A- THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY Life around the flu 4 WHAT AND KIND WORTHY RECORD SHARON Wo are sorry to learn of Mrs John illness but hope she may soon bo around again Mr Selby met with a pain- fulacoiclent on Tuesday evening hay- dislocated He is improving very nicely The Epwortfi League will hold its monthly consecration service week on Tuesday evening Owing to the rain it was postpon ed Quito a of and wheelmen passing through our burg thcBO Mr Master of Port with hie family are vacation at Mr wet weather of this week has stopped all harvesting for a days Mooro of Toronto is spending with Miss Annie HOLLAND LANDING Rain is very plentiful this week and has put harvest hack considerably as most wheat and barley to cut in thin Who all are going to take in tho Excursion to Jacksons Point on Mon day A largo number is expected to go from here The English church congregation intend holding a Garden Party in a short later Mr John Dean and of Toron to Jot wore visiting Mr a few days this week of Toronto is visit ing lie sister Mrs Mis Lloyd has been visiting frionda in tho past been visiting in Settlement the past week Wo hear ho intends taking a trip Land in a weeks crops turn out good MOUNT ALBERT Farmers report fall wheat and better than was a largo quantity of these grains being now cut spring wheat oats and peas aro very promising of an abundant The potato bug is more trouble some in this section than in former years Wo would if some posted on its history would toll us when wo may expect deliverance from its ravages late rains improved the potato and turnip crop and increased tho flow of milk by improving pasLure Our factory is doing a rushing business under the able management of Mr Geo Myers Mrs Forrest from Toron to is visiting at Dr Forrests Mrs Mooro and daughter from Cleve land Ohio is visiting at Mrs James Sisters Miss from Iowa a former and esteemed of this place is staying at Mr Longs while visiting her many friends in the village Master is spending his holidays with his uncle Mr Long is always wel comed by the boys to Mount Albert I Mrs from Toronto was visiting last week under tho parental home Marr Esq Miss Harris from Prince Edward Co daughter of I Rev J Hards is visiting with Miss May Mr Thomas Armstrong and tor from Toronto spent last week with bis brotherinlaw John Esq Mr Armstrong moves around very gracefully notwithstanding accident that befell him at Hamilton by being run over by a railway train i The family of their popular and instructive Entertain ments at the Methodist Church on Monday evening last which was well attended Mr Herb is spending a fow days with boys Mr J Elliott and wife spent a few days last week visiting their many friends in this place Mrs J from last week with her mother Mrs Anthony Miller who has boon ill but we arc pleased to know she is re covering Mm William who has been visiting her son in Whitby town for the last month is homo again looking the bettor for her trip reports having had a pleasant time on the shores of Lake Ontario Mrs J lias been quite ill We are pleased to learn she is improv ing fast Miss Anderson who has not been very well for the past weeks is improving We hope to soon see her around STOUFFVILLE A sad drowning accident at Glasgow about five miles from hero on Saturday night Two of Mr Davis boys wore bathing when smaller got beyond his depth The older boy jumped in to and to swim was drowned The younger boy managed to cling to a root and was saved A belonging to Mr Cook while tied in front of Mr store suddenly became frightened at tho train which was shunting in yard opposite broke the and rah away up Main street Turning corner at tho Mammoth Fair Company store bo throw buggy into the windows breaking two large pains and making tho buggy a No moro damage was done The glass was by insurance KING CITY Mr John Thompson who not boon well for a long seems to bo looking bettor Our 0 held a very good en- Monday the singing bong all well and especially dialogue given by A Hall and A very in structive as well as Ill stop Two poor follows who hailed from Newmarket thought would come and give our town a visit last week and go back on an excursion train whioh they expected would stop but had to the pleasure of walk ing homo in the rain as the train Hissed King at about forty miles an lour Wo would liko to know What play dialogue was taken from last Monday ovoning Who will to put up the supper in Sons captain entertainment We believe it will bo Mr Cooleys side Borne of our young attended convention in To ronto Miss Lina of Cadillac is visiting friends in this neighborhood Tho Band was In attendance at a supper by Mr of Klemburg on Satur day last The speoial services conducted by Rev Mr Williams in St church for the past two Friday discontinued for a on account of busy season STOCK REPLETE AT- v Albert spent Sunday away down South Mr Thomas Rowland from city fa visiting friends around here Mrs sister is hero from for the benefit of her health after a severe attack of illness Is improving greasy Mr Peregrine of spent Sunday in village There was a business meeting in connection with in hall on Tuesday evening Mr Roddick of Belleville been spending a fow days with his uncle Mr A Mr and Mrs Law of Zephyr were in village on Sunday Miss A Irwin of Mongolia is spend ing her vacation with her sister Mrs A Winch The fanners arc very busy with heir harvest this week which appears to be a very promising one Mr II A Winch addressed Y P in Keswick on Sunday evening The excursion on Thursday of last week under auspices of the Sun day Schools of Keswick and Was iv decided success It was the largest excursion this season Micro be ing such a crowd on board when boat readied Jacksons Point that many who intended taking trip ught it dangerous and would not The was fine with the caption of a showers in tho veiling At Inland a very interesting and instructive lec ture was delivered by Rev Mr Ham or of New York subject being his Travels through holy land The excursion party left promptly on for a short run the nar rows and beautiful Lake with its many islands shooting forth from the deep to picturesque little town of OrilHa The return trip was very pleasant but shortly after land ing at Roachs Point a heavy thunder shower came up in which many were caught Tiie steamer Isldy presents a handsome appearance decorated an she is with so many various colored electric lights Proceeds Sirs Forsyth of Mongolia spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister Mrs H A Winch Mr Rogers of Lloyd town spent Saturday and Sunday in the village This is the holiday season to be sure and our village has its share of visitors Mr Roddick director of the Farmers Binder Twine Co of Brant- ford was in the village last week Mr Fred of Chatham is visiting friends and relatives in the Miss Christy Winch has returned from an extended visit with friends in Western Ontario Soon lie time for another Garden Party Where next Among the many visitors from To ronto to this neighborhood are Messrs Connolly Earl and Scott Know all men by these presents that there has more water fell since Thursday last than in the same length of time for yearn The standing grain is suffering much and becoming ter ribly tangled Many of the farmers have not finished haying yet Mr and Mrs Bell and Miss Wallace of Wisconsin paid Mr Winch a flying visit this week Owing to tho unfavorable weather here attended Garden Party at the Briars on Wednesday evening Wo congratulate Master Donald Davidson on having passed the En trance examination Rev lias consented to deliver a lecture in the hall on Aug the subject his travels through the Holy Land A high- class musical program will bo given in connection with his romaiks here realized the hand some sum of from union- ex cursion last Little drops of water little grains of sand made some dirty puddles on our nice clean land Mr John Bird is assisting our north end merchant Mr I Gilpin BALDWIN BREEZES Now Owl remarked a prominent remember to give us a good send in your noxt- A- very easy thing to do as a orderly hand somer and larger never sailed from any port of Lake A day seemingly perfect made everybody delighted with the outing Social chat billing and cooing amongst the eligible portion etc away tho time Much matchmaking seemed going on and I who was aboard will bo called upon to tie the at Jacksons Point did not go aboard owing to tho crowd ed boat Tho financial proceeds must been largo judging by the crowd Messrs Ross and Miller will at the Btore lately vacated by Mr Yates which they will stock with a and well assorted lob of goods for country trade Mr Frank Robinson The White Robin our popular miller soon be bidding goodbye There will be sad heart I trow Frank is a firstrato fellow and a very good boy when hes asleep What should verymuoh like to know What was the awful secret that gushing young damsel whis pered into our handsome young Sutton ear down at Jacksons Point and in response to tho incredulous smile on she affirmed itB so so help mo Bob Was it 1 you Messrs John Yates and our local agents just about talked out Theyve had a busy sea son selling machinery and implements of the Herald sagely remarks that tho rich can upon their bikes while poor can walk by True for ye you and I can walk and thank Dame Fortune for a sturdy pair of Irish shanks and good to do it with Geo Chapman and Will Park spending their vacation at home They do considerable cycling and are amongst the upper ten on the bike Aird is home from Uxbridge for holidays Georgia is study ing French as she is spoke and can al ready say Polly voofranzy Parly with that purity of stylo and accent only acquired by a native of the Emerald Isle Berries and are quite plenti ful about here Average- price berries per lb cherries per pail Grandpa raised a great breeze and put his foot in it by lending his gun to shoot those mischievous geese Grand DRYTOWN berries Every Monday morning now at- about oclock you will women for the berry patch laden with empty tin pans t Mr Vermin Earl of Toronto and Mr D of Newmarket are spending a few days with friends here Mr Will and brother wife and family of Milbank Dakota spending a weeks with relatives and friends here Mrs Walker of is now giving music lessons to quite a num ber in this vicinity Mr John has been under the weather for pa9t few days with a arm caused by the sting of a hornet also Mr Thomas has suffering greatly with a shoulder Sunbeam Finest Grades of Sugar Whole Pickling Pure Ground Spices and Pepper Best Pickling Vinegars White Wine and good clear fine fiavofed Cider Vinegar strength Heinzs Pickles and Baked Beans Dried Beef Thistle Brand Finnan Haddie Maple Leaf and Horse Shoe Salmon I red ripe raspberries in abundance black raspberries goose berries and cherries galore Never has been such a crop of small fruit in general in this section of the country At the same time there seems to bo a scarcity of birds and insects to devour them No need of hanging tins in the cherry trees this year but thee this is the year of the Quezons Jubilee and the dawn of Reformin Dominion of Canada and we need not bo surprised that Providence should send abundant crops and gold in superabundance from the mines of Canada such as the world never knew before Crops in this section of the country never wore better seldom as good field near cut last will yield or bushels to aero Mrs King Wight who has been on a visit to her mothers for time returned home last Saturday Mrs Nelson Draper was thrown from a buggy receiving a bad cut on head one day last week while re turning from Brown Hill The horse ran away Mrs Draper is getting along nicely Mrs Greenwood is still at Mr Emanuel Nelsons and is now able to sit up Rev Mr Large a former pastor preached to a large congregation last Sunday About the close of the ser vice there was a heavy down pour of rain did great good to the crops mail service is still a live ques tion in this section Petitions regard ing the mail route have gone and an other will soon be on the way if not already gone Now it would seem if the Hon the Postmaster General would please both parties there must be a daily mail from to and from to Brown Hill Lehmans Perfect Liver Pills For Headache Torpid Liver Constipation etc Only per box Lehmans Pink Pills Red Iron Tonic Pills Just the thing for a Nerve Tonic and Blood a box Lehmans Blackberry Compound For all Summer Complaints a bottle El Pa Pa a Is the month for It will pay you to visit us often as you will find FECIAL LINE AT XT A hen took a very peculiar freak here last Tuesday While Mr has moved his headquarters to Mr eon Draper was at work in his shop a Fire damaged the busi ness portion of named Charles Lonely was run over by a Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo train and kill last evening Wm Ketchs you want the best bread you ever tasted and cant get it elsewhere just have a try at Mount Albert bakery The Owl has tried it and Yum Yumi Mr Cliff Heise is fixing up the house near his fathers residence and will forthwith settle down to house- keeping there Cliff and the missis prior to their leaving St Anna for Baldwin were wined and dined the citizens of that village the town serenaded them and all wished them voyage Meedames and Aunt of Sutton spent Thursday with Mrs Geo Tomlinson Thoy had read in the Breezes of tho now summer and woodshed the beautiful flower garden new boat and the berry patoh After hav ing a visit and a good feast of berries drove home at eventide recogniz ing fact that tho Owl told tho truth The Owl met em and a jolly lot they were Mrs Sinclair is off to St Thomas on a visit with her sister Her moth er Mrs John Nelson la keeping during her absence Is of the Herald weary of well doing Herald only quarter the size of the lately and yet theres oceans of news for mm Geo has a new bikea dandy a white enamelled one A woe wee has arrived at Joel to make Joel a proud daddy Threoatoros in Baldwin and never a pound of sugar obtainable on Bator day evening hen came in and laid an egg on the the forge not more than two feet from the fire She was rather more familiar than ordinary fowls Nelse must be very good sad Lady would French lessons to Piano and for furnished room In Christian fa Ground floor pre ferred TEACHER Era Office SkftaKa sincere thanks to our neighbors friends for of sympathy during aid after death of our beloved mother SALS OF FARM PROPERTY IN OF WHITCHURCH Under power of contained in a certain mortgage hloh win be produced at day of will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the North American Hotel In TOWN OF NEWMARKET ON A at oclock forenoon farm lands namely Southhalf of half Lot number thirtytwo In seventh Conoewlon of of leas farm will bo offered fur sale subject to a reserved bid For terms and of sale apply to J for Vendor Farmers I have just sold already two tons of the famous DURING STANDARD And have as much more on the way Well guarantee it to be the Beat Twine on the market for the price ft will pay you to see it before buying inferior grades H M North a a Iven that application has cense Board for a transfer Notice Whcrebj of to Patrick Young A J Inspector for sale IN NEWMARKET and Three Lots on Qarbutt Known Terrace Property I will buy Lota and One House on Huron St buy fcuo House and on Huron St will buy and The abovo reascoable apply to can bo bought on OS- a CO a a a a a a GO a For further Now market New July Flour per barrel a CO Wheat per a Wheat per a Wheat per bushel a Buckwheat a Barley per bushel So a bushel Peas per bushel Rye per bushel Bran per ton CO per ton a IS per CO Butter roll per lb Oil Butter tub per lb Potatoes per bag Wool per lb dOO flWW a 6 a lb a Chickens per pair JDuckeperpair a J wifcy Red Wheat per bush el CO TO a White Wheat per bushel a per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Rarloyper Oata per bushel Peas per bushel bushel Butter roll per lb- Potatoes i0 Appleaper W i Wool per lb 010 W tfJig Beef fore qi3 Beef hind Chickens per pair pair Turkeys par lb a a a a a a a OS a a a 0 a a A