NEWMARSEpERfc- fa Head anil limbs All covered With Eruptions Not Work the Suffering We Has Cured I ill ran down with complaint peculiar to toy and I broke out to on my body head limbs and d my all oat I under doctors treatment a long Mm without my Iron bit I began Hoods and after bad need or four found I improving kept on until had taken more and and ray has grown oat J Ontario all down and had no appe tite I bad a tired all the time to try did and It me that I would not bo without It Mao County The following announcement is made in the Toronto World At the coming session of the Legislature application will be to York Township separated from the county for municipal purposes The point its that a better police would rendered as the Township would have its own police mnjfihtratc and olbVers If this lie liut it is hut the lie- of it very considerable change in municipal administration of County Should tin in tain the Yoik Town- shift will jisVilian of Count assets This of Deaths shadow THE OK A WHO HAD UP Tortured with Pains in the Stomach for Four Years Doctors and Hos pital Treatment Failed to Help her In Her Extremity limns Pink Pills Restored Her to Health From Jbeiri Wherever man is to be found there also by side with him is disease Op A was to Laurie from farm era that no farther be totho debt of the Dominion and that money needed tor by the to a In with the mean of the labour of which the farmers form he moat Important part The following information from Secretarys annual report will be A curious pretention of the Milk from Shareholders in the Duke of in Spain 1 in VUoount llM6ft In Hungary who are leaders In many Cheese to Patrons lbs nations i given in the January 3 Ian under the title Irian Leaders ir Many National It will be HOW MANY v mm Want a Good SKIT 12145 Hoods and surtoiiiiL Those who have nut j as h factor of their kind and deserve the of all mankind For special for May June and July milk fiuaiioial any to rifpt Central Norton of the j v making itself Avurw Price of Cheese for but will add our annual I William Pink Pale r J act with xenrliturv- in County the ease of Mrs Hoods Pills instUuthmsanrl Ciller Que under the notice of official will be required and j lhf felt it to In- same of will bis duty mi hearing of Mrs without tin of nottes restoration from ill r I Best Medium I locks penny postal arrangement with tbe Home Government was announced till last load of twocent rate bad not been pro vided Last week the Postmaster York Township to help meet obligations their and have- to In addition in YorK county It of adJUKtlllIlt Of ills in for tint i County judicial expenditure etc as well us ill- direct other of the I S HO tfVfi County will be required to in A covin IfSUJM Inch 1 1 I fion I jvi I determining any matters of with in relation the of the now jail with writ ten until etc Advert will bi once momii irdwirMl For than Besides all this the reason miIi tin- composition mum In for the contemplated action of York Township as set forth in the above paid hi bo lh It on A notice will lie lor any fur or fceirciloolloo li will lie notion No to ana police is not j This ulterior purpose contemplated more for Robertson lUrrNlT jury Public Ac Main KuwioarkH- S0000 on rciud can obtained without The Township could secuie legislation if it not already in this power of the to health to interview the and recoisi her experience for the benefit of others who may need the healing inllueuces of Dr Williams Pink Pills Mm Brunettes farm house was found to be very comforts able and oven elegant near the base of an immense hill an of the Ijaurentian Mountains The reporter was warmly welcomed and Mrs said she was very glad to have an opportunity to testify to the great benefit Dr Williams Pink Pills had conferred upon her She is yearn of age now Her lie late Brunette died years ago and after his death she very hard for some years with the result I hut she completely run down so much so that although quite tall she weighed only about pounds After taking the slightest food she such distress that she was compelled to lie down for hours being so weak that she was unable to up At last she thought sin- must have been attacked by cancer of the stomach so violent were the pains that constantly harassed her She consulted the best physician and per 1 VJ or This Fall Winter there are any they will find Good Satisfaction at Tailor Shop announced a domotio twocent rate and then our cotem olaimed that the lode- of including its own the obange but it then its tune by indirectly denouncing the it would in a deficit the Government would have to make up by a lea tax and it changing like a at sea a a rudder duv run on Stock Plant Building Outstanding Account Hal on hand til m Vi 5 C not Lu Ik China it is a and ap propriate present to give an aged a if the recipient in bad health Although Wilfrid to making the a joint voting machine will meet demand for reform it not prepared to accept proposal and presenting that body with a Unless the Senate to about one- half amber a made and there- 1 by amenable to public opinion we favor notion of wiping out the tution altogether it would be a sav ing to the country and would help the Do minion treasury to an extent finan cially as to relieve the Mails anxiety about a tax on tea to meet a Output of for S 1014 lb HUT I Si 1 IO4LTirjj villcilor i u to ho a move to rid ihc Tow j4Nu ship of the burdens foreseen i- i silent more than a bundled dollar in appoint a notice magistrate for tin- i aim medicine municipality to meet tins desideratum I ine without its municipal hospital at Pembroke But withal to the County It rather seem A to mo of To ronto from Winnipeg under of n 4 likely lo between Although they benefited he county and city respeetiiiginaintenaiice of new court house burdens which j the Township of York more than any municipality the County is and collection responsible for by conceding promptly made Money to loan at low eat rate demands which the northern part of lr to p S Barrister etc Late with Cameron I Dunn Milk furnished and amount of money paid during the lbs milk lbs milk 279 Webb 1 1 J Martin Millard E 3 Win Smith la J deficiency from Hon Mr two J Brown J Ml J It C J- Ji Trent Ihuu 20940 itbdeeanotapeknattemKlyofMrHuKh- Johu ilicdonall Ml lelaml Prairie Province Toe J I itehy John wade a 142 II li before tbe dub Francis and people look upon it full John Proctor 131 us she was ill four year and despaired of Ho up Joseph Philips well Finally she Martina Pacific Hallway policy- aa one next cam paiju He to know nothing about the ecesity of making the Railway a Government or snytbiiu of that sort The fact John thick and thin a people P8- to hope for the advent of success of Xm hie on his pre- Wilson sent platform hopeless People are Hall tired of railway representatives and are on Sheridan V the outl for something else has Starr I Win Case B I II727- iifm 12901 1 02 to 5jive Williams Pink a trial and accordingly she procured six When the agreement between and city was being ratified by the Solicitor Ac the Reeves of King East Arcade King fit West Whitchurch and New- Toronto to fv Barrister Block Money to Loan market unitedly opposed the increased change from to AUCTIONEERS Duncan for York- aold on Farm attended to A trial solicited Street LICENSES C- Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Office Newmarket Papeca at private If desired O WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones call Ordering- Allan MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music primary have stood In after nations waited t at commealonodblfie to W Department written In Praadttcoonho ilh i hospitals At Honolulu in Hong African at Manila In AlnaIdo on and In the oar f fail of Manila Bonanza original en jbotnKmpheraoii Low Outfit the basis of the maximum liability of the Judicial County of York upon J which the proportionate cost of main- I for annual charges could be exacted for use of Court House but representatives of municipalities near the city yielded to the citys demand and the Legislature confirmed it Now however foreseeing that the structure then estimated to cost at the outset has to nearly two million dollars and observing the extravagant manner in which the en tire premises are being furnished in volving not only present cost but likewise future cost of maintenance they seek to be relieved from prospec tive burdens We trust the County Council will be found equal to the this new move presents and while affording every reasonable assistance to enable York Township to secure the police protection its rate payers may desire and are willing to tax themselves for that municipal separation of local Townships cannot be allowed In view of the situation looming up in the future consequent upon the possible dismemberment of York Town- whip and adjoining Town and Village municipalities bordering on the city we are more than ever impressed with the that the separation of North York into a County by itself as urgeil in these columns years ago would prove advantageous to the Rid ing and less burdensome to the rate payers of this part of the County almost from the time she began taking them she kept on taking the pills un til she had taken sixteen boxes and then felt that she was completely cured the pills accomplishing in three months what four years of medical treatment had failed to do From that time nearly three years ago Mrs Brunette has been in good health needing no medicine You can see said Mrs Brunette as the reporter was departing that I am in perfect health I attend to all my household work and the dairy and poultry and have large number of cows to milk I never fail to say a good word for Dr Williams Pink Pills when I have an opportunity for they did things for me Mrs Brunette is a well educated lady speaking French and English fluently pal Strong ran the old mm XW4i2S r Pills and cities hi York State by vir cub authority given by State Legis lature have power to bylaws prohibit persons expectorating on has enacted a bylaw of kind and now street corner loafers to go the gutter to discharge juice a law cornea from Ottawa that it is the purpose of Government to the net cession of Parliament several amend ments to the some of will be very The whole Cus toms Act amending and For twenty years it has been amended and tinkered until entire revision has become a necessity A con of that splendid story entitled Overcoming the World by Charles Sheldon author of In His Steps has been sent to us by The Poole Printing Co Limited Toronto This story is in teresting alike to old and young and has a influence in the of char- It pall tews up in many eyes and moral Heroism into rainy hearts This makes eight books of pah- by the Poole Printing In paper covers cents extra fine binding cents For sale dealers milk milk 31623 i 9 I i Hi 14 W3 J Cunningham 23530 I A I Joan A Wilson Win Fuller Of about thirty recognized coal- 1 McDonald 21127 10 Joshua Goodwin in stations in the Pacific Great Brit- Joshua Oliver am owns at least twelve Seattle Wash Jan 19446 Grobesite and Albert Bernard two Hughes young men from New York met with Howard 18174 hard on their way to the dike They broke through the ice on 16179 Thirty Mile River and were in the Grei water some time They were finally Lehman rescued and cared for by the police Vincent 15862 Grobesite lost in gold which J 15791 was tied on his sled He arrived here today absolutely penniless His part ner at House in the police hospital and will lose both feet as well as several fingers will loose a toe ASSESSMENT SYSTEM A SAD The home la sad the flags are at half mast A good man has go to his long home Wis as well as good That question is answered by the of insurance If he bad a policy in the ores tors Evans J Huntley T Curry A Howard E Hall HCurtis 14329 RCooke 14005 Shier 13862 HTrent Bales John Nelson Silas Toole 12519 C A Toole 12488 E Brammer 12264 J Wilson 12107 J 12043 JWright 11727 Mrs Foster Bond 11519 Watson Mrs E P Belfry 10357 02 J C 102 A Starr 103 Walter Lloyd 773 36 Lewis 7591 J Wright DMorton 7526 Milne 7442 91 Arnold 7237 76 P Lehman 1 W 01 C K Morrison 1 76 A AMilne A Lehman 5537 Pollock 74 J Milne jT 5177 74 Smith Harris J Dawson E Cane 66 Miller Geo Smith A O Rogers 95 Penrose 62 Rose 25 W Geo John Anderson 3206 1946 Crake 1713 Geo 1356- 47 US 96 46 41 73 16 96 79 25 18 16 15 the TtiD ft Kara I rid a had troubled year and aavataletd C St Battle DAVIS ft CO The Toronto appears to got on the of York Township separation sob ems at the bound It bays Certain malcontents In York Township are trying to bring about a separation of the township from York County a thing require a special 90 of to accomplish Bay that the township more than its share tlie lax burden The feel ing the County Council is that Iton should be strenuously resisted as snob a township separating from would destroy the present flys goTornmeut in Ontario Fred Johnson the colored man who with bis colored lady was refused orchestra seats at the Academy of music Montreal and sued Sparrow Jacobs for damages has been awarded damages and all costs for his arid children or relations axe sure of that amount debtfree and absolute And the price of protection is so cheap his best of Canadian Societies that one Are Skin Eruptions rob never misses the little that life of joy BuoklenV Arnica Salve makes the loVed ones safe a- them also Old Running and Fever Ulcere Felons Corns Cuts Bruises Burns Scalds Chapped Hands Chilblains Pile cure on earth- Drives out and Aches Only eta a box High ato Cure guaranteed Sold by ttJI-Drug- For further particulars enquire of any of the Officers or Members of the Order or address REUIOTTpv Winnipeg Jan At this morning fire destroyed store It quickly spread to J Bradleys general store and Miss millinery shop all of which were totally destroyed The post- office is poof but the loss in postal matter will be Blight The total loss will aggregate about mostly covered by insurance For and Children Unlit FLO FEED Strong Bakers Hungarian Glenora Pastry Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds I LAND PWSTER A car of fresh American Gray fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME J The very best Grey lime Iff Storehouse and Huron Telephone No GRAHAMS Art Studio We are fully prepared to do all kinds of work in the very latest styled Carbon on Porcelain Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors Embossed Work Saturday Bargain Day Photos I OTQRAHAMf J JONES OLP STAND NEWMARKET r