Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , July 22, 1898, p. 7

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y THE NEWMARKET ERA JULY CHINA HAIL 1898 Wo are ready for the FRO UOAR As many pounds for dollar as any one and of best quality FRUIT JAR All Sizes at Closest Prices PUR For Pickling PER I All kinds of Canned Fruits and Vegetables Close Prices to Clear Out All Summer Shoes CROCKERY Our prices have made Dinner and Toilet Sets move If you want a Set at a Snap Price come right away No matter how cheap you hear of goods being sola re member we Sell Just as Cheap The Leading Grocer A Cor Main Timothy Sts Weeks Local IB ON IK musical A combination of banjo mandolin and ftutolirp crowd down Town font Removed Co removed from property fronting on Huron to roar of Freight Shuts an improvement that will bo appreciated by travelling public and will add to the appearance of tho station surroundings R Council was postponed tills week till Friday evening on account of tho Methodist excursion A good turnout on a splendid program promis ed to hold an Cream Social in the elating Rink two weeks from tonigh i Thumb Badly Cut While running a rip saw at Canes lory day last Mr J Green met with a very painful accident feeding the saw turned uuex- and brought his right hand in contact with the saw giving hie thumb a very bad out It will lay htm off work for a week at least Depot The following are for the past Tends cooltaet for new building on hat boon lot to Mr Ed his tender being inn lowest Civic Holiday The Mayor has Issued a Proclamation apart Wednesday Aug as a Holiday being of to Fall Gospel Temperance took of mooting last Sunday Mr J Green In ami Miss Lush at tho organ- Two were given by Messrs Low jr and Miss Lush a recitation by Miss Nettle Lehman and reading by chairman take next Sunday IK It care car coal car shingles cars cars fruit OUTWA1IDH ft ears I car Hour car car stock car bay Gears merchandise cars merchandise Renovated Menace Sibley had Art Gallery thoroughly renovat ed and now paper and the fresh paint have brightened things wonderfully are now ready for business A of now work executed by iirm Is on exhibition on corner of the building and worthy of Inspection Canes paetony Every department is hi ill huHim a rush pail timber is coming in at the rate of ten or twelvu cars a day going out manufactured three to five earn a week From July 1 to July this firm handled no less than cars of material in carload lots numerous small lots of freight and In and out every week There is not another firm on Northern lino of the that is such an extensive customer and it moans business in Newmarket The factory shut down Wednesday on account of so many of men desiring to take in the Pharmacy Lehmarc Drug Store KILL ALL FLIES by uiing Insect Powder Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads Two Houses To Rnt E Lehman Chemist and Druggist Death of Mr Seneca who was almost 80 years of ago died at residence of his sou in King on Wed need ay afternoon funeral will take place this Friday afternoon Meet at his late residence Lot Street Newmarket at and service at Friends Meeting House Street at thence to fit Burying Ground for interment Mr was of our oldest residents and was born on St An obituary will appear next week excursions wheeling tours and outings are now of frequent occurrence Mr J old favorite Colonel passed in his cheques this week ol shower here on Tuesday after noon Business meeting at the League next Monday evening A vocal quartette gave quite a serenade down Town last Tuesday night The Specialty Works shut down Wednes day so many of the bands desiring to take in the Excursion Several members of the Town Band gave the south end quite a serenade on Tuesday night Show us your Toronto invoice and we will print your bill beads statements en velopes and letterheads at the same price and give you a better job Judges Court On Monday last the Division Court Suits in which Messrs Book and were concerned And which the readers of the- Era Are now more or less familiar came up for decision before Judge Morgan at the Court House here On the opening of the Court Mr produced a copy of the of July and commented a paragraph herein with reference to the case in he tried to make it appear that the Item was inserted to prejudice the jury We emphatically repudiate any such insinua tion and but voiced public opinion A live ly debate ensued and It was quite evident in the mind of the audience that from Mr Woodcocks own statement the was justified in its remarks and that the whole tenor of his argument was to enlist the pathy of the jury The case occupied till six oclock when a verdict in the case of vs was rendered in favor of The other suits all hang to some ex tent upon this judgment and His Honor stated that lie would examine the details with the solicitors of both parties as soon as convenient The by Rev Matthews on lessons from Peters denial last morning was very much enjoyed by the congregation and the same may be said of Deweys in the evening- Last night the congregation were to Society Representatives to the Quar terly Board Board is to meet Wednesday evening for important business Every member is requested to attend The Ladies Aid have received so much towards the purohae of a Pipe Organ that arrangements were completed on Wednesday to close the agreement The deputation was delighted with the organs they inspected in the city The firm they are getting it from has built pipe organs now in use In Toronto I YOU WRITTEN ON THE J jama mbo Examination year send your and school to the Ino and Qerrard Toronto receive- full about Scholarship school award to candidates for Fall receive- full particular about Scholarship this school award to suc cessful candidates for Fall be ginning on September 1st next Address Yonge SHAW Principal g so Toronto a On Suspended Sentence On Wednesday morning Graham of King Tp a boy years of age was tried before Judge Morgan in Toronto on charge of obtaining a lioree and baggy on false pretences from Mr A Widdi- field of Newmarket Mr testi fied on the of June last the pris oner bad come to him and purchased a horse and topbuggy and had given him in payment three promissory notes which he stated were signed by his father Mr Harry Graham Subsequently Mr Wld- found that the notes were not signed by the father and recovered the horse and buggy The boys father Harry Graham gave evidence to the effect that he had signed the notes and knew nothing about the transaction Grahams own evidence was that the notes were signed by his brother Michael Harry Graham and he understood Mr Widdifleld would take bis brothers en- donation as well as his fathers Judge Morgan thought he thought no fraud was Intended found him guilty on evidence but In consideration of his youth after giving htm a good lecture let htm go on suspended sentence Successful Between four and five hundred attended Methodist Sunday School Excursion to Toronto on Wednesday and had a most delightful time The weather was all that could bo desired and the Arrangements gave much satisfaction Only about onehalf of the Party went to Centre Island a number went to Haulons Point an the ferry tick ets were good for either place and the remainder spent the day in the All who went to Island considered it an ideal spot for a picnic while tbe little children were perfectly delighted with the merrygoround and other attractions Among former Newmarket residents who went to the Island on purpose to meet old friends were Mrs WWSmith and Miss Katie Smith of St Catharines Miss Maggie Mrs Geo Clay Mrs Mrs Isaac Mrs Beech and daughter of Winnipeg Mrs J Mrs William Mrs Charles RBond Mrs Mum ford Mr and Mrs Louis Mr and Mrs Mrs Harry Mrs Dan Prior Messrs Tbos Herb and Dug Armitage Stephen War ren Jack McDonald The BradfordNewmarket lacrosse team won their match with Toronto by da fault As the match had been advertised and a crowd of spectators were present an exhibition game was played between the and the Toronto Seniors who have the reputation of being tbe fineft players in Canada Our boys feared that they had no show at all but bravely opposed them and succeeded in scoring two goals while the got five The Bradford- Newmarket combination were highly complimented by Toronto people on tbe plucky game they pat up Yesterdays Globe referring to the match says The seniors didnt seem to be exerting them selves any too much in the first part of the game but later on they bad to and the later part of thegamc was good hot lacrosse The visitors combination was not very accurate a fact which had a great deal to do with the loss of the game Lew Camp bell Bradfords old reliable was on hand and did some effective work on the home but his place is on the defence Bob Man ning another old war horse held his end well as did the MoKinstry brothers The csuko of complaint by was the delay of half an hour in leaving the but all arrived home safely and thoroughly enjoyed the day Besides giving the scholars an ontlog At a low rate the School will dear over and the feel ing WAS very unanimous to go to Toronto again next year of Santiago Santiago July Major General sends following despatch to Washington J have honor to announce that Am- flag has this instant oclock noon hoisted over tho house of the civil government in the City of Santiago An immense concourse of present A of cavalry and a regiment of infantry presenting arms and hand playing a national air Light battery fired guns Perfect order is being maintained by municipal government Distress is very great but littlo sickness in town Scarcely any yellow A small gunboat and about seaman left by Corvera have to me Up on coming into the city I have dis covered a entanglement of defences Fighting as the Span iards did the first day it would have cost five thousand lives to have taken it Battalions of Spanish troops have been depositing arms since daylight in armory over which I have guard General formally surrendered the and all at The final report of casualties in army since it landed in Cuba three Weeks ago has been forwarded to Washington It shows an aggregate of oflicers and men killed wounded and missing The killed number of whom were wounded of whom were officers and missing of whom were Of tho wounded only died Col Pope Burgeon in Chief says this is a remarkably small num- of fatalities considering the large number wounded In the field hos pitals there are a remarkably small number of septic wounds and but two cases of gangrene have developed one of which resulted fatally Washington July It is the present intention of the authorities here to maintain a military government at Santiago regardless of hints from Cu ban sources that they aro prepared to undertake the administration there It is believed that the United States is under moral obligation to the world to see to it that nothing but a highly civ ilized government shall be set up in Cuba and accordingly the authorities are disposed to be extremely cau tious and to make full test of the ca pacity of the Cubans before entrusting the lives and property of people of Santiago in their care Santiago ok July 17 Since oclock this morning a stream of re fugees has been pouring into the city some naked and all hungry skeletons and footsore Many had fallen by the wayside The town of Santiago pre sents a dismal sight Most of the houses have been sacked and the Btores have all been looted and nothing to eat can be had for love or money In the streets of the city this morning at the entrenchments at the breast works and at every hundred feet or so the barbed wire fences were the living skeletons of Spanish soldiers Geo letter carrier was drowned in the Thames at Lon don Arthur hostler at the House Midland was sentenced to two months in gaol week by Magistrates and the theft of two brooches and other trinkets from a pedlars wagon He is years of ago He is serving his sentence THE TANGLES STRAIGHTENED OUT The formal sanction of the Madrid Government of the terms of capitula tion today unravelled the tangled skein of demands and counterdemands between the opposing commanders which threatened yesterday to end the negotiations and compel a return to arms The whole matter was cleared up this morning however when Gen received the necessary sanction from Madrid THE AGREEMENT The agreement consists of nine articles The first declares that all hostilities shall cease pending tbe agreement of final capitulation The second that the capitulation in clude all tho Spanish forces and the surrender of all war material within the prescribed limits Third The transportation of the troops to Spain at the earliest possible moment each force to be embarked at the nearest port Fourth That the Spanish officers shall retain their side arms and the enlisted men their personal property Fifth That after the final capitu lation the Spanish forces shall assist in the removal of all obstructions to navigation in Santiago harbor Sixth That after the final capitu lation the commanding officer shall furnish a complete inventory of all arms and munitions of war and a roster of all the soldiers in the dis trict Seventh That the Spanish general shall be permitted to take the military archives and records with him Eighth That all guerillas and Spanish irregulars shall be permitted to remain in Cuba if they so elect giving a parole that they will not again take up arms against the United States Ninth The Spanish forces shall he permitted to march out with all the honors of war depositing their to be disposed of by the United States in the future the American com missioners to recommend to their gov ernment that the arms of the soldiers be returned to those who so bravely defended them The articles were yesterday afternoon after four hours session of tho commissioners who agreed that the terms of capitulation should await the sanction of Madrid Govern ment July 18 The Spanish in the sur rendered district around Santiago have burned the lighthouses spiked the cannon and exploded the powder magazines as a protest against Gen capitulation Commodore Schley Santiago harbor and explored fortifications today The mines of Santiago harbor were by the gunboat Vixen on Sunday morning Six or seven steamora in the harbor have fallen prizes to the Am erican navy The disarming at Santiago has re sulted in tho turning in of rides and cartridges There are besides a number of modern guns to gether with a mountain and saluting battery An Official despatch from Porto Rico says cases of ammunition explod ed there killing 11 persons and wound ing many others Washington July General Miles with artillery and troops sailed yesterday for Port Rico on the converted cruiser Ik followed shortly by General Brooke will be the senior officer under General Miles who is expected to arrive on Porto soil on Wednesday night Jt is the in tention to make the campaign short by throwing an overwhelming force on the island The entire body of men at Tampa numbering will be taken and if necessary the army swelled to men The fortification of San Juan are much like those of Santiago With a Mono Castle at the entrance of the harbor and a number of lesser fortifi cations leading to the city These however are viewed with less awe since an examination of the Morro batteries at Santiago has shown them to he Antiquated and capable of little effective resistance The movement of the ships from Santiago to their new fields of action will begun at once and it is probable that some of Admiral Sampsons ships will he detached today and proceed with General Miles first expedition towards Porto Rico They will he needed to cover the debarkation of the troops on the Porto terri tory The others will follow as soon as the full army expedition is ready to make a landing when the attack will be simultaneously on land and sea BOMBARDED London July A special de spatch from Havana dated Monday says Seven American warships heavily this morning The steamers of the Men- dez line were set on fire Several gun boats that were in the harbor issued for the defence of the town but were stranded German interference in the Philip pines has called forth a strong protest from the Australian Governments to the Colonial Office in London July The Spanish residents of Porto Rico made an attack on the natives Serious rioting occured in which nine persons were killed and a score wounded The American War and Navy De partments are making arrangements for the despatch of the Porto Rico expedition and of Watsons eastern squadron Died Sitting in a Dental A sad affair took place Tuesday forenoon in the office of Dr the Wilton avenue dentist To ronto Dr of Parlia ment Street went in to have some teeth drawn and was placed under the influence of chloroform To the am azement of the dentist his patient died in the chair Deceased was a graduate of Medical College Montreal and resid ed at Parliament Street with his father Rev C secretary of the Upper Canada Tract Society The doctor had been troubled much with ulcered teeth of late and went up to Dr to have them at tended to Several had been with drawn when he suddenly expired Ho was years old He was well known throughout the whole city and was well thought of by his fellow physicians Deceased was a nephew of the late Alex of Newmarket The prospects for a large harvest in Manitoba are excellent Port July A sad accident which has cast a gloom over this town at seven oclock this evening resulting in the death of Mrs wife of Rev Dr Beth- principal of Trinity College school Mrs was being driv en in a cab from her residence to make a call As the cab was descending the winding hill leading from Ward to Mill streets the touched legs of the horses causing them to run away The terrific speed attained by the horses frightened Mrs who stood up in the cab and made a backward jump out of it She landed on the back of her head and without regaining consciousness expired at halfpast eight A- T ood The Best that can be Bought and Prices Right Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Kalsomine Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles HORSS CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Harris and Bros Repairs fto 0 Jacks for Hire Immense Purchase of 140 pieces on sale Friday Morning July 8 Fast Colors Good Width Newest Patterns TO BLOCK NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF UR dL To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to By leaving your order with have in made right Ill pa you want when you want it and how von want it As he always keeps posted as very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low Terms MY TA L

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