Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Jan 1899, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET tfeeks WHAT ON IN ABOUT TOWN Form Produce lait Saturday Batter went up to ami now laid up per dor Go paid tor and lor Largo of beef offered Protection annual moating of North York Union Protection will take In January Presentation The in Mm Normal in Methodist Sunday School ac knowledged her by hand- chair to her residence as a Christmas box J Still Another Dip winter weather prevailing hie Tuesday the thermometer from to 18 below aero in differonl parte of Town- day mercury did use above ihe math morning from to If below iho record here At Mattawa on below reported i The After Them Four young of are to appear before Jackaon next for misconduct at one last If the are no doubt a pecuniary pen alty will be imposed Calculated to them that those who thu moral law must later bear Tennyson Club he lam meeting in view of the pro posed in the of a low week On King Arthur and the Holy Grail ibe member decided to discontinue tlit reading In for two Next Tuesday tvening at eight oclock the home of Mies Gertie Hi the tint Grail will be read Great preparations ftro going for Ibo Carnival at tonight ooa tumps wiltprobaoly previous Many of who have never a Carnival should it for the fan of it r Bond Band officers on evening as President Mr John Mr John John Warren Trueteoa McDonald and Scott Auditors Meters Mosier and Geo McDonald fl There a large attendance at the Lodge laet Monday evening he mem were diaviKJintod by the absence of or Ins representative lift The new were duly ltd by IaetMaater and at the close of ceremony a served at Notwithstanding there were present they were with comfort Publics School Regular meeting laet Tuesday ovening Present Pretty Curry Scott and Campbell Accounts were passed amounting to The half of The Holy fees for Tanoary The Secretary inatrocted to for wood and the Committee on Furniture and Re pairs to open tenders and decide Temperance The Presbyterian Endeavor pi the program J Dickson Esq in the chair Largo attendance Mies presided at the organ Mr Pretty read the fccripture lesson by the Recitation Leslie Ran- Reading Rose Solo Mrs Allan Royal Templars take charge next Sunday Church Good greeted Chid- ley last Sunday and the was line The morning Troublesome Thoughts bad no sooner come to the throne of his wicked father than he rushed into indulgences to the extreme There is no trouble in life like a guilty before God and there only one way to get from this terrible state Conies become re conciled to God cease doing wrong and irfrn right around He look for his evening subject Four ways of dealing with sin Rev Matthews it to preaob here next Sunday morning oo be bull of the Bible Society Annual Roll Call and At dome next Wednesday evening Every year about this time A Brno ton aouie great inducements in White Goods The genuioenesB of this is at tested by the number of ladies who antici pate wants for spring He advertises a few special lines in today no will be jaiokly picked op Tea Aid of the elected lost week for the as follows President Mrs Jackson VioePrea Mrs Hughes Secretary Mrs Bo Hon Hewitt Treasurer- Mrs Ja Executive Mrf Cane Mrs Geo Mrs Geo Wm Trivett Mrs Little Audifpr J Cane Mrg to hold their next Quarterlies at the of Mr on evening 17tb Inst Tea served from to follow- by a- Parlor Concert A good program t1CSV4d prepared and a very even ing assured Ad lesion voluntary io aid of Pipe Organ fond A cordial invitation to the to enjoy the evening Bible Society The annual meeting of the Newmarket branch to take place in the Presbyterian Church on Thuraday evening of next week and the Board is making an extra effort to a large attendance Dewey of Aurora is to give an addresB and a Union Choir provide the music The prayer- meetings in and Friends church are to be withdrawn the evening in consequence Let there be a rand rally from each de nomination and All the place At the Executive Meeting of the North York Sunday School Association held in Newmarket last Monday the following mere in attendance President J A Hop kins of Holt Rev P Smith of Bradford Rev K Hager of Mt Alber Rev A of Aurora Rev Robinson of Rev A Brown of Mr of Pine Orchard Mr A Davidson of Newmarket Mr P Pearson of King Mr of Mr A Yule of Aurora and the Secretary Mr Garrett of Bradford appoint ed to the Provincial I and Secretary were in- to Aurora Newmarket and Bradford for Normal Work to be commenced and as ehall decide and also Township are to take said work The question of a Uniform Triple Pledge Card for all school In North York Against and profanity was left for to disease The President Secretary David son and Yule were appointed to draft a Program for the next Convention and pre sent It at the next KxecdtWemeeting Adjoarned at call of the President meeting for organisation will be held in next Monday WW A Splendid Talk about patience sociability accounts in with of a borne Why theee things are but not the whole of borne life A very constituent part of social happiness is a good family newspaper Not one devoted to and the mor bid doings of the decadent but a brightly edited finely printed well illnatrated dean review of daily events in the world and an admixture of poetry and personal gossip as add spice to the whole dish Such a journal is Newmarket which for years been a source of joy in thousands of homes and is eagerly looked for by every member of the family If hare not renewed your subscription for kindly do at and greatly oblige High Close Concert Arrangements are about completed for tbe HighClass Concert to be given in the Town Hall Newmarket on Tuesday even ing Jan Though Concerts of this nature are expensive the Committee is of the opinion that it people know of some thing being extra good they will patronize it Prof Tandy is probably foremost tenor singer in Toronto and has won the admiration of vast audience in largest cities of England Scotland and America His regular charge is 50 a night Hiss Davidson of who sang so charm ingly at tbe Organ Opening in the diat Church last mouth is one of his pupila and it alone is worth a quarter to hear her sing Mabel Thompson of Toronto another of his who has won highest praise wherever ahe baa appeared and when these three soprano alto and tenor unite in a trio the effect is said to be marvellous accomplished organist of the church Nettie will play the accompaniments An evening of ex ceptional pleasure is promised and we hope to see the hall crowded by an appreciative audience Wait top It Hookey Club bays arranged a match with the Wellingtons of Toronto for next week The team is one of fastest In the city League They are playing both Senior and Intermediate hockey to A Do not fall to boo tola good game We thank our many for the kind words are paying about the in sending their renewals They are In deed appreciated It is astonishing how many people do not read It easy to tell who they are because they still put a stamp on tbeir letters Programs for the King Sunday School Convention at are being distributed this week by Secretary out for the new moon week days are growing longer and the ice te getting stronger If yon want to buy cheap buy from the merchant who advertises He sella more than dealers and can afford to at lower rates Residents of the South End report their wood piles have been touched during the past week Tbe ice has commenced on tbe millpond Mr Dan got a telegram yester day from Winnipeg stating that his son Horace was dead Dairy flean The annua meeting took place at the Council Chamber on Wednesday afternoon and fairly well attended The reports were adopted and votes of passed to the and Direc tors The election of officers then proceed ed with and resulted as follows President E Vicefree C Haines I B P Irwin P and Lewie Auditors Kelly and A motion was passed that the receive for their services year The question of buttermaking by tbe Factory was then opened by the President for Mr Noble from the Factory present and related bis experience By the use of tbe process they are making of butter ont 100 of milk that only testa per cent The farm ers are so well satisfied with reenlta that tbe are being increased number and stable accommodation has wonderfully improved Mr Bruce the Imperial Produce Jo Toronto present and of the in creasing demand for creamery butter which vas selling from to per lb Curling- The Club JoaToeyod to Barrio mi Friday last and was beaten to The too In splendid con dition and a time spent by all The Barrio Club will return the match very coon Aurora and were playing a Curling Match at tho Rink here yesterday afternoon when we went to Disqualified The air la thick with rumors of candi dates recently elected to office who do not requisite property qualification to tako seats It said example will be made In Newmarket Mr has been thrown out If bo dUolalms the Col a f aiaieBSi4iiaVaae1aei Our Annual Sale Begins TO And continuesfor the balance of the month Bargain Day of all Kinds Every Day this Month in White Goods 40inch Pillow Cotton per yard win be elected be baying tbe next Heavy White Cotton yard wide r I blips regularly madeper pair 28c White Counterpanes J yds long 55c Heavy White Wool Blankets per pair Heavy Twill Sheeting 2 yds wide 42inch White Lawn our line for 42inch do do 55 j of T About viaitora from Aurora attended Council evening when the Now IS the time Anrora and Newmarket lodges every dollars worth were installed by Dominion ViceCouncil lor Rev H Matthews At tbe dose the ceremony were made by tbe Aurora officers and visitors were enter tained to refreshments by the Newmarket The best cooks always use rumens Baking Powder Council A very please social evening enjoyed Three now members were also initiated to buy your Spring supply when you can save twentyfive cents on W A BRUNTON J a Our Toronto tetter Profits Must Go R Great Game Nearly people witnessed the hookey match at Rink last Friday night contending being the St Georges of Toronto and home team It proved to be the fastest and best exhibition of hockey ever played here Mr game very factory The playera were ST A Goal JKennedy W Point Kelly A Point J Kelly Birmingham Birmingham Taylor A Gillie Forward Lloyd The visitors were great on rashes and Birmingham in the midst of a brilliant scored first game for the visitors The next three games went to the visitors notwithstanding tbe great defence which the home team played Simpson Lloyd and Trivett then forced the play and with assistance of Pipher next game went to borne team After half time play resumed The home team showed what they were made of when they piled up the next three games to their credit The visitors then scored and the homo team followed with another game When time called score stood to I In a tie more than the make because of its uniform quality After a short discussion on motion of Mr Geo Rose were author ized to put a Batter Plant in the a sufficient quantity of milk ia pro mised to make a paying of butter It also decided to bold annual meeting in future on 3rd Tuesday in ao as not to conflict with cultural Meetings appointed by Obituary On Wednesday morning last Dr James J Hunter of Whitchurch and formerly of Newmarket passed over to majority- aged years Deceased has been ill for some months and to Bright ditease He came to Canada with hie parents who first Bottled at Niagara in from there removed to Whitby bis father praoticed Later on they removed to the where the of this notice studied medicine and graduated at Geneva New York After taking a course of lec tures at New York Medical Dr Hunter commenced the practice of hie profession in Newmarket A very few years after thia place became incorporated into a municipality Dr Hunter was elected to its Board and acted as for six years These were pro gressive years for the village but three of them exceedingly times at It was during these that old Town Hall Lot St wee erected and during same period the l yellow placard dodge became a potent factor deciding a contest and what will more specially be remembered by the older citi zens when deceased assaulted on the morning polling day when he was op posed by Alfred for the But much that said during the feelings of bitterness and which then obtained Dr Hunter made ft good Reeve and a Magistrate did much to suppress and which pre- bad prevailed when circumstances offered a partial excuse For deceased has been living on a farm and had a lumber mill near where he also practiced bis profession In politico deceased was a Liber- The Poultry Association of Ontario and the sister Association in States will celebrate their silver jubilee at international exhibition next week in Pavilion commencing on Tuesday and continuing the two following days At the inaugural meeting of the new City Council last Monday Aids Burns and Woods were as the Board of Control for Some of the evening papers talk if the result was eminently peculiar Warden High and Councillors sor and Hall of York County conferred Monday with Sir Melville Parker and John of Peel County in re ference to the proportion of cost to be defrayed by each county in the erec tion of Suramerville bridge The coat will be divided equally between the counties The bridge is a steel arch structure with stone abutments It was finished on Dec 1898 Mr A Blue went to Sudbury on on Saturday on departmental business for the Bureau of Mines Hon E J Davis was up in West Elgin this week campaioiDg in Local byeelection in that John Clarke a York street whiskey dive keeper was fined and costs or three months for selling liquor on the sly There something higher than an elevator and deeper than a harbor in the and Toronto railroad scheme wen wen were were Mens AllWool Shirts and Mens Lined Gloves Mens Kid Lined Gloves Mens Fur Gauntlets Mens Extra Heavy Pants Mens Good Tweed Pants Mens Heavy Frieze Ulsters Mens do do Light Colors were Mens Extra Heavy Ulsters all colors were Mens Beaver Overcoats Velvet were Mens Fine Dress Overcoats were Boys Hea Overcoats were Boys Blue Reefers brass buttons were Mens Felt Boots were Ladies Felt Boots were Mens Long Solid Leather Boots were Mens Fine Laced Boots were Boys Laced Boots were Girls Laced or Buttoned Boots were Now that the holiday trade over arid before Stock taking begin- will cut our off on all Winter Good and io lints Cost Drawers were were were now now j 1 1 5 j 1 I I SO now now Jo now now now now now 75 now 50 now now now now now now now now j JO 95 0 50 00 00 50 i Come early as we intend to clear out our Clothing at Most Wonderfully Low Prices J THE CHEAP STORE KESWICK On Sunday evening the E meet ing in the Christian Church was well attended despite the rough night Next Sunday evening the subject will be introduced by Dr Law A full house is expected The Methodist are preparing for their Anniversary which takes place on the and Rev P Addison of Toronto is to preach anniversary sermons no the and on Monday evening annual enter tainment will be hi It The school intend the best ever giv en Mr agent for bin Acetylene Gas Co is putting in fixtures at Mr Morton store and dwelling house He expects to have it com pleted this week The coat of every thing complete is about The ice on the bay is over 18 inches now Several have started to put their ice in this week down at Roachs Point Mr Dan Morton of Davisville is spending a few weeks with relatives in thia neighborhood He intends going to the North West next spring On Monday evening the K O elected officers for the ensuing year Sir John Marritt K F Van VanNorman Chap A Physician Dr Green wood at A A 1st John Mann 2nd John Row Sentinel Morton Picket W I JFur Robes Horse Blankets at Clearing Prices Fur Coats at Clearing Prices Mantles at Clearing Prices Overcoats at Skates Clearing Prices at Clearing Prices Some Prices An epidemic grip has broken out to an alarming extent among the dariDg greater portion of hie arlier fine horses of Kentucky v By blowing out of a cylinder- head in the engine at the electric light depot is left in darkness At Belleville Mich on Sunday night train No ran into rear end of an extra freight lying there engineer and fireman saved An overturned fired the and five cars m years but after Confederation daring the eleotion whiob re salted in Hod Alex Mackenzies Govern ment being defeated be support John protection theories period he been more or live in the Conservative Hunter In married Land daughter of the vVbitcbaroh farmer reading a of miles of Newmarket on by whom he bad childrentwo and a storehouse were destroyed Mens Dark Racoon Coats Heavy Quilted Italian Lined reg now Mens Wombat Coats from 50 to Mens Brown Duck Waterproof Klondike Coats heavy wool lined Mens Leather Coats Corduroy Lined Extra Quality now Mens 11 Wool Lining it it Mens Heavy Frieze Pea Jackets Fancy Check Lining now Mens Heayy Wool Undershirts now Heavy Etoffe Tweed was 50 and yard now per yard Horse Blankets Fancy Check Shaped were now Womens Black Fur Jackets Satin Lined rular price 30 now W9men Fur Capes and Ruffs at Clearing Prices lOANFORO ROCHE pa 06 OO K A

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