Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , February 18, 1898, p. 6

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-7- THE ERA FRIDAY FEB- WIDEAWAKE ftEBPpHDEHIOrlHJ TO 1 recovering from IX attack of under skilful medical treatment Tho disease spread no further F A public meeting la announced to place in the Temperance here on Saturday oclock ho addressed by Hon J Davis ftnd others Ah Col or his representative invited to speak to bear both sides of the and no doubt there will bo a full house On Tuesday lost Mr Milnes- and outbuildings wero entirely destroyed by lire caused by his dog jumping at a and lantern By great Mr managed to savo his stock although while doing bo kicked by of iho horses which will lay him up for a days Ho lost his hinder mowor and drill besides bush oats hush black barky and or bush buckwheat Miss is visiting her Mrs Miss Marjorio Pearson who has been visiting with friends returned homo last week Wo glad to see Mr Shepherd in our midst again Mr Will is confined to his bed with an attack of KING CITY AUUORA A of Canadian Order of Chosen Friends was organised hero on by Mr Collins with charter members and six applications for next mooting Fol lowing is list of elected Past Councillor A Taylor Chief John Rico Mrs Geo Smith Recorder A AhhU Recorder- Mrs A Treas W Andrews Prolate Mrs A Marshall Smith Warden Miss Wells OrganistsMrs John Rico Guard Mrs try Taylor M Hillary Hillary A Taylor A A of members of tho hero greatly disappointed in not to District Division on Friday fast on account of bad roads Those who wont a good altuouRh got a little wet coining homo night City Division Sons of intend holding the Social on Monday next The Rev King who preached in Baptist church hero last Sunday was to give a on tho following in the church But as such a Stormy night ho did not spent Sunday visiting in Newmarket Miss Butt of Renfrew is spend ing a few days at homo Mr of King is visiting a bit at STREET to inform that Joker that ScareCrow not been frozen but has just recovered from a bc- attack of blues Mr Will Craig who has been goring from inflammation for past fcvt toiling Miss tggie who baa gone to to ft few months Mr and wife of spent Sunday at Mr unharos Mra- has returned home V spending a few days visiting daughter Mrs Jos Ballard Mr Harry Richardson spent the parental roof Mr and Mrs Rogers of were renewing old acquaintances one flay sat week Miss Mary Draper is rela- Uvea in North A le gathering of young people Alex Arnolds last Tues- and a very enjoyable time pent serJces are being conducted in Church for the past two weWrls by Elder insertion the Scare Crow no but will appear under disguise Tuesday night about oclock Mr Albert Iwrn took firo and burned to ground Whild Mr Mjlno was after a pail of water it the upset lantern in bam from which straw ignited and soon whole building was in tamos The night was very cold and a strong wind blowing at the time Mr also had the mis fortune to get kicked by one of his horses which will lay him up for a few Wo not learned par ticulars regarding insurance but un derstand that Mr Milnes loss will bo considerable Miss is visiting her aunt and other relatives in tho city for a couple of weeks Mr Henry Dong of Union Street had an ex tensive sale of stock and lost Wednesday Mr wo hear is going to tho Klondike Gold Fields in company with a number of others correctly this week The weather caught a severe cold Tuesday night and Wednesday morning Sunday there was plenty of mud Tuesday there was sleighing SHARON Mrs Tottenham is visiting her slater Mrs also Mies Stella of Baldwin Mr and Mrs George Brown of were guests of bis sister Mrs St on Sunday Beatrice returned home Did you hear the wedding bolls Listen you will hear them again soon Our skaters had a rest last week Tbo Klondike fever has no effect on some of our folks They would rather go they did not have snow to shovel Do not think it is ladies Our League got disappointed in their visit to Holland Landing Tho assessor is going his round hunting all stray dogs and he reports them scarce We hear that our hockey boys are to play a match in the near future HOLLAND LANDING DRYTOWN It looks very much like spring present but we will a sleigh rides The PM last Wednesday evening was very interesting Mr Rose gave an excellent reading which was worth hearing The meeting to be hold 1st day in every month Mr and Mrs and family visiting Monos in Col- borne Wo do not hear very much of tho Joker lately Probably he cannot get out to gather up since his wero burned WoaropleBed to ace the face of Mr Will Peters again in our midst All the boys give him a hearty welcome back as he is a general favor ite us Mr Will and Jose- mine wero visiting friends near Holt Sunday Mrs Graves of is visit ing friends here tbie week Miss Ethel Draper and Percy were tho guests of Miss Josephine last Sunday We are sorry to hear of Mr Albert being so poorly but ho will soon bo around again Mr also has been suffering from an attack of erysipelas is improving now Mrs plot presented hus band with a bouncing baby boy one day last week Mr of King is visiting his sister James for a fow days week Miss Ethel Pollock apent Sunday with friends in Tho Methodist Sunday School is held now in the afternoon and we it will be a success as there wore a goodly number present last Sunday Enough If you say something good about your neighbor keep your mouth shut Thats my motto from my heels up In country every neighbors knows moro about folks business than does about Twos always so with tho Fun ny but the men aint built that way An as I was those women talk ing bees keeps a men on tho jump all while an Im thinking moving to the city where tenant of tho same flat doesnt know or a cent you from The other night- at the dance in Akron FashionplatO came up to Mrs Fanner Smith an says Why howdydo so glad to see you Now silk dress urn eh your grandmas Lady Wash ington wedding over agin Now Ive boon in hot water up to my back teeth ever since trying to smooth matters over but its just like fur tho wrong way on a wildcat she gets and wurse Ive just sent a note to Mrs Fashion- plate to look out for when she comes to our house Akron Herat MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Dont punish yourself by eating bread made from inferior flour but try a THE BEST ON THE MARKET We have it also Ireland s Oat Meal Corn Meal Rolled Oats and Breakfast FoMJrSvi Hams and Breakfast Bacon always on hand delivery to any park Town AL again MOUNT ALBERT MUTJbAL CORNERS Mr and Mrs Billings of Aurora spent Sunday- at Mr William Ken nedys Mrs Vernon from Manchester has been visiting the past two weeks at her brothers Mr Willson Brown has gone to tho Hospital at Toronto to have an operation on her arm Miss Annie Ferrier of Green River has returned home after spending five weeks in our midst Mrs William Willson of Pleasant Valley was visiting over Sunday at Mr Joshua Quite a large crowd from this place attended the farewell Oyster Supper at Mr Geo on Saturday night and report a good time Mr and Mrs Nelson spent last at Oak Ridges Mr and Mrs Sterling and Miss Dunlop of Richmond Hill spent Sun day a week ago at Mr Robert Will- sons Mrs Arthur of was visiting her sister Mrs one day last week from this place attended Mr Davis meeting at Saturday night and were fiatisfied with Mr Davis speech retorned homo last week after spending some in Green River Mr Charles Mortimer of Pine Or chard was calling on friends down this way last Sunday- Wonder who young couple were that took a slow drive to Wesley church on Sunday a week ago Too r Wonder what was wrong Saturday it The buss did not turn Mis J Thorn of Sidney Man is visiting friends in this vicinity Mr Thorn was formerly In business hero as blacksmith but now is a successful farmer at the above place Miss of is visiting at Mis Inn- sons preached to tho Methodist lxdy in lost Sun day His pulpit here was taken in tho morning by Rov P A McDon ald and in evening by one of Reapers J Sturgeon of Queensville preached in the Presbyterian pulpit in evening giving a much appreciat ed discourse Public Library Board elected the following officers Pros A Jones Treas Librarian T Lloyd Considerable talk has been indulged in hero of late in regard to taking up Continuation Classes in the Public School and in order that the matter might be placed well before the rate payers of section a public meeting was held in the school house Monday afternoon Mr A Davidson A School Inspector was present and gave information as to probable cost and manner of establishment The classes would not be selfsustaining and the ratepayers did favor any advance of taxes as the school taxes arc at present on account of paying off indebtedness on now school building therefore no steps were taken to take up the primary class work The work of the school is in a flourish ing condition and fifth class work is taught and when times grow better further educational facilities ought to established here The T of Band of Reapers singing evangelists conducting meetings in the Hall here this week and drawing large crowds with their lime light views The political situation has not to here yet although or ganization of both parties has lxen got in working order conserva tives claim to have something wonder ful up their sleeve but at same time seemed to be talking against fate Several from here attended the form meeting at Zephyr last week held by Messrs Davis and Chappie Tho Conservative candidate was pre sent It was very noticeable that the Opposition have no issue on which base any policy This meeting made tho feeling the western part of Scott turn very largely towards- Sir Chappie and it has become very evi dent that North Ontario will go Re form by a handsome majority sudden change in the weather on Wednesday morning a fel low hustle around to keep warm Wonder how it catches the Owl Guess his hoot will be rather faint Mr Brown who was hurt by a tree falling on him on Thursday of last week is slowly recovering Mra Brown has boon poorly the week also Miss Kitehing who has been some what indisposed is wo glad to say soma better Mr Route who had a narrow escape from death while moving a building on Saturday last by being dragged un der a is pretty badly shaken up and has three or four ribs broken be ing badly bruised We are glad to say he is slowly recovering Miss Gertie and Blanch Dean of Toronto Jet who were visiting at their aunts Mrs Lane returned home on Friday evening Mr has been engaged by the Ontario Pump Co Toronto lie left on We wish him every success We wish to contradict statement in the personals oil the Era of last week in regard to Mies Daley having gone to the city Miss Daley left on Wednesday laet the on a few weeks visit with friendB in the city We hear there are a number of citi zens mourning the departure of a certain party who left for parts un known the first of week As statedlast week that the Sharon and Leagues were present at the worth League her on Wed nesday of last week Owing to the weather they were unable to attend but expect to visit this League in the near future Dew Mr Route a farmer living two miles north of here wonderfully es caped a horrible death on Saturday at p Mr Alexander Shields of this place had some or 12 teams engaged at a bee moving his bam on sleighs and while the was in motion one of the horses got its hind legs under the sleigh throwing it down Mr Route in some manner was knocked under the- horse and before the horses could be stopped horse and man were dragged some- 20 fad people were all ready and Ahing They had to walk through ana Colling wood clubs and for Oyster in Feb played or Mr Route was as soon as possible extricated from under the horse and when examined by the doctor who was immediately on hand found several ribs broken and a deep gash in the left thigh where one of the horses tramped on him and sever al cuts about head Mr Route conscious while in his fearful pre dicament as the horse was some 1C00 or pounds in weight one can imagine the agony ho must have been in Ho says it was the tightest ho ever got and never expect ed to alive- Ho will in all probability recover but will be un able to get around again for some time rtuo Oyster in- a victory for bya i Julian Finn small boy who was operated on for died just after the Richard of Thistle- town had his caught in machine fc mm Among those visiting in this vicin ity the past week are Mr and Mrs Leonard of Mies Tool of Mr and Mrs Timothy Doan of Aurora Mr Fred Cook of Toronto wore guests at Miss wedding on Wednesday of last week and Mr Frank family of Sutton Mrs Job and family of Aurora Mr Hughes of New market Mrs Judd of Albion Mrs Hughey of Oak Ridges Irwin of Toronto Junction Walter of Toronto Mr E Elliott of Township the Misses Clink of Toronto Mr Wm of Mr and eon of spent a few days week in this vicinity with a ferret looking after rabbits Quite a number from this quarter attended the King Plowing Association Supper at hotel on the and report a good sup per but surroundings not of as estimable a nature as might be wished for On Friday last quite a number of the members of our of at tended the District meeting at Grange Hall They report a good meeting without sleighing so so that wo imagine one sleigh load from here coming home in the dark and rain walking miles and riding one at oclock in thomorniog resembling a flock of decks just emerg ed from a mud puddle- Mr Walter had the misfor tune to loose a valuable cow on Sun day week We sympathize with in bis trouble getting his last load of sawdust last week from Proctors mill Hell have to train those bosses to pull harder Mr Jos Rogers has been receiving tenders for The Dairy Plant the past two weeks On Wednesday evening of last week members of Mr Bible Class convened at his residence and with their baskets in hand they provided for the inner man and a very enjoyable evening was at the close of which an elaborate address was read by Mr Edwards and their teacher waa presented with a very handsome hymnbook Messrs Norman Curtis and are the captains for this Quarters entertainment match in the Division here The Owl last week spoke of our regularity rain or shine Well we do the best we can to help the paper Col and H met some of the officials of the con servative element in the Temperance Hall here on Tuesday last Though theattendance was small no doubt a goodly amount of business may have been transacted The boys of the line gave a double charivari on Wednesday even ing at Mr Bogarts when Ihey met Mr and Mrs at tho wedding of Mr and Mrs Jas as a result they rented Hall on Thurs day evening and held a pull BALDWIN BREEZES The searchlight was powerful strong It revealed many things about Joseph wo were not aware of but we still have unlimited faith in him His head may bo a trifle wrong but his heart is right Did yeh git a valentine A very popular one in years bygone The rose is red the violets blue The pigs a hog and so are you Of course the recipient of such a one felt highly flattered Baldwin telephone service No at the mill No 2 Mr Cliff No residence It is a howling success The revival services at Brown Hill is attracting our boys attention The Brown Hill beauty also has a magic power over the boys A womans refuge from trouble- tears A mans refuge very often tho whiskey bottle Wise observations by some of our prominent county One says Its a smart man who knows his own business also its a mighty good man who can mind his own busi ness Another an old Bottler ob serves That people in this country dont have proper respect for old age If youre old and have money they wish you were dead so they might get it If you have no money youd better be dead youre no use One of our youthful teacheis observe That the man who gets the ait is the one thats sweet on the daughter Trout fishing is good at present Big hauls are reported A local fish erman caught a whale the other day as is usual in cases failed to land him Oh but it was a Nothing fresh to tell you respecting Johnnie Hes been constantly on the go but at too fast a pace for the Owl Hes sly too sly as a fox Be sides hes much like a setting hen in bis ways He always takes a round about way when he goes anywhere Geo Crittenden is improving Mr John and MissZclla Morton left for the windy city Chicago on Tuesday Owl RT TRAVI YOU LAY Please place it with our vertisement on top we always expect top and trust that you will render us this slight favor lj any case you will always and the leading remedies A have not lost their qualities by standing a long time on our shelves with a complete lirje of toilet Next to the Post i Her and captured the from the greet men tend for i COJIPAinr Limited Art For Sal General Purpose Horse five year old Good Milking iat Cow i and duo to J for Ma HOOVER Newmarket A middleaged Woman to Since fit general and act fta when Jo a or four one child a good for a woman to help and who homo near make butter preferred Address P Baa Office Newmarket required yon wank taken dont be with old method of 20 ago bat It In atyJe and the be with city Home- to help who would appreciate a quiet can milk and A CARPET W are in oar work Call- and yon will con vinced- GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET SO might as well try to open your eyes with em A3 to try to make an editor yon re much of a follow after you him WANTED The be prepared to purchase and be Sound and Right in Good Con- and from to old Will bo at place without fall Hotel- Lerroy Wednesday Feb Hotel Feb Nohleton Friday Feb Hotel Saturday Feb Hotel Feb liosaraonda Hotel Albert March Hotel March Hotel oclock Wed Hotel Newmarket forenoon Sat Montreal On Cedar Street in rear of Drug Store Having been supplied with a LOOK la now prepared to weave Una- Carpet to the of bis customers Call Ind see sample A solicited The best Family and Pastry Flour at right prices delivered to any part of the To In Good Condition 7 OF Good Stone GfeenTambiae poyal f m I Nut Stove and comatantly on band your la a for a beginner we Lake done in an hour and on it banger Enquire at Era OM 1 WANTED I Men of If Ton are and It you above book write information I put hundred of men la making money aomo or whom I can do good for At and win work bard 4 Want Apply to

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