infer f a fl EWMAf CHINA HALL JAN WHAT IB ON it ABOUT TOWN School At school Wednesday Messrs Grant and OHollcran by acclamation of T the hero is having another boom Eight for membership presented night sod flvo tbo previous mooting 1899 Fancy Novelties of and China of never wan varied vry piece fcS 15c Tattler of every description of China All LIBRARY PARLOR LAMPS fl From to All now- from man ufacturer at Icmh that whole sale price You et the fit Have you them sets Kale prices from Compare our goods in quality and price They are the you ever saw COLORED TOILET SETS From up White from SI up Fine Japanese China in odd pieces Handsome I Ornamental Useful I Special Snaps In Fancy China Cups and Saucer at Si per BOOTS SHOES J opened some fine Hoes New Styles in Ladies Misses Children and Boys Clearing out our Overshoes at Job Prices Boy only Rubbers Wo have them Died in Italy his boon received of death of Prof a wellknown Toronto basso in Italy This was Hie real name wee Peter and a brother Mm Yesterday morning Mr Irwin loot bit borne and colter to a couple of Hills girls to take a drive around Town ran into a bank upset the out lor broke harness and out lie bind Winter Meeting The of Cabin near Orchard took a drive up Wednesday afternoon to view the got a whiff of Lake air and op for the Proceedings by oyster at coe before leaving for borne Surprise of last week while Ill of Model School were at their lessons wero our- prised by the of a from Santa bearing market basket which contained a of candy and dates for popil Attacked to parcel was a message from good old St Nick- The pupils enjoyed treat The festival of St John was duly cele brated by Tuscan Lodge last Wednesday evening A large attendance was present including viuitore from Carrie Aurora Sharon and were duly installed by Brno- ton inolnding the following appointments Jesse Walton Jr Williams of Ceremonies Lt Col Way- ling GuardOr Steward jr Groceries Fruits For Xmas Just a few prices All lines sold at J Big Cut Prices and the quality is the EDITORIAL NOTES neck of hopped on the train around tbo The operated after a similarly and only one train way per day Is cot need- for another century of two AURORA Deputy Coulter of here for holidays Mr J and family of How- market spent Christmas at Mr Mr Miles spent with his parents iu Newmarket GLENV1LLE One of inoidontB sweeten lifes toils and more than componsates for duty done occurred on Tuesday afternoon iiist when a large crowd of the inhabitants of Glenville in school to bid farewell to their Mr J S Stephens A good programme was rendered by the children and a very complimentary address presented at the close KESWICK Jenkins photo gallery will be open Photos at reduced Endeavor meeting on even ing last was largely attended Mr Friend Morton Tory ably introduced subject Tbo following officer were then elected for term Merrill V Oldham Mrs fi Morton Troas Morton Tbe meeting nest Sunday withdrawn on account of ing in Christian Tbo is to visit our next Saturday evening A good time pooled Mr and Mrs- of spent Christmas at Mr Jenkins Election is all the talk this week North in for an oldtime There is alio a hard tight far the County Co Entertainment at the Christian Church on Monday evening was a decided success The proceeds amounted to about popular school teacher Mies Earl been engaged for next year at a advance in salary She Is spending vacation at West Miss Annie Main of Toronto is spending holidays at ber fathers Mr R Main The Joe in Cooks Bay is about thick now Gibson is away a visit to old borne in the Hope neighborhood Mr Brown of Hope has been spending a week or ten days with friends here There was an entertainment in the school house on Friday afternoon last Riven by school closing up with a taffy pull given by the thoroughly enjoyed the treat Your humble cor others invited enjoyed treat the children Toronto tetter The Ontario Poultry Association Show which is to bo held in Toronto Jan to offer good prizes for dressed poultry and a silver cup value best 8 turkey pairs Clicks and pairs of pluoked ready tor Eng lish market or or cold storage by one exhibitor Entries must he A Brown London not later than Jan 2nd The Mayor and Board of Control of the city council have withdrawn the suit which made A a litigant against the city and now A is a candidate for the inaf Samuel Tyler a provision at Norway Kingston Road fell into a box of window on Friday severe ly gashing his high He was taken to tbe Hospital to have his injuries dressed The Canadian Association of Fairs will hold its annual meeting in this city on the 15th of Fob next Aids end Saunders have both been to do any canvas sing on account of accidental received Hon Ross has accepted the Presidency of the Hoys Brigade in succession to Lord Aberdeen The Lord has accepted the Honorary Presidency Mr Keener editor and pub lisher of the Weston Times passed away on the 22nd in the year of bis age He conducted a pa per for a at Richmond Hill Weston village tendered a banquet to its Reeve and Councillors last Tuesday night in appreciation of the councils action in bringing the Street Railway to terms The death of Mr Hugh Miller on Saturday evening caused a painful sensation to a large circle of friends in this city He attended court at the Police Court room on the day previous and was a well known justice of the peace fire early morning insurance Iloderick Chicago electrician was caught In the wires and to death in plain eight of a borrow stricken crowd Little Kcain the 6-year- old son tho wellknown Method in at was choked to on Monday while eating an orange A seed stuck in his pipe Boarders A One or two Secondhand Stls office- Wonloii Good wage and no ply to iwia To the Electors OF NEWMARKET We can sell you a pair at I As hail our imported from Ger At the of I to tn- Candidate tor tbe for JSW mid r vole and Influence to rciuro J Also Spring Skates and Common sizes at ificrrs down LECTORS J A ALLAN NEWMAR OF THE Town of Newmarket iVj Good Raisins lbs for 10c Very Choice Raisins or lbs for Good Currants per lb Very Choice Currant or for Seeded Raisins choice 1 lb boxes Best Cooking or lbs for Lemon and Orange Peel per lb Citron Pvt very fine per lb Blue Basket Raisins in clusters for table regular for Cheese Prime per lb Cranberries extra fine per quart Dates choice new per lb Imperial Quart Bottle of Fine Mixed Pickles worth Heines Mixed Pickles bottles for Granulated Sugar Extract Honey fine quality in pails for lb and 12Jc each extra quality GRENOBLE WALNUTS BRAZIL NUTS ALMOND NUTS FILBERTS Excelsior Coffee is without a doubt the finest flavored Coffee and the best you can buy Canned Goods Salmon from 10c for Prime Pink Tomatoes Corn Peas at Cut Rate Prices TEAS TEAS Special Prices in and lb lota Our Japan or lbs for is all right and fine value Wo handle al the popular Teas at Lowest Prices English Breakfast Coffee 25c can for All other lines at Cut Rate Prices action has been entered by Do minion Government against John Dill of Toronto for root for a timber limit It appears defendant and others took a transfer from the late Jobn P in Colombia Dill bow- eve A din no tea the right of the Government to as the timber limit proved to be of no vaiup transfer from to Dill took place is one thing present Govern ment at which pre ceding Conservative Administratione failed to while at American Capitol brought to the at tention Secretary Bay tbe old claim of British Colombia against state of Washington for compensation for expense incurred in the apprehension of fugitive Secretary Hay recognized the justice of the which will be settled if not by of Washington by the Federal Ax associated press despatch from Wash ington on Saturday to Hew York Herald All danger of further fric tion between United and Great Britain oyer construction of Canal will shortly be removed by the abrogation of treaty It is further that England through ile Ambassador at Washington certain concessions as a considera tion for the abrogation of thfe treaty but that concession will be is not yet known nor will it be until fall or final in- struotione are received by Sir and communicated to Secretary of State Hay Ik the December issue of Armory of Boston an excellent appears on the of Infidelity from the pen of the distinguished editor Hastings Facts are presented show the evil effects of infidelity Io the American infidel defended and in the same year Mr Hastings there was an increase in the United of more than and also an in crease of three thousand murders over the number of the previous year Many of those who committed had their pockets with the newspaper on the subject well illustrates the fruits of infidelity The members and of tbe Metho dist Sunday School have reason to con gratulate themselves upon the concert held under their auBpioea last Fri day evening The of Viotoria Col lege delighted large and appreciative audience glees quartettes and melodies ancient modern and effect that tbe rising generation is now storming the place with Saw my leg short and flash for Many of knowing of Mr great ability as an elocutionist were disappointed that be was unable to be resent but our old friend Mr A Mc- enzie has earned our and by procuring for us such an able substitute as Mies We under stand the proceeds were in neigh borhood of for we thank oar friends most heartily Tbe entertainment under the auspices of Sous of Temperance was rous ing The doors were opened at and at there was scarcely standing room In the we noticed many from other parts of the township including J Walton and Hon J The entertainment consisted of selections by Miss Beany of Toronto who delighted the with her choice Songs by Mr Jenkins of Bradford who ably upheld bis reputation as a siug Duets by White Bros who are always listened to with delight by the people of and surrounding country The sidesplitting plays for whioh noted were rendered in tho most manner and the actors displayed no small degree of ability as stage performers The numerous selections with lofty swelling strains of musio from the Orchestra Mr Jos Rogers of ably presided was dearly evidenced by too remarkable and order by the large audience It is said that this entertainment was the best ever held In and to enow their appreciation of this opinion and the good will of the friends in turning out in such large numbers the member will en to sustain their reputation in the future Host meeting was held Dec and Councillors Moore Boyd and 8oulve Mr Moore acting for Mr Vstidtwatcr of Mount Albert a numerously signed petition from of that village asking bytaw to compel cleaning of the snow thy sidewalks fine in case of lie violation Tbe explained the council was unable to Impose line naked for more time to matter as a counter expected from Mt Albert After some question was tem porarily laid over A for rclunds and re-ad- the dog lux were read the council refused to lake action except in a low where errors In occurred or the taxes bad been paid in another municipality Councillor Moore a request for lhe8tb near where a cave In bad occurred The clerk was instructed to notify tho property owners attend lo the matter Mr John Gray put In a claim for pay for road work claimed from Councillor or Investigation counter deputation Mount Albert Mr and Mr C Mann arrived at this point ad dressed council and protested against AM Having been nominated for ike position of Ten find It will be to ill on you all I therefore beg to solicit tbe favor of your support ana InUueoce you honor me by election will en deavor lo do what I can to secure an economi cal and administration of Ibe affairs of Your obedient servant J K Polling Monday January Metropolitan Electric Leave Richmond and am land pm Leave Toronto CPR Crossing St and am and pm put on taken off at Waiting only SPHCIAIi EXCURSIONS On and Saturdays Richmond Hill to Toronto and Return for children Leave Richmond and pm Leave Toronto Creasing 130 and pm Excursion evening from Toronto ti Richmond Hill and return leading at for I Christmas Goo In Silver Plush and Oak at Reduced Pa PERFUMES From the Best Makers See in Cut Glass and Fancy Packages the Holiday Trade GOLD SPECTACLES or GLASSES or forced to shovel all the sidewalk by his lot nearly rode Mr Maun presented views of the case and put forward the matter debated at length and finally laid over until council could make a full and Impartial In The Reeve brought before the council a of extreme granted aid as well as made for Interment ThoTax collectors time extended until A bylaw for holding Municipal EJectlona Polling places and Returning officers J No Shar on Temperance No A Ja3- residence No Market Hall Halgh No Nelson Manors residence Council adjourned after payment of mem bers A Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Brooks Mount Albert orders will prompt attention receive careful and for Sole properly fitted make useful presents No cbaree or testing SCOTTS PHARMACY OFFICE Lately in the Church New market Tenders will be received therefor 3rd ISA No tender necessarily accepted Green hardwood will be accepted for part payment Tenders may be sent to Mr John Cirrey or undersigned JACKSON Stray Slioej Came upon lot la about the mid her Inst the of Iddl Dec To the SIR It elated by Mr Jamea Squires at the nomination meeting for Council of East that certain work done by me for theTownihlp amount ing to could have been executed by blmseir in two days with a wheelbarrow I Such an assertion being a slur not only on but the late members of Council should be glad if you would give your read era the following dentils of work done viz Grading on Wesleys bill rod Cent per rod Additional work- Work on culvert Second Street Hauling lumber for same from bush con trip men Hauling lumber from Sharon trip men team repairing bridge on Nigger of 2 EWES AND LAMBS property pay Owner requested to prove charges and take them away CLBVERTON 3w48 Alt Albert The Junction is disposed to be somewhat facetious in its reference to Sutton branch of railway communication editor says The branch of the Mid land railway from to commands the admiration all travellers Great care ie so that trains do not run at an alarming rate of the nervous in atop ping at the train begin to w up about haft a mite from ihe respective depots Tho traveller apt to rise from his seat several times In expectation that to atop only to find on hat ho has to possess his a little longer It re- Toronto 7 days when pas 54ly the train iiirJfBhepar0F The Ogilvie Milling elevator at burned with about bushels of wheat York Dec Peter returned last night from work to his home in the rear tenement at Avenue loaded with mysteri ous packages After supper he lay on the lounge while his wife worked away at the machine and talked over plans for making a happy Christmas for their three children with tho contents of the bundles Im very tired said with a long sigh and he closed his eves His wife did not wish to disturb him so she worked silently at the machine till midnight she put her work away and gentry shook the sleeper Ho did not respond and becoming frightened ran for Dr near by Her husband had fallen asleep and she could not awaken him to This work received the approval of the oldest residents on the street and no plaints were as has been the with previous work in places I can say and think your readers will agree with me If Mr James Squire can do amount of work In the time and m he stated every ratepayer myself Included be glad to see htm receive contracts for all road and bridge work done not only in East GwllMmbury but throughout North York In conclusion as such a zealous economist and being I brieve path- master for No Division be may And work nearer at borne vis The planks tout wero left over from work on and lying on Cemetery Gore Mr Collins have shrunk from eight planks to two Several ratepayers would to know where the remainder Yours No en tertained lady friends to a sup per conclusion of their meeting at Lloyd tow A last Friday night The based upon and Are the goods are showing for Fall and Winter Suite and Overcoats Prices as are consistent with good workmanship See the goods and you will be convinced 5 the Merchant Tailor Next door to L Slaughter FOR THE BALANCE 1898 TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE l NEWMARKET BAKERY BOOK AND NEWS disarmament proposals of Emperor Nicholas has been fixed for t fetors- Dr looked at the prior to and try nAryabf- THE BEST JOB Invariably goes to the one with the who has education training Why not qualify for one of IV best places going you have thg cha opens the door to for many mi J women each year It offers did staff and good You enter at any Christmas once more upon us where can go to buy the most lor the least money We ca find of Candies of Nute aaofa of Oranges mow we bought oases or dozen day and we intend to make it Interesting in this We from per dozen up v A Why buy Trashy Candies when you buy Good Pure Candy us Our men are busy as nailers Making Candies for to Sell Cheaper than an Bouse in trade are in a position Our Shelf Oor Counters and Our- and a very large r- J I Ft