Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Nov 1897, p. 7

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ERA FRIDAY- NOV WHAT OH TOWN Depot past Cars l CI Flour Salt Grain Stock raotal work lion J Davis Secretary has arranged raoctlnga at following places to have an of and diBouaa of Provincial im port with -Sat- Nov Now Scotland King Township Nov Hall Wed Nov Hills Hall Sat Nov King aro not simply for party purposes hut for Information of public generally Wo hop they wilt bo Mr regards an time to moot his constituents Legislature about to and ho considers it right and that on the likoly to bo brought House ho should bo in touch with the public of The boys about Town for behaviour during passing of Though Chief and wore on duty tlioy not given any trouble was silly enough to somp ccrdwood the sidewalk near Factory on Saturday night and on Sunday night a email was hoisted on Public School Hag Two gates in Patrick Ward were lifted off their hinges but owners were not put to trouble of hunting them in former years Everything was very quiet and orderly around stores a with other years that shows a mark ed improvement in morals of our young men Since the was put in type we hoar that theSalvatibn Army blocked in the Saturday night and someone had to out of the window to open the door waterworks tap on- Prospect Avenue to Mr A I residence was tompored with and broken A trick was also played at the North end that is not very creditable East Counoil moots at Sharon on Saturday The season for trout and white flsh cams in laat Monday The fall wheat is looking exceedingly line and is making strong and healthy growth Will provide the pro gram for the regular meeting in he Temperance Hall next Sunday afternoon What about stray animal on your place There was a lecture In the Temperance Hall yesterday afternoon for women only Twelve tramps have had corporation lodgings during the past four months Marion Marsh daughter of Mr Uriah Marsh Huron St has been laid up since Friday with foot County meets a week from Mon day This is Guy day A lot of valuable furniture etc will be sold at Dr Stuart ale tomorrow The Library Board met day night and added about books to the new list for The reply from the Education regarding the Reading Room requires it to be open all the year In order to receive Government aid Messrs Allen erected another Scotch Granite last week to the memory of the late Clark Somebody fell through a pane of glass in front of Wests barber shop late Mon day night and than ran away poolhall High Sohool Junior wont to Aurora Friday and got defeated by Christian next Sunday aro of a Har vest Homo character with special tlone In Roy has kindly consented to preach Big Day The prospects aro that Court hero on Wednesday of week will bo largest attended and moat interesting for years Besides large number of cases that were adjourned from last Court there are many now and It that there will bo two Jury suits filled A fatal acoidont Tneaday night at Apple Hill east of Richard a while coupling oars was Injured Intornally Ho was to Smiths Falls whore he about in and was in Mill for two or throe years The will bo brought on train on Saturday morning thence to for interment Count Ae an outcome of the wheat investiga tion at Aurora to last a man named Kennedy was summoned J P and Mayor J P on Saturday to answer to a of stolon grain to own use by soiling two bags of wheat at Bradford recently witnesses wore examin ed and investigation further adjourned till tomorrow at p ad duced thus far has been conflicting the testimony takon at Aurora and Contention Continued from 4 With a full anticipation of of dual nature Pavilion arrangement were made perfect in decoration and table appointment for feast of good things and flow i wit that was to follow until dawn ing of the wee hour of morning were tables sot for College of Toronto while many of city pulpits were occupied by tal ented speakers of Worlds On Monday morning an impressive Memorial Service was conducted by Miaa in remembrance of Mr Mrs Ella Williams oar departed tho Hon Neil Dow of Maine In the afternoon a pleasant talk on about six hundred under Harry humor among T Oat Toronto better a a is Sunday The remark is frequently heard that nigger will draw a and that lecturer will have a alim house hut thie not true of Newmarket in this day and generation we are pleased to say Sunday afternoon at least people gathered in tbeTojfn Hall to hear Rev A on one of the social evils of the day Card Playing from the Parlor t the Gambling Hell The Rev gentleman spoke for 40 minutea in a peculiarly attrac tive style He that modern society is a self constituted institution and extremely selfish in its nature and he proceeded to demonstrate that in the home is a feeder to the public house that card- playing the house is a feeder to the gambling hell and that the gambling hell is a feeder to the bottomless pit He condemned cards by the great principal enunciated by our Lord The tree is by its fruits and declared that any game of is a sin Cards are the recognized implements of gamblers and familiarity with theto increase the temp tation wherever presented He described the scenes in the Chamber of horrors in London from the card tablet the gallows in thrilling language and gave In stances that had come under his own no tice The address was characterized by moderation and deductions and a strong appeal to all who profess to Christ to destroy cards in their posses- fcion discountenance use every where Rev Matthews occupied the Mr is to speak in the Methodist Church next Sunday afternoon on the Modern Dance I Toronto Nov Van the young man who was brought from Buffalo on a charge of burglarizing Mr dwelling on street is to be in the Police Court tomorrow Ho has already served one term in the Kingston penitentiary returns at Toronto for month shows an inorease of the corresponding month last year Two parties were fined in the city last week for celling partridge contrary to law The laws of Ontario state that part ridge may not be sold until Septomber no matter whore killed A meeting of the Directors of the ion Bank was hold on Saturday when Walter a English lad re peated bis story about a stranger sending him to the Bank with a letter offering to return the unsigned bills if wore delivered in the Citizens Bank New York to the credit of one On Saturday laat during a drunken quarrel John a was stabbed to death by hie father The fatal affair occurred at a frame house on the corner ot Victoria and Richmond streets The father been committed for trial Hon Clarke Wallace has gone to British Columbia Halloween passed off far more quietly than was anticipated Dr the explorer is to ap pear before a audience in Maasey Hall on the 13th to describe his thrilling trip to the frozen north A military display will take place on Thanksgiving Day as usual Black and company of colored performers are playing at the Opera this week McDowell the lad who was ar rested because he had after J Hay of the at the cattle market had missed from his desk was acquitted of the of stealing the money The boy said he had found the bill at the market Robert Hay a Albert cattle drov er swore that he had loan one there on the same day The found on McDowell was given to Hay tobacconist 616 sold to a boy end was fined and costs or days The notorious Sutton widow Mrs came up for trial on Saturday afternoon before Judge on the of having robbed a young farmer named of The woman was found guilty and sentenced to three months in the Mercer Hon Foster exFinance Minister of Canada in Sir Charles was here this week Mr Whitney leader of the Opposition in the Ontario House was also in the city Monday and it is un derstood a conclusion was to leave the question of a convention to a party caucus immediately after the opening of the Legislature on the Inst Railway officials having charge of trains running into and report that the influx of into the game dietriots exceeds any previous season- It is said the hunters from Toronto more than double the number of last year Wm White a sixteenyearold boy lost hi life by being dragged into a grain chute at Mr Wales warehouse The German Court has been ordered into mourning for ten days as a mark of sympathy for the relatives of late Duchess of Winnipeg Oct 80 The stories concerning the horrors of the Pass have not been exaggerated accord ing to a letter dated Oct 10 received from Mr Wade who is now at that point Of people who went to not more than got and only of the horses put on the White Pass aro alive now ow ing to the hardships and poor food Webbs capable catering and when lights were thrown on and tho crowds of people wore all in proper place one hundred waiter girls in regulation suits came tripping in two and two to the time of orchestra from tho upper This pretty introduction was truly a fairy- like Mies Cameron of London England briefly replied with many expressions of pleasure in meeting so many friends of temperanco under tho dear old Uni on Jack Mayor Shaw felt it an honor to To ronto to have so many talented ladies for guests from different Was always glad to welcome to Con ventions in business or matrimony Mrs Barker humorously referred to kind of annexation the American men usually after Mrs warmly welcomed foreign delegation and Miss of Iceland replied in terms of warmest gratitude This little lady with her unique dress and questioning expression of countenance proved herself a great favorite on the platform throughout the entire Con vention Being only a student in this countrys language and customs her little perplexities of speech and man ners mado her an interesting study But with all those incidental draw backs she has evidently attained a moral standard as high above the common as is above the level of the sea Miss of Armenia also re plied to the foreign delegations toast thought Canada a beautiful land But attributed all its greatness and goodness to the influence of the Gos pel of Christ and the Orient might some day share more largely in those benefits Rev Mr represented the Ministerial Association Mrs of Constantinople in reply to the nice- things he said confessed she had lost her heart to the Canadian people Mrs A Burpee of New Bruns wick paid a warm tribute to the in trinsic worth of tho Official Organ Union Signal The Minister of Education also ex tended greetings along his special line scientific temperance instruction in Schools Father Ryan very eloquently pro posed a toast to the On Coming Host The children the heart and hope of our CT An excellent speech in reply was crushed into one minute by Mrs Mary Burt of Ontario The singing of the National Anthem brought the banquet to a close Saturday morning there was an early paoklng of the Pavilion by hundreds of eager people to listen to Miss lards biennial address Lady Henry Somersets letter of greeting was also read amidst an applauding of the British delegates and colonists Miss arose amidst the popu lar salutation for our American Queen a flutter of handkerchiefs and ex hibited to the audience the Ohio Crusade Bible Although its out side appearance was like unto an old veteran of the cross time worn that strong though shabby binding held intact every jewel of the Word And after reading from its sacredly pre served pages a powerful address was given by the women whose memory the world will never let die And in her address she set forth in emphatic and eloquent utterances her uncompromising attitude against all forms of vice Her pure serene face of sixty winters so illumined without need of public record we knew she had lived those principles all her life Nor is she content with making her individual life with good deeds But as the onflowing Ama zon gathers strength and impetus from its many tributaries so is she bent on making all the Worlds departments of work old and new Vaster forces for carrying out the grand reforms inaugurated by a putting to gether of many sisterly heads Greetings were received in standing respect from Lady Aberdeen The afternoon meeting at Hall was occupied with National re ports Saturday evening that travelled document the Polyglot Petition with its threequarters of million sig natures was uniquely arrayed around Hall The Foreign delegation were all present in their picturesque costumes to listen to greetings from Mr Charl ton Dominion member and Cham pion of Lords Day Alliance Also James Hughes of Schools Thomas Caswell from the Sons of Temperance the Grand Chief Templar George Mr Dixon Craig M P and other theme for open discussion was The Reforms of Future Sunday the Annual Sermon was by Miss Greenwood of New York In evening Miss the students from tho various Mm mi wjuivn paved the way for an agree able discussion on Sunday School work International Treaties and National Scientific Teaching of Tern- evening was devoted to carry- ing out a most exquisite drill con cert by one thousand school child ren Tuesday morning was chiefly de voted to discussing International prison work rescue work and the Press Miss Evangeline Booth Command er of Salvation Army in Canada was on the platform as a speaker Some of the Rescue Children were presented railway certificates were sign ed and of these were held by dele gates tp tho Worlds Convention A number of five minute speeches delighted audience for a couple of hours The evening meeting in Hall was termed a Lovefeast of minute speeches The great Convention is an event of past And the impres sion has strengthened oven with men hitherto unwilling to share up the franchise that women are intellectu ally as capable creatures as themselves when not too closely handicapped with domestic concerns And with such an increase of mem bership there is no doubt as long as this terrestrial sphere continues its rounds Convention and work will continue to leave brighter inscriptions on the annals of profane history and give a more sacred glow to that which works out divine results in human lives J Hardware Paints Oils Glass Carriage Hardware Woodenware Bar Iron and Steel Cook and Coal Stoves Furnaces Tinware House Furnishings Shot Guns Rifles Revolvers and Ammunition all kinds Eavetroughing and General Tinsmithing J A ALLAN CHINA HALL IS SELLING KINDSOF ALL Come and see if we are not Offering you i if Just now we have Dinner Sets Very Cheap and Tea Sets at a very Low Price GOES and Granby Rubbers best quality proper styles at a low price also a Special Line of Sportsmans Hunting Boots guaranteed waterproof Just suitable for the Fall and Winter and ULST tfU sept New Figs Choice Elemes New Figs Cooking New Lemon Peel New Orange Peel New Citron Peel New Selected Raisins New Codfish pan and the finest Comb Honey in Sections a II rt A Load at Choice Stock at Your Own Price The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts A The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner

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