Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Sep 1897, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA S E FT 1 7 rrrm Now Leading Hardware Store Allan Your Eyes Dr Scott Pioklinglimo Horses WantedA King White Sow Lost Joshua Wanted Mrs J J Pearson Ibarra Park OP BR1O0TU AHJ EACH The Printed all at Home FRIDAY SEPT 17 Blamed Vision Referring to recent rumors re booting Mr entrance in the Dominion Cabinet to Oliver the London Free Press makes the Mowing observation Nor is it easy to how Mf McCarthy ho reconciled part in an whoso masters are of that nationality which Mr McCarthy has ceased to denounce as the of Canada language he would obliterate and whoso special laws would off the statute hook An old adage says Theres bo blind as those who Wo apprehend Mr McCarthys with drawal from political unity with the whom Sir denounced as a neat of the Vision of our eotom Surely Mr McCarthy could as readily bo reconciled so far as nationality and language is concerned to Sir Wilfrid as to Sir Geo Hector to Hon Mr to Sir Adolphe and others of that ilk and why not A party who ignore a man like Mr McCarthy for such men as Mossra and Montague need not bo surprised that bore con genial company is acceptable to men who admire independence in a politician well as in private life The Toronto Star observes A Conger- paper nominates Mr McCarthy as Minister of Justice Up to the of this weak a de- from Winnipeg over four times as grain been marketed in the pro vince as ever before in ttie same period Returns from threshers Indicate that the Government estimate of bushels will be fully realized Word from that report has been received at the Department of Agriculture on the condition In a shipment early apples in storage chamber arrived at Glasgow The shipper Mr Fowler of Brighton and Montreal and the cablegram received states that the cold storage was a complete and that the apples returned the shipper a handsome profit The Toronto Star told that the Fa Industry have held- their lest general meeting and in the future a political party this of agriculturists will never be a figure It may exist as a secret organization lor some Urns but as a factor in the realm of politics it is no more The sertion of the Grand VicePresident to be come servant of the Dominion Government has loosened the ties which the party together Bo stated a prominent member to a Toronto reporter on Monday A prevails at Ottawa that Parlia ment will for first week In all eigne fall many moons Sir Oliver will bo installed at Toronto Lieut Governor Ontario in to Sir The Mail of rises to Mr Whitney is being given high by enlightened press of tho province Per that the press that dont go into the basilicas must be More for Home on Monday evening extended missionary work Ohf Society Column POINTS Mrs Taylor Is visiting In this week Mr Will left for Winnipeg Stuart of Toronto mother of is hero on a visit Mr and Mrs Hughes wore At ri Toronto Telegram makes this witty mark Hon flrod last shot at tho It A and made a bulls Tories will account for ac curacy of his aim by suggesting that Mr thought ho was drawing a bead on a Tory Monday will bo a flold day In political history of Erin Wellington County On that day there will be a gathering of Liberal Hon A Hardy Premier of Ontario Hon Goo Ross Minister of Education and one or two of the Provincial Legislature will deliver addresses on issues of tho day than likely utterances of Mr Whitney lead er of the Opposition and his lieutenants will come in for a sharo of Toronto Tho for is over it did not meet public expectation this year and the press is now the man agement Last Friday a lad named son of P ran tho track at the exhibition grounds to watoh the inflate a While on the way he was knocked down by a passing horse and had his skull fractured Recov ery is doubtful A has filed his claim in the suit by him to depriye Mr J Fleming of his office of Assessment Commissioner and charges that the office was obtained by fraud The court will now say who is right On Saturday the manager of Noahs Ark sideshow one of the attractions at the Fair was killed at the foot of where he and his employees were loading the plant on the to ship for London While the body lay at the side of the track the employees bad a bloody fight over the cause of the accident Poaches were so plentiful in this city last Friday that fine at auc tion rooms during the evening at from to per basket and plums at from to They are dearer this week It is common report that the Street Car Co has purchased about SO acres of land lathe vicinity of Upper Canada College for another Park LieutGovernor Sir George went east to Montreal this week On Monday last Inspector seized baskets of email fruit and barrels of apples which had been kept over from Sat urday and were badly tainted The lot was sent to the crematory It is given out that the Council of North Toronto has taken steps looking to separa tion from York for county purpose Like the Junction they will be of their bar gain before many Me J P Whitney with the local MP and others is to hold a political meeting at Toronto next Saturday The magustlo sand on tne Island accord- lag to ft recent assay developed 9 per cent of Iron This is a good percentage if there enough of it In the road race last Saturday there were of these dame to the start but only continued to the finish The first prize was a grand piano and was won Johnson over the Kingston road Johnson Is hardly years of age and has only had a wheel of his own since the midsummer holidays Judge opened the General Sessions last Tuesday The Warden and Commissioners had a meeting today for discharging some routine business Yesterday the county judges sheriffs clerk of the peace warden county treasur er and mayor were all in to act as selectors of jurors for the current year The Warden County Commissioners Woodcock and Chester and made an inspection of the work at the York Mills bridge it High Commissioner to England Lord being boomed by the Ontario press just now for successor to Lord Aberdeen as Of this Dominion On more than one occa sion daring the political followed the demise of Sir John Thompson took the reins of power Strath- 1 demonstrated his fatemindednesa and independence under very trying circum stances man of means with the courage of his convictions of right we join in the sentiment by some of our that a Canadian being eligible for the position Lord will prove an acceptable nomination tot the office tax exemption delegates to the re cent convention from Toronto and Ottawa went in for taxing everything In sight bat the convention entertained the conviction and a very large proportion of the people believe with them that It would bsuofJrtogivfttbQabovecttiea power to tax the whole country on Government buildings when as a matter of fact these properties aro a sparoe of profit both to Toronto and Ottawa The convention refused to vor taxing deed to place tax a place of worship dedicated to Almighty God would a that would not tolerate Places of worship are in no for pecuniary profit and are by and charitable in best Interests of civil and so cial wages case might Infer that had committed great wrong or done Improper mag terialact in Issuing a summons without a information Sub Section of Section Criminal Code Every complaint upon which a Justice la authorized by law to make an order and every information for any offence or acta punishable on summary convictions may unless it herein or by some particular or Law otherwise provided be made or bad with out any oath or affirmation as to truth thereof Tho Master and Act would seem to Infer that a sworn information should be made before a summons was Issued j whether a summons issued without a sworn information Is a or not the Attorney Generals Department will he asked to but in any case the summons only becomes a nullity and and would From re ports I have heard of statements by the defendant and from the Item In the a person not familiar with Summary pro ceedings would think J had committed aomo crime while in fact nothing moro has been done than fact or clerk of a Division Court issuing a J summons sworn in tholuttcrcasolAa condition to the summons and In thocaeoln question it may Hoping you will I his the prom inence you djO tho former report I remain Yours Truly a J WOODCOCK Mr Harry Is visiting his Mr David Brown Whitby Mr Goo Montgomery of North Bay Is spending a week in Town Mrs Perkins of Ottawa Was visiting at Mr Joseph Millards last week Mr P Hold of Toronto has our for Now York papers Barclay sr of Whitby was visiting in this vioinlty last week Mrs of Brampton was visiting with Mrs on Wednesday Mr of was visiting at Mr David Lloyds Sunday Mrs Sidney Marsh and family moved to Holland Landing this week Miss Porter of Tottenham was a paest over Sunday with Mrs John Mr and Mrs of spent Sunday at Mr Miss Bella Smith is spending a week with Miss Laura Mr Will Montgomery of at in Town a few day Blast week Mr A who has been sick for last three weeks la able to bo around again Miss Bray of sister of Mrs Lawyer Robertson is to Town again Rev of Montreal spent over in Town with bis brother on ford villa Tribune Jones and Dawson spent Sunday in New market Mr and Mrs Alfred Lloyd and son of at Mr Robert Mr Will of over Sunday with his aunt at The Miss Annie Bacon has returned horns spending three weeks with her sister in Toronto Mrs Art and daughters retarn ed on Wednesday from a months visit at Lansing Mrs Jonathan Rogers of Toronto spent a few last week with her Mies Miss Stewart and Miss Wright of were visiting their uncle Mr A last week Mr Campbell of London father of the Road Instructor was Mrs over Sunday r Mr of Montreal formerly on the Ontario Bank staff here is spending a week in Town with friends Mr and Mrs Cornell of Pickering were at over Sunday The latter is remaining for a week Mrs Cane was presiding at the Co Convention of ths in on Tuesday and Wednesday Messrs John Hopkins and Frank cook two former of High were in Town this week J Gardner has returned from Rosssau Muskoba feeling considerably improved by his two months The Hon J Davis addressed Womens Temperance Union last tills Rev J J of Brampton gave the Era a call while in Town on Tuesday He enjoying a two weeks on his wheel Mrs Gregory of Oak Ridges and her daughter Mrs from near Toledo Ohio were visiting at Mr over Sunday Mr and of Norwood were the of Mr Stanley Scott over Sun day His mother Intends to remain here a of weeks Leaden Miss Bin mere Hamilton and Miss Annie of Newmarket are visiting Mrs Laughton aye Mrs Joseph Albert was in Town last Friday her way home af ter spending two delightful weeks with relatives near Mr Donald Morrison President the Newmarket Library ie very poorly and last week In the un der the treatment of a specialist Rev J Sawdon formerly of New market High Is visiting the LADIES NEW COATS We struck a bonanza this week in getting the Samples of the largest Mantle firm in Canada The samples we got German Goats this years very latest styles onlyshown in wholesale on the road and they are as fresh and choice as the day they left Germany You can buy the newest Coats here now at forty per cent discount and fully fifty per cent cheaper than you would pay for the same goods in Toronto OF GOATS MARKED AND FOR YOU SATURDAY MORNI UITS FOR MEN AND BOYS Our clothing must be seen to be appreciated We handle only such goods as we can recommend and though our prices are in all cases lower than other peoples our goods are in all cases better The reason why we can down all the other fellows in Clothing is because we buy twice as largely sell twice as much and only want the smallest living profit NEW DRESS GOODS We have got together the finest collection of Dress Goods we have ever shown Any thing that is new will be found here and the only difference between our goods and those shown in Toronto is that ours are in all cases quality considered twenty to fifty per cent cheaper See our Dress Goods and compare with others E For the Bra Editor With your permission I wish to Offer a on about coming Tho text That no man knows the ttute of coming That angels do not know the time coming Stoat tho Son not know the lime of this coming We concede that Christ the Old Text Scriptures taught therefore do not tell the time of this coming A giif it probable that the angels know what Is pleased to reveal to man Indeed angels the medium through whom some of revelations were given but they do not know time of therefore it Is not revealed In the Old Text Scriptures book of Daniel Is not likely to reveal anything that Christ did not know We may treat with distrust any new light supposed to bo gathered from the book of Daniel as to tho time of Christs coming Queens 18W had a fire early Tuesday morning on Saturday night destroyed a number of business houses at Port Elgin An infant child of Mr Fred Fitzgerald of was drowned in a The Canadian Cotton Mills Com- have decided to sell the whole products of their mills direct to the trade instead of through an agent worth Leagues in Brampton DIetriot behalf the Forward Mission Movement The following from North York aw serving on the Grand Jury in Toronto tut now Messrs James Anderson Button Arthur Hamilton Kinfl Lemon Milton and daughter who have been residing at Lebanon for soma months were visiting last week with Miss Millard have some notion taking up their resi dence- tn Newmarket Junction Mr Prank and Mr Wesley of Pino Mr Wilson Stratford brother of Mrs Mr and Mrs Goo of are of Mr and Mrs Union Mr brother of Mrs John and his wife from Aylmer wore hero on a visit last week Mr father ran old grist mill at one time located on Queen lit iron bridge that creak The street was formerly called Mill street it ted to grist mill Canada has already received this year for than last season Madras Sept A most serious accident has occurred at the Champion Reefs mine Forty persons are known to have been killed Misses Lena and Minnie were thrown out of their buggy while driving near and the first named sustained very serious injuries The existence of seven cases of fever in New Orleans is official ly announced Every town of impor tance is quarantined against New Or leans The C P express from Toron to on Monday night ran into an open switch at Lake and was de layed for about eight hours Sept There are now men and guns including Maxims mobilized on the frontier and in the garrisons Everything is ready for the advance- from The men are insplendid condition The sixyearold adopted daughter of Mr Woods a farmer who lives near Leamington Out set fire to her clothing with a lighted match and before the flames were extinguish ed she was so badly burned died a few hours afterwards A strong company to exploit the region wa3 recently organ ized in London by Lieut Col who will shortly reach Montreal and organize a fully equipped expedi tion to the gold regions which he will lead personally Postmaster General states in connection with profit from sale of jubilee stamps that will add at least a quarter a million dollars to receipts of year over above what would have boon Leading Furniture and Undertaking House If you want Cheap Furniture Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of Parlor Furniture in which there is no deception and will last a life time call on J MILLARD Newmarket Embalming A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence Botaford Street At on Tuesday Sept the wife of Bandera of a son on 3rd t no wife of Edwin Davie of a daughter In East on the wire of Richard of a daughter The on the test Thomas Hunter of Newmarket to Maggie of Holland tending the Par sonage by Rev H Mr Leonard Johnson of Whitchurch Jennie of The Tomb to beloved wife of William King died at her late residence on September 2nd after a short illness in year and realized in of ordinary J Main St North All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Weight fit Son and Prompt attention to alt order PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Primary in after examinations 131 We have made a Special Study of the Human Eye If your Sight is Failing or your Eyes trouble you it is important to have them care fully examined No charge is made for test ing DR SCOTT OPTICIAN Next Post Office Markets Flour per barrel do a to New Wheat per bushel a 0 White Wheat per bushel OSS a Red Wheat per bushel 5 a Goose Wheat per bushel a Buckwheat OSS a Barley per bushel OSS a Oats per bushel a Peas per bushel a Bye per bushel a Bran per ton a CO Shorts per ton- a CO CO per a Butter roll per lb a Butter tub per lb a OH Potatoes per bag CO a Sheepskins v a Wool per lb Old a a CO Pork per live a Pork per dressed a Geese per lb a Chickens a Bucks per pair a CO CO a Markets Toronto Sept a Red Wheat per bushel White Wheat per bushel a Out Goose Wheat per bushel a Buckwheat per bushel- a Barley per bushel a Oats per bushel a bushel a By per bushel a a Butter roil per lb US a Potatoes a Apples a a Wool per lb a a Pork per a CO Beef hind OK a Chickens per a Ducks a Oil a 1 i

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