Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 9, 1898, p. 6

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6 J trf l PSA rf J nr DEC 1898 I J I I lh M M ft J AND BE LIABLE COB- WORIUV TO PINE ORCHARD- ti nt The Union Sabbath School hero is an entertainment on Friday of Deo com- at program will be rendered by the children will be given by Mr Oldham on his Concertina Cgllcction in aid of School Rev H chair- man HOLLAND LANDING Snow The most enow that has fallen in one night for some years came on Sunday night last the average depth being about 20 inches on the level We heard that some had great trouble in getting out of their houses on Monday morning on account being banked up with snow One man had to dig way through a tenloot drift to get to bin barn another had to go through the skylight on the roof and and dig a roa3 to door he got door open Another poor fellow hemmed in completely and only remedy bo had was to go up tho Several others had a likewise ex perience Brown of Richmond Hill is the of Miss Chapman this week Mr William Lane has a old well and hearty Con any one beat this f What we would like to know Who is going to be Reeve next We hear there are several in the field Andrews of Bond Head is of the Misses this week The Methodist Church is under going much needed improvements which will make it more comfortable and attractive The plaster which was tho ceiling is re moved and a neat wooden ceiling will be substituted The windows will ho replaced with a more modern design walls papered and woodwork painted It is an expensive un dertaking and the trustees deserve en couragement The congregation pro pose to have three special services on Sunday tho and a fowl supper on Monday evening following We hope all occasions will be attended and that the people may show a spirit of liberality on the lection plate beautiful ffpow has every thing especially No doubt sorno of out young men will appreciate it and young ladies too proved to tohe burning of a stump on the ninth A select few from Mount Albert surprised the other and a pier was play ing games and eating oysters Everyone is talking about the Sab bath School TeaMeeting which is to be held Friday Deo The program will be given chiefly by children assisted by choir and other local talent Mr Hart junior pastor is expected to fill the chair and other entertaining speakers are expeoted Indications point to a good time Come and on joy I ft COLLEGE CORNERS men But The wood bee last Wednesday duly performed by eight robust and a nice pile of wood was cut the Monday of this week did operate as the manager of the weather was throwing snow so fast it impossible to get around A fine lot of snow for sleighriding isnt it Nearly everybody joined Shovel Brigade last Monday and Tuesday shovelling and breaking roads for traf- fio Quite a number of days of sta- labor performed already wot- Rumor tells us that one of our near has purchased a farm in the I ft Thomas Mills and have returned from the We hear they intend spending the winter in our midst saya tho North- West is K Iota of work all ac commodations for farming and plenty of cash Mr and Mrs Jos Pollock spent a few days in our midst last week The trial re charivari last Fri day at the Queens was settled by hoys paying the damages and a small fine It has learnt them a les son will not soon forget That famous black fox has again appeared in this vicinity Where is our hunt club It means or more to the slayer Do not forget the Methodist Concert also the Public School Con cert which is to bo held on Dec They arc both expected to be rare treats especially the latter as Mr Power the senior teacher knows just how to do things up brown What attraction is in New market that draws our young men there Saturday night Mr Mackenzie is the now at store Those young men who took part in the Charivari and were not jerked up should show their manliness by helping to pay all the costs Mrs Goo Cole and her daughter are visiting on the con at Mr Travisa Mr Smith of Lloyd town was visiting at Mrs Coles last week The nomination for County Council lors takes place at this year quite a lot of election eering going on around here already We hear tSat our old friend Peregrine intends trying it Mr Gamble has gone to Albert for tho winter J overcoats are just what men want for this kind of weath er The Salvation Army made things lively here last week at their self deni al meeting ASA Joe Mitchell spent -Sunday- at Mr Hamilton Johnstons Quito an addition to our choir thats right Miss Maria Rose of College Corners was visiting at her the past week- Mr Wight was taken- with a paralytic one day last week but is getting better again- A gentleman from Newmarket by the name of Mr- Coates accompanied by his were attending the funeral of her grandmother last near and tho atorm made it almost for them to reach homo with buggy on Monday so they borrowed a cutter from J Glover Mr and slater Nellie the guests Etta son on I wish to correct an that was last week Mr Glover not yet returned home at time of writing As it ie Christmas no doubt there will be lots of trees and entertainments Whats wrong with Pleasant I wonder School teachers are op the lookout for now and thero seems to be plenty of them Mr John Hamilton Jr Secretary of the Board here re ceived eighteen in one day Bird WPercy held forth at Elder appointment on Sunday The now stale so cozy as to materially add to the enjoyment of the services Richard Young and family of Col- lego Corners spent Sunday with rela tives We heard all the news from that section and away A very successful shooting match bold at Travellers Rest on Wednesday Some remarkably good shooting was done The best prizes were captured by Dame and is den one of our boys On Thursday evening a shooting match prizes and candy sticks with an air gun held in Rose Millers store Baldwin Less Crittenden won first honors and Sherwood the left handed expert came out on the little end of the horn vicinity of Sharon for his son who about to work in double harness I told you so This is what sets them thinking This community is growing more jolly than usual Another party was held at Mr B last Thursday night where a large assem bly of young folks amused themselves immensely by music and plays Miss Maria Rose is making her brother Martin Rose a lengthy stay sear Mt Pleasant where the Mocking Bird sings so merrily Miss Lottie and Mr Oscar Allen of Brown Hill spent Sunday at Mips Lizzie Turner formerly of is making Miss Johanna Cunningham a pleasant visit One of our beat dress makers la rushed with sewing She is busy day and half the night making very fancy dresses Whether they are of a sort or not she wont tell Some thief stole a bag of flour a few nights ago Everybody keep your eye peeled Its not the ones that has had their hands washed Some ones black and dorg will get into trouble He sniffs very loudly towards mutton The owner will have to pay hie board bill and the observer will get a bounty Mrs Grant who has been laid up with a neck is able to be out again Of all the sweetest notes in seasons Are the merry ringing their chime Mr Nelson has sold a fine horse Mr A Kw sold a fine to tfelson to fill by for and daughter aVouii4 electioneering for two each Oar School land in we expect a concert py Tgz Jokkb We are told Mr Hose uf New- market years ago when teaching in Queensville called the school children in one day to see a curiosity a beautiful blooming rose that had blossomed in winter Well some thing more unusual occurred last Sun day when a newborn robin entered the home of a family in the village but this robin like the rose should be spelled with a capital letter Mr and Mrs had a gift last Sunday morning a fine big baby girl The boys and girls of the Methodist Sunday School are preparing for a supper entertainment on the even ing of Wednesday before Dee Please dont forget the date It was given wrongly in last weeks Last Wednesday morning Mr drove down to Newmarket a fine lot of for the mar ket Christmas with its happy associa tions and its tide of pleasant memories will soon be here What heart so sordid and engrossed with worldly cares that it feels no joy at the ap proach of this holiday season To the christian most of all should be welcomed with tho deepest joy In most christian lands it has become a season of and great rejoicing but the object of the joy or what should be the object seems in very many homes to be entirely lost sight of Roast goose roast turkey plum pudding sleighrides socials enter tainment fill whole thought and mind while never one thought re minds one of the lowly humble birth in Bethlehem ago Sup pose in the Queens Jubilee in no attention had been paid to the Queen how hollow would all those rejoicings have The main object in keeping Xmaa should never be forgotten That should be a season of great rejoicing is true for it commemorates to man the greatest event in the history of mankind the birth of Christ the of world The snowstorm at Hamilton left the town in Two of our oldest inhabitants have been showing their smartness recently Riddel son aged ninetytwo tramped down to the village and back a distance of over three miles while Geo aged eightyfive and straight as an Ingun with wife aged about eighty walked over and back five and half to see their daughter Mrs Peter who is an invalid with dropsical ailment Our Mi69 Canada is anxiously awaiting the advent of the skating season while the boys are also im patiently longing for the fun to begin Mr Jenkins was in the village week exhibiting splen dors of acetylene gas and soliciting orders for the same A number were very highly impressed with its virtues We hope ho may succeed in obtaining orders as he seems a gentleman of merit He gives an entertainment this week in Christian Church using the gas light to his views The intend having a Tree and entertainment very shortly Proceeds to be used in get ting prizes for the scholars Look out for it Only a dime admission The Frog Avenites are petitioning for a bridge oer Lako Providence has furnished a good one at present but unfortunately it disap pears in the spring It understood that a Miss Dun ning of is the fortunate appli cant for Gum Swamp academy I wonder if afraid of Owls Per haps flit in some day The Swamp bachelor says a baby elephant six feet three and tipping the scales at two hundred was an unsuccessful aspirant to the sit The school man has re signed bat it is probable that the Do- mine will remain in Egypt as it gives 1st class aatisfaction services are being conduct ed at Gum Swamp Methodist church The pastor making his true aa day by day he is becoming more popular This week Mrs Slirigerland evangelist will assist in meetings Oar Mr Crawford was observed on driving through Owltown accompanied by a demure little sel with auburn locks pretty and sweet enough to be a school mum How dare you boy A shot from a Kodak would have revealed a pretty view of Gum Swamp baa purchased a farm in Simcoe Co He will remove thence in the spring The inspector has issued man date for the erection of a new build ing for Egypt The trustees are seeing about it Since we issued our articleon pie several new aspirants sought to be entered on the Owls toll as piemakers I need add that for valid reasons the coveted honor was not granted Like a haw respecting school kids have gone borne pouting and sticking out their lips- The goodies had been taken- out of their The an amateur detect la a success He caught the culprit He dont oft occasion to whip but when he ho leaves hia markThe Domino his mark Mr Robert Riddel is preparing to liulld a house to Replace the de stroyed by farm at Little Somewhat of a here on Monday How did your faro The Owl DSLH WEN The Gospel Temperance Meeting which was announced for Monday evening been postponed indefinite- Owing to storm on Sunday evening there was not a very large crowd at the Christian Endeavor but the service took the form of a debate and was the interesting one there has been for some time Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with relatives in Master Sam Bird accompanied thorn and will remain thero till holidays Mr Walker Morton had the fi triune to loe a valuable farm horse lait week Mr Jenkins of Keswick is showing the new light formed hy acetylene our merchants and other The light proves to bo very satisfactory and a wonderful improvement Mr and Mrs Williams spent Sunday with relatives in Messrs Draper Percy Draper and William Dyer left on Tuesday morn ing to attend the trial of Da- and John Thompson accused of cattle stealing Miss has closed her mil linery establishment for the season a few weeks with relatives in Miss Edna Mount of Kettlebv is visiting with her cousin Miss Ethel Draper The Sons of Temperance will have a debate next Tuesday evening the sub ject being Resolved that woman has more influence over man than The Order is progressing very favorably and promines to be a large and instructive organization The storm of Sunday evening although not so bad as some places caused some delay in mails but the roads wore not blockaded Judging from the and pains taken in practicing Scholars for the Christmas Entertainment thero will a grand display of talent The Christmas Tree will be on Thurs day December the date being changed to accommodate Sutton Methodists who hold their entertain ment on Friday the 1 frj We Sacrifice Our Profits for December Month So many wonder why Davison Co give such a Good article for the Low Prices they quote but the people are always satisfi ed because its the peoples inter est we study Cross Blackweirs Peels Pure Leaf Lard lb The Best Dairy Butter 15c lb Good Baking Eggs 16c Choice Roll Bacon lb Choice Snow Apples 10c peck Give A instil Large New Clean Raisins A Nice Mild Cheese at 10 cents a pound i Choice Cooking Apples peck Large Sound Potatoes 10c peck Good Turnips peck pounds Currants Fresh Pink Icing Sugar Fresh Shelled Almonds and Walnuts No Lemon Peel No 1 Orange Peel lbs Bright Bakin Sugar for Best Raisins Currants DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket i Four Young Due to within a for Sale tot Con Bast I A fire broke out in New York on Sunday night which destroy ed two or three buildings and did immense damage Peter of Renfrew an em ployee of the Ottawa it Sound Railway was killed while working in a gravel pit at Sprucedale Mr Robert Ash of Unionville is the proud possessor of the best driving mare in the County of York at least he thinks so and he has good reason for if as this mare took first prize at the North York Fair out of 17 entries and first at the East York Show held at Mark ham also this fall A Canadian Atlantic freight train was standing on the diamond crossing at St when a train dashed into it cutting it in two and shattering lo freight cars the rails for some considerable distance were torn and twisted and theCPR engine was a perfect wreck GOODS Sow Astray Came upon Lot In tbead Con of on or about the or November a LARGE WHITE SOW two years old The owner la re quested to prove property pay charges and take the anluial away In Sterling Silver Novelties Silver Tea and Coffee Spoons Butter Knives Cake Knives Pie Knives Berry Spoons Napkin Rings Shaving Cups Ebony Brushes Ster ling Mountings Ebony Mirrors And Lots of other Arti cles Suitable for Xmas Presents All at Cut Prices Come in and See us ATKINSON CO jewellers Main St NEWMARKET A Very Suitable Present Reduced to Each For Sale at Roches Store and Are the goods we are showing for Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats Prices as are consistent with good workmanship See the goods and you will convinced Remember the Merchant Tailor Next door to L Atkinsons CORN CORN Goats High For Cheap a wheel Would make a one Christmas Apply to At Starrs Grocery Pocket Boob Lost Between Vivian and last Mon day containing Finder will by leaving it at Vivian P It- SCOTT hereby Riven that an application will be or of its next for en Act to le- ffaHxoand confirm of the Town of Newmarket Villajrc of and Jlich- mond Hill and Whitchurch York and un der which bylaws the property Of the YOUR wearing the Best Boots and Shoes They can be had at Wrights Hallway Company In the said Munici palities respectively la to be exempted from taxation for a term of the day of January or from such other date maybe mentioned In such and to confirm made or to be between the said Company and the said Municipalities find entered Into between the parties to provtonor sod also to empower the said andtoentwlntoanynicriairrceraent day of November lees All interested in the game of Hockey should call and see our New Lines of Hockey Boots We are now making Custom Work a Specialty Repairing Neatly and Pone WM WrtlOHtr NEWMARKET ENSILAGE CORN OF THE BEST VARIETIES RED COB MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET EARLY LONGFELLOW EARLY CROMPTON ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED Street Notice to Creditors -OF- William J Bell Pursuant to tbeBevusedEtatutes of Chap creditors and all other parties hav ing any the Estate of William J Bell late of the Township of Uxbrldge In the County of farmer who died on or about the day of Aug are on or before the 1st or January to to pell box Newmarket P O one of executors of tbe will of tbe sala William J Bell their christian and addresses and description the full particulars of their claims against the a statement of their accounts and the nature of their securities If any and Immediately af ter the said 1st day of January or said William J Bell deceased will bo distributed amongst the parties entitled there to reward to the claim of which shall then will not bo liable for the sweats or any pert thereof to any person of whose cl notice shall not have been given at the period of distribution CHRISTMAS IS COMING IT WILL BE UPON US BEFORE WE ARE AWARE OP IT A very economical and accept able present for your friend would be a beautiful photo of yourself or family Now is time to have it taken We can supply you with any size of photo and our work is second to none Call at our gallery two doors south of Hotel and see samples ROS NEWMARKET Town Carting and on Terms DAVID MILLARD Cor Main A- Ontario fits Newmarket V OLD j Apprentice

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