Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , July 29, 1898, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY 8o WHAT GOING ON IK ABOUT fl Society A mooting of Is for Saturday- to Prize for coming Fall Fair A largo num ber of ftpcotnln boon donated Cuickot A team from Newmarket wont op lo Bradford Friday and a match with a team from The kot boys were by six wickets Mrs Cody presided flunday end Mies at organ Headings wore given by Mies Mrs Jano Wilson and Onort mooting Christian Church regular Fellowship Mooting Saturday was and a first- rato meoilng enjoyed Rider tofalrcomjrcRatlona Mr to preach Bun tiny 1 Serenade The Town Hand out In full night and our a do lightful A big crowd was down Town and varied program wan greatly enjoyed The Hand do wires us to thank Mr Starr for icecream and Mr for lemonade which fayor they duly Bush A flro out in tho Coo Of Kant Friday which threatened to grow to suoh serious stone that word was tent to Factory and firm a number of men out there on Saturday to got fire under control Messrs Cane A Sons a good deal of bush property oat there IV During flvo months Bark er and Dales been stationed hero and during that have in doing a satisfactory work spiritually and financially Their many i Honda will bo sorry to learn that next Sunday evening Next Tues day evening thoir many friends will give them a farewell Ice Cream Social at when everybody is cordially invited to attend At Head their Opponents Opinion Speaking of the match Now market against the team the has tho following paragraph One MoKinstrye is a young Larry Doyle In fact whole Bradford combination played their part and played It well R Canadian Goto By the Detroit Put Puts wo that Gov of State of Miohlgan has appointed Dr Dennis of Port Huron a member of Stato Board of Denial to of Jaokeon whoso term of has ex- congratulates Dr Dennis who Is a native of Newmarket Corsets Reduced Elegant A from to Corsets up at School A was held on Monday last Present Mows Pretty Campbell and Tho and Committee wan instructed to tho following at tended to Front board of Mr room to ho stated also front of Miss room South sido of Mr room front arid north of Mies Kellys room front of Miss Codys room front of Ross room and front of Model Class room to bo repaired and covered with composition All wood and irbu work on outside of building to bo painted to bo ropaircd Board adjourned Runarjuoy Mr tied to In front of Mr P Flanagans at North End last Tuesday afternoon North Bay train from the Sooth along and soared tbo horse which away from post and runaway horse was captured near by two ladies who on tho rood The harness was considerably broken No damage wee done At a meeting of the Quarterly Board last Wednesday evening Mies Nettie the proficient organist for past live years for the coming year at an advance in salary She is to fit herself to play tho new Pipe Organ which will be put in this fall The pastor will preach Sunday Morning subject royal of H evening Visiting father He leaves for on Monday for vacation Garden Party Royal Templars decided to hold a Garden Party and Ice U ream Festi val on Friday evening of August on the lawns of Mr and Mrs whose premises adjoin each other on Queen street and will afford ample lion Music will be furnished by the Cit izens Band Abundance of refreshments promised and a good may be antici pated The admission only which includes cakes pie and one dish- of cream There should be a afc that Wide Sash Ribbons From up at Hughes Public Board of Directors are now select ing additional books for the ensuing year and desire every member who wishes any particular book added to the library leayo the name of the work with the libra rian but please remember works of are limited to twenty per cent of the en tire purchase At a committee meeting on Monday evening new books were The liet was considerably increased on Wed the first order will be sent away this week It is the intention of the Board to have worth of the latest books on the shelves by the middle of September so as to give members every advantage the coming ticket year which opens 1st of October Coil at the Gallery of Work just taken by A Sibloy Publia At tho call of Mayor Cane a meet ing of the ratepayers of tho Town was hold Friday evening to consider a proposal to grant the Co to aid them in enlarging their buildings When Mayor Cane called the mooting to order thero were about present among whom were Robertson Councillors Cody Smith Hughes wood and County Councillor Woodcook On motion Reeve took the chair arid Mr J McKay was chairman proceeded to explain that there had boon a rumor that the Specialty Co were going to move their de partment to Toronto because they had not room and could rent a building there for a a little in of what they wore paying for freight on raw ma norial If the Town would erect a suitable building the Company would convey to them tho which now rent for 12 per annum A special committee of rate- was appointed to confer with the Company The President Mr Lamb and the Manager Mr said that the building would about and would be about 100 ft by 15 ft- As the com- thought this sum was too much it was reduced to which the Company asked the Town to give them In return Company could not promise to employ more men at present but would do as business advanced they would stay at least years They also wanted exemption from taxee for years Mayor in explaining matters thai if the i000 were borrowed for years the yearly amount needed would be about bat against tbfe ht rent from the flats allowing for and expenses it would only cost Town about 276 a year By curtailing expenses there need be any increase in Farther be said that the Company employed from to men and paid oat per year inrages and he asked if the Town afford to loose half of ibis amount Tie thought not In from Mr property at the roar of Water Works a young man named Thos was fined and day last week by Robert- eon It was not on account of tho fish that action was taken but to property by trespass Besides a notice potod in a conspicuous the ent ordered off premises a couple of tSm and still offence waa It I just notions as this that close many places to the Mr was obliged to forbid bathing from floating bridge of foul language of a few boy a There was a very good market last Saturday for this time year hut it was all over and farmers were out of Town by dinner time Butter was still Inolinod to go up high as paid for pound roll were a littlo buors were only- offering and while lie were paid for small quantities by Townspeople Cherries were up and farmers wore asking from to pail Tho crop was not as largo as at firdt anticipated Red rasp berries sold at fie per lb black Rod currents a black currants at 9c a quart Shell ed green 10c a quart beans a gal New potatoes a apples a peck Cabbage each Carrots beets and large onions hunch Dressed chickens pair bL vALb fio for I Wednesday August 3rd is arranged for tho return lacrosse match for championship of Midland Dis trict to be played in Village Tho boys a hot game as has a strong team and also old time rivals Wh not take a day off and go along with the boys and cheer them on to victory Wo feel confident that they will win The boys contemplate making some changes in the position of their players by putting It on iusido home Manning on defence which no doubt will improve the play Bradford- Newmarket Combination head the list in the Midland and we feel sure that they will keep up record The stand ing of teams are as follows won Young Torontoa 0 Vary So Roches for week makes very tending for our subscriber lata dbatu of was in lent week but for of information an obituary was deferred till this In November had a at toko from ho never fully recovered and for last two years has been declining in Two before his death ho wont to spond day with his son Mr in King Township where ho was again with and gradually sank until noon on Wednesday tho 20th of July whoa he breathed his last in presence all children funeral service in the Friends St laet was largely attended and In the audience were Very many old Win Moore of Toronto a appropriate from the memory of the is blessed The romaina were Interred at the Friends Ground St ihoee of Ins partner to await reaarrcotlon warn r a Seneca was born on the of WIS on St on farm pur chased by his grand in and upon bo coiitlouod to thu Jong of years when he moved into the house on Hi wjuoh he built father of emigrated with parents and other mom cere of tho family from Buck a County Pennsylvania in the year They left on the of May bring- their iu or wagons alto driving a cow with reached tho farm exactly one month alter starting It therefore apparent that the family among of this art the country in Feb Jan married Webb daughter of the iolm by whom he hud live After happily together for nearly years the death of his wife on 10th of Feb was keenly felt and also the death of his youngest child three years The other four members of the family are still living Deceased was well known and beloved by all who had the pleasure of his acquaint ance a man of sterling integrity patient yet persevering was an honored mem ber of Society ail bis life and a remitter of the denomination for over years his appointment dating 2nd mo In politics his sympathies and infloence were always with the Reform Party but was not demonstrative He id now buried out of sight gone hut not for gotten as his family can look back on no thing but kindness I 38inch all colors 38inch New Plaid Dress Goods Mens Cotton Undershirts All Wool Tweeds Ladies Blk Cotton Hose fast color White Spot Muslin per yard -J- Ladies Fifty cent Blouses for White Counterpanes yards lonj Although Roller Blinds have advanced in price we still sell them for cents complete UNT The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER STOR T When you intend buying Clothes you naturally want We have the largest and a pair of Shoes or a Suit a large stock to select from most complete stock of Boots and Shoes Clothing Gents Furnishing and Hats and Caps in North York Mens Good Tweed Suits in a variety of colors worth 600 for Mens Fine Tweed Suits in checks worth 700 for 400 Boys Good Strong Tweed Suits worth 2 bo for 125 Boys all wool Serge Suits worth 200 for 150 Mens Strong Laced Boots worth for Boys Strong Laced Boots worth 100 for 65c Mens Fine Ljiced Boots Worth 125 for Ladies Kid Low Shoes worth for 65c Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes worth 1 for 100 We Lead in Low Prices and Good Goods Come and look through our Stock a Dentist Opposite Bakery every day Painless Open Coming to market American Christian Convention known as Quadrennial to bo In Newmarket next October when from 250 to American visitors are expected This secondtime In nearly abundred years that Canada has honored Its sessions In order to provide for the comfort of delegate locftL committee will start this week to for among the people of this denomination Should persons of other denomination feel to or delegated it will bo taken a favor if matter is made known to Mrs J or Elder Chidley Newmarket should to this of t so many Americano and we that our people will show them the came cordiality which Americans always to extend to The Anglo- American growing and a good time to make It felt he Newmarket taking Into consideration and of her hit be f m surpassed by any town aaoe size And that every dollar due was paid Following is the debenture debt of the town ANNUAL TAX Market S52 Canes Bonus 0 High ttght 20 1916 10000 Water- Works 1910 877 CO00 Water- Work 23 High Cheap Binder Tuiine Binder Twine did not reach the as was be bought half that at Mr Snider on Queen is putting up a new stable and making other improvements on his promises Green corn is on the bill of faro now Threshers tell us that is turn ing out well The bridge on Prospect Ave needs at tention The planks are very loose New sidewalk over the hill on Main week in the here lost Sunday Mr John Greenwood of East Gwillim- informs as that last year he sold 204 pails of cherries but this year he only sold pails A friendly game of tennis was played between Newmarket and Aurora on Mr lawn lost Saturday The Jr Lacrosse match expected here on Wednesday with a team did not pin out The visitors failed to put la tin appearance King Council meets at on Saturday Next Monday Emancipation Day r A Amount of Principal still due Amount paid off An followed partici pated in by Woodcock A David son J Dickson J Millard A I the Mayor and the Chair man The Mayor followed giving details of bonuses granted by other towns Newmarket- It Mm by Brun by Mr H Lloyd that the Council to the ratapayers a By law to raise for of aiding the Co in enlarging the buildings The motion was carried unanimously York gangers Lloyd has received too official report of of the Bait at Niagara Camp from which wo are per mitted to take the following information The standing the several Companies at Drill Manual and Cloth ing Arms Interior- Economy etc as follows let placeCo No 8 point Job Iiot For Ladles end 2nd 3rd fiih I II II I 11 IT 111 if Hi 1 8 Captain Allah deserves credit for bring Newmarket up to place The remarks of Col Otter on his in spection of tbe Battalion are as follows Very good Movements smartly done Clothing and Accootrements Indiffer ent Arras Clean Books Company good Regimental very good Good Very steady on parade General A good Battalion nearly op to strength well and fair ly well qualified with a good deal of en thusiasm Many well qualified Good Band Presentation It being known to of the boys in town that Saturday was Mr birthday it was proposed among them to give a surprise About seven Jimraic ires crippedwith and ho spent all ho in medical treatment But he continued to grow worse until his life was of however ho lingered for months finally took a change for the better Throe years ago as soon as he was able to bo wheeled around in an Invalid kindly supplied by the League he was anxious to- do something to support himself and ob tained a sit as local reporter for the Ad- Ever since then in spite of phy sical inability he has continued to fit him- self for the work putting in bis spare time at phonography Without the assistance of a teacher ho has become a rapid writer and admiring his perseverance the boys of the town circulated a subscription list among hie acquaintances to purchase a Typo- Writer at a of knowing that such an article would be of great assistance The machine did not ar rive on Saturday consequently the presen tation could not bo made as intended However it came on Tuesday Band was informed of the proposal and they willing teat their assistance to give the matter a send off Coming down town they save Mr serenade in front of his shop and then the Committee invited him and the Band to Robertson icecream parlor for refreshments On the following complimentary ad- drees was read by Dr Stephens and the present was made by Mr Blake Hewitt To Mr We your many Newmarket friends have assembled together this evening for the ex- press purpose of extending to you our beat wishes for many happy returns of this your birthday evening We that you have for years taken the deepen interest in tbe welfare of our town and especially you have in various ways the progress of our young er men are aware that health for the past few years bos failed you and by way of suggesting to yon a means for a comfortable livelihood in conneotion with your present business wa ask you on this your birthday evening to kindly accept this Machine as a esteem from your many friends many of whom are aware of your skill on inch a machine Trusting that anniversary of your birthday may return friends t Signed on behalf of the town Though Mr was Informed on his birthday of intention of the to TypeWriter he was to com pletely over by their enthusiasm and interest on behalf thai he could bat re ply briefly expressing bis gratitude for t find Our Sale of Ladies Blouses last week was such a huge success that we have decided to clear our entire stock of Print and Muslin Blouses at the same popular price This is not a time limit sale of one day only but for as long as the goods last It would he as well to remember though that Comers get the Best Choice Blouses that were 75c Si 125 150 175 all at the same price of 49c FROM tin tin box tin tin FULLY 100 TO RANDOM SHOTS Hoof Ointment reg for Harness Blacking for 2c Harness Soap reg for Axle Grease box 4 for 25c Insect Powder 5c Fly Exterminator for Cattle Elephant Brand Ready Mixed Paints are the best we- sell them Nails i lb Mrs Potts Sad Irons set Putty lb Oil 50c gal Machine Oil the best 29c gal Preserving Kettles Tin Gran ite a full range of sizes Prices the lowest Fishing Tackle of all kinds Harvest Mitts up Mens Summer Suts 2 25 Mens Tweed Pants pair Mens Tweed Suits Mens Low Shoes 125 175 2 goods your choice Ginghams Prints and Muslins odd lines your choice Oxford Shoes price up to 150 your choice Grocery Dept Bargains Saturday Only English Club and East India Pjskles Fancy Mixed Pickles 5c for 11 B Orange Marmalade Fresh Clams Boneless Herring Kippered Herring Fresh Herring Golden Haddie French Sardines Devilled Beef Chicken Soup Cacoanuts Dates Chocolates Creams Fancy BonBons inilb Acid Drops 5 ounces Broken Soda Biscuits Assorted Crisps Lemon Snaps Molasses Snaps Adams Ginger Beer Extract 5c Golden Age Black Tea in Lead Package reg 40c Saturday lb Japan Tea Saturday Coffee Saturday l 5c each 7 lbv- 10 lb boxes 5 lb lb lb bottle 00 lb lb 5 00 li ilisi I

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