Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 13 Jan 1899, p. 1

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i V f-T- -Av- hew- 1 1 fig a INTEELIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give mo the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to above all other liberty 8 PAGEi No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in Vol XLYII No Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Qnt Friday January per annum if paid in YOUR CHANGE TO BUY Stoves We have on hand a few firstclass woodheating Stoves Air Tights Fancy Parlor Heaters and Box Stows which We intend clearing out at ACTUAL COST Our object is carry nothing in heavy Stoves over the season BIG REDUCTIONS In other lines of Winter Goods such as Snow Shovels Cut Saws Coal Hods Eft Axes Stove Boards Buck Saws String Bells Heavy Mitts Team- Bells Lamps Stove Pipe Elbows MA Horse Blankets and THEIR OK HUT NOT WOMBS now the time has come when the farm ers will have a good deal of leisure which will improve according to their disposition Thore will bo stormy day when all expected of thorn will bo on the chorea and between times they will sit the house and kill time But for the women the winter does not bring much change A groat deal has crowded into the short day Cooking serving mending have to be done the same Most farmer wives makes enough butler through the winter to be a to them caus ing much labor and anxiety There are lunches to be put up for the school children and a constant litter of wet mittens and boots and old coats lying around the kitchen stove Mother Daughter Cored by Compound The Marvellous All Over the World as the Great Rheumatism and Kidney Disease Butchering makes a great deal of to penitentiary for two greasy work and any woman a half whose husband his hogs on j foot ought to be grateful It is bad enough to look after the laid etc from those packed for home Theres sausage and mince meat to make and the empty cans to fill with Our Toronto letter The twocent postage rate in Cana da means something to Ontario It is estimated the Provincial Govern ment will save about annually by the reduction IS A Mcdonald in a letter to a city paper announces that he purposes en tering a civil action against the Street Railway Co and certain members the Railway syndicate to recov- or to the city the difference between The new year can be likened unto a the price paid for the franhcise and blank book of three hundred and sixty plant and its present value less five pages which has been placed in tain costs of equipment He thinks jour bands What will the book con- he can reveal in this way facts of an tain at the end of year Some ominous character j pages will be stained with Some New Life Strength and Long Years Chestnut coal advanced cents will be crumpled as if clutched in de- per ton in price last week Borne will contain words of A- Co At the AssizeB now underway at the bate and anger which will burn the Court House Mr J K Kerr hereon they are written Other prosecutor The criminal cases art limited but there are about on the civil docket The two Italians convicted of pass ing counterfeit stiver halfdollars here The Editors Shears OUR John Markham found a Spanish coin dated in a package Known of raisins Hurricane Point gold mine Nova Scotia produced worth of gold I eleven is a costly old sonl a Happy Future for All SuN costly old soul he fork take Who the Compound our to farmed up to the right degree J P of ins been appointed to the in the Senate caused by death of consider it will be filled with the record accomplished something v and myself done which has earned a nights J milk eeveu There will be the record of t years J as crew and the was abandoned fought and at the end of the and I one of her drowned year we can turn back and see li While climbing a the mnA whan medicine without any A The British iteamfr and the learner wi tiff Head The French teamer with eleven of her apples Oh yea theres plenty enough to do meals we have conquered when we have lost There will be these pages in letters of gold an at- any 1 1 nam who a naif rneasuie under results a friend mine count of thy self sacrifices loves and A fire in the glass works did advixi to try Paine J damage one mght last week was M self sacrifices loves and Compound I did so and using J g I found I in a stream out 0 the Siar and better than I km for years fc Key P McKay Presbyterian j My daughter was cured of kidney weeks mission secretary has received a let- j their action on the Stomach disease after twelve years from Rev Mr who and Bowels Millers Worm I by using a few bottles of the com- Farmer John of tbat in there is none Now is the time when a woman trouble prevailing in tbe western pro- and Hockey Supplies Our Coal Oils tire First- Class A ought to got some work out of the boys and her husband ought get those shelves put up in the cellar that she needed so much last summer and couldnt have because the men were too busy Then that strip for the closet with hooks so that some things not wanted often can be hung up high The girls want a three-corn- closet in their room a three- hours job for a rainy day Any man who will not attend to such things when he has nothing else to do ought to go without pie til he will No considerate husband will let his of the Powders correct all such troubles as pound I advise all from lack of Appetite Biliousness rheumatism nervousness and kidney Sallow Complexion etc nice trouble to give Paines Celery Com- The work is going on quietly Mr speaks of a narrow escape which he had probable death at the hands of a maniac The man had just cut off his brothers head with a knife and was making for Mr Go Special meeting on Jan 1899 to take Sold by E Lehman Council Repairing Promptly Done residence when he was arrest ed annual ball at the Asylum took place last Thursday night patients took part in dancing During December prisoners were discharged from the Central Prison term of conviction having expired Grip is epidemic this city There wife bring in wood or coil build fires hardly an office that has not I or carry water when he is around and has it that do it And lie should make it his of the employees at the Par- Mayor in the chair Members pres- Reeve Messrs Smith Stick- wood Hughes Wesley and Manning The following accounts passed Express Co on packing A pound a trial Yours sincere J Mrs Louis RICHMOND HILL township died last month leaving 1 The land acres is worth the rest being personalty j The estate is willed to the son Will- I iam who is to pay out of it a number of legacies to his mother brothers and sister SO of the Season and Happy Returns to near for generous support of the past year We look forward with bright hope I to be full of prosperity for us all L DENTAL A I opposite the Vitalised Air Cor Vj Satisfaction Quaraotetd a pp Rogers to the r iOwxoa Dr late Aurora pit p Pop OrlUlB beat of Dr Porter il ford every f business to be around He should put in the big chunks even if she follows him up with the dust pan and scolds a little about the litter He or the boys ought to strain the milk and do the churning help on washdays at the wringer and by emptying the tuba and hanging oat the clothes It wont hurt him a little bit and it will help her to get the rest she needs No woman has any business to go out in the cold to up clothes after standing over steaming suds in a hot kitchen to do a washing If there is no one else to spell her let her teach her sons to wash and wipe dishes and sweep A great many farmers keep two or I three hired men while their wives get ana Aloog lhe Sometimes they cannot it sometimes they only think they can not In either case their duty is ob vious and that is to render as much help in the house as possible Better not get so much done in the held if to get it done puts a double on a tired woman If for economys sake the wife dispenses with a hired girl let her husband see that the heavy tasks around the are done by others even if he does them himself Wood good dry wood too should be at hand and she should have no water to carry or empty And few men un derstand how much water it takes to run a house for a day There are many ways in which a man can make up for the absence of a girl and it is his duty to do it Hired men are disobliging about do ing chorea around the bouse We have known some who would go thirsty if the water pail was empty rather than fill it It is a good plan to have an understanding on this subject when the matter of wages is Being settled Many a hired man would get enough done to his wardrobe in the way of buttons- sewed on and rips mended to more than pay for a little obliging- Try to arrange so the wife a little rest this winter as well as self And too dont go into winter quarters a bear does and never go anywhere till spring opens The win ter is the farmers as well as the leUurejason Get put and go some where and new ideas are cither suffering just recovered J When the children are hungry what do you give them Food When thirsty Water use the same good common sense and what would you give them when they are too thin The best food of course Somehow you think of Scotts Emulsion at once For a quarter of a century it has been making thin children plump weak child ren strong sick children healthy buildings from the disease therefrom- Right Rev Ed Sullivan D rector of St James Cathedral and former Bishop of died at his residence in this city n Friday morn ing last A talented and greatly beloved The body of proprie tor of the Dominion Carriage Farley are was found on the railway tracks near the Brock street bridge last week badly mutilated Commercial men of Toronto are jub ilant over Hon Mr farces assurance of increased transportation facilities between and ho city and in favor of it- tilt Pills Bo Palipiopleflhnald teke Millers Pills Voted On The vote on a bylaw to raise by debenture sura of for the extension of the electric light was defeated at by a majority of 68 Bylaws abolishing wards and guar the debentures of the Packing Company were carried in Stratford by large The pork packing bylaw was car ried in by majority The bylaw to raise for street improvement was defeated at by majority The by law to raise for extension of water- works was carried by II The bylaw to raise for a new steam road roller was defeated by Forest defeated both bylaws relat ing to the establishment of an electric light plant At St Thomas a bylaw for a muni cipal lighting plant was defeated A bylaw to raise to build a couple of new bridges was carried- At the to raise for a municipal light plant was carried by majority The bylaw which is to enable Council to execute contract to pay and associates per annum for years for electric and gallons of water per annum was oaf nod by majority at Port Arthur proposes to spend one million dollars to build a canal from falls to PortArthur canal will develop and havej- feet for power J4JJPIlfv Jackson cedar David Millard drawing coal h John Collins drawing coal A- Grand Trunk freight and cart age J E Snider work at Gray snow cleaning charged to lots Grand Trunk freight and cart age A John work at power house 18 Bell Telephone Co A Starr stationery The account of the Mfg Co of Dec for was passed The Clerk was instructed to notify Inglis A Son that it is intended to make a test of the other end of the steam chest of engine furnished by them to the town on Wednesday the day of January at 1030 am and that this Council will be pleased if firm should think proper to have their representative present at such f esc- and that in the meantime the draft Bon be not accepted The bill of J McKay for the sum of less the sum of was passed following resolution was passed That in view of the change in the number of members of the Council of the Town for which now comes into force and which causes the lo3aof I five members of the Council the Council desires to pot on record their seflse of the pleasure at the friendly spirit which has been shown in the management of town business for year and their sincere regret at parting with those members of the Council whose connection therewith has been dissolved On motion the minutes were read and approved and the Council ad- jourhed sine die The of the Newmarket girl are slender and delicately tinted their i i are like they are without in this or any other Their frowns are like iff and their excite of pleasure and a de sire to them Read this closely not tale mitts Thin At the parsonage last Tuesday even ing Mr J A was elected by the managing committee as super intendent of Methodist Sabbath School in the of Mr Har rison who retired Mr Harrisons experience in connection with the bath School has keen a long one At Compound Iron Bills E the organization of the school in Lehman bis was among the first enter- ed on the roll Since then he has filled every position in the school from a scholar to a superintendent- which last position be has occupied for the last forty years r I School IS OF FOR Roy George Green wood Minnie Jr Bruce McDonald Hugh Pollock 3rd Welly Clark Jr 3rd Frank Leonard Georgia McDonald 2nd Ross Pollock Charlie Green wood Florence Minor Violet Mel Donald Ada Smith Ernest Smith 2nd Willie Pollock Eva Jrl 2nd Fred Johnston Charlie publications of the present da works of art but wonder if of to day is crude to the observer in twentyfive years from now aa the of a quarter century back ap pear to us now It would scarcely seem possible The annivenary services of the Bradford Presbyterian Church will held on Sunday tbe 1 when Rev Douglas of Toronto will j both morning and In the afternoon a sermon will be delivered by Rev Brown of the Metho dist Church and on the Monday night following a fowl sapper will be fur nished by the ladies of the church London Eng A big boil er while being tested iu Hewitts ship building yard at Barking a seven miles from here burst today and the superintending engineer and eight men were per- Smith MVM AXVtJUV Amy Pollock Percy were fatally The bodies of were fright i Present every day Frank Badoeko Teacher Discovered by a Another great discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this country Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest teats but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could- not sleep She finally discover ed a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr Kings New Dis covery for Consumption and was bo ranch relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and has been absolutely cured Her name is Mrs Thus writes of by Sold by all at cents and Every guaranteed Comes from Dr of Washita I T He writes Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula which had caused her great suffering for years Terrible sores would break out on her head and face and the best doctors could give no help but her cure is complete and her health is excellent This shows what thousands have proved that Electric Bitters is the best blood purifier known Its the supreme remedy for eczema tetter salt rheum ulcers boils end running sores It stimulates liver kidneys and bowels expels poisons helps di gestion builds up the strength Only cents Sold by all drdggiate every bottle teed A sack containing dynamite caught fire from Mr near B pulp mills Mr attempted to throw the into a stream near by but was not quick enough the dynamite explod ing in his arms and blowing him to pieces Millers Compound Iron Pills in- power of assimilation- thus increased weight strength Bold by Lehman mutilated Toe whole shinbuilding works was wrecked- A lad was found dead yards from tbe scene of the disaster A number of men and boys are missing The windows in houses half a mile away were shattered Nervous people should take Mil- lera Compound Iron Pills Sold by E Lehman A man who keeps hens for eggs alone if very successful will probably clear from to on each hen in large flocks To do so he must spend all his time with fowls The old hens are disposed of every summer and re placed by April hatched pullets which begin to lay in Octoberand continue through December January and Feb- the period of best demand and highest prices To obtain the above results need to get from teen to forty cents a dozen for eggs according to season Some the May pullets will begin to before cold weather Thin Blood is bound to follow the ravages of disease the outcome of stomach disorders thin blood shakes Bands with the r that possibility Dr apple Tablets make stomach and Bold by iBentleys Pharmacy Newmarket

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