XT- it NORTH yoke intelligencer and ad five mo to know to utter and to freely according to above all other liberty No paper sent outside of Vol No Copies Cents fia oh J Newmarket Friday January 6 Tbbhb I YOUR CHANGE TO BUY Cheap Stoves We hav on hand a firstclass woodheating Stoves in Air Tights Fancy Parlor Heaters and Box Stoves which intend clearing out at ACTUAL COST Our object is to carry nothing in heavy Stoves over the season BIG REDUCTIONS In other lines of Winter Goods such as A Fire Described by old Yorker around the Hub WHAT COR WORTHY TO I TON AURORA Snow Shovels Coal Hods Stove Boards String Bells Team Bells Stove Pipe Elbows X Cut Saws Axes Buck Saws Heavy Mitts Lamps Horse Blankets To the Editor the Era Sin Being near Christmas I write you a lines to wish you and your readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year It has been a good year in the North for both grain and stock So far we have had a splendid winter hardly any enow jast sufficient to en- able cattle to graze at a distance from the watering where tbe grass has been eaten The of was Election day for the North West Assembly when I wan snowed under the principal reason for which was ihe large number of beta made on the different candidates I came out I carried every meeting by a large majority and if people had voted for me that talked my favour I would have been elected by a large The entertainment James hall given by the children and young by making appointments and assuming other local rights must ever well known to every one who has The watched their legislation I was very pleased to James A and Mahlon in Calgary this fall and J was sorry that was held in the The Tanning Company made each of their employees a Christ mas present the married men with a goose and the single men with a quart of oysters On Wednesday afternoon a coaloil exploded io Caster Primers cellar and set fire to paper For tunately the fire was discovered and When many a he put out before much damage was done Within the No person van in the cellar at And time the explosion took place On Wednesday evening Mr J Warren who has been ill for a lorn Those evenings bells How many a Of youth and home the time When last we heard chimes joyous hours Methodist Church last Friday under the auspices of the League and Sun day School was a decided success Mr has let a con- li passed away at hid late residence unable to persuade them to to erect on the farm Wellington street at the advanced age down to the or go up to Banff j J of years ta w be of latent Mr and C A should go into the mountains as far whU Saturday Banff and visit a country truly Alta A Dec 20 evening las A number of friends i Throbbing Would quickly lea were invited and during the evening Mr and Mrs were presented I Following account passed majority I was at about Morris thirtysix miles from home at noon j The girls of Mr rcum 1 the pub-Ik- school Ac Home in honor the Principal and took occasion to present him with a nicely- j a handsome silver tea service worded and illuminate add res the iwork by the way of MaUl ELEVENTH LINE KINO Special meeting of the Council which was rear by Miss place Dec Mayor in the chair Bailey and made the rej The formal opening of the new Members present Reeve Deputy cipient of a gold locket for watch- school in Section took place on Cody manning K Mr Hoidge in a neat Friday evening last with a very pleas- Smith Stick wood and McDougall little speech After refreshment ant and enjoyable under the Old Thousands their your 1 Only cure1 Sold by all Skates and Hockey Supplies A Our Coal Oils are Glass G A Repairing Promptly Done NEWMARKET of the Season and Happy Many thank to our customers far and near for the generous support of the past year We look forward with bright hope and trust the fu ture to be full of prosperity for us all J DENTAL A I Homing ahead the Churob Air for Pamirs Dp J Den Aurora to late Dr Dr Street Dentist Oriilla HI be at office of Porter Brad ford of err Monday mK a Doctors now agree that consumption is curable Three things if taken to gether cure nearly every jcase in the first stages the majority of cases more ad vanced and a few of those far advanced The first is fresh air the se cond proper food the third Scotts Emulsion of cddliver oil with To be cured you must not lose in weight and if thin you us No thing Scotts Emulsion to when I saw a prairie fire sweeping in the direction of my home I started for home as soon as I could Arriv ing at Gladys a polling place fourteen miles from my I found that the fire Had started there home people smoking had set fire to some hay stacks close to the polling place The fire ran due East reaching Queensum forty miles distant in a little over two hours left Gladys driving along side of the fire all the way home after doubting whether I would be able to get there before the fire It was burning sideways to the wind which was very near at times The fire would eat as you might say on the shoulder towards the North when the wind would catch it and it would run along front of the leaning and bounding from four to eight feet high almost at lightning speed When I got home about oclock the back fire was coming into the bottom about two miles from my house The side fire was only about a mile distant and it looked as if nothing in the world could save our place The three boys living at home were out saying their stacks of hay about tons alt of which tbey succeeded in saving As soon as I could I started out thinking I would meet them about three miles to the West where the river makes a bend to the North where they would be fighting the fire so to carry it past our place and thus ave the grass inside bend I found no one there and home again when I ar rived just as the boys were tiring the grass around the house save it and the back fire coming up the bot tom within yards of the house As soon as we had put oat the fire around the house two of the boys started for the bend up the river to save what grass they The boy and myself put out the fire across the bottom and then started to fight the back fire to meet the boys coming from the West We fought it for over a mile and I was quite played out when just at day light we had new vigor started id us by hearing the others coming down wind The firpt to join us was one of the girls driving a team She had been out all night carrying water for them to wet sacks with they fought the fire and tea for them to drink Well we saved about acres of all our buildings and hay ex cept gome ten loads We lost no cattle but some of our neighbors had a good many burned some of have since died- I see by your paper that the County Council are asking permission to make certain appointments I have pot least doubt of their right to make them I quote from an I have written Why am I an Indepen dent In Imperial of are these words There shall Ex ecutive Council for the management of affairs of each Province It was under this clause that iij a resolution affirming the advisability of respopiblegbyerrimentwasintrodflced and parried Robert and these principles emended to the down have served a brief but interesting program the auspices of the trustees and teach rendered of the Section The building is a handsome commodious and out brick edifice constructed on the BALDWIN BREEZES most modern architectural design Great praise is due the trustee Oh dern dipper not the golden I for their laudable enterprise and liber- Gram Express on lamps A Hunter cleaning Council J power house J wood slipper which a lady friend pot on T Hunter carting coal 1 j the K riwnus tree highly Packard Electric Co lamps delighted our old friend Another Dng the evenings entertainment Dr re Board of Health lack friend of put on a pair of I j Can Electric Co supplies unmentionables on the tree Tb i Kos remarks were both J Buck carting I bent grandpa home in of and entertaining and The accounts of Grand Trunk Kail- light I may grandpa would be a by and young The way and freight great favorite with the ladies if he and vaned and duty on coal referred to the Fire would only throw away his and Light Committee and to be paid if correct Old Santa kindly remembered the of Jos cleaning Coniributione of magazines snow to be charged to certain cake etc food for both the men- lot referred to Mr Anderson and be and corporal system were received paid after correction him thankfc The don0ra Fire Light Com ree nol their right hand the payment of the folio nig account their left hand Ho at power C ion and work at power house Cane Sons acct do 08 Mr Robertson presented report of Finance Com making the following We believe the da perhaps not so far bonds will be given satisfaction The Fan Drill and Club rather than Swinging immense- among Rev Mr P Inspector an easy matter for a for South gave an address on refuse his signature Education The school artistically de These things have to now names recommendations Declining to make a reduction in the taxes of the North American Hotel property making reduction in the taxes of the vacant at north end owned by Mr randy also dealing with the question of the damage to the engine and the action of Messrs John Son that a further pie social under the auspices of Hiss the popu lar little was a gorgeous success The boys literally gorged themselves on pie some not even ing with their partners but making pi of the whole pie A very coiated with bunting and out iittt VANDOKK course by men of finaiio bat few persons are take if varnished troth promiscuous security for the failure have injured many morW- likes io ask a which it would cause him Mrs and family of Aurora spent Christmas at Mr J A M Van- Quite a from here attended making pi tree at White Rose on i to grant and so we lare load Friday evening will come when all seen comic pictures of a pulverizing a watermelon Well it is said that when eating pie the mouths of two of lads strikingly resembled them perhaps they were f i I what more elongated and considerably atton of the engine be made Report expanded The little that sings on the of Miss enthusiastic ad- Mr Mra Wells adopted The k Sons of and for and Ik paid ByLaw passed to repeal part of By- Law No referring to maintenance of of The following tenders were received for stone Charles 5 toise for AC tolse do Rogers J Maries 30 00 19 50 toise 3 The tenders of A at Maries for 10 at and that of R Millard for toise at accepted But such stone be from hard heads and that no payments be made on account till each party has filled his tender The account- of the of King for for repairs to townlino was paid and the Clerk instructed to noti fy the Clerk of King that the clause of ByLaw No of the Town of Newmarket has been repealed The offer of Fred Trent to furnish 20 cord of green split hemlock at a cord was accepted provided the quality is satisfactory Council adjourned papers of security hands of maintained by this alone much the same panys require employ through a surety or pany IV are who use Millers Worm for all in of and results than from any other one dose is usually sufficient to the trouble by Lehman tree tells of another wedding to be We have a very loving couple near whose two hearts beat as one but alas mamma is violently opposed to shed take the broomstick to him Bat theyre bound to go it When he drives her home from church she bundles out at the road and trudges a quarter of a mile through the fields He dasnt drive her to the house Ma and the dawg would be after him Baby Foster Elizabeth Myrtle named after its grandma pro mises to be a little beauty Well you know Joe is a handsome fellow and Mrs ditto while its two grandmas are dear sweet souls So I see no thing to hinder baby from being the future village beauty Beautiful skating at last on Emer ald Jake young folks are gay floating away Onr village stores were handsomely decorated for a very large trade is reported As considerable disappointment was expressed at the Owl not taking part in the entertainment Wed we will rectify the neglect at a time These folks are amazing fond of comic songs young Zephyr gentleman was suf fering from a severe cold and being anxious to attend entertainment took repeat edly large doses of electric oil Re suit illness A stomach pump saved his life Millers Compound have such virtue bat every try tbero Sold By Miss Ethel Williamson of Toronto spent Christmas under the parental roof The correspondent has been rather in writing this last few weeks on account of being away and having a sore hand The SOT are talking of having a Concert in the near future The scribe Frenchof Chatham wishes to counsel them to engage Mr of seven years Charles of Mutual Corners who is an excellent an and comic singer 49 Quite a number from here attended w tbe funeral of the late Mrs C this man at Pine Orchard on Tuesday last The bereaved and children have the sincere sympathy of the com munity in their sad affliction Wishing the readers of the a happy New Year Phbhkologjst violated- by the Two by oaf and four children are pale restless at night they require a explosion rln von the They w take In thirteen years persons have found guilty of murder in Canada At Gait last week Mrs Mary A Wilson wife of a commercial traveller was cleaning off the table after pen she missed her footing and fell injuring her head and causing death next morning Every person suffering from general debility should take Millers Compound Iron Pills Sold by Lehman BABBIE Dec An inquest is progress tonight inquiring into the circomstancee surrounding the death last night of Mr Michael Stretch aged years Last Saturday evening he was crossing Bayfield street when some person presumably from the country drove over him with a team and cutter The old fell beneath the horses feet and received several ugly cuts on the head and was badly bruised his nose being broken The man drove rate speed and up to the present has not been identified Mr 8Xretc- taken to leaves wife and timttj proposed auto compressed air in An engine baggage SELxS9 were ditched near Station on day The mail bags caught fir baggage car was destroyed before the flamf extinguished A miser named W residing near Grand found by neighbors last weeV to death Ho was of had hoarded to keep down expenses and died exposure and wan of The a patrol to Red Doer couatrv tiers report that the BJackfoet ling cattle The Indiana meat as the antelope owing to Brook joyful of CbiPT accidents that have or ricihity for many sudden breaking of Pond in the park noon thirty thrown into arid Vein a wi