Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Aug 1897, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG 6 oti TV Toronto Aug to Motto- olitaii Company commit KdloteWo or not by a Fall Bos- around the WHAT WIDEAWAKE It has officially announced Cor from nil la a in tho treasurer evil Dr Coal of Aurora poo today for Ottawa to A big delegation from Toronto will at- convention Ontario Endeavor Union at on Hon A Hardy Premier of Ontario and Hon J of tho of Commons encoding port of vacation In Algonquin Park HOLLAND LANDING of Toronto their holiday on Monday of day and matches wore hold oily thronged with the day Twine and on Saturday Bert Whitney yoaro of ago taken from tho Passport in Toron to harbor Sunday morning from is Quarantined harbor and the promotions bo log to aproad of Mr It of Canadian Toronto at tho races Monday lowered by ono ami eight acconda tho in eight mintitOB Mr John A pointed for County of formally by on Sir John A and wellknown in Sabbath woU law met with a on Saturday by colliding with a milk wagon while riding his wheel A party of flvfl left hero week for the gold flotda Robertson ycatorday grant a windup order id the of John Eaton Co Nearly four from Groat Britain notified Dr of tho Reception Committee that will tho annual mooting of iho British Association in Toronto Cooks Bay BY AH farmers- busy thin rushing in wheat and barley Oats are cut this week and pro mise a good Mrs A sister of Now York the guests of Mr Sex- smith Mrs was At Home on Tuesday when largo num ber of friends present Mrs and Mrs a few days this week at Roachs Mrs Marsh ami family of Newmar ket visiting at her fathers Mr Blown a few days this week following Torontos Holiday here Mr and Mrs George Durio at Mrs Littles Messrs Chapman J Chapman Chap man Chapman J Murphy Robinson Miss and Miss Annie Miss Murphy and Miss Young are spending their holidays at their re spective homes Mr Killough and Mr arts this guests of Mr John Church Garden Party takes place next Tuesday evening on tho school grounds and no doubt ft large gathering will be there as admission is small have been unusually busy this week and a great deal of grain has been cut- Pressor of also Mrs Ronnie of Toronto been visiting with Miss Maude Morton Mr J Davidson will address Christian Endeavor next Sunday evening Irwin is spending his vaca tion with his Mrs H Winch Miss is spending her vacation in Mr A Barber head of Brampton Model is visiting with Mr IS A girl has come to stay with Mr M Gilpin We are very sorry to learn of death of Mrs Isaac Quite a the Klondike PARSES THE CITY From Tuesdays Globe Strickland of Klon dike fame is on his way to Ot tawa to confer with the Government arrived in the yesterday and is registered at the Queens along with his father Mr Strickland of Ont who met hie son for the first time last night since 1808 inspector is a typical Canadian about years of age weighing about pounds apparently able to hold his own with anything or any He lias been in the Klondike for the past two years and notwithstanding the hardships which have been so spoken of in press lately is healthy a looking customer as one could meet in OF number from this neighborhood at- many a daHe believes that tended tho on Wednesday 1 1 fil Mrs of spend ing a few days in the village from a private lotto written by ono of the to homo in Brook lyn wiah all you could here then my happiness would bo complete It is just kind of a know you would Plenty water for boating and bathing flna country roads for driving and wheeling and when weary plenty of among right at Che waters edge You of my a description of my journey but as to my abilities Wo stayed until Saturday in Toronto which I think a fine and then at p started for the Lake A rather long ride miles by rail brought to we took stage to the shore and there a little ferry was waiting to carry as across All summer I have been longing for a good rough and on Saturday I got it The water got mora wo channel and the ferry teased over the in hnealyle at last she took to rolling for a change I began to fear but we landed without any such discomfort At the dock some Bells people were waiting to greet us and I camo in for a good ah are of the wel come They bad a little carriage drawn by two fine little ponies into wo got and started for cottage The drive floe had brought a Star Spangled Ban- and as we the ho took it out letting it float on the breeze Some boys were playing at the aide of the road among the trees on shore and called out down that flag bat it didnt come down When wo reached the house the Union Jack Old England float in the wind and now by aide hangs Stars and Stripes I wish you the plaoe hare for I cannot describe It to you Upon three lots stand two on each aide a neat lawn lying between and in front The road not very broad and la fringed on both aides with feathery cedars and pines j on one side la the water only kept from the road by a bank upon there are plenty of trees There are two ham- in branches the water and it is simply delightful to awing out here when it and listen to the lapping of the water on the rooka There are upper on each house and ray fancy is tioklcd greatly when I think of the view a moonlight night The dayB are very long Jure Last night oclock the west was bright golden and we were boat at the edge of tho water watching orescent sink behind the amid bright glories of the it lovely BETHEL CORNERS The Methodist Church has been recently renovated and now presents a very pleasing appearance far as interior is concerned Mr Brooks of Sutton was given the contract and ho has performed his part of the work vorv satisfactorily papering the walls and ceiling and varnishing the seats etc aisles and communion space have boon carpeted and now our is very comfortable people seem to appreciate what has been done as congregations this summer been much larger than usual observation was made by pastor Rev Powell last Sunday morning Too cannot be said in praise of tho Ladies Aid of Bethel church through whoso efforts tho renovation has been accomplished Much praise is also duo to Miss organist of the church who has succeeded in forming an exceedingly good choir for a country appointment The singing recently has been firstclass Mrs Allen and daugh ter of Toronto been spending tho last month at Mrs They will return to Toron to early next week accompanied by Mrs who will visit at her AURORA Hon was in town week attending given to Dr Coultor on of his departure to Ottawa to tho duties of Deputy PostMaster General Both loft Thursday evening enrouto to Ot tawa Whatever may be said of Hon P of a by those not acquainted with the Doctor it is evident appointment is popular with those who know him re- of party Ho will bo and is missed hero Mr A Noilly of Bradford caused a little flurry here by forcibly taking his children They had made their home with Mr A Bell fchoir grandfather and after the death of their mother some five or six years ago business trouble arose between the father and Boll who had been partners also litigation and tho old couple declined to give up the children while Noilly that natural towards was being estranged and ho Several attempts to take them but was met with a storm of opposition until by means of a registered letter ha got possession of the little girl boy followed him to relieve hut was in vited by Chief Constable Fetch to rid with him to Bradford compan ion of boys brought home the rig Both respected citizens and the matterhas boon an unfortunate throughout Firemen are looking forward to 11th expecting the finest ex cursion to Niagara Falls that over has gone from these parts train will leave Newmarket at a returning at 10 oclock the same night The horse belonging to Win Mail and Express Carrier got frightened at tho train which started out and backed in again towards it The rig which happened to bo empty got overturned and somewhat broken and the harness strewn around the streets This occurred on Monday sons place for two or throe weeks The Quarterly Service of the Sutton I and on Wednesday the Queens Hotel circuit will bo held in the Methodist Church here next Sunday morning inst commencing at oclock It is expected that e Rev Brown of Toronto will preach and take part in the Sacramental ser vice Everybody is cordially invited ROACHS POINT There was a very large number of visitors on the lake shore last Sunday including two bus loads from New market Over took dinner at the Morton Park boardinghouse Mr and Mrs of Toronto Mrs J A Bell and son and Miss of New York arrived at Zephyr Villa last Saturday and all except Mr expect to remain three or four weeks Mr Eddie Moore of Acton the of Edgar Jackson at Inglewood for a few days A very unique gathering took place at the Love camp on the North Shore last Saturday evening About one hundred people assembled to witness the baptism of nine children in front of Cedar Grove Villa On the con clusion of the service Rev J A Rankin was presented with a silk Umbrella having an engraved silver handle as a token of esteem from the campers This was followed by solos from Miss and Mr J W John and a by Miss Ella Cook Refreshments were then served to the Whole company after which a fine display of fireworks ended the and made occasion one ongtobe remembered by the chil dren of whom there are in the camp Mr and Mrs and Miss Hazel of who are camp ing at Jacksons Point were guests at Inglewood on Monday The Sunday Evening Song Services at Loves increasing in at- bus attempted same caper tearing around the corner a furious pace It was caught a mile up onge Street Mr John is fitting up his store in the Syndicate Block formerly occupied by Winter Son furniture for a dry goods store to be opened at an early date His worship the Mayor is on a trip to tho Atlantic Coast M the French Minister of Finance presided at a banquet given in Paris Monday night in honor of Sir Wilfrid and Lady Aug Flour per barrel W a White Wheat per bushel ft Rod Wheat per bushel a Wheat per bushel Buckwheat bushel Oats per 20 Peas per bushel Bye per Bran per too WOO fihortaperton Eggs per A Butter per lb Butter per lb Potatoes Apples per a Sheepskins a Wool per lb a per ton ft Beef per ft ft per lb ft Chickens per pair ft a ft placer gold fields of the District practically inoxhaustable as there hundreds of creeks known to bo which have not yet been prospected owing in part to the diffi culty of getting food in and to the scarcity of men The attraction to wards Bonanza Creek where such rich discoveries were made was also a fac tor towards the undeveloped condition of other fields but as the population increases these fields will be opened up and from information brought into tho Klondiko these fields says the inspec tor will be not less than to square miles in extent Bonanza Creek says Inspector Strickland was discovered by accident Prospectors had been over the ground and had re ported it as no good but day on tho day of August last a squaw man that is a man married to an In dian squaw named Si wash George or George a lumberman was camping in district and after eat ing his dinner ho took his frying pan and filling it with dirt which had been thawed by tho fire he had built to cook his dinner with went down to the creek whore he washed it out To his surprise he found several nuggets of gold at the bottom of his pan More washings were made with the same result He at once staked but a claim for discovery When he reported his claim at Forty Mile very few would believe him as his veracity says the inspector was not in high repute but thought of the gold nuggets was conclu sive evidence and the stampede to the Klondike began On being asked if the wonderful re ports of big finds which have appeared wore really correct the inspector re plied that it would almost be impos sible to exaggerate and he gave an in stance where he himself had actually seen pan yield The pan was an ordinary mining pan and represent ed only two longhandled shovolsful of dirt According to Inspector Strick land the Yukon goldmining district is what is called a winter mining country that is the fall and winter seasons are best time for mining operations This he explained by say ing that all the dirt had to be thawed out and thy way it is done is this After gold is discovered they cut down a quantity of timber which generally abounds in close proximity scrub poplar and birch and then they burn a hole or rather two holes about six feet long by four feet wide putting two fires in each hole during the day Each of these fires will probably burn out about eight inches of dirt The water that has been thawed is first bucketed out and then the dirt is taken out and put on the bank of the creek This process is continued until bed rock is reached In the two months of summer when This affords and opportunity of securing a good article at a greatly reduced price Hanger Free with every order A supply of Coat Hangers always oil hand at 5 and Call Early and secure your choice N MODOUQALL MY TAILOR St July A little girl named Fanny eleven years of age daughter of Mr George of this city was instantly killed at Niagara Falls Y on Saturday af ternoon Mr is employed by Messrs Bios manufacturers of hair cloth who have recently open ed a branch factory at Niagara Falls and he had gone there on sonic busi ness taking his little girl with him While ascending in the elevator in factory the little girls head was caught between tho elevator and floor and literally crusher off Ont Aug A very sad accident occurred here this morn ing a few minutes after seven oclock in which McLean the son of Mrs John Coleman lost his life Mr Coleman the de ceased stepfather left the little fellow in company with other children in charge of a spirited team of car riage horses attached to a light wagon while he turned to get some things he had left in the stable While Cole man was out of sight the horses sud denly started down the lane with two boys and one of his elder brothers in the wagon The elder brother jumped out out re mained in the wagon with the reins until the corner of Victoria street was reached where in rounding the cor ner the wagon turned over tossing against a post and fractur his skull The horses reached Main street but were captured with out much more damage The injured lad lived till about oclock when death put a welcome end to his se vere pain The little fellow was a general favorite and much sympathy is for his mother Aug A man from Klondike was the mostsoughtafter on Saturdays express from the west There was hardly a gen tleman on the train who had hot eon- versed with him or could not tell you something of the person who had gone out to this wonderful gold region five years ago a poor laboring man and is returning now with a fortune various ly estimated all the way from to Victor Lord is the name of the envied He is a FrenchCanadian about years of age who is on his way to Warwick Que- to visit his parents who are ad vanced in years his father being CHINA HALL WANT 5000 Sunlight Soap Wrappers If you any about the house we buy them his mother years of age Mr water the work is very much impeded Lord said There a a a a a a a a a a 0 OH 120 OSS a a a very much impeded hence the fact that winter mining is the best The dirt that is taken out in winter is sluiced when the water is running in the summer Continuing the Inspector said that there are probably now about 8000 men in the mining camps He does not anticipate that there will be many deaths from starvation this winter but said he unless some means are pro vided to get in a large amount of sup plies next season the situation may be serious as he believeB the population by that time will be not less than 20000 Inspector expects to leave again for the Klondike this month starting from Vancouver about the He is going out in of about Mounted Police and thinks he will go via the White from Lake The Sugar Refining Company with a capital stock of lias been incorporated at Trenton N J Government commissioners are investigating charges against Sheriff of post master of Metcalfe and various at A Cuban refugee landing at Tam pa Florida confirms of the raid on Havanas suburbs by rebels but it transpires that raid was on village of ten miles away refugee tells the doubtful story that robots killed Spanish soldiers wounded and took session of the place Toronto Aug Red per Wheat per bushel a Wheat a Buckwheat per bushel W bushel Oats per bushel v Rye per bushel 5 Butter perm Potatoes per bag per Wool per lb a CO a a a a a a a a a a a 1 I I Pork per hind Chickens per ptrpair per r fc I CO a a a a a CO w The PostmasterGeneral has authorized the issue of partial sets of Jubilee stamps to meet the demand of stamp collectors a Cuban refugee who arrived at Tampa on Sun day says that the insurgents attacked the village of killed Spanish soldiers wounded and took possession of the place Cornwall Aug A sad death is reported from tho neighboring village of whore Miss Eliza Kin- near a very estimable young lady died as the result of inhaling Paris green which she was putting oil po tato plants A gust of wind poisonous to rise arid Kumeav that the died two day Over ho in the country the first year now there are claims taken along Eldorado and Bonanza Rivers alone Nearly all our fellows did well some got thousands ahead but all made a living or more I am afraid there will be a famine there this winter I see there is a great rush on now This will be bod Some will make money others like a few miners who have been there for ten years will be no further ahead Newspapers are cheap down here when compared with what we have to pay Whenever a man arrived from Seattle or Van couver with a newspaper he could easily sell it for A barber came in a few days before I left his shaves cost just apiece Mr Lord believes the best route to the country is from Vancouver to across to Lake Linderman and down the Yukon Womens Chocolate Oxford Shoos Came too late for Spring Trade Regular Goods j Now Sold at 125 See our 25c line of y sals op FARM PROPERTY IN TOWNSHIP OF Under power of sale certain of gal TOWN OF NEWMARKET ON of The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts r ejus apply lo LLOYD tor for BINDER I just sold already two tons the famous PEERING STANDARD And have more on the way Well guarantee it to ho the on market to tip It will pay you ceo it before inferior glides IViGLANGY ri

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