ifeeks Heats WHAT IB GOING OH TOWN lions Dr In driver through inflammation one last week- yho was a Valuable animal grief corn will bo In tomorrow Departmental exam inations expected till middle of Citizens of gnoeta bo ao to expos to know them without informa tion Now potatoes have old ones for Iterator mooting off Monday evening anything to do with wot for July King Council next Saturday Tomorrow la last day for Boards municipal of amount of to bo loviod this Fall Upper Reservoir being full to over- flowing Engineer OEToOorta opened hydrants in various low places about Town on Wednesday and flushed out tbo Mr A a now on of hie Orangemen were drilling on lost Monday evening Quito a number of people in Town yesterday morning through pieces It tinot when olouds did not interrupt vision Mr Goo Williams brought us in samples of his new wheat wore badly sprouted If this indication is any thing will be a great to farmers Chronicles unavoidably crowd- ed out till next inane Toronto A In conneolion with John Eaton Co Are in Toronto some ago A Thompson were arrested in To- Sunday night charged with illegally transferring goods June for purpose of defrauding their creditors The Canadian Burial Reform ion incorporated with Hon Alien as Hon and prominent clergyman or all as Vice Presidents the as sociation to out down and useless expense in very much needed reform One of the oldest railway engineer of the line between tbla and Mr Pearson who ran the flrat motlye on the old Ontario and Huron Railway the Lady Elgin died at his residence here on Friday Alt the old business people On the Northern knew deceased well a very genial man be He years of age and leaves a widow and aix children He from active work about ago The rait trade along the wharves la pretty brisk these days especially in small fruits such as berries currants and cherries A feature bf managing the Industrial Fair that visitors thereto have to pay to get inside grounds and then charged extra for special interest on exhibition is aptly caricatured in Satur days The Industrial is fast becom ing a Mr J Hill manager of the Indus trial is now New York completing for some extra attractions for the coming Fair The Labor Day Committee of the Trades and Labor Council hove completed arrangements demonstration on Labor Day Exhibition Park will fee the scene of attraction for ftpeechea and games John who escaped from Cen tral Prison about a year ago has been spotted and arrested in Michigan He is now back in the The great International League now a thing of but its influence will be felt for all time The good fellowship which prevailed among the delegates Canadian American New and from Great Britain of the marked character For the moment the respective delegates to forget their Individual nationalities in the religions fervor of the occasion- It was iheconvention of the age Oliver was this week and is now up in Monday Aug 2nd Ib to be Toronto holiday On that day a grand regatta will held under auspices of L 8 A Club on the Boy Aye com- menced last under the direction of who returned from Manitoba of months ago September 2nd are the dates cow talked of for holding the proposed convention to deal with ions and insurance The warns its readers against being bitten by tbe Klondike erase It the cry of patriotism cannot disguise the real designs of brokers in mining schemes Hon Com is once more in his department at Parliament reports hie health as greatly improved The rainstorm tbts week the heaviest that has visited Toronto during the nineteen at the Observatory It was learned that It one of the five daring the last The County meet next Tuesday the County Clerk will be Into PINE are Mies and Miss Cummer visiting at Mr Miss has from a her sister in Toronto funeral of Mrs Watson took on Thursday last and largely attended deceased was well known in this neighborhood and greatly respected She leaves a largo number of friends and relatives to mourn their loss Mr Henry and family of Toronto Junction and Mr and daughter of Manilla wore here last week attending funeral of Mrs W Mr and Mrs of Ux- visiting relatives in this vicinity Emerald weather fcaken a instead of intense heat is all rain Rev Washington occupied the pulpit on morning and gave us quite an interesting history of League Convention Mr and Mr Carr oc cupied pulpit on Bunday evening and Mr delivered a very im pressive The choir was out in full force on Sunday evening and did well Mr and Mrs Allcock were calling on friends Who is old hatch that has shaved off clean and escorts a young girl homo Mr Ed Willis of Newmarket was calling on friends Saturday and Sun day THE NEWMAR ERA FRIDAY a 11 TV OF SEASONABLE GOODS AT TAPLE PR Y Organdie Muslins now White Bailor Hats tor were lac and Now York Prints a yd worth 8c 35e Crinkle Cloth yd regular Colored Colored and cents a yard Spot Muslins White and Biscuit 15c were Fancy Lace Stripe were Table of Fancy Straw choice for A able of Fancy Straw Shapes your choice for MEN FT Prints and Check Ginghams from up White Muslins checks stripes and a yard Plain Sheeting a yd for 40inch Pillow Cases 42inch Pillow Cotton 25c now a yd Large White Cambric Handkerchiefs were 15 now Mens White Shirts worth for Mens Fine Braces ens cotton Sox itl A number from this vicinity took in the excursion to last week and reported a very enjoyable kip The Misses of Port Hope Sunday with Miss Miss Love of Aurora is spending her vacation with Miss Wight Miss of Toronto at Dr Pearsons r j Wo notice the smiling countenance of Mr Ed Mitchell in our again Miss Georgia Wright has returned to St Louis after spending a week in our village Miss A is spending a few days at McMillans Corners seems to have a very strong attraction for a certain young man from Bond Head I wonder what It is m Cooper returned from Toronto accompanied by What he people who were stormstayed in village lftBt Mon day night Mrs John Henry a wheel Who next Fall wheat and barley art badly delayed by the rain Miss Susie is visiting friends in Zephyr- Dame Rumor says we are to have a wedding soon Mr Will Eves wears a broad smile these days And why shouldnt he when he is the happy father of a bounc ing big boy Quite a number around here took in the excursion to Toronto last week Visitors the past week and Mrs Large Shroud at Mr at Mr One of our young men has been driving his horse so hard that it under the care of the V Mr Walker who had his foot crushed about a month ago while helping to raise Mr Belfrys barn is now able to walk again Mr W Hill is still very ill at Beeton where he went a visit a couple of weeks ago We hope soon to hear of his recovery Mr and Milton of were calling on old friends on Saturday of last week Quite a number of visitors in the village just now Miss Nesbitt of Toronto at Dr Pearsons Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Watson of Toronto at Mr Miss of Gait and Master Ralph rat Mrs Coopers Mr Ed Mitchell of at Mr three young lady cousins from Chicago Mr Foggs Miss Beak and Mr- Scythes of Toronto at Rev Leonards Mr Long at Peter Belfrys Miss Eva of Bradford at Mr Miss Lime Turner with niece and nephew from Rochester are over on a visit also Mr and Jos Turner are home for holidays Rev Large preached an excel lent sermon in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening from The ladies of the congregation were especially pleased with it The August Quarterly Service- for the circuit will be held in Keswick at 1080 when Rev Dr Young will be present Rev Mr Webster will preach in in the evening Special service at Hope next Sunday at 38inch Fancy Tweed Effect for Fancy Stripe Sicilians regular for Fancy allwool Delaines 35 for Black Grenadine for A job lot of Plain Colored Muslins a yd CORSET HOSIERY Ladies Stainless Black Cotton Hose Ladies Brown Cotton do Ladies Grey do do Ladies Black Cashmere do A Table of Ladies Fancy Handkerchiefs all at reduced prices Ladies Summer Corsets for Bicycle Summer Corsets for Ladies Blouses for do 1 123 do mo Ladies Print Wrappers Ladies Eton Fronts were now 5d Examine basket of Laces at door yd Boys Cotton Sox Mens Bicycle Hose Dusters Misters worth tor for do for do 50 for do for do for HO FT for 15 for 10 for 18 for Ladies Black and Tan Oxford Shoes Special at 59c Misses Chocolate Oxford Shoes at worth 100 Childs OxBlood Button Boots worth Girls Chocolate and Black Oxfords sizes to 10 for Shoe Polish bottle DEPARTMENT Dont forget we Sell everything in Patent Medicines at a saving of from to on the at These Prices held good as long the goods fast Hardware in the Basement Cut Prices Groceries the Best Goods no room to give prices kindly enquire ROCHE ASJrf ROACHS POINT For the benefit of campers at the Point the Postmaster here has been notified to mail matter for de spatch by the ferry up to oclock each day and not to close the mail before tbat hour About took in the excursion to on the last Saturday She is to run another excursion on the of August The Union Sunday School to Orillia on Thursday of last week was a great success There was such a big crowd on the boat that quite a number who drove to Jacksons Point to go on excursion refused to go on board Everything passed off finely until the boat returned here when the rain poured down and many people were drenched Rev Amos of Aurora preached I at Morton Park Rev Mr Rankin of Toronto who was rusticating at the Love camp had to leave on Saturday on account of a telegram announcing his mothers death Quite a lot of Newmarket people were up here for Sunday including Miss Cane is with Miss Cane Mrs and Miss Lemon of Aurora Miss Henderson of Pitts burg are boarding on the Shore is the guest of Marion at Orchard Beach KESWICK A large congregation greeted Rev Mr Large last Sunday and he preach ed a splendid sermon on Marriage relations Next Sunday Quarterly Meeting will take place at the Methodise Church WHiRg TO GET MY MONEYS WORTH Deputy Hunter Banker Rosa and Dr Campbell There were two loads and a number of single rigs Mr of the Toronto News editorial staff and the Editor of the Era addressed the Sunday Sohool re cently organized by Mr Love in the schoolhouse opposite the deer park last Sunday About were present Echo Hollow has its quota of sum mer visitors There are four cabins and four tents Mr J St John P of Toronto is a guest at the Cook camp Cherries are so plentiful in this sec tion that they are being delivered to the campers at per pail A boy named Johnston of Toronto had an exciting experience on Tues day morning He was out sailing in a canoe when a gust of wind upset the more than a quarter of a mile from shore Edgar Jackson happen ed to see the boy in the water and went to his rescue in a row boat bringing him and the canoe safely to shore Mr is erecting a at Echo Hollow and intends to move his family up next Week At close of the Fellowship Meet- in the Christian last Saturday congregation repaired to the lake in vicinity of boathouse where Elder buried in baptism three young ladies from Belhaven Miss Morton Miss and Miss Shaw Next Sunday morning Dr Young is to conduct the love feast and administer the sacrament The union excursion last week was a decided success Total clear of all expenses about The many friends of Mr P will be pleased to hear that he has so far recovered from recent severe illness as to be able to take a short drive occasionally Mr A Cole who has been attend high school is home on bis vaca tion Our public school teacher Mr Lloyd of Newmarket has resigned and the trustees have engaged Mies Earl of Sutton West for the remainder of the year Mrs at Mr accidentally felt down cellar on Tuesday resulting in a sprained ankle and a general shaking up Rev Levi and family are here present spending vacation Farmers are almost discouraged with their work on account of the con tinued wet weather Fall wheat is very ripe and they get out also and Others have hay out and fall wheat out which is fa great danger of sprouting h griff Where I get the Quality and Assortment as well as Cheapness He does not advertise anything which he has not fa stock and his goods are the best to be Obtained at the prices Here are a few prices for Saturday Ladies Button Boots 0 Oxford 70 White Canvas Shoes Leather Slippers 45 Mens Fine Lace Boots worth 2 00 Kid Oxford 00 50 Lace Boots 25 Plow Boots 25 Misses Boys and Cdiidrens Boots at Remarkably Low Prices GRIFFI8 Clearing OF LIGHT SUITINGS AND TROUSERIN m m This affords and opportunity of securing a good article at greatly reduced price Trouser Hangey Free with every order A supply of Hangers always on hand at 5 and Call Early arid secure your choice NN MY TAILOR i