Weeks WHAT IB GOING ON IN ABOUT TOWN Will ho our Thanksgiving Number and ta ft holiday and advertisers will please send in matter a day Eggs England Alderman shipped another car of eggs to Liverpool on Wednesday This makes six oar ho has shipped floa month making a total of eggs whioh at a dozen means Tablets Allan erected a beautiful monument late Thomas in Dixon Hill Cemetery Also one last week in the Scotch Set tlement Comotory west of Bradford Other work is ready for Como- This shows how reputation of tho Works has extend ed THE NOV A hunting party composed of Messrs Mills J and J came on Wednesday of week and brought with the fall complement of deer Wr Johnson tolls ns that the deer are Just as plentiful ho over saw them but very wild V pine Staff On a fine flag polo feet high was on the top of Roches Mam moth fltoro the supervision of Mr A beautiful flag foot long with name Arm upon now floats ovor City Store Union The Methodists Chris tiana Friends will in holding Thanksgiving in Church at 11 next Thursday morn ing the pastors of soyoral congregations arranging them who shall address It is hoped that the will be well filled meetings with- drawn that Rotes The Canadian and Grand Trunk arranged their rates for Thanksgiving season Both lines will issue at faro good to all in Canada Port Huron and Detroit tickets will also bo sold to Suspension and Buffalo will bo good going and and returning up to the q Failure live years of life Mr Fred has parted with his wife and is to Buffalo He that it is her fault and the storios in circulation about him while she saya It hie fault and threatens to take proceed ings to compel him to support They no children It is too bad when do mestic troubles run into gossip What couple is a mutual under standing and a matrimonial reunion Supplies Creamers homemade Quart 10 Pails 1Pound Square Prints Beat White Waxed Paper per lb 10 Quart Pane Bowls Laddies Churns Butter Coolers to at A a Public Quite a number of books are going out every week now shows that trie public library is appreciated It ia a to us that more people in the country do not lake advantage of the opportunity afforded The Library very centrally located at Wrights Shop and being open from 10 to 11 on Saturday morning it is convenient for changing hooka The just now is for new catalogues but the Board is desirous of delaying the printing until the new books are in Over worth are now on order and are here next week Thanksgiving following effusion is supposed to been dropped on tho floor of Post Offlco by a of High Literary Club How doth the festive Hold high his haughty head Ho not what is coming why hes so well fed Hes happy in the ignorance Of this and other facts But pretty soon get it Whom got axe Another Supply Herald of week Bays Tho Co of a largo timber limit up North and are now busy getting out timber which will bo towed hero in the spring and ship ped over It Mr J to town on Saturday and loft for the north with a gang of and hie out there Mr Cane and a few of hie frionde will try to capture a few doer and also try hand at shooting Mr got homo Saturday night and informs us that the party got four deer and a few On the A lot of money changed bands in Now- market last Saturday tax collector for the Township of Whitchurch at Royal that day and took In Tho collector for East was also at the same hotel and be took in It would be interesting to how much was on the market that morning and how much tho stores took in Depot Following the shipments for past week Cars Coal IB Curs Grain Care Lumber Car Flour Cars Merchandise Care Sold by the Government for infringement of Custom and bought by Brunton Laws Car Car Eggs Cars Merchandise Car Pickles Tea Most people who toa stiok to a certain kind they find suite their taste instead of taking any article that may ym over tried Ceylon importers Messrs P Co of Toronto sent us a sample last week and we have pleasure in saying that it has a moat beautiful flavor Next you are buying toa try a pack- ago ana will be on sale at just onehalf the price They wont last long so Come Early Change of Time A now Time Tablo wont into on last Monday morning on very short notice We would advise our readers to out it out of the and paste it in their hats or they may got left in the there is no midnight train to homo on now The day in To ronto is out short at both ends morn train going down later and coming home earlier in evening this will not be appreciated by business people Tho trains here again in now Post office closes at again Mail for Toronto in the morning does not till a quarter to nine Appointment At the Co mooting on Tuesday Br Wesley of Newmarket received the ap pointment of phyaioian for the Industrial Homo He will no doubt make an atten tive officer The salary was fixed at per annum The Dr has a tele phone so as to be in direct communication with the Home On Wednesday the most important item of business was the appointment of a per manent Caretaker of the Court House There 18 applications Mr of Newmarket who has satisfac torily filled the position the death of the late received the appoint ment Jackets Are in great demand They had to get in another lot this week to fill orders a Another Wedding One of those happy events which helped to oh ear the gloomy days last week was celebrated at the residence of Mr Queen street East on Wednesday Nov Miss Mary Eves was united in marriage to Mr A E Wilson of Whitohuroh by the Rev Scott A of The bride was attired in cream cashmere trimmed with cream silk lace and wore white chry santhemums A few intimate present The presents were handsome After a sumptuous repast the happy left the home amid showers of rice Mr and Mrs Wilson began their matrimonial voyage with the sun shining brightly upon them and they have the best wishes of their relatives and friends for a long and joyous yoyage pipe A few minutes after ten on Monday evening an alarm of fire waa mug from the box at the corner of Main and streets and the Water- whistle re sponded loud and clear but before the reels left the Fire Hall the whistle sounded Are out Investigation showed that a was made at the rear of store on Monday afternoon to consume some rubbish When dusk set in there was still stuff not burnt up and about halfpast five Mr chore hoy water upon it and thought he had put the fire all out However during the evening it started up again and it sup posed that sparks therefrom set fire to the and bottom boards of the oil house formerly erected an at the rear of Sutherlands store when Mr Davison the rang the alarm A few pails of water ex tinguished the fire before any particular damage was done Many fiaied In fuel if you nee our Felt Weather Strip Only foot fit Dentist Over Sutherlands Store Newmarket memorial The funeral of Mr Will Ego was largely attended last Friday On account of bis father Mr Andrew Ego being an em- in the Specialty Works they were shut down in the afternoon thus allowing the men to show their sympathy by being present on the occasion The relatives from a distance were Mr Donald Ego Clerk of Mr John Ego of Mr Jas Lowe of Montreal Mr Will of Almonte and Mrs W A J Martin of The funeral sermon was preached in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening by the pastor Rev A to a very large congregation from a favorite verse of the deceased namely John The sermon deeply impressive on the young owing to the that called them together The mourners have the sympathy of the entire Town in their bereavement R Wedding The eldest son of Mr of Sharon was married on the 10th and we find the following particulars in the Brandon Timer On Wednesdayafter- noon a very pretty was per formed at the residence of Mr Hill a few miles east of It was the occasion of the marriage of his daughter Miss Annie Hill to Mr Wayling The clergyman was Rev A of St Matthews Miss Bessie as bridesmaid and Mr Arthur assisted his brother the groom The ladles were neatly attired in fashionable gowns and looked A few of the intimate friends of the con parties witnessed the At eight oclock the guests many of whom were from the city sat down to a dainty prepared for them by the mother The bride who a general favorite was on the occasion the recipient of many presents Mr have taken their on the Farm which Mr purohaaed J The young couple have a hoot of friends in this city and dis trict who will join In wishing them every happiness Nov Crop Japan Tea at per lb Board At last mooting of the season boxes of wore boarded including from and from Albert Five Liverpool cable was a little easier The only sates made wore and Wyobridgo boxes at Board adjourned to moot last Thurs day in May 1808 Since the meeting we learn that Factory has sold all on hand at Poultry fop A bulletin has been prepared by the of Agrioulture at Ottawa eaye If turkeys be prepared and shipped according to the requirements of the British markets they will undoubtedly meet a good demand and prices equal to those of the turkeys imported from Franco and other continental countries The price varies from year to year and also at different times of the year Whole sale the range of birds may be from five ponoe por up to nine pence and per for the finest quality of birds in the boat condition For the Christmas trade birds of large size com mand a relatively higher price per pound thojb small ones Turkeys of largest size should be before Christmas The demand for hen turkeys continues un til March tub Fast the birds for hoars to the and intestines Give a small quantity of water before kilting Keep birds quiet If they are frightened the bo inferior Kill by wringing the and not by knjfing Pluck at once white warm Remove the intestines from the rear the wings to the back of the bird As soon as feathers are off hang by the feet to cool 8 Cleanliness is necessary Birds should be thoroughly cooled not frozen before being packed Every bird show a good plump white broad breast The only pure Baking Powder is Bruntons A UNTON TOW each ng them at They o A line of Fancy Pattern Waist Silks a beautiful range of coloring I This is a great Mantle season with us We are doinp- u JJr having goods in express every sooT Last Saturday was a very busy day in this years gives us a Reputation that is Envied Selling Boots and Shoes for 1 Whitchurch meets at on Saturday- What are you going to do on-Thanks- Day There is a pleasant surprise in store for the of the Family Herald and Weikly Star of Montreal We have seen the premium that comes this year andean heartily compliment any of our readers who subscribers to that paper Mr is making further improve merits at his residence A subscription being taken up to pur- a weavers loom for Mr Ieaao a cripple to enable him to support his wife and family The dynamo formerly used in lighting the streets of Newmarket has been over- hauled at Canes Factory and was shipped this week to Norwood The Foresters were looking for a big crowd at their Concert last night by the Highlanders Band Dr Campbell having lights put in his residence Tbe system la giving universal satisfaction and several more people are estimating on putting them in Terrys Dental was put on the light circuit on Monday Did you see the little colored lackey In thf window at China Hall Its immense There are electric lights at In dustrial Home and when the new wing finished more wilt be added Eba and Toronto Evening Star next year for No quorum at the Board meeting on Tuesday evening Two tramps in the Police Station on Tuesday night Mr has got a new roof on stable The pond was frozen over yesterday the second time week It ia hoped that boys will not bo venturesome and go on before the loo is heifer to Mr Webb that away and was idlest week was found the end now I i erwear that We have several lines of Mens me at and another one at 50C are snaps Leather and Woola big range of kind Prices that you will recognize as Bargains One Gloves and MttsMenVand MA To reach our Hardware Dept we have to ask Basement but we guarantee when you there to t0 0ur store or we will reLd you the money sS That universal choice of all toilet keeps the skio white and soft hands etc For gentlemens use shaving it is by far the best TOOTH PASTE Such Beautiful Teeth How do you keep them so pearly white To answer this use Euthymol Tooth Paste Sheffield Dentifrice or Zonweiss Paste We are showing the BEST Assorted Stock of PHARMACY Sunday hours from to FISH MARKET I was wondering why so many young persons were out so late on Sunday night but on enquiring the cause next day they said they were looking for the meteors Mr Huntley has had a num ber of teams engaged drawing roots from hero to farm in Keswiok The root crops good this year on light land Mr Miller has moved into Mr house Readymade Clothing Gents Furnishings oots and Shoes and Hats and Caps i Come in and take a look You are always welcome It will do you good see GAIN il J