THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NO Departmental Store Co A A Christmas Fruits Davison fc Co Toronto Jobbing Hone Parlor Suites J Millard Tenders for Supplies Ontario Wanted Kay Glover Apprentice- Wanted Office Offor Fob Go Found Site NEVER UP I BUT AND WITH ISSUE The Printed oil FRIDAY NOV 1897- A convention to bo held at Orillla on 28rd to for to Ontario House Tub for for arid on Saturday last resulted In election of Liberal nominee by about ma At election Reform majority The Adminia tratfonri and wine Tub annual meeting of North Ox ford Reform Association will bo held on the Among to address gathering wo notloo tho name Hon J Davis Secretary North Middlesex Liberate on Tuesday last renominated Sir Taylor their candidate next in Weekly Sun of of Mayoralty election in New York to The a tump killed Henry George- wonder is thtt it does not kill of our men This moat bo a hint to Mr Whit Dr and Mr John They been stumping wheat harvest It Announced that tho has re passenger rate one per mile on a number of it lines Wo are sure the bo glad to hear this news and joirvin the hope that reductions may bo made over the system It now time for the It to give the a by a gen oral reduction to a two cent rate on all lines cornea from week that Hon Mackintosh of the Territories has tendered hie and it that resignation will take at the close of the present year A telegram from Win nipeg that Mr Mackintosh at the of his Govern or of the Territories will become editor of the Miner manager of a largo mining company- f The Ontario of the Dominion Alliance through a deputation wait ed upon the Ontario Government week asked specially for two amendments to present License Act during the session of the Legislature viz 1 To en able a majority of electors In any one polling aubdivielon to prevent by petition the faming a license their division To empower a majority of the munici pal electors any locality to further limit the hours during which may be gold by licensed Tub Liberals of Centre Toronto on Mon day evening nominated Mr George Bertram as their standardnearer for the vacant seat in the occasioned by the retirement of Mr QC The Conservatives are to hold a convention to oppose Mr Bertram tomorrow evening Hon Mr Hon Mr Hon Edgar the retiring member and a number of other representative men were at the nomina tion convention which selected Mr Ber tram It is understood the making arrangements to carry passengers to the gold fields of Yukon district A late press despatch from Winnipeg that Mr Robert Kerr traffic the western division and who is well known to people all along the old Northern Railway from Toronto to as a former passenger agent on the line Break ing of the proposed Yukon seryioe in con nection with the flays We are patting on a fleet of steamers of our own from Vanoouvjer running to Fort to accommodate those going over the passes or going over the lower route by piyer We are purchasing in the old country where they are now being constructed We will also have a railway Hue narrow gauge from the head of navigation on the River to Lake about a hundred and twenty miles from which point it Bailing or ratting into Miss Bella Johnson of Ottawa was shot through the jaw by a boy named who was playing with a revolver which he aid not know was loaded Quo Nov Reports have reached town that five families have been buried alive by a landslide at River du a few miles of and that more than forty persons have boon kilter Oar PERSONAL POINTS Mies Atkinson this week In Mrs of Toronto visit ing at The for four days this week rA number of voting people spent a very pleasant at on Friday night Messrs Dan and Geo Little to week on a business trip Mr A la organizing Singing at AKtaton and Bond Head for praatico Dr JR Largo of Toronto Col- logo la Bpcnding two or three days week with Dr Mr Herman of a former em- pldyoo in Park tannery spent Satur day with Mr Elgin Press Miss of was a at the homo of Mr laat week Dr P of Bat Portage bro ther of Mayor been appointed Coroner for Rainy Mr Elgin loft on for Now Waterloo Go whore ho going to try hie hand at farming John Montgomery of River View Farm is spending week with daughter Mrs Atkinson street Roy A Ronton haying big at Methodist Toronto Twentyflvo Bookers the first night Laat Saturday Mr Clarence A of Now York with a lady friend was visiting hie invalid father at avo Rev J a former High who attending college in Toronto was in Town last Saturday- the guest of Mr Fred Miller On Sunday Nov DV Elder will a sermon on Thanks giving at Union St at Baldwin at and at pm Mr Butler at one time clerk In grocery bat now traveller for a Toronto in Town on Tuesday shaking hands with old friends Mies Tanner of Belleville niece of Millard Avo a professional nurse who hero for a change on account of not fooling well and was taken down with typhoid fever doing Rev J Gardner and wife were in Town over Sunday and left on Tuesday for Nassau in the Bahama Island Wo are pleased to say that Mr Gardner is feeling much better than he did three months ago but the Canadian winter is so hard on him that on the advice of he has gone south The extends Its congratulations to Dr Thos of Cherry Creek on hie election Coroner and for the County of Chautauqua The Dr is a graduate of Newmarket High Bohool and a native of this locality He has rea son to be proud of receiving the greatest number of votes in the County for the office as it fairly auccess and popularity in the country of his adoption We are glad to see our boys coming to the top To Editor of the Era Tho section the quoted by A Farmers Bon in your last issue cannot surely bear out the con struction put it by writer j paragraph or clones a of section says the eon may be entered rated and assessed aa If each father and eon were Joint owners not make him assessed if placed the roll as F any qualification and if so what is the sense of clause section Ha A Farmers Bon en- titled to bo under any of the preceding provielons may require his name to be entered and rated on the LEADING DRY GOODS CLOTHING For the Bra Winnipeg and Railway There is a strong objection to the Winni peg scheme of a railroad to It ought not to be a Canadian scheme think that the man who advocated it had very little claim to being a Cana dian It a direct blow at the corrying trade of the country and of the muoh grander scheme of Hudson Bay Route which ia a undertaking and will be a far cheaper freight carrier Get your freight to Hudson Bay and the vessels will be there to carry it I need not say what I think of a man who would take two of Canadian money to build up a foreign trade when he could use it to a far greater advantage to Canadians in building up a British one In any trouble with the United States we would lose all use of the one whilst the other would for five months in the year land troops and supplies in Winnipeg at least days earlier than any other route and there would not be one tenth of the danger of their being stopped besides which it is not at all certain that the troops could not be landed on the Hudson Bay at any time of the year Since I last wrote to the days have fine bright and worm the nights going down to from to zero tin til the when we bad about an of enow This morning the the ther mometer has been down to below zero and it looks as If we should have some more snow The Bar river generally freezes over between the and 2oth of this month Last week three bunches of Cattle were taken across the Bar river just below our house eighteen hundred of whioh were to be delivered to P Burns who is going to hold them just North of the Bar until the winter weather settles steady and cold when he will kill them to deliver to miners A Lt Col NWT Nov l The double track is now finished between and Barrie Nov About 145 this morning fire was discovered Times printing office and the entire block was burned to the ground very little if anything saved Loss on stock probably being four or thousand dollars on building probably three flessment roll Joint or owner occupant or tenant of farm as the case my be and f armors son so entered and rated shall be liable in re- spool of such assessment as owner tenant or occupant end the Initials or and initials the party assessed has the proper cations be added the proper column It a Farmers is correct in his construction of clause a then whose name Is down on the Roll as is already assessed owner Then why should compel to assessor to assess as owner tenant or occupant can to no other conclusion than that a person whoso is on the assessment roll merely as a Farmers and not registered bis name to bo entered on the Roll as Owner or Tenant is not legally qualified as a juror and a fanners who were not assessed on the Roll bad and would bo set upon application Why a Farmers Son unless he be olosoly connected to the person making the error in list should show chagrin at my letter I Bay I I am free to Bay that formers boob are intelligent as owners or tenants and as cop able of performing the that would be cast upon them as Jurors as any other persons bat what I do complain of law not permitting them to serve and Jury Panel being liable to be sot aside for cause The should be so plain that there could bo no mistake question and I have taken steps to draw the attention the Government to the It is always to have law regarding administration of justice so clear that no mistake con rea sonably Suppose ionn Jones was assessed as owner of CO at and his two sons Philip end Thomas on Roll as Formors Sons all three would be entitled a Farmers Son con straotion is right vi that by merely the boys as on the list assessed joint ow then none of them would be qualified to serve jurors none of them were in assessed at 9400 and they were not sufficiently assessed to en title all consequently none on the other hand the boys had been assessed under clause as Tenants then all three would be entitled to be on the Roll or Jury column I am informed there ore peraons on the Assessment Boll for assessed as own er ot and a son marked P and both are placed on the jury list if the be comes assessed as joint owner by merely him on the Assessment Roll as how does either of them become entitled jurors when their joint assessment is each A Farmers Son say that I the insult that the farmers sons are not fit for jurymen I said nothing of the kind I said no person would pretend to Bay that farmers sons are not as compe tent to weigh evidence and arrive at a just conclusion as other ratepayers As to what action I took in the County Counoil in reference to Jurymen A Formers Bon is again wrong Prior to the Aot of the Legislature provided that Jurymen should be paid a mite from their home to the Court House and per diem for each legal working day thereafter In 1895 the jury was amended and who resided outside of the City or Town wherein the Court was held were allowed in addition to above or Sunday and if sent away for more than one day they were allowed two days pay I and I may tell your correspondent that the County never interfered with the Jurymen since the of came into force and Jurymen in York County get the same pay and same mile age as Jurymen in the other Counties of Ontario If Jurymen are underpaid they must blame the Government who have fixed the of fees and mileage and cot the County I and let me your cor respondent Jurymen from the city of To ronto do not get one for Sundays while Jurymen from the county get 81 each Sunday If however a Farmers Son thinks Jury men unpaid let him apply to the Legisla ture who have the sole power of fixing the fees and not to the County The whole expense connected with the selection of and pay was of 916901- was paid direct to Jurors all oi money is payable by the county not cent being paid by the government I do not believe notwithstanding the Rattt A Farmers that the great body ratepayers in the are in favor of Increasing pay over two dollars per day even if the County oil bad power to do bo J WOODCOCK Nov We are making November a RedLetter Month the biggest and busiest We have ever had particular snaps in buying which makes it possible to give particular bargains LAD We have just twenty Coats in one lot to be closed out next Saturday and every one should go They are all this seasons latest styles and the prices regular 800 and 1000 They go on sale Friday at 595 and Handsome Figured Soliel regular 6oc at Allwool Black Crepon regular at Fancy Figured allwool Black Goods regular at 50 Pure wool Black Soliel the kind at 50 Black Beaver Coating special at 1 BOYS Overcoats go on sale Saturday morning at prices that will surprise you No other house in town sells half the clothing that we do and by buying in very large lots for cash we get special chances Boys Overcoats for boys to 5 years old 1 Boys Ulsters tweed lined storm collar special Mens Frieze Ulsters the kind some sell at 7 special One special Ulster at6 equal to any 8 coat in the trade Fine Black or Blue Beaver Overcoats fly fronts or double breasted best farmer satin lining a great snap at 7 We can suit you with a Suit Try us Still buying Potatoes and paying top price at Tweed was fined one day last week for allowing under years of age to loiter in his barroom It is estimated that about persona wore rendered homeless by tho rising of the waters of the Neva the flooding of canals suburban islands and tho outlying portions of City of St Petersburg 95 95 95 Leading and Undertaking House the Home should not delay in looking for to come oar way oar parlor outfits are what need to adorn house make it home indeed There is no discount on the goods though there Is a heavy discount on the prices Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket Undertaking and A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence Street The the East Nov the wife of Michael Cat of a daugh ter The At Toronto on the Not J Rankin Mr Albert of to Miss Florence of Toronto Webster At residence of Mr by the Rev Henry Brown of the Town ship of Whitchurch to Ann Webster of Nov by the Rev Dr Westminister B Gilbert Matheweon to Margaret Aone formerly of Newmarket No cards HENnatoKS At the residence of brides parents Nov Dr A Wright of Detroit cousin or tho editor of the Eba to Miss Cornelia Hendricks daughter of Peter Hendricks Esq of Erie The Tomb In Bradford Clara beloved wife of Kerran aged At Industrial Home on 13th lost Donald aged TO years tat Interred at Laskay King Smith At tho Industrial Home on the 13th Inst William Smithaged 8 years Interred at King City Cemetery J Main St North Newmarket Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention To read and always remember what we say The foundation stone of all business success is the giving of honest values We place before you our line of Woolens for the Fall and Winter Seasons and ask you to judge us solely by our Goods our Prices and the service we shall render you DOUGaLL I Patent Hangers Free with order MY TAILOR NEWMARKET We have made a Special Study of the Human Eye If your Sight is Failing or your Eyes trouble you it is important to have them care fully examined No charge is made for test ing OPTICIAN Next Post Office J Toronto Nov Red Wheat per bushel a CO Si White Wheat per bushel l Goose Wheat per bushel TV Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel SO per bushel bushel Rye per bushel Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag Apples per bbl Pork per Beef pair per pair Turkeys per lb 40 5 OH OH a CO a W a a a a a a a a a a a a it a a a a a Weight Son OAK RIDGES A runaway team quite a commotion on our street on Thurs day They were before they reached Aurora Parts of the buggy were scattered along the road but neither driver nor horses were hurt Mr has had a furnace put in his house and family who have several months at Lake Wilcox have returned to their homo in Toronto Nov Deputy Returning ofiicer era has been fined 200 or three y and Prompt attention to the election I m barrel Whit Wheat per bushel Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat bushel per bushel Bran per ton per ton CO Butter per lb Butter tub per lb Potatoes CO Wool pelb to CO CO Pork live per SO lb- i pair per pair io a per lb s per lb W a a a a a a a a oto 0 a WO a CO CO OK on so CO a t a a a a a a a a a a a a