y THE NEWMARKET E FRIDAY FEB- 4 1 General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits at conntr hatch DRAFTS ISSUED AM sterling and American Drafts bought and sold Collection promptly attended to AUCTIONEERS Frank Auctioneer for York Co Far and will receive special Attention Main St or Box Newmarket PO Duncan Auctioneer for Co of York on commission Terms rcaaon- Farm Sates attended to A trial solicited Street LIVERY Hall Main 8trcd Main Street MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main Druggists Sundries and Fancy Goods Perfect guaranteed In ail latent fash ions through Newmarket PO wilt ready prompt attention R of BightSinging Voice and Violin ft of Pianos and all String Instruments SCHOOL English French and Music receiving primary instruction tore have highest la after examinations Geo formerly Mlaa V V Miller a limited number of pupils at School fa The Sent Feb 1808 Matt receiv ed freely give Matt 10 INTRODUCTION had chosen and ordained men to bo his apostles His crowd of hearers was constantly in creasing and one voice could no long er reach them all nor pair of bands attend to tho multitudes of nick people who thronged him Jesus taught his apostles to pray Lord of tho harvest that ho will send forth into his harvest Ariel now ho them forth in answer to their own prayer PRACTICAL It is to than to receive A chance to accept Jesus lias come to each one Christian workers should ho wise and harmless We may help on Christs work by helping his workers It is a sad thing to reject Christ Ono of was a traitor Then lot none bo discouraged if some hypocrites find their way into church today Who would bo a missionary let him first proclaim Christ at home Let us lovo sympathy helpful ness our money time our very life oven as Christ has given us We must bo careful in our choice of associates He in whoso heart peace of God dwells cannot fait to be a blessing wherever ho goes Wo will bo judged according to opportunities we have enjoyed A Woman to Women She has Reason to that Celery Compound Is Medicine in World a Sonic Problems flips has Rid of She Says After Using Seven of tho Compound I sin Well and Strong Celery Compound Gives Health and Good Looks to Sick Every Cor and Church moderate New mar- Si NEWMARKET LATEST IN and Head Stones Before Ordering Allan to Loan on Farm Security by David The Klondikes Wealth I Would bo no Induoomeot to tho Sufferer if it Him and Health Campbellford writes About ono year ago I had a severe attack of typhoid fovor and it left my system in a very weak and nervous condition in so badly that I de spaired of recovery I was induced to try South Nervine In a short time my health im proved and when I had taken a few bottles I was completely cured and havo bettor health since than for years before Bold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket A Nervous Woman- I was run down ftud bed a bad doe lo I waa very nervous bat I bate mora appetite and feet a great deal outer I have also Hoods Pills and Hud very excellent 076 Crawford St Toronto Out Hoods Pills are to take to operate Cure indigestion headache Herringfishing is in vogue again at the Narrows When you see the fishermen at the standing over holes in tho ice spear in hand you can it as a sure sign that the winter season has arrived at another stage and that spring is not many weeks ahead An experienced hand with a spear can nab from to herrings in from to five hours or less A novice does well if he gets half a dozen in 10 hours and escapes with a mild attack of influenza The fish are running in large numbers ffetis Letter Richardson Co Dear Sirs It gives mo great to testify to that fines Compound lias caused a rcmarkablo change in my condition For ton years I suffered from nervousness and nouralgia and used of all kinds without finding relief Your Celery Compound was recommended to mo and after using seven I find myself well and strong and can rest and sleep with ease and comfort I believe it to be the best medicine in the world and I always recommend it with pleasure Yours truly Mrs A Alikk Ramsay Ono of the rno3t useful things for extinction of incipient fires is tho hand grenade This can be mode as follows Twenty pounds of common salt and ten pounds of sal ammoniac should be dissolved in seven gallons of water Quart bottles of thin glass should be filled with the solution cork ed tightly and sealed to evap oration In case of fire tho bottle should be thrown so as to break in or near flame If the firo is in such a place as to prevent bottle from breaking as in wool or cotton the neck of bottle should be knocked off and tho contents scattered The Gold the Is Not More than are Praises of the who are Living Because of South Am Kidney Care Thousands verify what is claimed of South American Kidney Cure Greatest safest acting per manent results A specifio for kidney disorders in yonng or old male or fe male It enjoys the distinction of a hearty recommendation by most emi nent physicians- It relieves distress ing kidney disease in six hours Never fails to cure if persisted in Acta directly on the circulation and eradi cates from the system all solids and utility of catch mictions in mathematics and in business mat ters is to sharpen the wits of those who attempt their solution We pre sent several problems of this kind at this time soino of which may como to tho attention of some of our readers before To many however they will be new A man bought a ami buggy for horse cost 100 than buggy What did buggy cost owner A mini went into a shoemaker shop and taught a shoes for Ho gave the shoemaker a bill shoemaker no change but went to neighbor and jmt the ten changed He returned gave the purchaser his change A short time afterward the neighbor came in and claimed the ten was counterfeit As ho was right the shoemaker was compelled to make the Ion good which he did by giving a good ten for the counterfeit Now how much was the shoemaker out in the whole trans action upon a time there were two old men who wit in market early every morning and sold apples Each one had thirty apples and one of old men sold two for a cent and other old man sold three for a cent In that way the first old man got fifteen cents for his basket of applet while the second old man re ceived ten cents ho that they together made twentyfive cents each day Rut one day the old apple man who sold three for a cent was too sick to go to the market and he asked his to take his apples and them for him This the other old man very kindly consented to do and when ho got to the market with the two baskets of apples he said to him self I will put all the apples into one basket for it will be easier than picking them out of the two baskets So he put the sixty apples into one basket and he said to himself Now if I sell two apples for one cent and my old friend sells three for one cent that is the same thing as selling five for two cents When he had sold the sixty apples he found he had only twentyfour cents which was right because there are twelve fives in sixty and twice twelve are twentyfour But if the other old man had been there and each had sold his apples separately they would have received twentyfive cents Now how is that explained A commission merchant sold a sewing machine for apd after wards taught it back for Hav ing now cleared and got his ma chine back for he itsold it for How much did he make alto gether County Budget The North York and York County Christian Endeavor Union are antici pating a grand time at their coming convention which will bo held in New market some time in May The Ex ecutive committees of tho above unions will meet in the School Room Church Aurora this Fri day afternoon at p m to arrange the program and other important business HAMILTON- OCT 98 The of Hamilton are very busy preparing for the convention of Committees have been struck and are bard at work They are de termlned to make it a grand success We trust the of our province will aid in that SOCIETY AND THE SUNDAY The E Society in the closest relation to the Sunday School Many of its members are Schol ars and Teachers and it has ini its working force a Committee whose duty it is to look after the children and see that they attend service using every moment to se cure this Or if they or any other children have no means of attending School to open one in a kitchen or parlor or in a school house at the cross roads This is one of the best works in which a E Society could be engaged It pays in a fourfold way Pays the parents pays the church pays the individual pays the community All are blessed by it No one need be afraid to enter into this work for want of helps They abound A most comprehensive and excellent book is the Practical Com- mentory on International Lesson with hints to teachers blackboard ex ercises questions and maps and class registers It is complete and good and sound teaching and cheap too be ing only GO cents If any thing more is needed by the mission school teach er Pelonbets suggestive illustra tions on the gospel according to Matthew will be valuable It is a choice collection of the best is known by all teachers He is at the front Roth are published by Co of Toronto Let the ac tivity of the C Society go out strongly in this direction it will do much to develop the members and at the same time build up the congrega tion IN SCOTLAND In Scotland E grow apace It has taken a strong hold of the church Lately a united meeting of the Glas gow Societies was held in the Free St Peters Church It was addressed by many prominent men Dr J H Wilson of spoke on denomi national loyalty which is a strong feature of the Societys teachings Da H H Bingham Pro Editor County Sec Holland banding Council R Pain Cripple WroInauranceCompanlca Mid Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Score District Mutual established In also for Ufa Association To- onto Old Registry Office Corner of Main Lot AGENTS large cheap valuable book selling Ice a Klondike Gold time J AGENTS of Fascinating entire field or Everybody orders Marvellous Prospectus and Tormented with Rheuma tism and South American Rheumatic Cora the Mrs Job Fisher Woodstock writes I had been suffering for over three years from muscular rheumatism and on one occasion I had a very acute attack of sciatica weeks I was unable tor walk or attend to my household duties sever al remedies and failed to give me relief I saw South Ameri can Rheumatic Cure advertised and bought a bottle It did me a Pour bottles a Limited Toronto J permanent Bold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket shocking m Regular meeting February Present the Reeve and alt the Mem bers Application from fchool Board re quiring of Government grants Communication from J Robert son chairman of the Hospital for Sick Children Toronto asking this council for a small donation A Ough and West auditing TWENTYSEVEN YEARS SALE CANADA Belleville Feb 10 A accident this morning deprived John Carney a farmer of his grout Toronto He W coming to with a load of wood and when about a quarter of a mile from the city noticed that a neighbor who was following had He attempted to turn to go to the assistance of his friend his backed up and horses load and driver crashed through a rail ing and fell feet to the ice on the river below The load fell on him and he was almost instantly killed A widow and one child survive him lit Nvbdred pages containing a catalogue l newspapers being all i PER ADVERTISING IN STATES AND CANADA A book American Dlreetory edition for with baying of or more Also each and every State tuo An Union naming those towns only In aro Issued newspapers having circulation This book Issued will postage paid on receipt of one dollar Ad- Advertising Co Now York Cured Vitatteer fro mediately relieves Sour Stomach coming up of Distress and the great kid ney and liver remedy Bold by Lehman You test what others have proved These words from a letter received today I despaired until I used South American Kidney Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Association The annual meeting of the above took place at Harris Hotel on Friday Feb President J Walton in the chair following officers were elected for the ensuing year President Stewart 1st VicePresident J Fuller Coventry 2nd VicePresident VicePresident Treas Moved by J Walton seconded by J Ferguson That we the King Reform Association desire to ex press our full confidence in our hon ored representative Hon E J Davis and to convey to this expression of our esteem and to congratulate him on the high position ho has at tained in the Government of th pro vince also that we believe in the in tegrity and merit of the present Ad ministration and hereby pledge our hearty support in the present contest Cook and of Zephyr to get the contract of erecting the new church which is to bo built on Mr J 1 firm Vj ft Carried Speeches were delivered by Mr J Walton Mr Stewart Mr Mr Mr Porter Mr Calhoun and Hon J Davis An ice jam at Blair four miles from Gait has flooded the branch of It wir stopped Gray Truancy officer and Inspector for Luck coffin for child Hart rolls and sta- J wood for Coun cil Chamber 25 Collectors report received uncol lected fees Moved by Lane seconded by Alex Shields that the School Board be granted the sum of for the present year Carried Moved by J Goodwin seconded by Lane that the Auditors report be received and adopted Carried Moved by J Goodwin seconded by Moore that the Collector be no tified to make a final return of the roll on the 1st of March next Carried ByLaw appointing Board of Health third reading and blanks filled up and adopted ByLaw passed appointing certain officers for the year Pound Keeper Lane salary Truancy Officer and Inspector Gray salary Fence Viewers John Grantham Daley Beth Beaton Arthur Morning Duncan Bell Moved by Moore seconded by Alex Shields that Mr Goodwin and Mr Lane be appointed to see that the Treasurers bonds are renewed for the present year Carried Moved by Lane seconded by J Goodwin that the Clerk bo in structed to write the County Treasurer asking if any back taxes belonging to this corporation has been paid him and if any that ho remit to the village treasurer here Carried On motion Council adjourned until next regular meeting March at- On Tuesday afternoon at one oclock one of the best known and most highly respected farmers of this locality passed away in the person of He was born in Bradford in and spent the great er part of his life in on the line and at moving to about eight years ago He was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church and took an active interest in its work When at he was superintendent of the Sunday School and a leading member of the sessions Holland Landing Feb Brown an elderly gentleman of this place while assisting in felling some trees on his property yesterday afternoon bad a narrow escape from being instantly killed In the felling of one of the Mr Brown did not get sufficiently out of the way of the tree and was struck by one of the branches on the back and legs He was unconscious for some time after wards from the effects of the blow and is considerably bruised about the body He will be laid up for some time rffr As similating ibig neither OmunTMorphine Mineral Not Narcotic THAT THE FACSIMILE OF- Remedy SourSlomachDiarrhoea and Loss OF SLEEP Simile Signat NEW YORK IS ON THIS WRAPPED OF EXACT COPT OF x a a Tip la bottles It set la balk Dont yea or if Is ana will auwer tilt you get dalle tA We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ol Printing done see what work and terms can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial In speaking of the NOT TOO LATE by any means to cater In any department of the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Of Toronto for the Current Session Members may Enter at Any Time Telegraphy Dullness Practice Shorthand Typewriting- etc thoroughly taught SHAW Principal el Last week we neglected to state that it is a A Blacksmith FOR SALE J Main St Newmarket Cement kept In stock l AGENTS The Majesty have writes Lord Lome about Queen Victoria make dally COMPANY Toronto For dairy use A child years old can easly run it and it will separate of Milk per Ten days trial will be given for approval agents J ilvester oughert Dealers OUFFVI