Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1897, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT K K f z r y J Af jt S Ta J iTrTi la to is reached by blood and on tfl qnollty condition of very organ do Q000T blood moans nerve good digestion health blood means catarrh or sorest way to good flood Is to Hoods Tale and blood and the of and strongth to organ and tissue It creates a good gives sloop and that fooling Remember la ihs boat in fast One True Blood Purifier euro Ills sasy to JACKSON a Best Advertising Medium York County Canadian befog well Im portant historical and artiolco Altogether strong and tho growth of culture and I Horary Ail Ottawa press to wont- em papers this states a majority of Cabinet an early of Parliament and intimation Is In this that will probably between January and 2nd certainly not than latter data politics present fact that since In wo had eight Administrations but not howevor a total of men that of Thrilling A LIFE of Grindstone Island from an Untimely Hot Parents Her Dangerous moot bat to Aid Her How She Among the Thousand Islands called Grindstone It is miles long and three wide The inhabitants of this island are a wellinformed of who devote their to farming and quarrying for a livelihood In the homo of one of these islanders resides Florence J the men John from July fouryearold daughter of Mr and to 1878 that of lato Mrs William In Feb- lion Sir Maokonzto from J was taken with scarlet to of Sir John and after usual run of Transient per Nonpareil lino for fire cents von MO MO WO- Inches 1Q 1200 r j- Advertisement unaccompanied with writ ten Instructions Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly month If For each month composition must ho for at regular rated Changes for- contract must bo In omcc noon on for Notices Sarins to Kent Articles Found news WWo per lino for Insertion No such Notice firtod for leas than Mo Church advertising at onehalf rates IfOTES number of The Canadian Journal more than rallzos tho ox- of its reader who from the improvement noticeable In tho few months it under management have learned to look with genuine interest for isHue flooretary of for Canada is asking Canadian ant submit sketches for of the and Alexander Mackenzie for Parliament Hill of the Quoon la to be placed on terrace in front of the Parliament Build- will of their eigne It has not been decided where tho Mackenzie statue will bo placed a portion of November and extending to the holidays Hie the Governor General accompanied by Aberdeen It un derstood ehtertain at Government House Toronto after which Ib expected Oliver as of Onta- will take up hie residence at Govern- to George Ik of Mr Piatt being com pelled to decline the nomination tendered him by the Liberals of Worth on account of ill health another conven tion will be held on the of next to select a party candidate for the next Provincial election As Mr of the Banner next in point of pre- when last convention held we now look for nomination as Mr successor from to hi in that of Sir John Abbott from June to that of John who It will bo at Windsor in Decem ber from to Decern- that of Sir Mackenzie to April that of Sir Charles Bart from April to July the when tho Conservative party at and lion now Sir Wilfrid was called upon to form a Government During thirty confederation has boon In existence Conservative party bean in office Iobb than yoaro It is now turn of Liberals and it if it would bo a lengthy It will bo noticed with by and labor organizations that tho Ottawa Government changing rnotbode of administration in their respec tive departments along lines of but not at the expense of tho working classes Hon called for to the de partment with mail bags eto for next few years Incorporated amongst con ditions certain provisions of very far reaching effect particular contract is not of great magnitude but adop tion of the of protecting labor moans that prinoiplo will hereafter bo embodied in Government othor conditions the contract pro vides that with tho view to suppressing sweating system and sconcing payment of fair to the workmen and per formance of the work under proper sani tary all mail bags shall up in own No subletting of contracts without permission of the wages to bo paid workmen bo the wage gener ally accepted as current in each The details of the agreement full end complete for protecting laborer and wage earner No taking advantage of exigencies for cutting down prices for the sake of spending extravagantly in other ways was left with a weak and gradually began to loose strength until finally the best efforts of physicians her life hung in the balance It was at this crisis when all seemed darkest that an angel of ap peared on scone and released littlo Florence from pain and suffering and restored her to strongth and health This remarkable is best told in tho words of father the Old Man Says FLORENCE J Mr said Florence was taken sick with scarlet and we called a physician Ho prescribed for her and we followed his directions closely giving our patient the beet of After two weeks the subsided but was left with a very weak back Se vere pains were constantly in the back and Wo did all that possibly could be done to relieve our little suf ferer but to no avail The difficulty seemed to bailie the efforts of the physician Finally at the end of four months of treatment we found our patient completely prostrated At this time we called another physician who with the diagnosis of our own doctor- and said that the trouble re sulted from the scarlet feyer He pre scribed a course of treatment and we followed it faithfully for three months but instead of improving Florence failed Mrs and myself were completely discouraged A brother of my wife who was visiting us advised to use Dr Williams Pink Pills for Palo People and box of Plebiscite Toronto Sept plebiscite campaign literature committee of Dominion Alliance received from printers of now campaign ad dresses yesterday which are to bo dis tributed from house to house through out the Dominion The most impor tant is perhaps that entitled The national question which gives the Dominion Government re venue from fees and customs as a year This the Alliance says amounts to about per head of bur population It is estimated that aliout thirtytwo dents per head is for spirits used for medicinal and scientific purposes and that the revenue from liquor traffic for beverage purposes is about or about per head of tho population without endorsing any plans by which in the event of prohibition liquor traffic revenue shall bo made up quotes the following as suggested whole amount might bo raised by direct taxation in which case would have to pay about one- sixth of they now pay for liquor retaining remaining five- sixths and leaving thorn as a whole more than better off than they arc under present plan a now being added to their wealth each year Direct taxation is only of available methods of revenueraising A tax of one per pound on sugar cents per pound on tea coffee and cocoa and sixteen cents per pound on tobacco levied on quan tities of these articles now used would make up the amount named per head or on the whole The government might take over liquor traffic remaining for per mitted purposes carry it on and re tain all the proceeds estimated that this would give a revenue of about It would be the safest way of supplying pure liquor for medi cine etc If the plan just mentioned were adopted the balance of to make up the whole temporarily dis placed revenue could be secured by an extra excise duty of thirty cents per pound on tho quantity of tobacco now consumed Tho same amount could be secured by a special customs duty of foUr and onehalf per cent on the value of all imported goods that now pay duty On tho preferential duty plan it could he obtained by an extra duty of seven onehalf per cent ad valorem on now imported of all other than British goods leaving the duty on all imports from Great Britain unchanged The temporary deficit might be met by a special loan as in the case of some other national emergency The Alliance quotes the greatest financiers of the world to show that the suppression of the liquor traffic would enhance all material values and You choose the old doctor young Why Because you dont want to entrust your life In Inexperienced hands True the young doctor may be experienced But the old doctor must le You take no chances fir Mayoe when Dr in reach Same with medicines as medicine makers the longtried remedy has your confidence You prefer experience to experiment when you are concerned The new remedy may be goad but let somebody else prove the old remedy be good Judged on Its record of cures Just one more reason for choosing AVERS in preference to any other It has been the standard household for half a century Its record Inspires confidence GO years of If others may bo good Sarsaparllla must be You take no chances when you take Sarsaparllla EW MARKET AND NEWS fV Try our AND CAKE I Central Telephone Office W N ST A J THE CENTRA I TimJUawa weather prophet Wiggins oil of atmospheric capers as a result of what the moon and some of the Blare purposed doing on the alt by way of stirring up tremendous storms earthquakes but as on previous oc casions the prediction of special perform ance of the celestial bodies didnt fulfill the promised program The weather was delightful during the period Wiggins pre aided and the world along as if he hadnt made any pro phecy Tub last Ontario official con tains the important notice that every not carrying on rDUstbetoreNby lit eerid return giving a to to the Provincial Secretary Failure to comply lay the company open to a fine of 20 per day levied not only up on the company itself but aleb upon every director manager secretary agent travel or salesman who with knowledge of such default transacts any for company One of Mr lieutenant Dr Meat bam who addressed the elector of York at Toronto Jonotlon a short time ago expressed pari of hie partys that our public school books be printed at the Central Prison a professional man he has no dare for mechanics who live by working and hence would introduce prison labor in com- petition to them in reply- ibis to the member for Lennox to over People op than they do on books Ho would It do In order to some people from expense if the Government would appoint a doctor each town all for up the first to The presence of a Godfearing courageous manly preacher is a bless ing to any He for purity righteousness good govern ment and decency His sermons are more valuable than libraries and his conversation than policemen The preacher is a good investment in a business way In a town where there is no lawlessness prevails and no mans property or life is safe Aside from what religion means for the world a community cannot afford to lose its preachers because they do much to make life in this world worth living Say Aid results of the liquor Kingston Sept Dr James Third medical superintendent of the Kingston General Hospital has per fected a device he calls a fiuoro- scope will he it is said of im mense to the medical science By placing the any other member of the body between the fiuoro and a crooked tube theslelton of the part exposed is plainly shown up without any visible flesh whioh completely disappears and shows the skeleton a hand or arm in perfect outline All the joints can readily be traced and if a bone is fractured the break can readily be located If a lead pencil is placed in fot of the appara tus the one who is looking in can see through the wood into the lead The apparatus is like a stereoscope about 10 inches long and by in diameter The screen on which the bones are shown is made of thin cardboard The anatomy of a person is so plainly shown up that even in medi cine can trace the bones of the part of a body exposed Third was one of the first physioians in the country to investigate into the ray process and had ray apparatus placed in the Gen oral Hospital Several earthquakes taken place in Borneo- and a new island has been thrown up R Hot Simla Oct lrThe troops under General Jeffreys had some severe at the villages of and Gat The insurgent tribesmen positions behind and a hot engagement at close quarters was fought before the two villages were de stroyed and tiieut BrowtieOlayton were killed Lieut Peacock was severely wounded Styles was slightly wounded three British soldiers were killed and wounded seven native soldiers were killed and wounded In consequence of- their failure to accept the terms of the British com manders the of the was resumed on Wednes day Twelve of their villages were destroyed and their fortified towers were blown- up without opposition A man named Leamington of St Quo was run over and killed near Winnipeg He tumbled off the brake beam upon which ho was stealing a ride are fit only for naked sav ages Clothes are the marks of civilization in pills as well as people A good coat does not make a good pill any more than good clothes make a good man But as sure as youd look on a clotheeless man as a mad one you may look on a costless pill a a bad one After fifty years of teat no pills stand higher than AYERS Cathartic Pills COATED the pills and began to them give commercial and national pros Florence This was in October outweighing any liquor After using the pills a shprt time we could see an improvement Her strength began to return and she would sit up in bed Her appetite was restored and she ate heartily We also noticed a gradual brightness in her eyes We eagerly purchased a further supply of pills and watahed with de light the change for the better that was being wrought daily From sit ting up in bed at times during the day and at times standing on her feet Florence finally became strong enough to walk a little She gained in flesh and strength rapidly and the pains gradually left her In a months time she had recovered her health and strength We cannot praise too highly the value of Dr Williams Pink Pills I am positive that without their use our would been today in same sad condition of her early siok- confirmed invalid if indeed she had had the strength withstand so long the ills of her affliction Signed Subscribed and sworn to before me this sixth day of April 1897 W Mobsb Notary Public MAIN STREET NEWMARKET FULL LINE OF OGILVIES FLOUR The best bread and flour in Canada Hungarian Flour Irelands Breakfast Food Oat Meal Corn Meal Bran and Starts Oats Barley and Peas for Feeding purposes annual convictions si in Canada are the actual Smoked Hams Hams Breakfast Bacon Long Clear Rolls and everything in this line to ail parts of the Town on tho Shortest Notice Free Delivery AL All the genuine Flour is tied with red white and blue twine Beware of imitations Do you think of We have made a Special Study of the Human Eye If your Sight is Failing or your Eyes trouble you it is important to have care- fully examined No charge is made for test ing THIS SUMMER If you do write The LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ATX TUB Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Next Post Office or Iftdlca to travel for bouse la Ontario Monthly and Position Steady selfaddress envelope The Dominion Coiupiiny VChicago Largest for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc 1 1 We U kinds on abort The Sons Mfg Co limited NEWMARKET ONT A w

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