteed The Toronto administers wellmer ited rebuke to maudlin sympathisers with jail birds in the following extract It being recommended that the prisoners the jail be made more comfortable sept warm end well clothed only remains to be made and tbat is the the patrol wagon be supplied with pneumatic Better for us to sell goods at cost and sometimes below cost rather than have them stay on our shelve You know our rule never to carry over goods from one season to another no matter what the present loss may be We have finished Stocktaking and find Several Thousand Dollars worth of Goods that must be sold at once there is but one way to make them go CUT THE PRICE annual of Liberals of York held at Weston last In the evening the members of the Association and their friends to the num ber of eat diwn to a banquet The halt was and thy chief of the demonstration was to do honor to Mr J Hill who so gallantly the to the Liberal at the general election Among the paKofH on the occasion be ides the flittiig member Bon Ross Mr Campbell Mr Mr H Irwin and other It was a very gather in Y A from on Monday announced the death of Hey Charles Chin- Iqay widely known by the familiar name of Father who passed quietly away into great beyond that Deceased was born at Que on July The daily press baa lengthy obituaries of the Rev his eventful life from ordained a priest in to I860 especially when be united with the Pres byterian Church along with his and and lectured in all parts of the Unite States Canada England and Australia Dr Past Grand Chaplain of the Orange Association and Montreal Orangemen attended his funeral obsequies A despatch states that Sir Charles Topper returned to Canada on Monday last He Is said to be in the en joyment of excellent health bis he has visited Italy as well as Eng land He was interviewed on his arrival Halifax but was not as free to Opinions respecting matters political or commercial as on a previous occasion In of fact the Grits have not run the country into the anarchy and he previously predicted a thence paster- taught him to more guard ed Objtclato the royalty tax on this is because ho has interests in that direction and ho chsraotorles Premiers notion of reforming as folly but a of sort will all the came presented their teacher with a beautiful copy of Tennyson A lot of our citizens are by la grippe Hughes has been in bed for a week and Matthews have also been in bed two weeks bat all are improving Mr Geo Calloway will leave next week to accept a situation at During bis stay at Newmarket George baa made himself very useful being a in the Mel a member orchestra also the church choir He will be missed but we wish him in his new field Mr J of California wrought a very pleasant surprize upon Ju ne rents by into the Tuesday after an absence of eleven years without even letting know that be was coming home He has been sick but is feeling ranch now expects to remain a month or so before re turning to California At Richmond Hill on Monday the marriage of Mies Gertrude Elision daughter Mr John to Mr Isaac of York Township was duly cele brated Mr for a years was of York Township and had a seat in the Coaoty Council We extend our congratulations and hope to ere both the groom and bride the coming season on his tittle steam yacht on Lake Key Stewart writes from Winnipeg Oat here everybody like taking off their hat to Hon for the boon he has given to those are far home have extensive cor- We have bad a very mild fall and winter op til last week when the weather took a tumble to below zero there for nearly a week The Era comes every week freighted with news from home It is moub read by the College they appreciate the spirit of the paper Washington Jan Hon Nel son of Maine leader of the Republican Bide on the floor of the House of representatives and repre senting Second Congressional Dis trict of Maine in that body died hero tonight at halfpast of heart fail ure resulting from extreme weakness to double pneumonia Under bis leadership within days after the Congress was convened in extraordinary session passed a bill revising the tariff cheerfully comply Italy On the subject of the church us a body wtill demand austere plainest of attire individually they do as they please Next to getting power they that it is as much a factor in the church as it ever the world says not Next they do not con demn and on cor poreal dainties tea parties the world calls them but they the comic recitations tableaux etc so often belt in the house of God the Owl endorsed their opinion on that point ami lastly they do not a public confession of sins but merely a restitution and recompense of committed It surely in mil necessary for me to state 1 have no illwill towards people No I recognize their merits I merely wrote as I and the world see them not as they themselves they see through a glass darkly If they are criticism they should shut up shop spread their pinions and soar away to the happy hunting ground A great deal- of sickness here at present which may be attributed to changeable weather Most of the Yates family were confined to the house by la grippe The Graham family in Gum Swamp have been near ly helpless Jeremiah is seriously ill with pneumonia Mrs Critten den we are happy to say is slightly improving Mirth jollity music etc at Yates on Wednesday on the occasion of Georges resignation of his Rev Powell performed the nuptial knot and as he the essence of jollity good humor the con tagion spread throughout the house hold Ceremony performed at the home grooms parents We could Kay heaps of nice things concerning the bride and groom were our space not limited No charivari Johns a J P Hed make the ami up Mr Herb Mann of Sutton is not a very large Mann corporeally valuable parcels are done up in small compass it is said but he is a gentleman so he is The dastardly committed by the howling mob- who char i varied him prevents roe from saying similar kindly things concerning them Herb we are informed offered them carte blanche to the dainties in his shop but no money they were and money theyd have or revenge Herb- should have given them Big spreads at and Nathan Thomas last week Ow ing to inclement weather all the in vited guests were not present at Bro Thomas missed a treat The goose and plum pudding had a savory bouquet Why didnt he go out the highways and byways and compel them to come in according to scrip tural rule Gum say they an excellent teacher now Trustee Harry is delighted The little boys are toe ing mark Similar good tidings come from Mrs Peter passed away amid great suffering on Monday at a in Burial at Roman Catholic cemetery at Virginia report that she had renounced Catholicism is false THEORY TAUQHT Miss Pupil of Carl Certificate from The Metropolitan of To ronto Street The At the residence of P on Jan Mr bturm to Mies Julia both of by It v Be- At Toronto on the nisi by Rev Jos Mr Uriel J of Alt Albert to Miss J of Toronto Cook Luck December the Metho dist Ave To ronto by toe Johnston Henry Cook of Winnipeg Man of Toronto to Ida Maude Lillian Luck fourth daughter of William Luck Esq of Holland Landing On tario Smith At Newmarket on the 18lb lost by Rev Matthews Mr Fred A HSmith of King to Miss of Newmarket Thomas Church on Jan P of Hamilton to Cora May youngest daughter of A B Morton formerly at to wo and of Mrs J Caldwell of New market The Tomb At her residence Aurora early Friday morning Jan Abagail widow of the late James Andrews hardware merchant mother of J AndVewp Toronto Dislike On Sunday Jan in Township after a brief ill- Mr bie year In Newmarket on the inst beloved wife of Jos Belfry and daughter of J Esq aged READ THIS LIST pairs Ladies Black and Colored Kid Gloves regular 50 to sale price Very Fine Black Cashmere Gloves reg sale price Ladies Gauntlets at Extra Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hose at The Best Corset in the trade sale P Special lot Fine Embroideries at 5c 8c worth double 500 Handkerchiefs at it 5c 10c worth double FUR GOODS Mens Fine Beaver Caps sale Mens Persian Lamb Caps reg at Boys Grey Curl Caps at Mens Stylish Felt Hats 1 at only Ladies Coats worth rum to 750 your choice at GROCERIES Choice New Currants per lb do Raisins do do Clover Honey per lb The best and biggest bar of Soap in Canada for pound can Baking Powder 5 at 5 7 Leading Furniture mid Undertaking House 5 9 to DRESS GOODS Remnants of stylish Dress Goods from to 6 yd lengths at half price 42inch allwool Serges in all shades regularise at Handsorne Satin Cloths regular sale price Heavy Black Storm Serge regular 60c sale price Extra Fine Black Cashmere worth sale price Fine allwool Black Cashmere sale price Good Skirt Lining per yard Extra good Waist Lining sale price STAPLE BARGAINS Very Heavy Cottonade at 32inch Shaker Flannel all patterns Extra Fine Grey Flannel unshrinkable reg at Good Grey Flannel at 2 J Good Heavy Bleached Cotton one yard wide sale- price 5 Extra Fine Bleached Cotton reg sale price 8 Heavy Sheeting 2yds wide sale price Half Bleached Table Linen extia wide well worth 45c sale price Mens Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers reg 50c at Men Heavy homemade Woollen Mitts per pair worth Best Brand Corn and Peas at do Tomatoes at Grocery Stock always fresh and clean We lead ihr- in this department All goods delivecd promptly MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING Here is where Low Prices and Best Quality go hand in hand We have not changed the quality but the prices have been cut so low that even the trashy goods sold by some dealers cannot be bought as cheap Mens Extra Fine Pure Wool Blarney Serge Suits the regular price should be 12 we clear all we have at Mens Double Breasted Heavy Wool Tweed Suits reg 750 goods sale price Mens Fine Tweed Suits special val ue at 8 sale price Boys Double Breasted Wool Tweed Suits reg 3 at Boys Halifax Tweed Suits 350 sale price Mens Heav Frieze Ulster 5 sale price Mens Fine Beaver Overcoats regular price BOOTS SHOES Mens Long Boots special at 2 sale Mens Long Boots good value sale price Mens Long Boots good value at 3 sale price pairs Mens Fine Lace Boots prices to 225 your Your choice of 60 Ladies Fine Kid Button or Lace Boots a Womens Heavy Milking Boots at Mens Good Rubbers Ladies Good Rubbers 40 Childrens do 25 and 50 t 00 75 H E MADDOCK The young man of the Leader inspecting our burg on Monday himself to ft Owl pine Where the oil year ends and the new begins have a change in years This is usually the where many people changes No fs the time to pat in a Bed room or a Parlor Suite and the will yon for next TWO WEEKS FOB CASH J TO Opposite Hotel Newmarket The Cradle At West the lost to Mr and Mrs Joseph a daughter Ac and Mrs Joseph a daughter On Jan to Mr and Mrs Edward Peterson the dih con of a eon In East on the 17th to Mr and Mrs J Thompson a 18 White Wheat a Goose Wheat Barley per bushel Oata per bushel Peas per bushel Bushel i CO tre Butter roll per lb f In Newmarket on the Potatoes is Mrs Cordon a daughter per lb Hay per ton new W S fit All Order will receive Prompt AttenUon f t Htl Pork per lU Ducks a Turkeys per lb Short llfl f a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Toronto Markets Jan Red Wheat per bushel OS White Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat perl Barley per bushel f- per bushel Peas per bushel Rye per bushel i Butter per lb on a OH a a a a 55 300 a a Apple A CO a r OKI a Wool per lb 015 a 0 a W Pore a I era i i r a OC6 a vevvv ptr pair i 60

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