Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 9, 1898, p. 7

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CHINA HALL DEO ft Weeks IS OK IK ABOUT Monday will bo A and program being pre pi red and ft large attendance anticipated Under Bo- of ft lo taka place in the Church market evening worthy of public should all who to boo Intel advancement In our midst Wo that ihero are or for medal and iholr will be interspersed with J 1898 This men sees the opening of a Great Big IN PRICES In Our Grocery Repaired light engine was repaired I priooipal last Friday any interruption in fiobool bat lo it now belter than over Ex- Competent peril are of the opinion iho break doaldbtbe winner by the caiUo being loo light to open 10 any one in York aand proaaore The Friends The hoi fowl and leotoro in the- A meeting was announced on Monday laat Tootiday evening ovonitig lo addressed by a attended with to leave for Africa but owing to down to a bountiful the speaker were disappointed in everything woe without con connections and a prayer meeting The ladies in provided in held instead abundance the were very very attentive while Time Table arrangement crowding was A of time on the Northern ton of the went into here Hit Worship Mayor presided at on Thursday of week without and tba rendered two choice station agent knowing anything about it ftpibema Of Council- Regular meeting last Monday even- Reeve Deputy and Councillors Cody rtndMoDougall Following bills passed Packard coal lees freight Bell Telephone- Co J mar ket HO John drain on Tim othy St A to bo charged to Office Specialty Co re- We always believe in a good article and sell at a living price at the same time wo will not let any merchant undersell We handle only the Best Quality in all and CHEAP us any house doing business The Did north Toronto at here at pretty good time It id really the P It train to North Bay Accident Mr Ernie mot with a peculiar accident on Sunday evening He was go- ids home from and Water Street bridge his bat blew off went underneath the bridge to get It but being out of reach without getting hie feat wot aabed aleter to drop the umbrella The wind caught the latter in Ha descent and drove the end against with considerable making an ugly in hie cheek It nearly eye Primary School The following the honor roll for the month of November Br Blanch Clifton Vera Walter Stork Bert Weal Cora Sherman Brook Barry Jr Collin a Elgin Wright Edna Minnie CI aval Ill TabletWillie Milton Toole Jones Eva Canned Goo Crockery and Glassware Boots and Shoes AT BIG CUT PRICES The Leading Grocer A SMITH Cor Main Timothy Sts The Hemming Officers for Prohibi tion in Ontario got their on and Tuesday Mr invited hie orchestra to an oveter at hie residence evening Lush and family are quarantined on account of The Home met lust Saturday and paesed amouotioK to SHI Money may be and times but morning will find the Utile peering into the stock ing by the fireplace yore are framing a stable in Hoaxs lumber yard to go away down Pauls Chorea Bazaar fa in full oper ation in Morgan Wood who for over two hours entertained large By eloquence and logic and analogy he the present and future having more par reference to Where are we at now Before entering upon his proper Mr Wood stated that during paat year be had from Montreal to Windsor but Christian at Newmarket for and the amount it for money- The lecturer elated loose any sleep over where he name from where he wsb to but he bad observed that present js the of the pail and the germ of future He is a close of and evidences of the world growing better on one and worse on other He de monstrated it was tight plaoeB that the real man We are at the supreme moment in international life and freedom with which he of affairs the United States Spain and England showed how and thoughtfully he bad studied the whole mat ter and the statement that England and United States were joining bands not to conquer and crush but to keep very nation from being whipped by any other in world greeted by a buret of applause problems we have to solve are of stage we are pacing through Operative and effective law is the of public opinion and recent was registra tion of intelligence It is ours to educate mould and direct end contribute to the ultimate triumph of When Christianity 10 its highest altitude it will give effect to ibe principles of peaca justice and love Notwithstanding the weighty subject lecturer frequently struck a vein a humor and won the atten tion and sympathy of the entire audience Total proceeds pairs Win Hell cleaning- boiler John work at Power Houao Can Gen Electric Co sup plies I Stark carting cleaning charge to lota The bill of Wo Cane A Sons was referred to Fire Light Com also to the R Com al so to the Finance Com The bill of J A Allan Co 13 was referred to the Inspector to hi paid if found correct The communication for a reduction in his taxes on the vacant shop on the corner of Main Timothy was referred to the Finance Com The Mayor laid on the table consid erable correspondence with the Engine Co regarding accident to their engine at the electric light sta tion in which disclaim any re sponsibility the engine having been use for two years though they ad mit that the casting was too light The Deputy- complained about the electric being started while the electrician was making repairs to the line and aleo that the plant is running when there is no necessity He objected to the plant being started without the authority of the electrician or some other authorized person The Mayor explained that light must be put on whenever it is required by the consumers or else they would become dissatisfied and throw up their contracts The Fire Light report ed that the bill of Packard Boynton dated Nov 14 1898 is correct and recommended payment less freight Report adopted The sum of was passed for the Boiler Co for premium on the boilers at the Water Works How time flies I It is nearly six since J left Newmarket We all enjoyed very the past summer the visits from Messrs Ceo Hill and Miss Keltv here has been good and harvested very well though the wet weather kept the work behind We have had more rain this fall khan all the time since we came to this coun try I think Threshing is just about now It has been a very bad 3on for it There was a great deal of lost time and the straw being tough it was very hard on old machines sing many repairs Good ma chines would make an average of bushels for season Grain and roots will give the following average Id per acre bushels present price Oats from to bushels Hi- a good crop 00 1 good bush to the acre j Turnips good Cabbages extra weighing from lbs each Cabbages were selling for At Fair some tot- weighed lb each ami weighed a bushel Turnips weighed over IbB each One cabbage weighed lbs As high as bushels of have been marketed here in one day The amount of wheat sold to dale is bushels about onethird of product The cattle and hogs sold hero this season foot up to This has been a busy season for business of all kinds We are well represented in all branches and can boast of having the best business nouses outside of Brandon Portage and Winnipeg Over have been spent in buildings in town the season and a good many thous ands move in the vicinity We expect the building next year will not fall short of this one are having winter now Not much snow but temperature keeping down to about or Bright Skating and curling began on Thurs day There will be four months of it if not five No break aa ice is always good after once formed You have to pay for skating here family of three 960 with extra for hockey and curling Following prices are what we are Hockey Skates We can sell you a pair at WHOLESALE PRICES As we had our slock imported from Germany Also Spring Skat and Common all sizes at prices down J A ALLAN NEWMARKET Toronto A bylaw was passed providing for I paying now lb egg the eleotion of a Mayor and six turkeys 15o geese lb chickens 10c lb pork cwt beef winter apples fall pies coal oil gal granula ted sugar lbs for light brown sugar I have been in bed for two weeks on account of overwork am improv ing Do not expect to be able to do much the balance of this year Kind remembrances to old friends Yours etc Man Nov 1898 HOW MANY MEN Want a Good SUIT or This If there are any they will find Good Satisfaction at Tailor Shop THE BEST JOB to the one with the beat who has education special for have thoohajoe TORONTO opens the door to for many young men year It did thorough a Toro i R Several persons have told that the Opening in the Methodist Church on Thursday evening of last week just as we predicted the best musical ever given in Newmarket The pro gram wae completed in its entirety and to that it was heartily appreciated put ting it very Mies Davidson Mr Shannon and the Messrs Lye ware repeat edly encored an it was nearly before the program was concluded organist Mips Nettie For mer had the honor playing new Pipe Organ tor the opening piece and from the very the tone of the magnificent Instrument capti vated the As each Instrumental wae performed and capa bilities of the demonstrated large audience was carried by a wave of Both Mr Shannon and Mr- A Lye of Toronto fully sustained their reputation as organists of high order The singing of Miss Davidson of Psnetaog was most enchanting Her was so distinct the expression so pleasant and the sweetness of such a strong voloe so remark able words fail to express the of the andienoejn listening to her several selections The solos by Mr Ed J Lye of Toronto also took the audience by and we can truly say bo exceeded every anticipation The choir too sup ported by a large orchestra the heavy remarkably well displaying the ability of the leader Mr A Worship Mayor Cans presided with much acceptance On behalf of the Ladles Aid a vote of thanks was ably moved by Mr John Carry to all who had taken part on the program especially because every person had given their aervio4 and also to express the of the ladies with the In every particular and the treatment of the Messrs Ed Lye Toronto The Organ Opening was an unqualified success In every partloalar The churoh was well filled and over were realized from the sale of tickets The Ladies- Aid met audi a response from the congregation that they were able to pay more than the agreement for They are to be congratulated for their courage and placing each a beautiful and excellent Pipe Organ in the and for financial that has attended their efforts Two of smallpox in the are causing much anxiety They are a mild form however Bacon to the value of was shipped this morning for England also worth of poultry and 000 worth of wheat Another shipment of agricultural implements to Australia was made valued at On Monday night a man was caught in the aot of robbing a King St liquor store and was sent to the Central prison for six months At the St Lawrence Foundry diy David aged S3 a laborer in stepping hastily hack- wards tripped and fell into a vat of boiling water He was quickly pulled companions but not before he was scalded pretty much from his head to bis heels He is in an ex tremely dangerous condition A fire broke out in Elroys tailor shop King St last nighty resulting in the death of one woman who jumped from win dow in the 3rd storey Two other women who also occupied rooms in the third flat were seriously injured Damage to building and stock Hon J Davis left here this morning to campaign in North umberland Hon addressed the electors at the nomination In Huron yesterday for the Commons Railway got their track clear of snow to Rich mond Hill late Wednesday night On Wednesday the Grand Jury brought in two true bills against Charles of Mount Albert for for 1899 and for three Public School Trustees following were appointed returning officers Jackson A J Nomination at the Town Hall on Monday Dec at p The Commissioners on the North Town Line reported against the pay ment of the bill presented by King Council as the Commissioners had not been consulted and also recom mended that ByLaw No be re pealed Report adopted Mr McDougall suggested that in the case of heavy snowstorms the snow should be removed The Deputy that people who wftnt the snow removed should throw it into the centre of the road and save expense The Mayor thought the snow should be removed but the question is who should pay for it the whole Town or frontage tax If there should be a heavy rain or thaw and the water should run into the cellars the Town would be liable for damages The Chairman of the Com consented to have the matter attended to Mr Lloyd asked Who is respon sible for injury from overhanging The Mayor said it would no doubt be open for a joint action between the corporation and individual adjourned at 1005 till Thursday evening Dec 16th Friday Saturday Dec 9 10 3 SPECIALS inch Flannelette heavy weight yd Mens Heavy Top Shirts each Womens Rubbers and Storm 25c pair TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Sale Register Postponed sale timber and lumber belonging to Clark one ibe east half of lot 28 con at one oclock sharp E Aoct King NEWMARKET BAKERY BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Two of the Indians named Moses tried at Arthur for the Herring Bay murders pleaded guilty to man slaughter and were sentenced to ten years in Kingston Penitentiary The two younger brothers were releas ed Under suspended sentence Dec The Soo express which- left Ottawa at this morning ran into a train of freight cars at Point about daybreak this morning The engine of the express was thrown- from the track and badly wrecked and three freight cara were smashed into splint- era The passengers on the express were badly shaken up and the en and fireman had narrow es cape Dec 5 Mrs receiving- and theft and also against Thomas Donaldson met with a of the same place for a offence No bill was found against John Thompson Toronto had wagons and carta employed carting snow from the on Tuesdays ana sufficient men to load and keep them busy The pay roll ran up into the thousand in Benjamin Gartner brake- man had his arm badly craned while coupling cars at Monday death at the residence of her grandson yesterday The deceased was going to her room upstairs after haying partaken of a hearty dinner and upon reaching the top step she missed her footing and felt down the whole flight which are very steep She struck the of her bead on a chair was ren dered unconscious expired minutes after accident occurred Donaldson was about years old- Mr Editor If you will permit me space in your most appreciable col umns I would like to the public the cause of the removal of our Town- ship Nomination from where It has been held for all time we might say to King It is not so much for lack of accommodation on such occasions here as the Council repre sent it to be The hotel stabling will compare favorably with King City besides the stabling of the whole village which has always been tendered to the as free as water Then air there is the Metho dist Church abed which will accom modate teams likewise Christs Church with shed room for or more and now we come to the Hall shed with accommodation for or more so you see we can accommodate about teams for shed room right here Our hall I am informed large enough to put King City hall in one end and then hold as many as King City can accommodate Now Sir that no reproach should rest open the ladies of our village who from time to time have catered for our Municipal brethren allow me to say that everything that could be de sired for the inner man was dished up in the best possible manner by ladies whom I can vouch to were most coropeteni But yet there some thing lacking What is it A friend looking over my shoulder says Its too temperate here for Well if is the case gents you cant get any other stimulante in this village and when our municipal of ficers require more than can be sup plied right here to do business on it is time to warn them of the tender memories that will twine around them when they appear at the to give an of their imbecile past Thanking you Mr Editor far your space I rem yours North King- We would just like to whisper through the columns of this paper that we have our New Fruits in Stock SUCB AS- Lemon Orange and Citron Peels Raisins add Currants Our Fruits are Extra Fine Quality and the Price is Lower than for cheap grades New Currants lb New lb New Peels 15c New Figs per lb We keep Ceylon Tea Worlds Blend and Blue besides a very large of Bulk Teas Cupid Soap is the Latest Toilet out Three cakes in box only lOo That last car of Manitoba Flour is making Beautiful Bread Our are pleased with it Pure Food Dandelion Coffee is all the rage Try it Put up in half and one pound canisters New Goods arriving for Christmas in the Book and trial solicited N STARR SANTA IS COMING H GRIFFIS PREPARING FOR HIM Hand Satchels Gloves and Mitts Felt and Leg Boots Trunks and Valises great variety Childrens Small Trunks Slippers of all ads Ladies Over Stockings Moccasins in all sizes Childrens Over Stockings Moccasins Stockings with Rubbers Children Boots- Ladies Fine Boots Mens wear Finest Boots to the Coarsest Sox A large stock of Ties wUl be in for the Christmas trade an ail goods SOLD AT ROOK BOTTOM I COME AND SEE US Given Away with Every Dollars Worth of SH GRIFFIS r v A

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