fi THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV 5 V life around the AND RELIABLE COR- IND WORTHY TO RECORD ROACHS POINT On Friday last tho of Keswick came down and played a friendly game of Baseball with Roachs Point but in Homo way got badly beaten score acted as referee A return match will bo played at next Friday Bros are fast bring ing to completion now tailor shop Mr Kitchen believes in as a growing village as is shown by this enterprise At a meeting of ratepayers on Tuesday iast it was decided that im mediately stops bo taken to build an additional room to our and a third teacher be employed with a view to taking up thirdclass cer tificate work Our teacher Mr Wilk inson has success in pre paring pupils for examination A largo is FISH MARKET It has boon such a long time since we have heard any from hero that wo afraid your many readers will forgot the place Some of the boys around here cele- Halloween There mora than our boys out on Sunday night or rather Monday morning as there was considerable stealing done Borne mean wretch stole some cabbages and chickens from the farmers and taking part of one of Mr Drapers gates for kindling proceeded to cook their spoil in a pine stump night was very lurk and rain must have been very fond of a midnight feast Mr Homy Edwards will work Mr Ed Hoses farm next- year Mr Rose intends residing in Keswick in the future Ho has been building a new fence on the front of his farm here Mr Rose had considerable trouble in finding his gate on Monday WILLOW VALE Tho first snowfall of this season this vicinity on Friday morning of last week Frank and and Dutchor spent Sunday with their Aunt and Uncle here Flanigan Bros Stone Masons are engaged building a barn foundation for Mr Card parties are the order of the day Our welldiggers report that last was the hardest digging they have yet experienced A our sports took in the last day of Fair night was so dark that it will be remembered by many especi ally the above mentioned who say they saw a Spook Mr Reynolds has been planting more fruit trees Mr has purchased a now horse MOUNT ALBERT Things lively hero on Satur day night boys were out until nearly morning says next time ho fires his revolver ho will make suro work Mr Long heard re ports got up and took his lantern to look for dead 1 r quarterly services of the Metho dist Church were conducted on Sun day morning Rev Mr Webster de livered a very instructive address tak ing for text Repent therefore of your house was crowded many coming from Keswick We understand that Mr George intends a course at a business this winter was accompanied with its usual freaks and tricks but no serious harm was The running firo in tho swamp lias nearly died out after doing much dam age by burning fences There were hard frosts last week church was packed on Wednes day evening to hear Mr of Newmarket on vocal music and a singing class of GO- won organized Moots Wednesday night r congregations at the revival services held in the Methodist Church are not as largo us anticipated owing to the very nights but as it will soon be moonlight larger crowds are expected Mr I Gilpin ad dressed the meeting on Monday even ing Miss Etta Davidson is teaching for Miss Shaw this week she being in To ronto The farmers are nearly all done plowing It is reported that we are to loose one of our fair damsels soon We are pleased to note that she does not in tend leaving township This mat rimonial fever is certainly Miss A Hodden of Pleasant has been spending a fow days with Miss Draper Mr of Lloyd town is spend ing a few daya with daughter J of Mr Fred Pearson has arrived home the North West Ho looks as hearty and vigorous as Miss Hill has been visiting friends in Newmarket and was celebrated here bo Monday evening Gates were pro miscuously Interchanged but other wise everything passed off very quiet ly- Messrs Anderson and Cunningham shipped a nice herd of fat cattle on Master Gordon gave a lowoen party on Saturday which the young people greatly enjoyed Epworth League are preparing for a evening in a couple of weeks Public School attend the convention at Sutton on Friday rejoicing over another holi day A publio mooting is announced to take placo at Hall on Monday evening Nov when Hon J Davis Provincial Secretary and others will give addresses on Publio Questions affecting this province Patriotic songs will be rendered during the evening and seats reserved for ladies Chair to bo taken at It is to be hoped that tho general ly will show their interest in matters by their attendance r J BRADFORD A very pretty wedding took placo at Maple Avenue residence of the brides father Mr Jos Stephens on Oct at oclock when Miss Jennie Ste phenson was united in holy wedlock to Mr George of Mount For est by Rev Mr Chapman of Bond Head The bride was attended by her friend Miss Rosa Bell of Cedar Lawn late of Zephyr while groom was assisted by his cousin Mr George Sibley of Mount Forest Miss Addie sister of the bride played the Wedding March During the ceremony the bride and bridesmaid were beautifully dressed in White Cashmere trimmed with Silk Lace and Forgetmenot flowers while each wore a bunch of of Valley in After partaking of the wedding dinner these dresses were changed for light Tweed Suits trimmed with Cream Silk which look ed very becoming and suitable for the occasion A number of their friends from Monk i nans present Those from a were Mr and Miss of Mount Forest Mr and Mrs Stephenson of Tottenham Mr and Mrs Rogers Richmond Hill and Mr Thoa Hamor of Aurora After ample had been done to the well prepared wedding dinner happy couple and their friends left for Bradford where Mr and Mrs took train for Toronto The bride will bo greatly missed hero as she was a general favorite among all her friends She received a num ber of costly and useful too numerous to mention On Tuesday morning about three oclock the brick residence with most of contents belonging to Mr John Rogers of this was by fire It that it originated a defective flue about six thou sand dollars with some insurance COLLEGE CORNERS It was rather cold on Friday and Saturday but turned milder after a few flurries of snow Mr is very bad with an attack of erysipelas in his face Bright prospects of another wedding I received an inkling of what raakea Willie feels so He has found a tiny finger to place that engagement ring on dont seem to be much of a market for grain this season A gentleman took a load of wheat there day and was offered He brought it back and took it to New market and received 70cts for it Quito a contrast Mr J who has been spending the summer months with the Yanks is at home under the parental roof After two or three weeks stay ho will proceed back to his former oc cupation week wound up business for the Sutton Cheese Factory for this year It paid fairly well Some one let J calf loose and it ran about two weeks growth off In reference to flower decorations Mrs Nelson of this street has a fine assortment Being a very ripe age her ambition is to look after her flowergarden which we think can not be surpassed in this section Beautiful plants and flowsrs do bright en a home considerably filling it with sunshine and health Can anyone tell who that man is that wears a falseface at night Cold chills chase one another down a persons back Mr Edgar Rose who has been working for Rose this sum mer is to leave this community this week Ho will be a missing link in society As a farm hand very few ex celled him This will liberate a number of Mr Hy Nelson to the Old Sod after a residence hero of about five years Messrs Charles and John Lloyd Wm Magill and Ledge wood have gone on their annual deer hunttoMuakoka Mr Chan had an auc tion sale of farm stock on Tuesday of week Quite early for a sale but he had it beautifully fine Mr Armstrong had to have his well deepened to get water Mr M Robinson sold two pork ers at a fancy price is not a bad price for a pig Good Mart good caroand feeding does it Well how did you come off at the plowing match yesterday Did tho ladies give you a fair showing as re gards good looks Trees are about stripped of foli age which gives them a desolate ap pearance and makes it look as if cold weather is not far distant Mr and Mrs Richard Dales of were visiting relatives and friends here the fore part of this week Wo convey our deepest sorrow and sympathy to Mr and Mrs J A Dales and family of Mich in the loss of their eldest son Herbert A who we learn departed this life a couple of weeks ago Mr Wilfred and family removed from our village to Bradford on Wednesday of last week We have at last got a much wanted rain to replenish the cisterns and moist- ground The tax collector has made his calls in this Mrs Geo has been away the past month or so visiting her people up north Mr expects her home this week Mrs J Barradell was called away to Grimsby to attend her daughter Mrs who was dangerously ill from blood poisoning being the cause A day or so later the rest of the family were called to the sick patients bed side and it is very sad to relate she passed away on Saturday after noon last Her Miss Ella who was attending her also contracted blood poisoning and had to be taken to the hospital Mrs was brought by train to Aurora on Monday from there the corpse was brought to Cemetry followed by the sorrowstricken mourners and a large number of sympathizing friends and laid to rest in the family plot On account of the lateness of the funeral getting here from Aurora and Mrs wornout condition by over work and trouble of the past week the funeral service which was to be preached in the Christian Church by Elder wag postponed to a later date We know that the grief of the relatives will bo shared in by everyone in the KESWICK f Your correspondent had an inter view with old dame rumor day this week and she says there are to be two weddings in this vicinity this winter and many other changes before spring We are pleased to learn that Mr Warriner and family are soon to move into the village intend living in Mrs Youngs house Everyone is looking forward to a rare treat Sunday and Monday it being the anniversary services of the Methodist Church The entertainment in connection with Sons of Temperance in their holl on Saturday night lasted over half an hour and was very amusing and inter esting many of selections being encored The members are making a grand rally this quarter and are tending the meetings in large num bers At the last meeting tho follow ing bylaws were passed That no one except members be allowed to at tend the entertainments That no member in arrears will bo vouched for more than once during a quarter These measures will bo enforced next meeting The entertainment next Saturday night will bo in tho form of a conundrum match Mr Sherman Smith is in Toronto writing on the Civil Service Exam We wish him success House cleaning all the rage now and some mornings you can hardly see for fog smoke and dust Mr moved out of hotel this week and Mr McDonald owner moved in Mr Espy goes to Zephyr to keep hotel Mrs Henry Draper is about selling one of her lots As usual the boys took advantage of to remove gates etc Mr John talks of aummoning some of them before a J P to ans wer for their conduct at his place The newcomor at Mr Isaac Mor tons is a little girl which will be a greatgranddaughter of Isaac ritt Finds us with New Crop Teas Finest Ceylon and Indian Blacks also the most delicate China Black and Young Hysons of full strength and flavor OUR CENT MIXED- Or all Black or all Japan cannot be surpassed I In Package Teas we keep those that have stood test of Tea Lovers the Monsoon the and the Worlds Blend SWAN POWDER Constantly in Stock WHIT J farm culprits who been all will sincerely hope and term of ha hard labor Wo arc sorry to learn Mr our school teacher closing his career as as principal at College Miss Etta Davidson ex pected to fill the vacancy Much credit due our hoya Not much mischief Sunday night Just a gates out of joint and a little chin music The Joker Mount Out Oct SO Yes terday afternoon the wife of John Armstrong a farmer residing about miles from here having had occasion to leave tho house a few minutes was horrified on returning to find her year old baby very ill Everything possible was done for tho child but it died in a short time It during Mrs Armstrongs absence her 4year old daughter by means of a chair which she had placed on a tabic had taken down from where it was loft a email bottle containing car- acid vhioh she gave the baby to drink pray that Miss Ellas life will be spar With this issue I resign by place as cor and trust someone else will take up the pen and give the a column each week The Era is improved news from an important spoke like Then is such a largo district that one side dont know what the side is doing unless they are informed by the columns of the local papers readers Nora Sorry to loose our faith ful correspondent and regret it all more because it is physical inability that compels him to withdraw Oct Thieves broke into the store of Mr East at Nashville a small village about fivo miles from here on Saturday night gained entrance through a email back window The thieves secured a largo quantity of including two stilts of Clothes one overcoat boots caps cigars tobacco and salmon UNION STREET Well well what a mystery I Who is the Scarecrow Borne say Frank and Jim Others Bert and Charlie Others again the teacher while some are of the opinion that Fred and Mil ton know something about it Some three or four weeks ago all the cry was Its awful dry I wish ifc would rain and now when they have plenty of rain they cry I wish it would come out fine again What a disatisfied lot we are to be sure A very social was spent at Mr last week when a number of invited friends peeled apples in the fore part of the evening and played games and other amusements afterwards Halloween passed off very quietly on this street We will give the boys credit for their good behavior The old time mischief of this night is gradually passing into oblivion Mrs John Smith has been very sick with a severe of La Grippe but we are pleased to state that she is quite well again If quilting is any evidence of a wed ding we would cast our suspicion on some of our young generation Miss Martha Arnold had the mis fortune to fall over a dog while carry ing a pan full of dishes The dishes and pan came to the floor with a smash The emphasis on the She fell striking her cheek against the door and her arm against the wall Medical aid was at first thought necessary but cold water and fresh air soon brought her around Miss Mary Peregrine spent Sat and Sun with friends in Newmarket Also Mr Bert Peregrine spent Sunday there Mr David Millers father is very low The Dr says it is old age He has not been able to take any solid food for over a month and we would not be surprised to hear of his death any day A number of friends from Queen St spent Sunday with Miss Clara Cowicson Our teacher Mr again engaged to take charge of seat of learning Quito number from this street are attending the revival services at Newmarket by Mr A The young people of the Presby terian have organized a Young Peoples Society They meet every Friday evening a A program is prepared and the young folks pass a very evening Wonder if we are going to an other entertainment at Mr Will Dunham spent Sunday at Mr John Mies Nellie is away visit ing friends for a short time Mrs Tom Watson is visiting rela fives in Coldwater Norfolk County Pete is a jolly good fellow and we our congratulations and best wishes for him and his fair young Van the Tammany date wag elected Mayor of New York on for a -J- year term OAK RIDGES MP The boys around here did not for get to celebrate Halloween The new desks for the school arriv ed from Newmarket last Friday and were put in on Saturday They speak well for the firm they came from Mr John Monkmans team ran away last Monday throwing them selves and the wagon into the pond near the barn One of the horses was nearly drowned before it could be rescued and the wagon was consid erably damaged Mrs and Madge are away this week visiting at Toronto Streets- ville and Weston Mr Gregory has moved into his new house at and Mr has entered the house formerly occupied by Mr Gregory Miss Allie Beynon left last week for Toronto where she has a situation Mr Earnest Phillips of Farm who had the misfortune to break his leg about a month ago is now able to sit up School Reports OP THE IK ORDER OK NO Ciftss Ray Morton Carrie Allan Prober Jr Van Draper Roy Br Ill Class Helen McDonald and Glen equal Jr Ill ClaBBDora Vida Norman Morton Class Edith Draper Lily Smith Jr Part Leigh Morton Effing Marl Draper Tablet Bessie Cole Jr Table Class J Present every dayCarrie Helen Jessie Dora Smith Lily Cole Morton Ada No on roll Average attendance Teacher r King Met at Hotel on Saturday Following were ordered to bo paid repair north town line Pottage repair Jamea Cherry plank 2 Nell Campbell repair bridge on con 10 Ful ler repair cod John Edwards repair cod plank Caldwell plank 9270 James Watson repair con 50 Hart Rid del stationery J J Pearson Reg Bonne bylaw 9260 Levi Watson repair bridge A printing J Billings months salary St month of ohild gravel J cedar Daniel Casey sheep 9266 John do Robert Coulter do do A Mitchell no A do J Robb do J do The granted to King Plough mans Association to be- expended in prizes The Clerk was Instructed to advertise for a lor a certain foundling following taxes were A J Thompson Next meeting of Council at Trents Hotel Nov Mr Thomas aged liveryman of Norwood Oat drowned in Gull lake yesterday the capsizing of his private bank of Giles Co at was robbed of The cracksmen blew the safe door off to On in the Town of Newmarket sums of and up Newmarket Toum Regular Meeting on Monday evening Present Mayor and Messrs Cody Roadhouae Manning Rloh and Following bills passed coal 99190 Express 60oj wood J Snider Harry Thompson do do N do 91 P OLeary do 91 Gray Cooker- ill do do P J Anderson OHollerin account account of as constable at tho North York Fair not entertain ed Mrs E Cane J Green and Rev J Rogers appeared before the asking for establishing a Free Reading Room and the matter was referred to the Finance Committee to report at next meet ing of The request for transfer of Livery Li cense from Vernon to Crake wbb granted With regard to the verbal communica tion from the regarding rent of Hall for Sunday meet ings It was decided that the charge would for an hour and for two or more Sundays Accounts passed to Can Gener al Electric Co and to Royal Electric Co for for returned and shortage was to pay foe on end Property to agreement Court and Society ate property elided ntss man and single good to cattle State wages TO BENE Store and Dwelling Corner of Main opposite Forsyth Hotel premises have Furnace and Water At a very low rental to good tenant apply to The undersigned opened out In a Boot and Shoe Business and is prepared w supply his old customers with footwear reasonable prices MARTIN ROBINSON to Rent West half of lot con B Township of King Fall wheat in- fall ploughing done good order fenced good buildings watered timber For further particulars apply to George say farm south on the farm J CROWLEY King P J is If You Want That Cough Cured USE 1 a -V- V Cough Syrup Fogals Sciatica Cupein AT lit Stock TORE- v A Chester Boar from bred Harding Thorn hi for service on lot on of East Terms JACOB Into A la into me ft