Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 9, 1898, p. 3

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A Weeks Heals OK ABOUT Dirty Trick last person spit on a door of one of oar res I person guilty of contemptible ought to be fined end costs snd then St Pauls Church Rev J was not here Son- day at anticipated Rev of Toronto The new Rev J is to bero next Revenue We notice that the of propose to Issue year for the Bale of tobacco as follows To sell Tobacco only per To soil Tobacco Tobacco cigarettes and smokers sundries 16 The bylaw will apply to grocers dry goods merchants and all others who the weed This is a rxrioter for Council Baking Pouidet Is J lb Tin who have tried it recommending it On and Sunday Major Her- will special meet logs In the Barrack here a blood and fire man Silver at the door on afternoon and evening JL Big Reduction This week we will sell Blue Ribbon Toil at Wo lb n it Groceries Cheapest in Town at Sims Another Project The of the Newmarket Dairy Association are notified to meet at the Chamber Newmarket on Saturday the lost to discuss the ad visablllty of putting a Butter Plant into the Cheese Factory here Every stock bolder a point to attend Holidays The and P rales for the Christmas holidays have been as follows fare good bat nod 26 good to return until single a January 1 and good to till January fare and onethird good going December good to return to the and to January 1 good to January Presbyterian Church Rev Matthews preached the pre sermon last Friday evening owing to the of pastor saoramental service Sunday was largely attended Rev A officiated and nine names were added to the Communion Roil A notable feature of tbete occasions in this oburcb is tbat no person leaves until the conclusion of the service In the evening the MoKay Mission Secretary Wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers busi ness was the text The of the Father was the solvation of mankind It was also the Sons business because it was to be about his Fathers business that Jesus Christ came into world It was also business of the Holy Spirit as ex bibitcd on tho day of Pentecost Mankind was permitted to have a share in this work he being Fathers agent in its accom plishment A Thanksgiving collection was taken up under tbe auspices of FMA homed their Appreciation Wo clip the following days At St Matthews pariah laet night a large assemblage of parishioners took place the occasion bo a farewell reception to the carats Rev J A who leaves tola few to take of a parish Mr baa been with Matthews parish for a years and the congregation could not al low him to depart without expressing their appreciation of hie faithful services in a tangible manner Mr Noel Marshall who has always taken an part in the affairs of the parish on behalf of the con gregation presented Mr with ft handsome gold watch suitably engraved and also a purse containing a considerable sum of money Mr Mr and others made brief re marks Mr then made a suit able reply after which the ladies provided refreshments A short musical program was excellently rendered by the people of the church Hughes Admired For they are the neatest fitting and most itylish In Town More demand for them this season than in previous years Snaps in Stoves At A Bums Box Stove 20lnoh Box Stove as new Box Stove Cook No 8 coal and wood A Genuine Storm When people arose from their on Monday morning it was a most com plete surprise to find two feel of enow covering the Such a fall of enow In one night never known here at this time of year for the past years When the walks on Main St were cleaned the snow wae piled three feet high and people wondering what the road would do in such a It has reminded the oldest residents of the snow storm in March when snow commenced to fall on Saturday and con tinued for two days and two nights All trains were blocked from Saturday till Tuesday evening The snow on Main street was nearly four feet high from walk to walk Mr Bogart has a photo of the scene Three men drove to In a boggy on Sunday and it took them from a to get home next day Another man was with a livery Sunday and be rode home horse back morning leaving the boggy behind Mr says that in all his experience of nine years at the milk bust he never had a time in deliver ing It toot team from am till pm to get over the rout and be was forc ed to feed his horses town Laborers had lots work couple of days cleaning walks levelling Main street and out of yardi School children have had great fun jump snowbanks The sleighing It grand and everybody hopes It will continue till after Christmas The Deputy Lloyd making a At the Council meeting on Monday evening becaute the lights wero burning around town at three oclock in the after noon He complained that lights were started too scon and burnt too long in the morning a waste of fuel This intter will never be adjusted satis factorily people pay for what they use This can only be done by meter and If the meter rate reduced to would he an object for the people to pot In metere and be more It all to talk about tho lights going on too and off too late Many persons who the light know that this in not the esse but there are again many people who contrary to the provisions of their contract allow their lights to burn without turning them off all the time the dynamo is in mo tion thereby causing a loss to revenue An reporter was at tfas trio light station when the dynamo was started before four oclock one bright day last week and at thai hour there no than lights in service This is al together unreasonable Had everybody been paying by meter we venture to say not onethird the lights would be in The people who are using lights are tbe ones tbat are paying for them and the overplus is giving the street- lighting at a We strongly advise the Council to leave the flat rates they are and reduce the meter rate Many of the stores have meters and they are satisfied that it is the correct method to adopt The only residence in town that has run a meter Is the editor and we are perfectly satisfied that compared with flt rate for residences the present meter rate is too high We installed ten lights and ran them for over ft year gn flat rate Although we burnt them the same as other people wo were satisfied that ft deal of light was going to waste Mors than once the collar light was acci dentally left burning all and some times a light was not out when the boys went to bed We are that this ie case in many other houses because at any hour of the night a person can count ten lights burning to one before the light was introduced Our ten lights cost for the year We added six more lights rooms that were not very much and put in a meter We are dent we do not use much as we did with the ten lights on the fiat rate the house practically shut up for two- months in the summer the meter rate cost 919 or an advance of At the same time wo must admit that the present meter rate pays person who Is economical fiat rate for our lights is a difference of our favor The meter cost and to install so that in years it pays for itself with interest at per cent on money Invested It Conooil put the raw down to it would be mors encouragement for people to put meters in and the town would be paid for all the light need There are only twenty people who are paying for allnight lamps but the indicator at the light elation shows over are carried all through the night In point of fact the users of electric light are paying for nearly all tbe street and it is not very becoming for one who pays nothing to find fault The Council next year should make a reduction in light prices and tbe meter only proper way to do it Another thought baa occurred to Why not take the overplue andpurchsBe meters Lai the town provide meters for everybody the light the same a a gas companies and charge uniform rate of ten or twelve cents per watt They would pay for themselves in two or three years Put meters in the Town Hall and Council Chamber and the to the respective accounts and then we would know how the matter actually stood We might explain that the reason the lights were burning at oclock on Monday afternoon was to test the trans formers Owing to the storm on night three were burnt out and had to make tempor ary cbaugee to provide current to regular Assortment Rogers Pocket Knives Carving Knives and Forks etc at I J i m f Three pine No better evidence of superior work turned out at Photo Gallery could be had the fact that he bat fill- no leas for throe pictures The Precession Christian Church Convention and Canes These fine Christ ens Presents and It It not too to ob tain more if orders are given at Sheep Wiled Two nights last week some of farm ers East suffered by hav ing their sheep worried by ft dog or dogs Mr Benjamin Howard found two of killed and aeveu others worried so badly that they had to be killed His loss was valued at Mr Ezra had one lamb so badly it had to be killed of Messrs Donne and A were also dis torted causing some loss Hughes Goods Are coming In and aro very attractive Penny Postage On Christmas Day you can send a letter from here to the old folks in England Ireland or any British possession for So The Hon made political speech at on Wednesday and before closing said With reference to the twocent rate of postage in Canada I would say that that is in store for tbe people of Canada within a reasonable time Mr there was no more powerful factor to promote immigration than the letters of in the land to which they have none to old folks at home his one of the good results which follow Imperial penny poet- age A person named Madame LaSage carry ing credentials at a phrenologist out of without paying her printing bill Postponed of the silo of and- lumber belonging to Mr Advertised for last Monday was till next Monday- Wayside Songs This popular little book written by the lato Mrs would make a Present has been reduced to each the lowest price ever offered In order to sell the of the stock Bee ad vert and Bazar The young ladies of tbe Baud In connection with the Presbyterian will hold a and Bazar the base ment of the church on Wednesday evening Deo A good program and plenty of provisions will be provided Admission only lOo pheap Skates Spring pair Hockey Skates only pair Every thing in Hockey at ions Double width pure wool Serge all colors per yd inch Tweed Dress Goods inch Cotton Cashmere all colors 10 Mens Heavy Double Breasted Wool Undershirts Wens Wool Socks per pair io Flannelette per yard fe r Special purchase for Spot Cash of Fancy and India Silks in all Colors We are selling them at less than they Cost to import LOOK OUT for our annual Sale of Silk Handkerchiefs NEXT WEEK The best Cakes are always made with Bruntons Baking Powder W A BRUNTON CORNER STORE Tennyson Club The meeting this week well attended and thoroughly enjoyed The readers of the reminded that next Tuesday evening Deo 13th in tbe School Boom St Newmarket Rev A of Classics of Trinity University Toronto will give bis celebrated lecture Wby some things beautiful not We hope the general publio will the generous effort of the Convocation of Trin ity University to spread information by by their presence on Tuesday evening There will bo a voluntary offering at the door to meet expenses The chair will be taken promptly at eight oclock by J In view of the lecture tho regular meeting of the will be withdrawn next week On the evening of the week after In will be continued at Mrs Pros pect Ave Snow Shovels Steel and Snow Shovels Wooden and Public School Result of exams in III Total marks Ernest Evelyn MoKay John Kennedy Annie Caldwell Vesta Thompson Roberta Stewart Alice Peppiatt Caldwell Helen Robertson Lily Well Codling Minto Cora Toole Lena Atkin son and Herbert Atkinson Ada Leslie WUfson Joseph Holmes Cane Willis Pearl Smith 356 Mo- Mann 338 Alma Jessie Mo- Taviah246 2nd Class mark- Ethel Robinson Wallace Ross Trlvett Nora 428 Douglas facolv May 426 Wright Mattel Thompson Fran bio Roy Ce Amy Tborotf onl Chan mg MB Roy Percy Extracts Have strength Be particular what use marriage of Margaret Fox daaghter of tbo Rev Fox and Mr Elmer Davis eldest son of Hon J Davis King Oat- was at residence of the bride Ontario Toronto on Tuesday The Matthews of Newmarket was the officiating assisted Rev R Turk of Carlton street and father of the bride The Rev J W Fox Victoria and Mr Aubrey Davie brother of the groom assist ed the groom Miss Ethel Florence Davie and Miss Lillian Sitzer were brides maids The ushers were Fare well of Victoria University and Dr W Fox bride wore a gown of silk gauze trimmed with chiffon bad on a bridal veil Miss Davis was dressed in cream and Nile green while wore s organdie with trimmings of silk and Oriental lace Pink were carried by the bridesmaids Mrs Fox mother of the bride wore black silk with bodice of atone blue watered silk Mrs Davis mother of the bridegroom wore a Bilk gown with a bodice of cream chiffon over cream silk The brides tra velling drees wasof purple broadcloth with velvet hat to mat oh The house bean decorated with palms and flowers The presents were numerous and valuable The couple left for an extended tour of the Western States and Mexico Mr and Mrs Davis will reside at Among those present at the wedding were Hon Davis Mrs Davit Miss Edith Davis Mabel Davis Mr Au brey Davie Mr Andrew Davis Mr Harry Davie Mr Eh Davie Mies Jennie Fox MiB8 Annie Fox Dr and Mr Henry Miss Florence Henry Miss Maggie Mies Brnlts Kidd and Mr Otis Kidd Warsaw Mrs Matthews New market Mr and Mrs A Jacob Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs J L Johnston ding Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Johnstone Aurora Miss Hitch- ins Montreal Mies Annie Owen Sound together with city guests SEASONABLE GOODS We Our Stock is now most complete in Fall and Winter wear never had such a fine stock for you to choose from Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats Boots and Shoes Gents Furnishings Hats and Caps Fresh Groceries In these lines we are the leaders Our stock and Boots and Shoes is the largest and cheapest inthe County DANFORD ROCHE CO Departments The Cheap Store dies Mitts Wool Milts Silk Mine and Misses and Childrens Mitts and Gloves at xVV pot Sale A No hole Range tank and shelf guaranteed good baker cost for See stove at A Dions Christian Owing to Elder absence on Sunday young brother from Toron to took his place His morning subject was The suffering of Jesas under Pilate Pilate apparently was willing that Christ should be liberated but fear ing be might lose hie high earthly position be delivered the blessed Saviour to be then publicly washed hie hands as if trying to free himself from all re- and sin for no doubt his soience troubled him as does everybody now who deny and Christ This life is only the beginning of life which is to come and this life determines our life evening subject was Christian Army In olden times there were of Urge numbers coming over to the Lords all once an army as it were and now we see Hog- land with tha open bible in her hand going forth conquering nations elevating ed ucating them the United States is now extending her hand to England- in friendly union to a power to conquer Bin and dog and elevate and the world no doubt this is their destiny AH denominations should units as one great power against in all Its forme AtDavUori Co is just the thing iScjb the Fine For men women and children at Hughes Obituary Mr Scott nt Maxwell passed sway peaceful Monday morn ing Nov He has a sufferer from heart for the years On Aug Id lie wa stricken apoplexy follAveti by paralysis of the Ik halt of bis body from which he was recovering two weeks he suffered a second since he daily become weaker and without pain in a calm sleep- The deceased was in his year and was one of our oldest and most esteem edreideots years he been a and a possess d the ciiihdence and respect of the community Mr comes of an old Irish family bis father John from of in in county of Northumberland he raised a fara- of five children Mr a farm laborer for ft number of years years with one farmer in the township of Whit church where married Mary A Foots Being sober economical and industrious he soon saved enough to start on a rented farm in the townehip of Scott where ho then resided years He then purchased a larger farm at in town ship where he was very successful Being possessed of good education he took an active interest In the educational municipal affairs of his township being re turned as a member of municipal council for a number of years As his family grew op he decided to corns further west settling at in the county of where he a valuable acres where the family an both prosperous and comfortable leavea a widow aod five children to mourn a kind husband and Toying father The are John a physician at Maxwell the township clerk at and Nelson both residing on the Samuel at The only daughter la Mrs John Douglas of In politics the deceased was a Liberal- Conservative being an ardent admirer and staunch supporter uf his old chief The deceased for many years a devout Presbyterian Church and was greatly comforted daring his last sick- by a sincere faith In Ms Saviour for the Asking Our Household Reference Book Of Groceries Medicines and Useful Information Send us your name on a Post Card You should Have a copy Address DANFORD ROCHE CO NEWMARKET ONT TO CLEAR MANTLE CLOTHS We have remarked the Goods at prices that should make them go like Hot Cakes We started the season with some sixty odd pieces We now have Pieces for you to choose from Don t miss the chance MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING Last Saturday was a day in this The Right Goods at the Right Prices is one reason that We do the immense business that we do One Price Selling to all so that you know your neighbor is not buying the same goods cheaper than you is another Dont fail to see us if you want Clothing We have the Largest Stock to choose from in North York DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Ends ranging from yard to yards in length All Marked I ess than Cost See them on Front Counter HARDWARE DEPARTMENT k ft i r j i Good Steel Carving Knives Forks 25c st Iron Snow Shovels and Mrs Potts Sad Irons Irons Stand and Handle 9 Quart Tin Pails I 5 Quart Tin Pails See the and Bargain Tables each each lb li d I I I I ff I Good Steel Axes Embossed Stove Boards each 5 75 and 9Sc Elbows eachiij Patent Stove Pipes length DANFORD ROCHE CO

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