Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Aug 1897, p. 2

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J if V THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG a the flu WHAT AND COS- WORTHY The and Aurora Rail road took another advance step last Saturday when fcho township fathers in at this place decided to draft a be submitted to the ratepayer of King The company asking a small bonus of 12000 from the Township The Quarterly Services hold in the Church last Sunday wore very successful The attendance was largo Wo congratulate the now choir on the quality of its The Aid of Church purpose holding a Garden Party on lot recently vacated by Mrs Woods the on evening of insfc program will be lengthy varied and replete with good tilings Wo every is being put forth to make tho party a success V Wo to remark an excellent feeling in tins locality Indications for pronperity and plenty here after Mr Donnelly been un der a serious illness hut is able to up Daniel had a serious mis hap last week Ho was driving a young highstrung horse- in sulky when the animal unman ageable and ran away It jumped a fence and smashed the rake complete ly Mr was badly shaken Mr J Johnston and family have from their holidays and re port a pleasant time Mr Louis was at home over Sunday Ho reports business very brisk and is pleased with the seasons results Wo are pleased that we can state diphtheria lias disappeared from midst Thanks to care of Dr Norman The firm of Davis Hon are putting quite extensive additions to their plant and purpose putting in consider able new machinery from the Ameri can side The plant will be closed next week owing to their also putting In now furnaces Business will boom soon again Davis goes on his holidays this week Look out for fish yarns when he gets back Visitors this week are as follows Mr Ransom and P McDonald at Mrs Mh Hayes on Paradise Alley Misses McKenzio at Mr Bretts Mr and Mr John Ross at Mr Mr Donnelly and Mr at Mrs Goulds Methodist Church and of this place holding annual Gardon Party on lawn of Dr Pearson on or about Monday They purpose having plenty of band and orchestral music and an ex cellent program is also provided intend making this best Garden Party over hold in this vicinity WILLOW VALE Mr J Cutting busy with hie grain when a straw entered It has been vory painful but at last ac counts it was improving Mr Simpson and J Cutting has engaged with Mr Cannon to run his threshing Jennie of Crescent was at Willow a couple of days last week Owing to busy farmers wives doing what can in tho harvesting line Wo notice Mr Wiles had two in his wheat fiold on Monday last Mr Simpson has a remarkably good fiold of corn somo of which measures feet in height season is about No more will we hoar rattle of tin pails and cans COLLEGE CORNERS Your correspondent has been in building an immense for Mr Angus Robs which accounts for the absence of news from this place Mr King of Jersey has trans- all his belongings to his new dwelling whore we hope ho will spend many happy years Mrs Rose of Toronto is at homo under the parental roof enjoy- holidays Yes berries are numerous I was one night and filled my two pails bread basket in one hour Anyone handling bees at this time of year be well protected with a screen costume as a goodly number are being stung One fellow who found this out quotes thus You never hear the bee complain Nor bear it weep or wail But it it unfold A very tail One night in as the weather was looking rather dull we noticed a number of young men carrying umbrellas under arms A lady of witty intellect passed this remark Oh I well some men like to have arms around somo kind of There is some talk of an notfar distant It is astonishing how many bicycles sail the roads on Sunday both ladies and gents Another wedding on deck To those who marry wo will say A womens grief is short If loses r her she pines only for a second A of beetles ad- on several patches around here which took a great deal of poison and picking One man can boast of two of the smartest boys in the country for catching potato bugs Mr J Hurst regrets considerable on the loss of so much first class hay owing to recent heavy rains His loss is estimated at about Now one more word and J close as T m going back to for four or five weeks with Mr and Cole to finish a and flooring or Roes and osiers- We are pitting fine and- ty cement takes the Large quantities of raspborries have boon gathered has a big crop and tho wot thorn plump grain threshing has done this week Thoro would been threshing dono in this vicinity last week but rain put a atop to it Mr Win Proctor has thorough ly repaired his threshing outfit and will again bo in the field this season no doubt but ho will got all ho can do as ho is a most obliging thresher Bathing in the pond of an evening is largely indulged in this warm weather is complaint that somo of bathers do not use the best of language With brush paint and polish Mr Will Curtis has transformed his threshing engine into a dandy Last week was bad weather for those caring for clover The members of St Division of T visited lodge hist Saturday night A treat of cream and was passed round and a vory sociable evening was spent The visitors went away with the im pression that they had had a good time and Kettleby think their St friends jolly good company Mrs Wilfred and Mrs John Lloyd have been away camping at lake near Keswick The wet weather last week greatly delayed harvesting Moat of the fall wheat was got up in shock last week but a large por tion of the barley had to stand over for this week There will not be much white barley from this district this fall small potatoes will bo spoiled and if wo get much such weather as last week the largo ones will be spoiled too A vote is to be taken on the to see whether tho majority in King are in favor of giving a bonus on a railway from some point east and passing through towards Why not let every company build their own railway If we pay a bonus we will also have to pay for all freight and every trip we take on the road Nearly everybody visitors from a distance The following are those we have heard of during the past two week Mrs J Elliott bad her sister Mrs Bennett of Toledo Ohio Mrs with her sister Miss Annie Cleland of Albert Mr J Precious from Owen Sound visiting friends Mr and Mrs P Dickers of Toronto Kansas visiting relatives here Mr Low had the Rev pyre and wife of Pa visiting with them Mrs Cohen of New Orleans at Mr J Elliotts Mr Ed is home from Owen Sound college for the holidays We dont hear of any lawn parties now perhaps they are about out of season It will not bo long ere the harvest homes will be thought of was a large attendance at Christian service on Sun day owing no doubt to there being no service in the Methodist Church which is usually held at same hour Mr Bogart has now got carpenter work on his now house which he has boon remodeling and enlarging pretty nearly finished and Mr M Robinson is giving it tho finishing touches with brush and paint Fire In the Canadian Rail way roundhouse at de stroyed building and several en gines Fort in the Chitral district which was besieged by a largo force of insurgent natives has been relieved by the British force under Gen Blood BALDWIN FREEZES Our fine evening and getting up for a And oh Sutton byes theyll beat ye Allan our lightning is putting in some vory- effective straight curves A couple of our nice folks lot- mo Mr and Mrs Geo selling slathers of berries to tho summer residents at lake Last week took a fine lot to sell to at Roachs Point and as Mrs T gives scriptural mea sure pressed down and running over they sold like hot cakes And that was who they wore Yes Lovo sickness is epidemic here One of our young folks has had a powerful rough spell of it hut pro spects are bright that pull through Sleepy Johnnie My land whos ho Oh one of pur loys Johnnies a great worker Ho just dotes on work loves it bo woll ho could Ho down and sleep by it Did so one day and foxy lads hid his team in a clump of trees When he Johnnie was in a terrible sweat Where was his team Had fairies transported thorn Johnnie wasnt docked for lost timo while asleep A calamity that some A youth did an take Far fair lake Two fair along did go A you know All wont merry a wedding bell And I this Btory could not tell Had not met with a mishap And J poor Twae wind it blew thunder crashed night dark as they drove into The rig smashed to darkness hid acenca Help ho cried Great Scott to an early grave Aid quickly came and all right And all forgotten quite dear by jolly I fear Owl will our hear And euro if he bo Into Breezes it will go To abroad throughout land And make talk to beat the band And now my atory ended The lees said the sorrow The damage to buggy harness and collars Sunday to Mr Frank Robinson to Barrio on Saturday Ho came homo exuberant He has secured a fine sit in Barrio Flouring Mills He leaves here this week Goodbye sweetheart goodbye Mr and Mrs Geo brother and sister and Mr and Mrs Dickson nephew and niece of Mr and Mrs Win were visitors over Sun day here Its very lively in the evenings now at Point Scores of pretty girls lovely mammas proud daddies swell young dudes and no end of kids make a kalediscopio scene hard to beat There are some rare fine musicians down at the Point and are generous in treating friends to a dis play of their talent The Owl enjoy ed a rare treat on Saturday afternoon If I were the chief functionary of the I would devote space to advertising those pretty Sutton lassies But they can advertise them selves that can By jinks it most makes a fellow wish ho were old or Young so he could have sixty wives Ah I would blarney them up like a true son of the sod Ah aint thoy Teddy me bye Troth that they are Lines dedicated to the Sutton cycling belle When Mies Annie whirled by on her cycle The girls all with envy turned green For she is the well as the neat eat Thai ever on cycle was seen With light hair a face young and fair A figure so trim and so Bo ease go way if you look shes the Queen of street When an outing shed take she wheeled io the With of a lightning express With the greatest of pleasure aba returned at her Shes quite fond of cycling I Mr Jones lias been painting and the Yates store and it now looks much improved Boss Miller moving in this week Mr Yates has some necessary repairing to do plastering carpentry etc prior to Mr Jones and family moving into dwelling Miss Aggie Morton was up at the Corners on Monday She lias lost none of her attractiveness by her resi dence at Albert We shall wel come her return to Baldwin Hay badly damaged full wheat sprouting on the head and Hooded low lands the complaint of the farmers Hamilton marketed largo crop of cherries at per pail Jos Anderson ditto Not so bad a deal Tub Owe KESWICK givjimitj5 The Methodist was filled to overflowing last Sunday morning when Mr Webster preached a capital sermon The sacramental was conducted Dr and was vory impressive In evening Mr Grose of preached of Now York will address the Young Peoples Society of Christian Church Keswick next Sunday evening at Two weeks from next Sunday evening Jackson of Newmarket will address at same hour in above named sooieties prosperous than one at At every meeting is well filled After a painful and lingering ill ness borne with great patience and christian fortitude Mrs Isaac passed away about oclock Tues day morning past three years deceased has been a great sufferer Some two years ago Dr MoDonagh of Toronto successfully operated upon cancers in her throat About a year ago she had a paralytic stroke which rendered her helpless and from which recovered On Monday last she was taken with another stroke and never regained consciousness Deceased was daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Ough born in Cornwall England and came to Canada with her parents age of On the of Nov she was married to Isaac Esq and leaves to mourn their loss a de voted husband five children and grandchildren besides others that she has been a mother to The two two sens and three daughters are all married and reside in this Township Deceased was a faithful member of the Methodist for years funeral obsequies took place on Wednesday and were largely attended the church being filled Rev P Addison preached a grand sermon and was assisted in the servico by Revs Leonard Webster and Dr Young Mrs was one of those whole- souled women whose motherlove was always extended to tho sorrowful and suffering and many sympathetic tears wore shed at thought of parting with such a dear Mother in Israel The bereaved have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community WE WILL Move Every Dollars Worth of DURING OUR S3 STOCK REPLETE AT- vrvVWfVrvVVVVrViV Finest Grades of Sugar Whole Pickling Pure Ground Spices and Pepper Best Pickling Vinegars xxx White Wine and good clear fine flavored Cider Vinegar strength Heinzs Pickles and Baked Beans Dried Beef Thistle Brand Finnan Maple Leaf and Horse Shoe Salmon Washington authorities ad mit that beyond any possible doubt the gold fields are in British A Chinese pirate captured the British murdered the captain and seven sailors and plunder ed the ship The Methodist mission steamer was wrecked on the north coast of New Guinea and all on board were lost or cast on a desert island Sir Wilfrid I after a very pleasant stay in the French capital left Paris for Switzerland yesterday accompanied by Lady The armed population of sewn Greek villages and fought a battle Tuesday Tin Turks lost seventy killed and retreat ed The Berlin papers commenting upon Great Britains denunciation of the commercial treaty says it will seriously affect German trade with Canada San Aug All mint records were broken by the receipts yesterday when in gold was deposited for coinage Of this amount 750000 was the property of the Alaska Commercial Co and the balance was deposited by various min ers and smelting It is said that this far exceeds any single days deposits at any one mine Grave being formu lated against Boers It said they supplied the Matabelos with arms exacted very heavy bribes from lite South African Chartered Company At Book Store on Wednesday Own er can it by proving property and pay ing for notice In Newmarket Saturday July a new Kid Glove As it la of no to the Under owner will bo pleased to have it left at tho Era Office so Brown high very good years old hands river Apply to SALS A being Lot 3rd Con of East on Queen St inlleefrotu Newmarket above property Iain state of and will bo sold cheap HAINES upon Lot in 2nd Con of East about two weeks ago A Sow Owner can by proving property and paying Newmarket PO J FA I ASSBAY Stolen from tho roar of lot in lit Con of on the of August hut a tflly9y6Amntij Information to its recovery will bo suitably rewarded v Newmarket PO Perfect Liver Pills For Billiousnese Headache Torpid Liver Constipation etc Only per box Pink Pills Bed Iron Tonic Pills Just the thing for a Nerve Tonic and Blood a box Lehmans Blackberry Compound For all Summer Complaints a bottle fa a a a I a- J where to MY worth Where I get the Quality and Assortment as well as Cheapness He does not advertise anything which he has not in stock and his goods are the best to be obtained at the prices Here are a few prices for Saturday Ladies Button Boots 0 it Oxford White Canvas Shoes Leather Slippers 70 Mens Fine Lace Boots worth 2 50 TO Kid Oxford 2 00 Lace Boots Plow Boots A Misses Boys and Cdildrens Boots at Remarkably Low Prices A terrible cyclone swept across San Jose 111 on Friday night by which seven persons were killed put- right and several severely injured Bowman a Bfc Thomas man now an employe of the Southern Pacific railway fell Between two cars at Oakland recently and had both lege taken off one above and the other below the knee J For Young Women College wd

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