T f 3 if- J Grand Bummer Solo Co Sale Montgomerys Blouse A Binder Twine and French- Sale Lloyd Card of Family AND BRIGHTER WITH ISSUE The Pointed all at Our Society PER80HAX pafetuell Banquet to Dp Coulter BIO IN AURORA- JULY 1 fee re 1 It is that the J will ran several trains to Manitoba this commenc ing early next month A from Halifax tinder date of Fuller returns from Island elections chow that it was another Liberal sweep Tho returns sent tout at the outset wore very incomplete and showed a much small er majority lor the Government than they Legislature will probably eland twenty one to nine This Liberal have now been in power at Ottawa for more than a year and in spite of the prophesies our banking institution have not gone to teetotal sun rises and as usual and water continues to flow over the falls at Niagara the same as when the prophets held high carnival at Government headquarters Even later date probe have not been realized and Cabinet disruptions are still in the specula tive realm Tub tariff tinkers of Washington have completed their work to the Canada is taxed almost to the extent of prohibition just ae was expected when the won the last Presidential election During the past year Americans sold Canada worth of while Great Britain only eold us We hope the Canadian Government will take cognizance of and put the blocks so to turn trade in favor of the Mother Country been received from Sir Wilfrid Premier of Canada that be will sail from Liverpool or home on the of August The Opposition press will please take notice of the date so as to be ready with the announcement that Hon Messrs Blair and have been peremptorily dismissed from the Cabinet Of course prompt aotiui the part of the Pre mier prevent the necessity of Sir Oliver Mdwat and Sir Richard handing In their resignations members of the Government Mail finds with Bon Mr for appointing Dr Coulter as his Deputy and argues that some other officer of- his department should have been pro moted to the position The trouble is Heads of Departments require deputies who are politically In harmony with the Government and to whom may be entrust ed departmental secrets Conservative having exercised the power of appointing officials for nearly a quarter of a century Liberal officials too scarce to find men of competence for promotion new men have to chosen miners from the Alaskan re gion la not the time of year to move in that direction One of experience says No one but a fool in my will start just now from New York for Klondike Any who do will reach the diggings to find the ground covered with enow and be unable to do anything at all until May or June of next year The talk about the high wages reads well but It should be remembered there is little work to be done in the cold weather in at any price Alaska is a hard place to get experience and it will kill more men than it will make Hob t f I developments in the gold fields and mining Industries of this country call J lor prompt action on the part the Gov- to the to this feature the says Whatever adopt with regard to securing the fntereeU of the people in their mineral wealth it will be advisable to put the at- of the district in the hands of a strong capable man Efficient would require the aervicea of some man as Mr Charlton whose wealth and character would be a guarantee of disinterested public service In any plan adopted by the Government much will depend on the selection of a capable administratori for the position must tail a wide measure which few are of exercising with discretion It will certainly baa lost op portunity if the nation falls on these Miaa Due back from Trenton of Toronto spending a sUter Mrs Jas who is poorly Dr of Dallas Texas arrived yesterday and will remain with frisnda for a of D A Mr J P Hunter with their families the three Misses Fogg of and Mrs of Pittsburg spent Sunday at ton Park- Mice Harris and of Hoi and of canto over with Mies Bob TrJompsoa latter is foe a visit lizzie Lyman of London Is home on a Villi ky Kelly from Michigan la the guest of MlasHartry Mies Alloc Hughes Is lth friends in city A are eating at of Toronto at Mr Hewitts f Miss Blanche of Is Miss Leila Boas of Kalamazoo Is the guest other sons In Town Master Boss has gone to Co- bis Mr Now York Is visiting- in Town with Mr Mr Low is spending a of with his eon in Toronto Mrs Dr Campbell and children are summering on the Lake Shore Miss Dickson has to Co of Grey to spend six weeks Mr Edgar of at Kingston home for his holidays Mr and Louis were rus ticating at Big Bay Point last week Mr and Mr Thos Gardner are visit ing in a this week Miss Grade of Toronto visiting at her Mr Armstrong who been oyer to the Old Country was in Town over Sunday Mies of Orillia spent a few days with her Mr A A Ramsay last week Mrs Williams and wife of Toronto are a few days at fathers Mr Geo of Detroit daughter of Mr John is home for four weeks visit Mr HBr has returned from Parry Sound Jiere ho went on a pleasure trip Ha reports tithing poor Mies Georgia Snook wheeled to Monday after spending her vacation with the Misses Allan Park Ave J Dales Esq B A of Kingston editor of the Ontario Christian was in Town on Monday and gave the Eha a call Miss and Miss Brentford wheeled to Newmarket to spend a couple of weeks vacation with Miss Hughes Mr Andrew and family spent a few days with friends in and last week There was a gathering oyer A friend from St Catharines called on Miss Morton on Tuesday Miss Morton taught school at that place many and is highly spoken of Mr and Mrs their r China Wedding one day last week About were present Including relatives from Toronto Sharon and Bradford We forgot to mention last the familiar faces met at Centre Island Park the day of the Excursion Con- doctor Jonathan Rogers and wife and Mr Brimson Mr Mnlook PostmasterGeneral gave a dinner on Wednesday to the chief clerks of the department at Ottawa to meet Lieut Col White the retiring deputy and his successor Dr Coulter of Aurora Mrs of Toronto was the guest of Mrs Dr Rogers last week Mr and Mro and two children of Toronto Kansas were also visiting with Mrs Rogers this week The following Newmarket people at tended the Banquet to Dr Coulter in Aurora on Tuesday night Mayor Cane Dr Campbell Dr HLloyd P and Alderman Miss Annie who was visiting her sister Mrs Dr has gone with Mrs Cowan to Grass Point to visit Mrs Miss left this week for England where sue an extended visit Mrs has been the of Mrs Allan Park Ave the two weeks Mr wheeled up from the pity on Friday evening returning Sunday afternoon but Mrs Bhoade lit remaining a few daye longer A hue load from Newmar ket including the Howards drove to the Lake on Thurs day of last weak and took in the Excursion to Owing to the storm at they did not get home till noon the follow- to day Among those who took Jo the Excur sion to Centre Island Park la t week was Ramsay of Mr and Mrs David Sharon who her Ramsay spent seven years in China as a missionary and was on way home to Ireland on furlough She is deeply interested in work and has the happy of imparting information regarding the country and people In a very pleasing fluent manner Relatives wilt be pleased to have her make a longer call on her back to China next year John of Indian Ter- who attended the Friends Yearly Meeting in Newmarket two yeara ago writes The hear approach of state hood for Indian Territory deal of stir amongst the Indians and wo are arranging to send out Matrons into the homes of children who attend to domestic life and them to habits of economy in every way looking to a order of living The crops la Indian Territory arc very heavy and prices good I watch with interest the growth of Canada eg- the ptrt that pertains to educa tional and religious Interests I The which lasted might have boon expected in to tbo of flomonstration by the people of Aurora to Dr Coulter Tuesday night When this nob case the banqueting hall al together failed j to of those who came to bid townsman farewell and wish him of good some idea may the esteem in which the newlyappointed Deputy to tho is held by people amongst whom ho has lived for many years The most agreeable fea ture of the affair was the uttor disre gard of political ties North York to bo on of kind to forgot that there any political animosities and whenever a favorite in to bo honored that bono is bestowed without re serve or qualification evidences of Dr Coulters popularity as they have been rondo evident to him must have afforded surprise to an agreeable We have made Four Very Special Purchases this week Hard cash much wanted by the manufacturers and jobbers threw these opportunities in our way and quick customers will benefit by the deal One lot Mens Tweed Pants fine stripe patterns made by the best makers in Canada and well worth but we bought them cheap and they go at 98c You will observe said chairman A Yule that we have a peculiar way of expressing our regret A year ago we forced to part with one gentleman who was on his way to Ottawa Mr About the same time we hod to spare another friend Mr Davis for the sake of Toronto Now wo are sending Dr Coulter also to regeneration of Ottawa and in all these cases there has been a largo element of pleasure mixed with our sorrow You will bear me out that there is a good deal of the same spirit on this occasion The Chairman then read an address to Dr Coulter presenting him at same time with a magnificent cabinet of silverware The presentation was accompanied by an outburst of cheers In replying to the Dr Coul ter said he was deeply affected by this evidence of a friendsnip which had been cherished by him for the fifteen years of his residence in Aurora In private and in public the people had been kind to him He thought he should perhaps be pleased at the pro spect opened out to him by the cir cumstances which necessitated his re moval It was much no doubt to be actively engaged with those who were making Canadian history and espec ially at this time when the develop ment of Canada to which all had look ed forward so long seemed about to mature But he was none the loss sorry to be obliged to leave Aurora He could only thank his friends for their remembrance of himself and of Mrs Coulter The doctor on resuming his seat was again heartily applauded HON Hon said he should apologize for depriving Aurora of Dr Coulter He would say how ever that after a years hard study of the departments workings he had come to the conclusion that there should be an infusion of young vig orous blood into the working of that department When the Executive Council had consented to allow him to ask Dr Coulter to take this position he felt that much of his difficulty had been overcome Dr Coulter had ac cepted this position after it had been urged upon him us a public duty Much as the citizens of Aurora might his departure they would be assured that the success which had at tended his career in the past would continue and in a more marked de gree in the future THE PROVINCIAL SECRETARY Hon J Davis expressed his pleasure at being present There had been an occasion this kind in Au rora once when a departing citizen had been so overcome by the protesta tions of friendship coming from the townspeople that he had said he could not leave on any account Dr Coul ter had greater courage and constancy of purpose All might look to his fu ture with confidence Since the an nouncement of his appointment the very heavens had been weeping in these parts whereas the sun shone brightly in the Ottawa valley- He had beenhonored time and again by his fellowcitizens who elected him to the Municipal Council and would no doubt have given him yet higher dences of their appreciation It had been complained that Dr Coulter had no experience in the work he was to assume That criticism would soon be discontinued The people of North York of both political parties showed by their presence at this farewell cere mony that they at least bad confidence in the outcome of the policy pursued by Hon Mr Ho felt that as Dr Coulter said Canada was about to enter upon on era of great prosperi ty It was under such circumstances men of the stamp Dr Coulter should be in high places Ok Saturday lent Tariff bill both of waa Alga- the evening by the President end became lav One lot Fancy Muslins in the latest patterns widest goods sold everywhere and in Toronto at our special price Also fifty Ladies Blouses regular and at Test A sample lot of and Girls Pine Straw worth up to 1 your Choice at pairs Ladies Low Shoes worth 1 130 and 175 go at and 1 25 and a job lot of Mens Strong Lace Boots go at full of Bargains and a visit here will save you money Other departments are also us Sale Executors of the offer for sale by Public at Millers Hotel in a aero farm situated in Township For further bills Smith a Whitby farmer died suddenly from apoplexy Smallpox has broken out in West- mount a flourishing suburb of Mon treal The Rev Father MePhillipa par ish priest died Tuesday aged Arthur shot in the ab domen at the Winnipeg Exhibition on Saturday died from his injuries By the wrecking of a Chinese steamer bound from Singapore for Malacca 120 persons were drowned The trial of twelve women and two men for wholesale poisonings wa at Buda on Friday when four of the prisoners were sentenced to death daughter of James near Toronto township died on Tuesday from the effects of a sunstroke and was buried yesterday in the family vault at Burn- At the time of the stroke she was out with her mother picking fruit in the garden and fell suddenly in a faint was about 18 years of accomplished and greatly respected Miss Catharine Burns who died on July in the township of King left an estate of being her interest in a farm on the fourth con cession of King valued at and the balance cash on hand The farm is left to her brother James he to bis brothers John and William A legacy of is left to Robert Burns a nephew and and the balance of the estate is divid ed among the three brothers The annual meet of the National Rifle Association closed at England Saturday Canadian com petitors secured fourth sixth eighth and twentysecond prizes in the Queens match the moat important contest for the meet The Canadian team this year made on the whole a very good record although handi capped by the fact that they had had but little opportunity to with the new rifle which British marksmen past on Bat Boulton Kean secretary of the Orillia Lacrosse Club writes a paper regarding the recent game with as follows- The team started the rough work and Mr J J Craig president of the A who was referee stated that he never in his experience saw a team play dirtier lacrosse use worse language than the team He compli mented the Orillia team on its De- under trying circumstances The cross- checking and fouling of the team were disgraceful At the end of the match the Barrie team started in to beat Watson of the whose work at outside home was depressive to A crowd of joined him and thrashed the Barrie hoodlums in short order The Orillians were stoned rottenegged on the street to the boat by cowardly persons who kept back in the crowd Barrie constables made no effort to protect the Several ladies were Howard the eightyearold son of Mr John Huff of Ont was drowned Tuesday while fishing The United States Cabinet had under discussion yesterday the estab lishment of a military post in Alaska near Circle City Chicago July Because a hole which had been dug for the purpose of erecting an electric light pole was not properly protected the 7yearold son of A of rington 111 fell in Wednesday night and was drowned No one witnessed the accident The boy fell into the hole head first and was drowned be fore he was able to extricate himself WILLOW VALE Owing to the wet weather this week harvesting will be delayed for some days The little son of Pollard had a narrow escape from losing the sight one of his eyes one day last week While playing with a table fork the little fellow struck his eye but at last ac counts he is improving Mrs of Arfcimeaia is visiting with her sister Mrs B Wiles and our pros perous welldiggers have quit that fine to attend to their harvesting Mr and Mrs were the guests of Mr and Mrs Reynolds on Sunday last The crops are looking well in this section and promise a har vest the roots hi particular look very promising A band of gypsies are camped in Mr bush on the Aurora side road We understand they are engaged in picture frames and baskets Dame Rumor says some of the neighbors are missing their milk while others have- their grain fields visited Mr King City by on Wed nesday of last week The Fire turned out and extinguished the Leading Furniture and Undertaking House If you want Cheap Furniture Just call and see our prices Iyou want a Good Set Parlor Furniture in which there is no deception and will last a life time call on J MILLARD Newmarket Undertake Embalming A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence 125 Street have been using for some time past flatnes Owing to the heavy rain it Mid with which the largest number of quite easily got under control matches were shot I Provincial Auditor Lang Babbie 24Two weeks ago has returned from where he I today John Hewitt an old of has been working under inatructionlBlmva in a attacked Mr the Ontario Government to wth an axe and cut the county authorities of two of them ft manner in unravelling the of the to the head The missing treasurer The dedications cattle suffered tensely the weather are much larger than was at first ex- being very hot This morning be and although no definite states pleaded guUty before Judge has been made of the total it is sentenced to eighteen pretty certain that il will be over in the Central Prison Hie Honour Mr has not return- who is severe with per- and- his friends have now given up guilty of to animals took hope that the treasurer was only tern- consideration age of the absent Tho county ia prisoner and fact that it wag Lib to a large extent first offence The Cradle Aurora on the 9th ins tbo of Mr A B Taylor of a daughter on July wife of of a daughter wire of of a son King on the The JulyS3rd late awe- Toronto Robert late the In th year on the Martha years Hillock in on July 23rd Emily pillock beloved of Hil lockaged SO and months July a St day Toronto on the Inst at Papa Infant Wellington and ftonan- months US Interred at Newmarket I 1 i