Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Dec 1897, p. 3

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A I WHAT Cabling Club Tho annual mooting of Newmarket Curling for tho appointment of and general business- will take place at next Monday evening THE NEWMARKET ERA DEC QQ afternoon and to for a free A big was present and build- scone of activity Though the was rough the hating thoroughly lights were- pat In week examined some goods but when wont to pay bill the puree gone Notwithstanding no was and there no other but that it was Fortunately was only and in It The Following is a Hat of can- who wrote at Model School for Jordan and Jordan Doll Bennett- Berry Davie Gray Robert- son and Watson Mr ill two at the and to Stolen jam at on of week lady laid her At the school last the J in front of while in division made her ft of a set as an expression of their Miss Wilson end enjoyed ft taffypoll daring closing hoar In the General Sessions at Toronto on Wednesday the case against John A of Albert who waa charged with defrauding Council lor Woodcock of Newmarket of was end the found not guilty Fair attondanoo at the mooting Ban- fvftornoon Mrs Hughes in chair and Wise Low organist Road- inns by Til Mrs and Mrs The U tho meeting next fianday As Monday the 3rd of January Pay of Prayer on behalf of Temperance throughout the World the Newmarket Union will meet that day instead of day at tho residence I Mrs- B Cody at oclock A large attendance of the members requested Bible Society The of the Newmarket of Upper Canada Bible Society has been fortunate in scouring the vices of Smith of St Catharines to an address at annual meeting which will be held in the Methodist on Friday evening Jan Mr Smith Is net only an interesting sneaker bat ft veritable walking on matters pertaining to the distribution of the Word of God among the various nations of the world Itiehbpe4 tttftt the public will show their appreciation of this opportunity of hearing him by a large Attendance Post Office Chit Chat That and cigar party of Council was the hit the nomina tion If what the Mayor and said about voting money to school true oar Coanty Councillors have Opening a very wide door to increased High School taxation What about Aharon Division I dont know the reply they say is Pegging awy The young men of de cided to go of the so report Bays profitable A good place to find a lounging at the P about p Hes very much in evidence On Friday la of ve Ed Wil liamson Cook and Fred Preston for disturbances on and Dec during language was in dulged In by defendants an nnbeooming character judgment was by and Jackson as follows and Prod j Cook and each The to be divided among them John Williamson acquitted Pine and payable In ton days or twenty days in jail at Toron to err Death of Job ton Rev A Cook pastor of deceased writes as follows Mr John Johnston of Wesley Church Paul Minn departed to his eternal rest on Deo Hie death by consumption occurred at home St Anthony Ave He a wife two sons and two daughters who have the kindest sympathy of their many friends in their deeply felt affliction Born in a Methodist cradle fortyeight years ago twenty-two- years an active and faithful member one of the first officers of the of which he was a member at his death bat now a member of the Triumphant Deceased was born at Holland landing and went Into business at Beaverton where he married Miss Jackson half Jackson of Newmarket and afterwards resided in Albert but finally removing to StPaul The family will have the sincere sympathy of many friend in North York At the of in the Parlor of the Methodist Charon on Tuesday the Pastor was taken completely by wjien Mr A Little read the following address To Rev S Matthtmx Drab Now at the end of the year has almost come wo desire to express our appreciation of the- able and helpful manner in which have oar Tuesday Class during the year Aa leader you have been ready to help the weak cheer the disheartened and to faithfully point the way to the erring Asa slight token of oar for yoa we desire to preseut yoa with this volume you may be spared to carry on the Good Work- Signed by members of tho Class During reading of the address Mrs made the presentation a handsomely board copy of From Manger to Throne Pastor briefly expressed ap preciation not only of the present but of the helpful feeling and kindly relationship between them after which he invited to partake of in the Primary which was an other and a very aoolal time was enjoyed Should Be Done The crowding at Post Offloo on Thursday of week was thing terrible The necessity of two doors one for ingress and other for ogress Is very apparent and certainly something should bo done to faoihtate the distribu- of mail Although the chief con waa present there were some ready to take advantage every time he turned hie head The only for about or unless the mail should be late in arriving One great trouble that many collect there every night and yet never expect anything while In other oases as many as five of the same family have been observed waiting for mail R British Columbia Wedding We copy the following paragraph re lating to a family from the Vancouver tun- Advertiser of Deo and add oar congratulations At an early hour yesterday morning Mr Grange Holt manager of the Branch of the Bank of British Columbia at Nohon united in marriage to Miss Robs Townley whose brothers Registrar of Titles Mr J Assistant to the General Super intendent of the P and Mr are wellknown residents of this City The Church was prettily decorated for the occasion and Mr Walter P presided at the organ while despite the early hour a large number of friends of the parties witnessed the ceremony The Rev Norman Tuoker rector of Christ Church officiated The bride who was attended by Miss Robert son given away by Mr J the groom being supported by Mr Townley After the ceremony Mr and Mrs Holt left by the Sound express en route to California where the honeymoon will be will make their home at Nelson and that they may have many years of wedded happiness is the wish of their numerous friends in this City Opposite berteon Open everyday Painless extortion ft The Thursday of last week proved to be the coldest and moat stormy night of season which militated against the at tendance in the Town- Hall to hear the Double Cantata prepared by the Sunday School The hall was about three- parts full and everybody was delighted not only with the excellent manner in which all the parts were taken but with the of the entertainment through out which in keeping with the occa sion The chorus singing was better than ever showing the ability of Mr as a while the selections by the doable quartette were most beautiful The King of Loye by Mr introducing also a duett with Miss was one of the best render ings he ever gave here The singing by the Primary Classes was also to The recitations were all dear and of of the was The Shipbuilders The boys in sailor did their parts well and the singing went oft with a swing scenic effects were moat excellent and re flects credit upon those who had the stage decorations In charge and when the ship l Santa Clans containing Majesty manned by the Sailor and decorated with fancy cornucopias boxes and stockings containing for the school Bailing in scene was ex ceptionally pretty and great ap plause Everything passed off without a hitch and Santa brought several surprises among which was a silver cake basket by the following address Dear Miss We the members the Junior League In connection with the Methodist Church here desire to take the opportunity of expressing in a tangible way oar of your in Organizing and superintending the of the Junior League In this Town We foal we are under special obligations to you for sacrifice of time in our behalf for the worthy example of and the pains taken for advancement and welfare Fre quently we have been spurred on to greater achievements by the unflagging zeal mani fested by in every department of your work Kindly accept this Silver Cake Basket as a alight token of our esteem and regard May you be long spared to con tinue to move in the sphere of usefulness where you shed so muoh sunshine and take snob personal delight Signed on behalf of the J League Newmarket Deo Sudden Death Mr Peter one of the pioneer set tlors of tbo section who has on the farm sooth of school on near the Road for over half a century died very suddenly on Christmas morning He was apparently in bis sou left for in but on bio return ho was dead Ho fell off hie while eating his break fast His wife and went to his alstanoe but ho in a short time Ho was a quiet industrious man rcspcotod for bis sterling integrity wore interred in on Tuesday trio singing and special Christmas muaio by the choir last Sunday lent Next Sunday will be a specially at tractive day and the congregations should be very large Fellowship meeting will commence at sharp Sermon in the by Rev Dr Carman general Superintendent of the Methodist Church In Canada and an exceptionally fine preacher Sabaoriptions collections on behalf of the missionary fund In the evening there will be a platform meeting when addresses will be given by Rev Dr Carman and Hon J Davis Proy Secretary Dont miss hearing Dr Car- Complimentary men in Miss Millards class at the Methodist Sunday were en tertained at The Avonmore on Wednes day when they took occasion to present her with the following address To Miss Millard We the undersigned members of your Class In Sunday de sire to express our sincere thanks for your untiring devotion to the of tbe les son enabling you to present same In a very interesting and attractive manner that we anxiously look forward to the hour that we sit under your instruc tion and while we feel that we cannot re pay you we desire to at least express our appreciation of your efforts on our behalf of officers for took place last Monday evening and resulted as fol lows A Armitage Foreman W A Peterman Overseer J Collins Recorder Hughes Financier J A Allan Receiver Jackson Snider I Watch Ell Armitage Watch J Buck P WJ Millard Trustees 3 Oliver and J HMillard Rep to J Millard Jackson Medical Examiners J Wesley and Scott Fancy Figured Silks worth for 15c per yard Fancy Shot Silks worth for per Fancy Dress Plaids warranted fast color Cot Blankets per pair Good Cooks Use Only Balling Powder CORNER TORI iA AA ssss1ssiississss At greatly reduced prices of the balance left over from the Christmas Trade of Division A of the Division Court was held here on Friday last Judge of Toronto presiding a common remark that he hustled the business of court through In lively fashion There were new oases and adjourned and unfinished salts the docqaet Very few of cases were of general interest Back ve J Woodcock in which a ques tion arose as to liability on the purchase of a quantity of potatoes The defence set up nonliability on account of a breach of contract Judgment for defendant The next case which occupied the atten tion of the court and oyer which a wrangle took place that of vs Mo- Henry for wages Both parties were ally mixed about time and dates and judge adjourned the trial to give them a chance to settle Next court on Wednesday the of Jan Toys Games Framed Pictures Pictures Toy Picture Books Cloth Bound Gift Books Photo Albums Fancy Stationery Fancy Indian Baskets Bronze Ornaments Fancy China Fancy Cups and Saucers Fancy Lamps Tea Sets Toilet Sets Fancy Candies Silver Plate Goods dec c DANFORD ROCHEC Christian Large congregations were in attendance at both services last Sunday The pastor preached in the morning being Christ our King His Kingdom and Sub jects Rev preached In the evening subject being The Birth of ChrlBfc and its bearing on the past and future In addition to the excel lent sermons the deserve special men tion for their choice and well rendered anthems Next Sunday the pastor will preach in the morning from the subject gone to judgment and Mr in His BQbjeot is A New Year and a young man with a new plan J SALE o St Two services were held on Christmas morning The number of was large The muefcal portion of the ser vices was very well rendered by the The and altar of the church was very handsomely decorated During the course of the am service rector briefly referred to the mystery and troth of the Incarnation He wished his parish- oners all Christmas Joys rector desires Jo thank the lion who by means of the offertory gave him their excellent Christmas gift Last night the annuel Entertainment was given The children provided the program There ware plenty of toys and booklets to present to the Some of the more advanced eobolars received excellent in atory and Teacher Bibles First prlre were given to all who out of marks Second were given to those who received not leas than marks The annual WatohNigbt service will be held to morrow night at Wednes day evening IT IS R GIFT Birthday Present A Friendship or Souvenir You can bo sure of the Moat Dainty and the Best Selection in Town at the Lowest Prices Be sure to see and get our prices before buying elsewhere L ATKINSON a JEWELERS Now that the year is coming to a close we have decid ed to offer our large stock of Clothing at actual cost- Our 1000 Ulsters for 8 900 do do 6 do 5 11 do Black Silk Bound Suit Black or Brown Suits 9 11 Heavy DoubleBreasted Suits 00 do do do 50 do do do Boys Reefers Brass Buttons 1 Mens Heavy Pants ii Mens Double Breasted Beaver Overcoats Boots Shoes Gents Furnishings Hats Caps we offer at the same reductions Come along and see our Stock We have a large and well assorted stock of Fresh Groceries at right prices ornery

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