THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV J T rat filbert Paisley Clubbed Stabbed and fobbed of Stewart Paisley brother of Mrs of Mount Albert was at tacked by highwaymen on prin cipal of village Monday night in addition to robbed waa stabbed twelve to fifteen times being that Dr Forrest his medical attendant entertains but slight hopes of his re covery of the robbery watt telegraphed to High Constable Jones who after consultation with County Crown Attorney despatched County Constable Burns to scene TO Paisley victim of assault is a man about fortyfour years of ago and was to have boon married on Wednesday Ho resided with his father in Mount Al bert but about a year ago wont to Virginia returning again in August last Ho was engaged to Miss Lapp daughter of ft widow of Cedar Grove and was completing arrange ment for the wedding which was to have boon celebrated at tho assault Ho pur posed taking his bride to Virginia he intended taking up farming and bad arranged for railway tickets On Monday ho drove to fourtoon miles distant to business and there drew from tbo Standard Bank While at village hotel sevoral people saw him expose a largo roll of bills and it was known all about country that he was on of his wedding Ho loft arriving homo put up his horse and after writing a of letters left tho house to post them This was about ton oclock Half an hour later as ho had not appeared bis relatives became alarmed In the meantime Mr Wil son a neighbor was ploding homo along the main street through heavy darkness when ho stumbled over body of a man Ho quickly se cured help and a when the body was identified as that of Stewart Paisley latter revived upon be ing carried to his fathers house two hundred yards distant but in a few moments became unconscious again IN A CONDITION Dr Forrest and his son who is also a medical man were called in and they found Paisley in a most precari ous condition Ho was bleeding from a dozen wounds about tho face breast back and arms and the top of head was split open in two or three places His coat vest and shirt were half torn off and were slashed as if with a sharp finepointed weapon Although badly gashed about the face wounds were not dangerous but those in tho body may probably ter minate fatally While Dr Forrest was dressing the wounds Paisley re vived sufficiently to a somewhat incoherent account of the attack made upon him He stated thai he left just about dark and while driving homeward noticed three men in a buggy a short distance behind him He felt somewhat nervous as the men were strangers and he had about in his pocket so he whipped up horse Boon lost sight of those who were following him When he arrived homo he put up his horse and then wrote two letters which lie went out to While on way to the post office he noticed the three men in the buggy driving slowly along the street and although he passed by quite closely to them he could not recognize their faces He posted the letters and was within a few hundred yards of home when the men in the buggy again drove past him A moment later hearing a footstep he half turned around just as ho caught sight of one man sitting in tho buggy and two others close behind him he received a blow on the top of the head with a club that knocked him down SHOWED blow was followed by a second but neither rendered him unconscious and turning half over he grabbed one of assailants and dragged him to the ground The second man then kicked him in the face and both set upon him with knives stabbing him in face and all about the body Twice ho managed to get to his feet but each time ho was down again He struggled desperately but the blood that was pouring from some fifteen stabwounds gradually weaken ed him He has no of his pockets being rifled and does not remember his assailants leaving him but he believes that he would be able to recognize them THE VILLAOK By Tuesday morning the whole village was in a turmoil of ex- over the robbery and several posses of villagers started out in search Of the highwaymen It is the throe men were traced 10 a side line near down which they disappeared and tbere is some pros pect of their as tho whole of the country is aroused Dr Forrest holds out but slight hopes of his re covery EVENING Paisley stabbed four times in breast also in neck and arm wounds wot except which penetrated tho lung and ho is likely to recover only serious injury ho received from blow on back of head and this blow which doctors think must have been delivered with a hag of shot or some similar weapon produced a slight concussion of brain from which Paisley is only now beginning to recover Paisley when attacked bad in bin pockets from 150 to 5600 The ex tract amount lie has not yet been able to figure This money was proceeds of collections of amounts ad vanced by Paisley on notes made by farmers the neighborhood Paisley docs not seem to have banked bis money white he was collecting it Ho had been carrying his collections in his pocket and had not as stated yesterday taken it out of tho bank Yesterday market day at MountAlbert a subscription list was opened and villagers and farmers of the neighborhood soon got together which they have offer ed as a reward for the apprehension of Paisleys assailants Along with County Constable Steeper Constables Burns Boyd and Mcllwain are actively engaged in try ing to hunt down criminals They have satisfied themselves that highwaymen did not return to after the robbery but drove off in a northerly direction Constable Steeper lives on road just south of scone of robbery on side of the street and Mr lives on other Bide Both men out on the road at the time of the robWy and both are certain that the robbers did not drive towards after struggle It is suspected that who perpetrated the job were well acquainted with Paisley and know that ho was to be married next day and had a consider able sum of money about him Tho people believe that the robbery was planned and carried out by men who reside in the district There was a young man arrested here for stealing money from A Porter lost week There seems to a gang of thieves operating hereabouts Quite a commotion occurred in the village on Tuesday when a team bo- longing to Mr Palmer of Rich Hill ran away throwing Mr Palmer out on the No damage was done Mr Thompson a student from occupied the pulpit of the Methodist on Sunday evening A largo congrega tion listened with deep interest to his sormon Tne Methodist Ladies- Aid purpose giving a chicken in the on Thanksgiving night An interest ing and drawing feature of pro gram will be a debate on the question of Womens Rights Three single men will uphold ladies of the question while three benedicts will oppose them L Williams the popular pastor of St Marys Lloyd- town preaches his farowell sermon on the We wish him success- in his labor at Halifax Suggestion to correspondents As next week Is Thanksgiving week I would suggest all correspondents put forth a little extra effort double amount of locals from their respective By so doing wo can swell columns of the suffi ciently to allow editor to add a supple ment will boa great attraction Not only correspondents but all readers to assist Mr Win made his debut as a blacks smith this week village Is filled with the ring of bis anvil as his brawny arm wields hammer and heated iron Is moulded into proper shape Neither rain muddy roads dark nights nor cold weather have any on tho largo crowds that attend our Christian there Is hardly a meeting with any vacant seats FolUottof King City attended the funeral of Mr Joel Draper spent Saturday and Sunday visiting and relatives In this neighborhood The fanners are beginning to house their stock for tho winter school scholars had a lino last week with soft snow There will bo a business meeting In the hall Friday evening to decide on some kin I of an entertainment for 8chool and make arrangements for It evenings were so dark and rainy this week that row falling meteors seen Mr Jno Pressor has abandoned light house on Fox Island and Is living in the vill age now Tho matrimonial fever is now raging In this neighborhood Not long sinco one of our pro mising young men tost his single life Wo sorry to report this week that a young lady Is stricken with flame disease and many shut the parlors on Sundays and no ono their attendants arc allowed to en ter tho room BETHEL CORNERS The attendance at Sunday School was quit largo on Sunday There no on Sunday on account of the opening at Virginia- Rev Mr Powell will preach here on Sunday morning Mr John made a short stay while on jury Miss A is visiting in Mr has been on sick list Mr Jos Kellington has returned home after a lengthy stay in tho NorthWest Mr Herbert Wilson of Montana formerly of this vicinity is visiting friends and relatives for the winter Mr Scott is putting in a new furnace Henry Shaw has routed the base- lino farm from Mr John Arksoy for a number of years Still wedding bells ringing A few of our young people took in tho lecture at Virginia and report a good time Are now fully supplied with TMA Fine and Fresh and all the little requisites required for the Festive Currants Valencia Raisins California Muscatel Sultana and the Finest Layer Raisins Cooking Figs and Fine Eleme Figs All the favorite kinds of Nuts this years crop Flavoring Extracts Shelled Almonds Almonds Cross and Lemon Orange and Citron Peel Pure Spices Mustard Lea Perrins Worcester Sauce Cross Black Pickles Call and see our stock and you will think you are in touch with all nations and climates AURORA KETTLEBY The High School Commencement Concert Friday evening was a grand Miss excellence is already known But Miss Hayes fairly brought down the house Her rendering of Romance and Gavotte was the finest ever listened to in Aurora Certificates wore pre sented by Revs Amos and Dewey and Hon J Davis gave an excell ent minute speecho English Church rejoices in be ing free from debt and was consecrated by the Bishop on Sunday The ser vices were very fine The silver medal in the elocution ary contest was won by Miss Stewart On Tuesday evening tho Annual Meeting of the Bible Society was held in Methodist Church Rev Mr Bryan of Toronto and local talent provided tho bill of fare aided by a male choir led by Mr Dewey The hunters are all home and it would do you good to hear the yarns they tell Mr has an unusual pet a partridgo came to him and has be come quite tame It occupies a place in his hen house whish is by the way a quite uptodate building Tho par tridge seems to have regard for good company as Mr flock is all highgrade thoroughbreds The friends of Morton will I to hear she Is able to sit up again HOLLAND LANDING The Ladies of the A of this place intend giving a social on Wed nesday evening next the in Mr Taylors Hall A good program is provided Mr John Taylor and Mrs Stephens left for Toronto on Thursday and will remain with Mr Chas Stephens dur ing the winter Mrs John was honored having tho best looking baby in the Baby Contest while the Medicine Co were here and the baby was presented with a handsome clock Mr Septimus of Hamil ton spent last week at his fathers Mr Mr Lane has been ill the past week but is some better We have a married couple here who separated from each other and again came together two or three times Recently there was another reunion and the boys celebrated the event by a sort of charivari Since then they have had to pay for their fun on being summoned before the village Beak KESWICK We are sorry to learn that Mr John Morton has been on the list but we are pleased note his recovery The ministers are certainly reaping a bountiful harvest now There are so many weddings that they are kept busy and their faces are covered with smiles Miss of Belhaven will ad dress the P in the Chris tian Church next Sunday morning The entertainment in connection with the Sons of Temperance given in their hall on Saturday evening was acknowledged by all to be the beet of its kind ever given here The pro gram was complete and sufficiently long to satisfy one The chair was occupied by Mr John who conducted the proceedings in bis usual pleasing way It has been said by some who do not know that those who attend these entertainments as well as the meetings of the division are very noisy but the order kept on Saturday evening was the best for years in any entertainment in the vill age A silver collection was taken which realized nearly Owing to snowstorm on Tues day our crack plowmen who intended trying their hand in Markham were much disappointed and likewise the match because of the rain on Thursday Many of the farmers in this section who were enough to get their turnips in before the storm looked rather blue and predicted lots of fine weather yet while those that had their roots nicely harvested predicted an early freeze up Mr J Edwards taxgatherer for the Northern of King being at the Temperance Hall here on Satur day created an unusual stir in pur village Mr A Atkinson and wife of wero guests of Mr Proctor and daughter on Saturday Mr Hughes jr of New market and Mrs Watt are spending a few days with Mrs Aaron Hughes Master Pratt who has been very ill for past few weeks is mending We aro pleased to note the fact that Miss Etta Barradell who has been suffering for the past few weeks from bloodpoisoning in Hamilton Hospi tal is mending nicely Mr E Johnson had a landlords sale in the village on Wednesday last We hope next week to record a very pleasing event if dame rumour is cor rect Mr John Flanagan jr left on Wednesday morning for Michigan to spend the winter A rather event occurred in Mr Loves household on Satur day last when the cooking stove tumbled down and did not get up again then the family are honored with a new one The ladies of Christs Churoh have decided to hold a Bazaar and Social on the 10th of December in the Tem perance Hall A recently organized order of Royal here is progressing most favorably under the able guidance of Mr J M Walton and the members are becoming quite apt in transacting business We think this order is a step in the right direction because the impressions of early youth are Generally most lasting Many parents the scheme The sermon on Sunday afternoon by the Rev Mr Husband of was most enthusiastic It is somewhat regretted that neither of the three churches in will a Harvest Home this reason The sale of timber on tho is a good opportunity to get wood for fuel or employment COLLEGE CORNERS The singing school which had such favorable prospect lias fallen through on account of the Trustees objecting to the use of the church for that pur pose The pupils are anxious to get another place Die hustle and hustle of dress makers are signs that are deadeasy to interpret Mr Geo shipped a car of lambs to Toronto last week Mr Richard Youug is having ex tensive improvements made to his residence Mr of Kes wick is the contractor People are glad that the yellow hound is hunting so many foxes down as they are terrors among the poultry Messrs and were here to oversee a job of road repairs but the snowstorm hindered operations Several here have the Klondike fever Will Mahoney talks of going There is one here who is always anxious to borrow the Era before the owner is through with it but never hints at subscribing for it Squirts the wellphysician of New market struck a fine flow on this street The Joker BALDWIN BREEZES The Owl has been on sick list for the past week The market held here on Monday was a success A large amount of produce changed hands and good prices paid It will be continued on every Monday and wo hope tho farm ers of I and will patronize it well William Crittenden Dame Crittenden Jack Mahoney and Henry Kay our representatives in have re turned jubilant over their good suc cess They bagged some very large deer Our sick are all convalescent The Thanksgiving turkey is stuffing himself unaware of the dire fate that awaits him Elijah Morton packed his house hold effects on Monday and oft for St Thomas Father is happy the mill is overcrowded with work The early closing movement is a success The boys get home at an early hour now Theres many a slip between the cup and the lip French the Sutton baker is there yet The purchaser of his business proved to be short of leash when the sale came to be closed Sutton firewater must be a wonder ful compound It does make men act queer Some days ago one of our fathers went to Sutton and enjoyed the hospitality of his friends He became somewhat excitable and having considerable money began tear ing it up and throwing it away A friend gathered up the money and re turned it when he had recovered his senses The Owl Another Scheme Shawl Found At depot Left at Bra 0iice- for owner to prove property and pay for thlj notice Apprentice Wanted Not more than years of ago that has passed the Entrance Exam preferred Apply to JACKSON Wanted A SecondClass experienced wanted for B No Apply to RICHARD KAY Bocy of Trustee Board Holt P gigs Astray Came upon lot Con of Whit church about fith of Nov last White Sows Owner requested to prove property and pa charges G OLIVER roat Offer Send us and addresses of tbrceor raoro performers on the piano or to gether with cents In and we will mall you ten pieces full sheet consisting of popular waltzes marches etc arrang ed for the piano and organ Address POPULAR MUSIC CO Indianapolis QUEENSVILLE Mr J Shepherd is viewing at the old home MJbb Minnie was the of Mies Hill for a couple of days at the be- of the week who was quite ill for a few days is recovering The veteran deerhunter Mr Milne baa returned from the hunting grounds with one of graceful animals as a trophy It will bo a poor season when Jim returns empty handed Trustees to present for another year Is wise for we can see no room for Improve children are growing quite enthusi astic- over dialogues drill in with annual sobool concert These concerts assist In breaking the routine of ordinary sobool live and thus produce a effect grand organizer of- the paid the local lodge a visit last Monday night and a number of new members were initiated The lodge is in a very flourish ing state at present evening given by the Epworth on Monday evening was a decided success despite the dark foggy weather The choir sustained their splendid reputation and Mies held at tention of all by her well trained of elocution Revival meetings hold in the Church Reports have come of a pair of piano sharpers operated suc cessfully in the vicinity of St Marys recently Their mode of operation is this They pick on some farmer whose credit stands good in the district they go to him and say they would like to have the use of his name to say that he bought a piano from them as this will enable them to sell to others and if he will agree to give his name that way they will agree to ship to him from Toronto or Mon treal a grand piano the best thats made They then say You simply sign this paper so- that we can show that you have made the supposed pur chase The farmer sees nothing wrong in the transaction thinking it an easy way to get a piano free of cost signs the paper and in a short time a note shaver or money broker sends him word that his note ranging from to is due and there is no escape from payment The piano is shipped take it from the station or not the note has got to be paid The scheme is worked so slick that several farmers have been caught napping SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE A UNIVERSAL LIBERATOR Tenders for Supplies 1898 undersigned receive tenders for supplies up to noon on Monday for the supply of butchers meat but ter dairy and creamery giving price of flour oatmeal potatoes etc for following Institutions during the year viz At Asylum for the Insane at London Kingston Hamilton Brock and the Central Prison and Mercer Toronto the Reforma tory for the Insti tution for the Deaf and Dumb Belleville and the Blind at Two sufficient sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of each contract Specifications and forms of tender can only be had by making application to the Burlaw- of the respective institutions Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the Asylum in Toronto London Kingston Hamilton and nor to the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory Toronto The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Newspapers Inserting this without authority from the Department will not be paid for It Signed Christk Chamberlain Inspectors of Prisons and Pub lic Charities Parliament Toronto J I Relief In six hoars I m to the bedridden from rheumatisms cruel this is fact borne out by volumes of evidence for this greatest of pain conquerors Rheumatism South an and radically most stubborn eases In from I from rheumatism find Tried many physicians any lasting A fow doses of South Ameri can me two bottle cured inc came LEHMAN The Family and Pastry Flour at right prices delivered to any part of the Town Nut Stove and Egg Coal constantly on hand Call at Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Sis W J Hard Wood Cords Best Dry BUTTER AND POULTRY OUR SPECIALTIES Obtained References our shippers everywhere Cor respondence invited TORONTO pLoci option was Pickering on Wednesday by vote with two favorable divisions to hear from lip J