Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , July 29, 1898, p. 1

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j THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY r fflyoh in Little a especially nib for no medi cine- ever contained so groat curat vo power in bo email ro a the Mobcan have also each lost dog in some way Ho a mean man who would promiscuously scatter abroad deadly article Witness chest always ready at- gay efficient always sat- Wactory prevent a cold or euro all liver ill lick headache Jaundice constipation The only Ml to tako with Hoods TORONTO Paid up Capital fund Total nearly WHAT AND COH- WORTHY Our genial wagonmaker Mr Win Las sold hie business hero Last week while unloading hay land secured a position in John v- 1 J m it the Old plan Says Lemon fell wagon injuring him self severely John MoKeown was loading hay the horses started suddenly throw Works Toronto Friend Lons dale has been here the days of his youth and having grown up with hoy has always been ono of thorn him off backward on ground honored and respected by all Ho and shaking him up badly learned of wagonmaking Mr Reynolds of Aurora filled tho when quite young and I has boon in A Hunk BRADFORD Where arc received of and tliorcon at thcliiKlita We or Discounting Farmers Notes And Halo at LOWEST RATES For further apply JOHN Agent pulpit here on Sunday The Aid met at Mrs Gideon this week untimely frost on night last did much harm north of hero to the corn potatoes and buckwheat The latter in destroyed J Pinner was severely hurt last week by upsetting with a load of hay Murray FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST MOST REFRESHINO AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE TOILET OR BATH ALL PERFUHEflS DEALERS Miss of is visiting with Mrs J and Miss Lou Walton Mrs Rev Robinson left on Tuesday for Manitoulin Island where she will spend a couple of months at her parental home A bus load of young people went W Newmarket Monday and spent an en joyable under tho hospitality of Mr and Mrs Silas Armitage No re ceived their new banner on Mon day It is a beautiful piece of work The painting was don by Mrs Dr Stephenson of Aurora who is an of cleverest artists in the Dominion and his sample of work redounds to her credit lawn daily held on Friday even I bore for over years Mr Albert has recently sold head of sheep at an average prico of por head On shearling ram brought handsome prico of Tho purchaser was Mr Wilson of Indiana U A purchaser said that ho had trav elled through a part of Ontario and found hero Mr Boatwick is to bo congratulated on his success as a shcop breeder And his success does not end with sheep as his Berkshire pigs hard to beat and his Plymouth Rock fowl the pride of this section He has a lino Canadian draught stallion for which he secured first at the spring exhibition at Richmond Hill AURORA a largo of our citizens camping at this sum mer Part of the smokostack at the light power house blow down on Saturday evening The following is result of Entrance and Public School Leaving examinations at Aurora High School There were in all candidates GO for Some men amass groat wealth through reckless speculation More got poor for gambling of form grows by what it feeds up on few can stop after ono suc cess They go on and on to the in evitable ruination As a rule safe road to wealth and success gener ally is a long and generally more or less rocky and precipitous but it begets discipline conservatism and an of values which render strong aid to surmounting of obstacles crosscuts on tho con trary however enticing they may ap pear full of pitfalls and those who travel thereon likely to find themselves at bottom very quickly after ii perch on top Push and Pull THAT HATH TO OH the Entrance and for Leaving ing last under the auspices of the Of former passed and are A of the Baptist Church on the commended of Leaving candi- of Mr James Pearson dates only ono succeeded in passing GRAHAM If you wantyour picture taken dont bo satisfied with the old o 20 ago but it produced in the style and uptodate with your friends line of King was a grand success the receipts from goto and ten am ounted to Busloads thero from Bradford and Newmarket and Several wore present from Aurora and other surrounding vil lages Sunday morning met at Orange Hall Lloydtown and marched to St Mary Magdalen Church where service was conducted by the rector Rev J Hand- The church was filled to the doors and Mr Hand delivered on earnest and impressive discourse In the evening lodge met again and marched to Methodist Church whore the pastor Rev Mr preached a practical and forcible dis course to a hone BRADFORD A Specialty Wo are giving excellent lion in our work Call and ate and you will he con vinced 1 JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET ALWAYS KEEP OB It NO KI0D Of OR IHTERMftt OR EXTERNAL THAT WILL HOT RE LOOK OUT IMITATIONS THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME PERRY DAV18 SON an Ottawa lad from injuries received by run over by an express wagon AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR six What a glad des pairing from cruel la a fact borne out by of for greatest la can la an and cures moat to and many without benefit a few ton of wonderfully helped mo two fcurt4 ineB of freed Ml tcjydcnt flu ItrtttrJl Mr Williams of Newmarket was a guest at the Manse on Tuesday Mr Will of Newmarket spent Sunday at the parental home Miss Edna of Newmar ket is spending a holidays in the Scotch Settlement Mr and Mrs Arthur Tex- as were here last week on a visit to Mr and Mrs Coates Messrs Arch and Art Goring of Newmarket wheeled up on their tan dem on Monday night last Mr and Mrs Frank Stewart of Newmarket spent Sunday in town with Mr and Mrs Stewart Messrs Howard and Ben Howard of spent Sun day with friends in the Scotch Settle ment Septimus and Miss Tyrwhittot Virginia A are visiting at the homo of Colonel Rev Mr Amos and Mr Johnston of Aurora were in town on Monday and spent a of the day fishing in the Holland River The Presbyterian and Methodist Sabbath Schools of this village will bold a union excursion to Jacksons Point on 26th tennfs season opened here last week The first game was played on Mr court on Thurs day this being followed by another on Mr J A Burgess court on Tuesday The lovers of the racquet ar getting down to work with a view to playing some matches with neighboring clubs Fruit stealing may appear a trilling matter to some but we would advise our young men to give it up It is a a bad occupation and may eventually lead to something far worse The Orangemens excursion to Bar rio on Tuesday was an unqualified suc cess Tho brethren cleared over and above all expenses about Tho Rifle Club enjoyed a trip on the steam yacht on Saturday and picniccd at During day usual monthly shoot took place at Point when Mr Paul scored a win on Oldham On the return trip a couple of fine in the river The dog poisoner has been going his rounds in this village recently and in consequence some valuable dogs have been poisoned among th num ber being Mr Webbs Sport one of best known rabbit dogs in these parts Messrs W Evans W Simpkin and John On the whole the papers at both ex very fair perhaps slightly harder than formerly but this is a change in tho right direction P Leaving examination is as yet the capacity of most of our country schools total number of marks obtainable on the Entrance was required to pass on the Leaving 1225 required to pass SCHOOL MARKS Peregrine Clara Aurora Jennio No King Hewitt Samuel Aurora Bond Aurora Cutting No King 733 Hazel Aurora 728 Kaako Florence No King 722 Dicker Clarenco Aurora Pearl Aurora Floy Aurora Eliza Aurora COO Ferguson King 655 Mussen Arthur Aurora 555 Mary Aurora Reynold George 1 Whitchurch You can them any day on the swinging doors of public buildings Push and Pull these to words They to advise you at thres holds of commercial houses hotels and what not but few ever to learn tho lesson thoy convoy Did you over stop to think about it that whatever is attained by man or woman either in this world comes through on of these sources and the true benefit come through quality called push most substantial men in our country today Urn men from whose lives word pull has been entirely left out Jt us con sider the caso of man who has just left school or college He stands around waiting for his fathei or someone else to get him a position and when it is found if not just to his liking ho will stand waiting for an other Or ho wants a government position with a large salary and no previous experience but ho must have pull And when the government is next changed where is ho out of a position and with no experience worth anything Then ho must begin around for more Oh if and even At tho Manitoba High Court I O it was decided that ladies bo admitted to tho order as Samuel a farmer living on tho second lino of was killed in a runaway accident re turning from tho colebration at Forest Edward Pare brother of Montreal suspect has been arrested at Manchester and William H Holdon at in connection with tho celebrated bank robbery One more deceased wifes sisters bill is up in the House of Lords in England It passed it second reading by a large majority Its object is to legalize the marriage of a man with his deceased sister Hero this is legal and Wil liam the great preacher had to come to Canada to marry his deceased wifes sister as to do so was not legal in England bill is sometimes called a bill for abolition of aunts as it enables a man to childrens- aunty into their stepmother Tho atrocious conduct of the French sailors on board the in refusing to save any of women or children when the ship was doomed is being condemned on all sides only took care to save themselves Their conduct recalls that of the Frenchman in Paris when the fire currcd at the fancy fair Many wo men were burned to death through the cowardly conduct of men most of them aristocrats They made little effort to save the women Yet the French speak of themselves as the most polite and chivalrous of nations r EYE CHANGE As age advances a gradual Chang in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace loss of eye power Wo understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO OPTICIANS I leading machines and used In and grass growing country the world Canadian by Canadian workmen workmen are on pay roll at the Co e Works and are working overtime 110000 beta for trade of Over Binders and Mowers have been sent to Europe for this seaeons The Celebrated Wilkinson Roller and Ball Bearing binders Mower front and rear cnt Drills Single and Combined also Drills Plows and Coltivators Disk Harrows Sharps Tiger Rakes Hay Tedders Plows Bcnlflers Scrapers Wheelbarrows and Steel Land Rollers THE STEEL WIND MILLS BAIN AND SPEIGHT WAGONS Peerless and at Men There isnt one man in fifty thousand who is a Rood nurse The average man feels as of place in a sickroom as a bull must in a His heart maybe ever so full of sympathy but his feet arc heavy and his fingers clumsy In most cases when a womans general health breaks down the original cause is weakness or disease of the distinctly only permanent cure Co Traction Engines Ruber and A full stock samples on ha Warehouse East side Market Square Newmarket The Grand Trunk Railway picnic will be held at Graven- 1 FARMERS I on July council have decided to E ISAAC USHER SON submit a bylaw to the people to spend j in installing an electric light plant nine organism men could lit I- correction ail these disorders only understand that there i room in any business for a energetic that invariably cures all ailments of this honest man with the interest of his S employer at heart and not merely delicate and important organs concerned on drawing his salary with put- It makes them well and strong It allays t9 l inflammation heals all internal ulceration ting 111 as little time and thought as and debilitating drains It soothes possible Only he must be willing and tones the nerve Found at all t cine stores An honest druggist wont urge Harold Aurora 1 to begin at the bottom and work up you a substitute Crossley King presence felt by faithfulness And j when he sees those two signs on doors took Dr swinging side by side the one marked audi soon foumithRti was completely r i i t had leen so bad I cotild hardly walk the push and the Other marKed pull j floor but I am now well and strong thanks to ho will gather himself together with a mighty effort passing by the easier c Is guaranteed to to any of the Portland Cements or all or farm structure such bankbarn walla atablo- alios hog pens bridge abutments arch cisterns etc This Cement Is sold at about onehalf the price of the j Personal Instruction tflvcn free of charge all work warranted For further apply to general Agent A line of first etc always on ftt lowest Andrews Laura No King GIG Phillips Nellie Aurora Norman Aurora Brooks Minnie Whitchurch Kennedy Geo Whitchurch Hill Alma Aurora Elmer No King 690 Elliott Aurora Cairns Win No King Folliott Lambert No King Harold No 19 King Ella No 19 King Chas Aurora Robinson Roy Aurora 578 Norman No 1 King Jenkins No 22 King 505 Kaake Laura No King Oak Ridges 567 On account of age the following who failed to obtain required marks in each subject and upon the total are in the recommend ed list and will no doubt receive En trance certificates with the rest Frank No 10 King Heacock Lome No Whitchurch Ball May No 1 Oak Ridges Fred Aurora Appleton Victor Aurora Fred Aurora PUBLIC LEAVING Wells Roy Wesley Walls is awarded an En trance certificate on his standing on this examination- Banner in Arkansas Rock Ark July 15 A double lynching in which Jim Redd and Alexander Johnson negroes were the victims occurred at Monti- cello Ark yesterday A mob broke down the doors of the jail and poured a volley of shots into She cage where tho men were confined Johnson is dead and Redd is mortally wounded They were convicted of killing Skipper a rich planter and mer chant of Baxter and were sentenced to hang way and push The entrance thus gained the remainder is easy and his motto will not let him pause until he has mounted to the pinnacle Many men haw an idea that they would become rich if they were not so liberal yome people do not know that a fow flushes of silence would improve their conversation to cost St 50 now it is free Papercovered copy onecent stamps to coter customs and mailing only cloth binding stamps Over American homes now con tain copies of this great work Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo 80UTH AMERICAN HERVHIE THE PROMISE Emaciated weary gloomy No one adequately describe the abject misery the sufferer from Dyspepsia and lion South American la greatest discovery Jo medical science v J berrei the of all diiease testify of cures made Belief ttotn the- flrat I was a great sufferer and nerve Troubles Tried a score of remedies No relief Half a bottle of South American Nervine worked wonders Six bottles made a new man of me Ont Dont with now and doubtful Tako and i WELEHMAN Agent Newmarket Dwelling Souse to Let With six rooms and cellar Apply at the KHAOmce A cow is the last creature one would expect to see with earrings yet every cow in Belgium must wear them j Twins now The director general of agri culture has issued a regulation that ail animals of the bovine species are to wear earrings as soon as they have attained the age of three months Breeders are obliged to keep an exact account of the animals raised by and tho ring on which is engraved a number is fastened in the animals ear to the substitution of one animal for another TWO TOWN LOTS On Gotham Street Desirably near the old Woollen Factory For Sale on Apply to E JACKSON Heal Palate Agent House and Garden For Sale Corner of Superior and year Apply to T J WOODCOCK Newmarket sale Canada 1 if The Light of the World OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART ASSURANCE GO ESTABLISHED Cost oyer to nearly our Saviour by the Great utra Its not a life of Christ aU Ideals i of Christ No other Boole Pub- r The finest gardens in the world are the Royal Gardens at Kew Eng land They cover an area of about acres and are visited by about a year The gardens con tain the finest collection of exotic plants in the world a palm house a winter garden a museum an observa tory and a school for gardeners It Is Extreme To use medicine to cure effects in stead of using Celery Com pound to get rid of the cause Celery Compound will make you well and strong All the while you are using it the nerves gain in power and atablc and other con Newmarket CHEAP Largo Brick House Known as old Property at Holland Landing Also four vacant lots all under crop at present liberal Apply on premises JAMES Holland Landing DESIRABLE RESIDENCE BALK Centrally located second bouse West of Market on St Good well strength the digestive organs ore fully toned and lost health is rapidly re turning His extreme folly to neglect the insignificant ills aches pains and tired feelings that some people look upon as merely trifles You should remember that the hot summer weather aggra vates the little ills of life and these little ills frequently develop serious and deadly diseases SO West half of lot con J King good orchard good fences Fall plowing to bo done acrea seeded Well watered soil about ICO acres cleared Ketileby P Kent moderate to a good man For terms apply to George Ramsey next lot south farm P or to J McOINNIS 8eafortbOnt of young ifltW farmers sons Celery Compound should be brace up nerves purify blood and fortify and would like to the nt Weak children frail and weary women and down men find a Painoa Celery Compound natures j SiBraOH true W Limited Toronto tired and broken new exigence bis life how the work and guarantee t dav sure There la no fear of fail ure it will bo work Partlcu furnished free pub from three to SO orders dally The book Is beautjfjl that when people aee It they want it Published a year and already Iniutwentyflfth editions toneleting of J65CO SrtTi night A thopictureaof book Is J ike taking a tour among the great of P ESS l mong great i 7hellenoitage The new assurance carried through by the Standard for the last nine periods have been follows to my new Sff first weeki NEW SUMS work with the book says another Many YEARS ASSURED or homed from their success with great work 18601855 SJ Jffl to do work and correspond I ok with agents in 18601865 18660676 Sft Ato 18751880 18801885 18851890 Since progress has been equally satisfactory Investments in Canada 18500000 Profits to policy holders 29200000 M Ramsay Manager J Balfour of Agencies j Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario Town Carting All kinds of on Notice- and on MILLARD Tor Main GEO M HUNT District Inspector J A BA8TEDO Agent MEN Who need to make money can do so nleltlng orders our memorial edition of The of by aolleltlng for alone by with Introduction by the honorable tho Minuter of Education- Roes a Canadian with la- Ilia and Imposing nations funeral will both be described and Illustrated Retail binding pectus cents Uberaftenna CO Limited Toronto PROMPTLY Write for or Bend It r worth 1 W Invent- a Help and VHow you are swindled ndu8aroushItotoii or or Improvement and wo will tell i f Pinion aa to whether It Is 1 0ri40itc VUinn 4 OLD VnSWSSASMB io 0ffl b

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