Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Jan 1899, p. 6

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A i h i jyV breezes BVHAT COB- POINT rt Miss Ferris has left for Toronto where intends spending the win ter with relatives Sorry to Mr Kelly is very ill with Mrs I Ham ilton is also under doctor care Frank Sherman and Willie of Toronto spent Christmas at their homes Miss Ironside of Toronto was the of Mrs over Now oars Mr Goo Young has been borne several weeks for his health returned to the city on Saturday Mrs Young lias been laio up i with a bad attack of la grippe Mrs A Love few with friends in tin city J Jon a days The concert under the auspice of Sunday School was a grand success Proceeds nearly Mr our school master his labor on Tuesday the of January We wish him success thai Mr lost it valuable on Friday last Cora of Mission Cor ners spout tin- jxarii Mr John What would to When tin sfeighnde is go ing to be When that in to take f Mian May is spending a couple of weeks at Mr Win and Mr rank of is the of Miss Mr linn Holland spent several days at Mr J the past week load spent a hap py down south on Monday last On Friday of last week a large number of friends and relatives at the of Mr in honor of their daugh ters marriage Mr John The newly couple arrived that evening after an extended through thu northern States After the ceremonies in con- with a rrception of this kind quests about sixty sat down to an oyster supper Amuse ments were indulged in and everyone spont an enjoyable evening After wishing the happy couple many com pliments and presenting the bride with a number of handsome presents the guests dispersed There was another reception com pany guarding the outside portals and the surrounding community They were armed with of great and tin jewelry of various kinds But owing to the bad state of the roads the bride and groom did not ar rive as early as was expected and the disappointed boys after serenading their neighbors went home monthly Gospel Tem perance Meeting under the auspices of the was held on Monday evening Although the night was severe a good crowd was present The program consisted principally of music and was well rendered Miss Claca has returned from and is spending a few days in the village At a business meeting of the Chris tian Endeavor the following officers were elected for the ensuing year President Mr Henry Bennett Vice President Mrs J Secretary Miss Morton Treasurer Miss Winch Organist Miss A Davidson Organist Miss Winoh Auditors Mr Winch Draper At the debate of the Sons of Tem perance on Tuesday evening the judges decided in favor of the affirma tivethat a man would rather live with a good woman Mr Rogers of was in the village on Sunday A threshing machine upset in the village on Miss Christy is spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in Sunderland The Tp Council met at the hail on Monday The electric light bylaw in Brad ford was defeated by votes on Uxjca NX Jan reached low figures at all places in Centra and Northern New York morning from to degrees Jan the jion of a lactam on Sunday even two largo barns and a shed with number ivimjlementfl were destroyed TWre was no insurance Onp pitchdark night recently while the Owl sat and blinking nodding and dozing on his there a gentle tan at the- win dow Who hooted Owl Mo let roe in responded the un expected guest and thereby a tale Borne two years Owl had a loyely ab- stractcd his Docket Long and short if the tato is culprit had need a change of heart at the revival sorvices and sought to make restitution and ax forgiveness who know his need scarcely be reminded that pardon was freely accorded faithful old passed in his cheques for the ninth and last time on New Years Day Rev Mr Minor a Baptist clergy man from Uncle Sams territory has been assisting his brother in the re vival services here Their labors have been productive of much good Over fifty conversions are reported The church here is now protty strong in cluding many of our most respected families Why is it that other re vivals here have not been successful Minor must have some magnetic influence Three religious the Friends the Salvation Army and the Free Methodists have undergone material changes of late years as to scarcely bo recognizable The Friends have introduced preaching into their services and left off to a considerable extent the salutation of each other with a brotherly kiss the Salvation Army have become somewhat less noisy in their services theres enough noise yet and the Free Methodists have eschewed their plain garb for a little worldly vanity and have also renounced getting the power in a greater or leas degree Whether these radical changes are beneficial or otherwise I leave it for the reader to iudgs Some folks are silly enough to laugh at a man if hes tied to his wifes apron string Now you know I rather like to see it A man know of is terribly averse to going to but bis sweet little woman just sat down and coaxed till he resist her pleadings no long er so like a good hubby he escorted her to church A good womans in fluence over a man is strong a bad womans the pity should much love to hear an able de bate on Resolved that womans influence over man is stronger than influence over woman In the discipline of the Free Metho dist Church and the Salvation Army we understand it is requisite that every convert make a public confes sion of their sine and if they have wronged any one to seek forgiveness and make restitution so far as pos sible If all the world were required to do the same what a time be the Owl would be in for it along with a lot of other innocent looking coves Mrs Kleny of Victoria Harbor is spending the winter amongst her friends and schoolmates here Shes a jolly soul Says beauty wont make pot boil On Tuesday the inst a very enjoyable and luxurious dinner was spread for some sixteen invited guests who enjoyed the hospitality of Mr and Mrs Arnold The dinner was got up in firstclass style by Mrs A who has the reputation being a superb cook No Owlship wasnt in it to taste the goodies just the pil lars of the you may say Little Viva Cole the dear little soul sang going to write to papa at the entertainment at Egypt I privately informed she did it in 1st class style She was vociferously applauded New neighbors in Mr Marshall by name tram the hub of North York a good recommend I resume We havent been sliding own their cellar door yet were order of the da last week Herb Tunny fell an fractured his arm nearly did tbe same Mrs Tumble- son and the Owl severely jarred their spinal columns by sitting down suddenly on the ice On Mrs Critten den pneumonia Mrs Mar shall la grippe and to We hope for Improvement Whilst the society on Frog Avenue and Owltown promenade is by no means of the most toney stamp yet on the whole Baldwin can boast of a very fair class of citizens and kinder neighbors cant be scared up A one time resident who fell out with all her neighbors removed hence and aroused the virtuous ire of the good mothers by declaring she was afraid her girls would take up with some of those hor rible Baldwin young men Those indignantvraammfs are laughing now Her daughter roamed so tie said What in the nation has got into our Free Methodist friends They have for weeks enjoying a gospel feast and now they are drinking and feasting on the fat of the land A big spread at Arnolds on Tues day one ditto at Minors on Wed followed by an spread at- on Friday eve friends and jetties flie- bis majesty two called Wrll a person cannot exist on spirit- food And still more low- say gossips- LANDING Very cold weather lately and sleigh ing rather thin The Old Folks Party in Mr Tay lors Hall was largely attended bo Tuesday All reported a pleasant time f Mr 13 on Grand Jury in city true week La quite common just now Mr John and f hog very poorly at present also Mr John Davidson Miss IvqowiCB of London has been as assistant teacher in the Public School commences duty on Monday next Ethel Grantham foil one day last week and is confined to the house We hope to see her out soon again Mr occupied the pul pit of the Presbyterian Church Sabbath ami preached an excellent sermon to a fair congregation He will pencil again next Sunday sub ject How to be christian like in Come and hear him A meeting of all denominations in the interest of the Bible So ciety will be held in Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening Jan Mr Matthews of fiphveyance were una to fulfil engage- Mr and and Harry Luceby arc victims of disease la r Mr Fogg of Winnipeg is over on ii visit to his relatives and friends It baa been eleven years since he left this village We are pleased to see that two of our school John Crenley and Mr Elmer been suc cessful in thoir recent and have also secured situations r iments of the Season to all and previous to bur annual StpcHTaking we are anxious to Holiday Roods and Reduce our Entire Stock GOOD SNAPS IK SINGLE- FANCY China Cups anfd Saucers PITCHERS Thou and Irwin were at home with cousins on Thursday A very pleasant time was spent From a distance were Mr and Miss of Aurora announced in last week Bra anniversary of Sharon League will be held on next Services at 1030 in the forenoon and in the evening At both these services Rev Wood of one of our most promising young men will preach Mire Idle of Torontos favorite will sing at both services The services to be both interesting and pro fitable On Tuesday evening next the at oclock the anniver sary and debate will be heir Miss Idle will bo present and render several solos and this will be of the several interesting and in viting features of the evening The market other will speak Come f subject of debate is Resolved Baking Powder 15c per lb Tin can have 100 Worth Cksapsr mi hi We will give you a Snap t in lbs Lots of I Lines of Package Teas at Reduced Prices See our and Brooms they are Leaders Choice Salmon 10c Tin DAVISON CO Main Street i unit and all and hear the on this Mr and Mrs Ben JBache of North wish to correct the made by your correspon dent of in last weeks issue They say emphatically that no visits were made by anyone except the doctor during the time of quar antine nor did any member of the family visit any other house The instructions of the doctor and the Board of Health were strictly ob served They trust that after this thuse who circulated and published such reports will he more careful about what they say and write No service in the Methodist Church hist Sunday Mr Webber preached in the Election of of the League by ballot was held in the basement of the church last Monday evening The following were elected President F Belfry 1st VicePres Wright i Mrs J Henry 3rd Miss Pearson Secretary Miss E Birthard Cunningham Treasurer Harry Wright Organist Miss Link It was decided last Sunday to have an entertainment and tea in the Methodist in about two or three weeks the day not yet upon The tea will be free to the pupils of the school Last Saturday was a recordbreaker for cold and stormy weather With the thermometer at zero and the winds wild and furious what more of Klondike weather do we need Sun day Monday and Tuesday the severe frost continued ranging from zero to and below Joseph Wright and John Granger of the Holland Landing Plains are re ported in one of the city papers as having a case in Judge last Saturday Living together in a hut on the Plains they fell out on Dee Wright swears Granger pointed a Hintlock horse pistol at him which caused him to run for his life and hide himself in one of the empty houses of the village Granger who is described as a wild weird- looking figure wearing a coat like a patchwork crazy quilt pleaded not guilty to the offence A week ago last Monday morning Miss lizzie Robins of Toronto sister of William Robins of the village died at the Toronto General Hospital from an abscess The remains were placed in the vault of St James Cemetery till spring We understand that she was at one time employed in the village so that not a few may re member her Mr Will Robins little niece from the city is making a that man has done more for love than tor fume The affirmative will be supported by Revs J Wilkinson of Union and Webber of the negative will be upheld by J and A Williams of Newmarket- Tin presence of these gentlemen is warrant that the debate will be interesting In addition to this the ladies of the church and congre gation are making preparations to nerve refreshments at the conclusion of the program The admission for the evenings entertainment has been placed at the nominal price of A cordial invitation is extended to all to participate in any or nil of these gatherings Boot Gutter For talc Cheap or Exchange for wood buy or KNOWLE8 Ontario St HORSES WANTED HARPER Tbe will bo prepared HEAVY and Carriage Welsh Ins from to WOO lba bones be Bound Good Con dition and from to 8 years old Franklin Hotel Tuesday Jan Wilson- Hotel House Hotel Friday Royal Hotel Newmarket Saturday forenoon A Montreal HISTORY OF THE SPANISHAMERICAN WAR By HENRY CABOT P SENATOR is the a- a filer Amir Lilt wit iv it e Admiral Sampson Fleet Battle of Manila bay WiL S i t By WUlUn Oca A fil all chirm endeared Mr reading public that A1 Princess A fctiu Ut lull Spanish War Fox Ik ate of To the tiUclvT of Sharon to lhauk you till your liberal tb recent election many them coming out to vote at personal In convenience are entitled to my convenience are entitled to my bean lent consideration Wishing you all a nappy New Year lam Your obedient servant TENDERSM WOOD Sealed tenders will bo received by un dersigned up to Friday Jan 20th for cords of green Maplo and cords green for Newmarket all to be good body wood By order LLOYD CENTRAL TAILOR SHOP We are Magnificent Range of Bui tinge confined to as at a Price which are selling goods for before going TAKING FEATURES Is our business- Call at our gallery and have yojrs taken We can doit and do in the la- eat style See oar samples of enlarged work SMITH BROS PHOTOGRAPHS Gallery two doors Sooth of House John Fn ft SHORT STORIES UNDER AH APRIL SKY By nV THE HOUSE WAY OF THE CROSS tKiatriiinrt THE LOVE OF LORD THE CUCKOO CLOCK By Mary Br lxu THE CEKTURYS PROGRESS IS StlEKCE By Henry Smith MO die arc Mans Asia of South America Br RaLII a BROTHERS PnfcKsncr N WANTED j One or two Good Secondhand Sleigh Esquire at Era office The Wright Man rlTlt want to be Comfortable when In Cold as moat of the neat People are why you will have to do like they did IN Go to A Buffalo And did voqk those large driving They arejuetaa without whoa you the good of then as are NOTICE The Right Place the BEST BOOTS For School Children At the lowest prices Repairing Neatly Done Custom Work a Specialty Special Bargains IN 1 We understand that Mr Geo Hop per of Union Street intends running a for the purpose of supplying ties for Metropolitan By There will likely be lots of work for our men next summer Mr Osborne is on the sick list of our sports took in the Hookey match of Newmarket also the Carnival at Sharon Gink on Tues day night Wo understand that Mr Walter Simpson our popular implement agent intends moving on the form belonging to Mr Turner of lately vacated by Mr Our Brass- Baud was engaged to furnish for tie at the Sharon Rink on Tuoaday Overcoatings Panting Jas McLaughlin Boarders Wanted MRS A DO ART St OLD For Bale at the- ERA Office So per lb in over lbs Newmarket Cemetery Co The Annual of Newmarket Cemetery will bo bold in the Newmarket Jan the gleeton ana toe of A full at tendance of lot la w raat- of will for discus- bIod By Order ARE YOU INSURED r The S ife ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED Total in force over 117000000 over Annual Revenue over Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over in Canada Deposit at Ottawa security of Canadian Polioyholderfl Profits paid policyholders The of Females Insured without extra premium The Annual Meeting of the Queensvllle Cemetery PROFESSIONAL HIGHEST Violin and Striate Kepi in Repaired Bows He haired FOB Will be held the of January MB GEO SHOP at p for meeting and for the of I be audited A large a GEO J- j WRIGHT Shoemaker President Secretary Children over years of age written at Rates M Manager J Balfour Charles Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J Agent TEN HO Chinese Laundry REMOVED Doors South of Methodist The Best Work in the Town Jo collar open A piece- W Sheet Drawer f Bhlrtav Front up without being brok en J the I to look llko tee work properly pouted Stand Work d Perfect NEWMARKET Opposite Starrs Book Store YORK AG SOCIETY Notice la hereby given that the Of the above Society will bo held at council Newmarket on Wednesday January 18ti180 At the hour of oclock pm for the recep tion and adoption of the Annual Report Km- tlonof n attcndaocoU reauetted A meet Existing will be held at the place at a on the ABB PreBldenti Secretary LOST On December between Baldwin a J MINK FUR about a a half In and four laches wide The finder rewarded by the tame at BJidwln or to owner WALKER fJ High For Sato Cheap J flrttclas wheel- Would

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