A THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV LtTir Would You Like A Bicycle- 0RA Gold Watch STEARNS GOLD BICYCLES u GIVEN AWAY WATCHES EVERY MONTH Ask your for particulars or a postcard to LEVER BROS Limited Toronto HEAD OFFICE Paid op Capital Reserved Fund Total Assets nearly oiiiKl the WHAT WIDEAWAKE AND WORTHY TO Soph of are making for a fowl to held on the of The worth League hold a very interesting mooting laat even ing Two excellent papers were Riven by A Humbly and other by Mw Fisher Scientific Contribution TO HE human in the most won Divine A Dranoli of this Dank established BRADFORD Whore deposits received of and up wards and Interest thereon attach heat current rates Wo make a Specialty of Discounting Farmers Notes Sale Notes at LOWEST RATES For further Information apply to JOHN Agent Bradford JACKSONS POINT MILLS Mcdonald Prop Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND Post BUTTON WEST TUo Proprietor that ho now has on hand for sale at hie yards Jacksons Point about- One Million Feet Lumber Consisting of Hemlock Pino and Cedar at very low prices Also of i per Cord Cash i Persons contemplating a call before purchasing Encouraging Results Follow Proper Feeding of opi nion about what constitutes a cow but none about the beneficial from the use of SUTTON L Knox church will have a hot dinner and entertainment in James hall on Day Ladies of Presbyterian church have presented Mrs French with a beauti ful ritig not with diamonds and opals and also a handsome cako knife as an appreciation of her services as organist for the past year On Saturday lost us Geo was on his way to Newmarket his horses became frightened at sumo object in tho road near the Gum Swamp school house On investiga tion in proved to ho a black bear On Friday last as Dan and Dan were returning to Island in a sail boat they were caught in a squall and boat capsized They were in the water half an hour calling for help when Den heard erics and went out and rescued thorn just in time as were badly benumbed This makes three lives that has saved so far this year Herald I U iar If OB Dicks Blood Purifier as atonic appet izer blood puri fier and aid to thorough diges tion for and horse when they are put on dry fod der in the Pall of the stomach to extract all the nutriment from the food and put strong heal time centa a package- at urn mm en tic nee TIME IS MONEY And the garments you wear cost money washed those old and by washboard worn out more by washing than by actual wear I can will wash as In hour as a Judy will do four hours the or dinary way Mr who is at tending Model at Newmarket lias secured the position of first assistant in Public School Salvation Army of Newmarket under Captain Richmond invaded this vicinity this week on Monday and on- Tuesday Wo are glad to learn that Mrs Davis is improving quickly from the severe shakingupsho received last week from falling down stairs A came over Iter when she had reached the top of the stairs and reeling backwards she fell to the bottom receiving severe injuries The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church will give a chicken in basement of the church on the evening of Thanksgiving Day Nov A good program of vocal and instru mental music will be presented and a debate on some important subject will also take place A entertainment was given in the Music Hall here on Wed nesday and Thursday evenings of last week and the moving pictures were a rare sight to many of those who took in the show A phonograph was run in connection with the con cert and some fine musical selections were given The kindergarten concert given in the Music Hall on Friday night under the direction of Miss Long was a good success notwithstanding the disagree able weather that evening Every one present seems to feel indebted to Miss long for the most excellent en tertainment presented Noticeable features of the evening were the music by the Creighton family the solos and the duetts by the Misses Pringle of Pennville the solos and duetts by Master Fred and Miss Ethel Sharp of Bond Head the solo by Bliss the recitations by little Miss Suther land Bradford and the duett by the little Misses and Dr Brereton occupied the chair in a pleasing manner Eleven persons perished in a burning mine in Silesia Nov yes terday morning fire was discovered in David Davidsons mill yard The town brigade at once turned out and sueceeded in saving Mr Davidsons mill but two million feet of lumber mostly hardwood were burned The loss is estimated at about It is said there was little if any insur ance mind over conceived struotiou more wonderful in Ha adaptability Viewed as an Optical Instrument It is full of imperfections lowed an Organ of Bight how marvellous in its capabilities Its lens possess spherical and in a marked degree yet these arc ontiroly overcome by action of Trie which shuts off peripheral re fraction and admits rays of light only near its centre through the pupil and light smaller becomes the pupil There soverftlhlind sots in retina of which that at entrance of is large as to include the imago of a mans head at a distance of ft it is so situated as not to be noticed with unless sought for and when both open second sees point unsoon by its follow should bo such that rays light would bo focused directly upon the when is at rest catty speaking this is found and yet by means of of accommodation even this defect is usually obliterated Dissections show that only in rarest cases are the opposing muscles yes equally balanced and yet ay means of an unequal distribution of force this inequality of the muscles is usually compensated for so far as sight is concerned Therefore- wo repeat our for mer observation that wonderful as is the in its construction it is wonderful in its adaptability to meet requirements of vision It will readily bo seen from the foregoing remarks that tho anatomical causes of Strain may bo numerous The greater number of parts In any organ variation from standard This is oven in the bony structures body no two sides of a skull over being exactly symmetrical In soft tissues such as the variations are strongly marked and constitute the basis of Eye Strain Let us consider a very few of the devia tions from the normal standard their ef fects and means employed ft their relief 1st In matter of accommodation This is a term used to designate tho power of to adjust itself for near vision as in reading Hold your finger six or eight inches from your face shut one and with other look beyond it and then directly at it change in focus time perceived is called accommodation and the powor to produce it resides in the ciliary a littio circular situated in side the eyeball By strongly contracting its fibres it causes the crystalline lens to become more convex and thus rays of light from a near point focused retina With the increase of ago of the ciliary upon lens diminishes so that a man at 40 pos sesses only onetenth as much accommoda tion as lie infancy By the power is entirely lost in most cases Because of this diminution of accommo dation a person from to finds it diffi cult to see near by and is continually inclined to hold his work a greater distance from his face He finds that his eyes tiro on continued application and he does not enjoy his evening paper as well as formerly The remedy for this condition is simply to supply on the outside of the eye- what is lacking on the inside viz the focusing which is found in convex spherical The question is often asked Should we not postpone the use of glasses as long as possible lest having begun to Use them we Irishlike we re ply Should not the infant postpone nursing as long as possible lest having be gun to take nourishment he can never live without it NO When the eye mani fests its need of aid the aid should be promptly given The second condition which we shall notice is myopia or nearsightedness The defect in this case is due to an elongation of the eyeball from before backward that parallel rays of light those coming from a distance are focused before reach ing the retina The causes of this defect are an hereditary tendency close study especially in inflammation in back of eye astigmatism and irregularities in the muscular apparatus of the eye A person with myopia cannot see clearly at a distance without glasses He can never read these letters at a distance of feet with each eye separately among precocious children and those tensely fond of remedies for myopia aro rest and properly- fitted glasses advanced myopia cannot bo to a slight degree only can it bo reduced but its further progress may bo stopped id a condition which is of myopia It Is often erroneously called The defect brevity of diameter the eyeball as if the eye had been corn- pressed from before backward Tho result is that while distant vision is usually very clear the eyes upon near use This trouble is congenital and becomes manifest early In life showing its presence by head- nervousness and a tired feeling common among those who use their eyes continuously Such an uses uf as much nerve force In looking at a distance as a perfectly normal eye would in reading because the power of accommodation has to be drawn upon to compensate for the defect in the structure of eyeball Then when the eye is used for reading it produces a double drain to supply tho extra amount of accommodation remedies rest or convex glasses sometimes both I have examined eyes of children who required glasses usually worn by per sons years old When children need glasses they need them a hundred fold than old people Astigmatism is due to an irregularity in curvature of cornea as if the had been compressed from above down wards curvature of one meridian is sharper than at rifiht angles to it An astigmatic eye cannot see equal radiating lines with equal clearness front such an eye is not round like a ball but oblong like the bottom of a spoon result is that there is no point within the whore both vertical and horizontal of light meet Hence the name no point Tho effect produced is blurring of vision both at a distance and near Terrible headaches are induced Neuralgia and pains are encountered The reme dy found in cylindrical glasses which equalize the curvature Such persons often say that can find no glasses which will do them any good True such glasses are not found they not kept anywhere they have to bo ground to order But experienced when such eyes are properly fitted is simply trouble exists in childhood and con tinues throughout life Are out again this season in new styles and in all the new Shoe Shapes right up to date but with the same old wear like iron quality that has always characterized them because they are honestly made of pure Rubber Be Sure You Get this Year I TREASURERS SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES IN THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET day or August A rue levy and sell the lands mentioned in list tor arrears of Tares thereon hereby give that SnltH such fcjF the said lands or so much thenar as costs thccon it Council Chamber in said Town or Newmarket hereon at On Friday of A at Che hour of two oclock to afternoon the following lands being patented ACRES South Street onefifth do onefifth do do do do e do s North Street onefifth 1 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do if 1 A onefifth onefifth onefifth one-fifth- onefifth onefifth onefifth South Street do do onefifth do do oneflfth do do onefifth North Street onequarter North LotSlrcet oneeighth A Trial wit Cost You Nothing Knoll DoubleAction Li over machines the world Chicago in all Gold Premium sold already Agent Newmarket WOitij of IlutchorBlion takes the place of ill- smelling Iodoform in many eases with much better and quicker results are using recommend ing it for ulcers bruises cuts and burns It heals the sore properly by subduing inflammation and destroying the microbes that retard healing be sides relieving the pain instantly It often makes a man hot when you him cold facts Si ft His tendency to hold his book too close to hie face By doing this be caaee the eyeballs to be compressed laterally between the external recti and bony of the nose and his myopia myopia threatens an eye with blindness by Betting up inflammatory changes in the retina choroid at the back of the eye therefore a child which shows the least tendency to myopia should at once be taken from school for a period of rest and should be sent to an oculist in order that the cause of trouble may be re moved Teachera and parents- should he instructed to watch tie of children respecting their eyes They should forbid those under their charge to in a dim or when lying down Children ought never to study with their books In their laps or when they of headache and yet we find myopia most prevalent Pa Nov Half back Keating died last night injuries received in a game of football Keating seized the ball and started down field Two members of the opposing team tackled him and after some difficulty brought him to the ground He wriggled and crawl ed a short distance when the other players jumped on him Then there was a scrimmage in which all the players took a hand When the boys were pulled off Keating the latter was unable to rise to bis feet He unconscious and blood flowed from a wound in the head He died in a few hours St Petersburg Nov There was a terrible accident near Russian Poland A wedding party of persons was returning from the church to the home of the bride All were in one wagon a huge vehicle drawn by eight horses The road which they drove crosses the railway track on the level and the driver either through- carelessness or ignor ance of the train scheduled pushed his horses upon the crossing just as the express was coming up The lo comotive struck the vehicle squarely killing many members of the party outright and mangling the others so that they soon expired in frightful agony Not a member of the party There Is too little of the gospel of health It ia the last thing that anyone thinka of teaching either to a man child or woman- child It one of the most Important branch of an education Without health a man will be a business and a woman a social failure When the body of either a man or a woman is prop erly nourished the result is the enjoyment of good health Almost all la due to improper or in- nourishment If the stomach Is right and the liver is right the blood will receive its norms supply of the lifegiving elements of the food and the body will be properly nourished Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery upon the stomach and liver It purifies and enriches the blood It Is the great bloodmaker fleshbuilder nerve tonic and restorative It promotes the natural activity of the en tire nutritive organism It an end to the slow starvation that is at the of many diseases It does not make flabby fat like cod liver oil but firm muscular tissues It not make corpulent more corpulent but builds up the to the normal standard I was run down with nervous prostration and female and kidney trouble writes Mr Maraud Ramsey of Warren Co My bowel were My whole system wrecked My friends thought I would die I had read of Dr Pierces medi andaeot for the Golden Medical cry Favorite Prescription and Pleasant Pel- lew In one weeks time I began to ah up In two weeks could alt up all day after being so bad that I had to be helped in and out of bed I have taken four of Golden Medical and two of Favorite Prescription and hare been for years Constipation is the father of all manner of maladies If it did not exist or was In all cases promptly relieved the majority of medical books could be destroyed It is the easiest sickness to neglect and the August TOTAL 13 13 2 27 a ft 27 Si K ISO DAVID LLOYD Town Treasurer gX good set of teeth for Best of teeth tor Crown and Bridge work per tooth Silver Phosphate and fillings Painless Extraction for Plates ppee AT THE Largest Dental OFFICES IN TORONTO H A GALLOWAY S Queen Bta Toronto GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME TABLE Lit Lady Assistant I go It FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LA rtQ EST SALS CANADA Irs a 9i a fit to a ft V a- 9 CI W Mi- J tfC C JOBFlIRint Infant Children Hi I I 111 J fit- simplest to cure Dr- Pellets cure constipation every time They cure promptly completely They never pipe They dont get you out One Pellet Is gentle laxative and two a mild keep nothing else We do not allpw any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ol Printing see what work and terms can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial 9 a to to a to Lot With six rooms and cellar garden attach Apply at the Office SWO SOWS LOSS Situated near the old Woollen Factory For on Terms Apply to Heal Estate Agent THE USHER SON Fine For Sale Cheap or Exchange for Farm Property Newmarket SO Wore and Dwelling Corner of Timothy and Main Hotel and Water Service At a yery low rental to good tenant For par ticulars apply to A to West half of Township of In ran ploughing good order well fenced good buildings well watered Terms reasonable For further apply to George Ram say farm south the J King P or J WO bred by for tewlcoon lot Oil of Ilvjus en irMIiii J of the Portland for all of farm such as bankbarn walls stable floors silos hog pens bridge abutments arch etc This Cement Is sold sit about onehalf the price of Portland instruction given free of charge and all work warranted For further Information General Agent A ne firtt and seoondlaM etc always at prices 5 0 I iff j I i G in Oil 1 1 MARXOp OKtlQNty o an stftcti wrtfortwins A CO MX Ho f J vi