in medicine KAyFAJANC anal a gentle- COB and a ftStitlo- j number of people hero murrfdetof Toronto owning at Cot- old US Hoi of The League was very in teresting and largely attended on Sunday Mr J will take the cb the coming year Mr J Crowley and Mr and Mm arrived homo on Saturday from Manitoba Wights over ChtifltthftB J J residence- of Mr jr wtHmedj Ki from Guelph to spend under Mn and the parental roof Wo pleased to report Mrs has- recovered and had moved to her now home inflammation ban been under FKICK TOKsJNTO Fund nearly ofur young attend the party at Mr Wm Stewart on jVrte for time Thursday evening which given as a farewell for Miss Irwin the at Linton and Mr A J and of spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs of ficbom- berg tin The Lino Beef Mary of bountiful supper given by Mr was visiting friends the Ellison at their on Thursday evening Deo Mrs Geo Wight is still ill with about couple being present will lum bago ail rheumatic tela to two or three hour end- in a few At all dnifgirrff a till- Guide to Health ana medi cal advice free Do you think of I ill of I hie Hunk It BRADFORD I brblfhteil iintkr it Discounting Farmers RATES till roils or BETHEL CORNERS MM WATER SWEETEST MCaT REFRESHING OF ALL the TOILET Of BATH PERFUMERS AND DEALERS A time was spent A party was given by Mr and Mrs Mr John Wilson is viaiting friends Fred at the Mrs in Tottenham this week Hill con of King on Our leaoher for the coming day of last week Aright good time year will be Mr was spent After a sumptuous repast Election candidates come thick and served songs and instru- b ATTENTION USHER SON of the if any tor of t0 lO In touch bankbant walla etc Cement Is sold ibe price the free of fc at lowest NOTICE be anpllcittiou will or the Proximo of iid Act ByLaw No of the Town ct A Bylaw to no be and toward the Town or Tor r Company for buying ho said Com use or known us MI Property arktt S L assurance carried through idard Office for the last nine periods have been as iG0ri to I w the progress has been In Canada Manager ohm Agent The social event of tho season in this vicinity c a mo off on the of Dec It was the marriage of Miss EsUilla eldest daughter of Mr and M re John to Mr J youngest and Mrs David now residents Sutton The ceremony was per formed at the residence of the brides parents The Willows in the midst of a very targe circle of friends of the contracting parties The pas tor Rev officiated The home was nicely and artistically doc- orated for the occasion The arch under which the bridal party stood a to the scene almost beyond description and the soft and mellow light as it fell from several shaded lamps lent its charm to augment its Tho bride looked simply charming was dressed in cream cashmere and wore the accustomed veil The bodice was trimmed with cream satin chiffon and ribbon and the skirt with rows of cashmere The bridesmaid was Miss sister of groom Her dress was also of cream cashmere but was made in Princess stylo and trimmed with an abundance of chiffon The groom was supported by the George of Maple As the old clock standing in the corner of parlor was chiming the hour of one pm the bride come in on the arm of her father attended by her maid and when the wedding march ceased which was played by Miss Milne of Sutton minister began to read the sacred words which made another couple man and wife forever Tbe ceremony over as many as could be accommodated sat down at the first table which almost groaned under its burden of good things The weddingbreakfast was indeed a mag nificent spread and reflected great credit on mine boat and hostess- Breakfast over short and congratula tory speeches wore next in order The toast to the bride was proposed by Mr Powell who took advantage of the occasion to express his esteem for Mrs speaking particular ly of her services as organist in the Methodist Church and slating hie pleasure that although she had changed her estate she was not to ohange her place of residence He congratulated Mr on winning such a wife and wished them voyage over lifes matrimonial sea Rev Mr also spoke making some very kind references to the new ly married and wished them all pos sible success Then came speeches by Mr Huntley and Mr Dafoe who both alluded to the married pair in very eulogistic and feeling terms A few words from Mr King concluded this part of the program At four oclock Mr and Mrs left amidst showers of rice and numerous bene dictions for Newmarket where they took the train for Ottawa via Toronto The invited guests were too numer ous to mention even if space afforded but those from a distance should be noticed viz Mrs Rev of and Miss of Sharon relatives of the bride Mr and Mrs William Mr and Mrs James Smith Mr and Mrs Jenkins Mr and Mrs senior and junior of Sutton the parents The wedding presents were many useful and ornamental show ing the esteem in which the young people are held by their friends The Rev J P president of the British Columbia conference will preach in Bethel Church next Sunday morning Mr Betts is an excellent preacher The collections will be given to the Gentleman in aid of the of his church and parsonage in New Westminster BC vvBtroyed in the fire in that city ilrs and son and Mrs daughter of are visiting Ellis as Mrs is a brother of Mrs Wo glad to see Mr John sent around again having been laid aside a foot for some weeks fast After this week no doubt there will be less handshaking and intimate little chats Tub Brno Children Cry for CASTOR I A UILDING NEXT SUMMER i If you do write LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT out hat COLLEGE CORNERS passed off very Hope none were sick Mr Walter and wife spent at Mr Joseph Ballards A big time expected at the School Meeting on Wednesday of this week A crooked matter to straighten and the breaking of a lare kettle to settle mental was rendered by Mr Quantz Before returning home oil present indulged in a good oldtime taffy pull The annual meeting of the O No for the election of officers for took place on the evening of Deo when the following broth- were M J M Gordon Chap Eli Sec Bond Treas of las Black lt Com las Potter 2nd Cow J MoCarrolI Com Riddel Com Elijah Com Arch Simpson At the close of the meeting a fowl sup per was served in the Hall to the mem bers their and visiting hereby given thai win he Province of Onturioat tor an Act u Iw nod of Town the Khiff East Gwllllinlmn North York Gfxiryinii un der which the property the Metro In toe said to be ffcucral for of frojh the of or from i1mi be In such arid also to made or in- between thesflfd and the Municipalities quo Into to tin provision of e and to said Mtiot- rcanccilvely mid to enter Into Dated the of November And gel prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows iM ALL IHi Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork HARWICH A Tormtt ollc1l for tin- wroto This worlds a a age and people are mere players h at a Bible Class J fresh youths played a part in cutting snaps lines of three different parties in and sold them to a merchant As they were found out they up Now my lads aint you afraid youll get your fingers burnt Mr and sister of Albert were visiting friends here Christmas and entertain men under auspices of the held in the Music Hail on Monday evening Dec wag a most decided success The program was thoroughly appreciated Though the admission was only the pro ceeds amounted to The anniversary services of Methodist Church were held on Sheep dipping is the order of Christmas Day and were thoroughly day The dip is of a C and anyone handling it gets as interesting powerful and instructive much as the sheep discourses were delivered by Rev A The candidates for sits in elec- Bedford of circles are making a lively com- J noon the children of the Sunday- petition Wonder who get there Rev Mr Minor delivered an school were addressed of Toronto who imparted sermon last Sunday at j thoughtful lesson to the little folks Dry town A sleighload of our young folks held a surprise party at Mr Minors Baldwin last Friday night one is telling the buds of the fruit trees are an size for this time of year Never saw likea before did you Its nice skating now as the ice is frozen solid after which Rev Mr Bedford spoke to the older people present and his re marks were profoundly interesting The free will offering amounted to 12303 The North York Farmers Institute will hold a special meeting in the Temperance Hall on Thursday Jan commencing at pm which should interest the farming community Two firstclass Report has it that Mr Bache praotical men are to introduce topics has got the diphtheria of a mild type I tor discussion of is quarantined Complaints are ball and A McNeil of made of people the house That should not be allowed I see the pathmaster on Queen St hustled out and levelled the pitch An Evening Session will be held at when same gentlemen will give- addresses interspersed with music should like to see more holes which was the right thing to these meetings than heretofore There is no charge ever Mr Ernest Winter of do- is visiting with his uncle Mr A Rig- 1 If any one wants to hear a good po litical song call on Mr E Draper Its comical He was offered a five bill for it but no Signs of more weddings No ad mittance to court not even the jury Some talk of putting up a telephone near here It would be a great w scheme An error appeared in the Era some time ago Instead of Mr Parks being an assistant teacher he is main teacher of a separate part Mr Park treated his many friends to an oyster supper last Monday night ac companied by playing singing and games when a most enjoyable time was spent Jim has lost his moustache He looks like the same old boy A couple of ladies are taking up a subscription for Sunday School pre sents One warm day notlongago a of women were seen taking a walk Look out for a storm The Joker The pimples have disappeared Millers Compound Iron Pills did it Sold by Lehman William May a candidate for councillor in East Garafav had to make a declaration that he had always been a Methodist and re main one until he died because some of enemies circulated the report as a Mormon Children Cry for CASTOR I A Dont forget the Fowl Supper and Entertainment in Methodist Church on of Monday 2nd come and fiivo a You cant afford WWwiflHfegBJfo evening Telegraph and telephone poles flaestaffs and spars for small sail- vessels are the latest development in the line of from paper They are pulp with which email borax tallow and other ingredients are mixed are cast into a mould the a hollow rod of diameter and length The poles and spars are claimed to be lighter and stronger than wood They do not crack or split and said when they are vftrniBbed the weather does hot- affect them Besides possessing these advantages the paper can be made fireproof by saturating it VjctorU Street strong solution of THE NIGHT CLERKS STORY A FACE LIKE CHALK A very bad the Grippe one year last winter left my system in a very weak slate and my nervous system completely unstrung After getting over the dangerous Mage of the disease I naturally expected to gain strength but unfortunately did not do so On the contrary my blood became weaker I daily lost strength and vitality and nervous system became so weak that it was a constant source of suffering both day and night- I sight of food nauseated me the weak state of my system caused shortness of breath unnatural action of the heart such as fluttering and violent palpitation and my face like chalk I was in this condition and weaker when I began taking Dr Wards Blood And Nerve Pills- I bad read the books they distributed and their advertisement in the papers and thought Well I have so much medicine without benefit it is useless to spend any mora money However finally made up mind It is a forlorn hope I can but try I Am not benefited I will not be hurt- So I bought one box and received benefit therefrom so continued their and today am a well man in consequence ray blood is strong my fact has the ruddy health royappeitebas returned I sleep well I have not the slightest in- of nervousness heart trouble and from weak man Dr Wards Brood and Nerve- Pills transformed mo in health and I Night Clerk Gran terboro Ward per oriooat druggists or mailed on by THE DOCTOR WARD SKI t AIL WITH ft Ghost In lUslf sad Ours far CRAMPS DIARRHOEA RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA 20 and BO Bottloo OF ONLY THE PERRY i i- Largest Factory id Canada tor the PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICY We and Repair all on short The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT not to be confounded with any of the cheap elixirs and cough syrups Such remedies so called simply soothe the sufferer They are mere palliatives They never touch the root of the disease or cure a chronic cough Dr Cherry Pectoral is a real remedy it is the pre scription of a practical physician and not the preparation of an irrespon sible medicine maker It Asthma Croup La Grippe and all colds coughs and lung diseases Ifs a standard and a staple remedy and should be kept on hand in every household AVers Cherry one third of a bottle I felt better and in short I was entirely cured A COKER Ark bad cold which resulted In asthma so seven that I was suffocation whenever I attempted to lie down in bed A friend 1 Pectoral I began to take it and soon obtained relief and completely Cherry cured coughs and croup red Since then I hate used this medicine in my w J HOTTER Editor Steven Wis I contracted a severe cold which settled on my lungs and did not yield to the various remedies I tried I Cherry traveled and decided it a trial I purchased fcuSmt first one I was almost cured and I in perfect to very severe weather bat I find that a dose Pec preventive against colds and coughs Some time since I had a severe cold and coi friend at Van Ark recommended and never had anjthbg afford me such I Add