Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 23 Jul 1897, p. 7

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a A r jf ME NEWMARKET- leeks Hews WHAT IS ON IK ABOUT TOWN a pipe On during tho thunder storm barn of Mr mites north of Holt on the con of Gwilllrabary was to- with tons of hay a num ber of farm Implements cow ply Will you that a Win Doors arid Dish Conors good Foe at A- a Bond Serenade night on tholr return from tbo Band serenaded the North End for a change and Weath er permitting intend to play down Town again on Saturday Business Change Mr Martin Robinson sold out his shoe shop to Mr now at North end and he tools possession on Wednesday promises aro bright- cued up by a now coat of paint tat tho hands of Mr artists and a tidy Gospel The mooting font Sunday conducted by Mr J S occupied the and Eva jircaidod at organ- Mr a visitor with Mr Taylor gave two solos a reading and Hoover a capital Shame Boys Hill of last wook lias to regarding the vieit of team to that village It is a task to apeak of who our village but duty forbids ait- No fault bo found with way handled their bat several of the hoodlums could not oven address one another without making of language fa to deplored and wonder that and young men will deliberately make rowdies of when meet for friendly Athletic should bavo in them attrac tions for people and the pity in that players and their aapportore do not make mora of a atudy of manliness and good behaviour We are very sorry that our juniors should for get themselves to bring disgrace not only upon team but upon our and hope that it will never bo repeated While always ready to praise where due at same time the dot not shrink from condomnio moral ityor vice Lot a wftrfing Promotion Bo to market bo loyal to your own Town- buy what you want hero The merchant you patronize may day bo able to direct a dollar into your pocket j at any vent you neednt look for work or patron age from Toronto When depart mental shark gets money bo is through with yon Give the- pedlar tbo and homo Depot Both freight and passenger business continues active exports for old country oar for Toronto oar horses for Montreal oar flour car of wooden- and from to itiso day Co fa shipping a lot of away down to Nova Imports Include from to oars of pail each day car cement oar fruit I oar coal and of gen eral merchandise Result of Juno Exams in Newmarket Model School The following will bo promotionto I The names are arranged alphabetically and not in order of merit Stella Meyer Major Ethel Cody Clara Coahenonr Edward Arthur Garden The next popular event will bo Gar den Party on Wednesday night of next week under tho ftaapicea tho Aid of the Christian The grounds of Mr Henry Wesley on con- of Whitohuroh at head of flrigloy St have been placed at their and no pains will bo spared to make it ft success in The Town Band consented to play some of their moat delightful moalo and the grounds will be artistically decorated Free busses wilt be provided to take people to and from the ftnd grounds and the ladies promise all that one can oat after an appetising ride for the small sum of Berries and Ice Cream are extra No doubt there will be a big crowd should weather be favorable Clarence Olive Hughes Harold Iuah Ethel Jessie Millard Perkins Willie Willie Leslie Allen Sutherland Ruby Frank to Roy The of Ihe Intermediate ill are for promotion I Brock Lucy Grey Flora Kelly Welter Cody Sterling Miller Earl Sherman Thompson Addle From III to Anderson Lloyd Bruce Belfry Roy Morrison Annie Bell AcBel McDonald Eddie Campbell Osborne Charlie Jack Mabel Robert Claude Peart Thompson Florence Trent Violet Ethel May George Hunter Dan Walter Keith May From to Jr Ill J Bennett Lily Marsh Hugh Edith Julia Clay Ada Storks Clara Cane Charlie Cody Tench Maude Frank Thompson Lily Reus Wright Mary Slushes Ethel Wright Ernest Lush Roy on trial Miller Ethel Present every day during the term fl Handsome fiaiance The Firemens Demonstration Com- wound up the business on Tuesday and to report a In hand of after paying all expenses and returning loan of 9100 to the Town Council Com mitten the advisability of placing tho balance tho Bank to tho credit of Town firemen to bo used by them in another demonstra tion next year idea is a good and would bo ft start for another year Brigade was to moot night to of report At regular monthly meeting of Order of Foresters following officers wore installed P J A A J Treasurer Gardner Reg fitallard J Bro Low Bro John J AuditorsBros Low J Officer J appointed a delegate to attend the High Court meeting at Owen Sound next month ffltPAY JULY J Annie belfry Roy Hunter Dan to Senior Atkinson- Lena Belfry Brodie Clarice Lily Caldwell A Caldwell J Cane Vern Currey Brock Mabel Henna Epwotth Maud Keith May Oreensides Frank Anson Harry Lush Evelyn visit Geo Katie Vera Taylor Thompson Velma An enormous of good hay been housed It will probably be cheap this winter The weather bureau hit it about right in its predictions to the duration of hot weather and the coming of the cool wave immenee quantity of binder twine been carried oat of Town by tho far- mors It betokens a big The didnt raise any objection to the two weeks of hot weather The cool spell was a welcome change generally and particularly to the sick Directors of the Society were canvassing the Town for subscriptions to the Prize this week and met with much encouragement Canes decorated with a new roof The masons finished Mr Websters new house on Queen St on Mr has made a nice job The Water- Works got in tons more oi coat on Tuesday Tinsmiths from Allan Coa shop went out to Tuesday to fit up a new for Mr- It Canes Factory is filling an order for in- aide doors for the Toronto Conservatory of mueio Tho spontaneous and almost universal decoration at the Cemetery last Friday was a surprise to The place did look nice euoh a contrast with the many neglected cemeteries Dont be alarmed at the eclipse of the sun next Thursday The tennis experts defeated those from Newmarket on Saturday by events to Fall wheat commenced around here this week It is a crop The harvest generally promises to be the beet for years Freak Willson Leslie Kennedy John Little Stewart Lightning caused the destruction of the P station at Saturday July 19 Fred 12yearold of James Bolton township was thrown out of a vehicle white with his parents near morning and killed At station Mies Cook aged about a- recent arrival at the house of Mr J A a farmer was attacked by a Scotch collie and before assistance arrived was horribly lacerated in the arms and legs Miss a neighbor finally- off dog with a club Toturi Council Regular meeting last evening Present Mayor Deputy and Councillors Cody Manning and The Treasurer laid on the table half- yearly return showing recofpte and disbursements having an expenditure of a on hand of It was to the Finance Committee Following bills passed Lopard wood affreight Lepard carting water los do John Spring do 82 Win Thompson wood Warren service at W Express Co and lor Following referred to Committees Jaokson to By Com A to Com Can Co 83150 to L Com Com appointed to deal with Court and other questions brought In report It recommends as follows That it Is inadvisable to change Court Room from Us place pro vided that scourcs to of tho Council Court Room free of That a drain or culvert bo made at of Main fit and Park Ave so us to allow tho water to run down West side of Main St 8 That a drain be put in In Committee of- whole a motion to reject 1st clause and substitute there- for tho following That an agreement be entered into between Mr A Evans and corporation in regard to the use of his building as a Court House was lost on following division Yeas Hunter Manning- Nays Cody The report was adopted in Council following resolution was then adopt ed Retolved that this Council dohereby express their satisfaction with the manner In which Stephen Warren late Engineer of Newmarket Water- Works performed duties belonging to snob position dur ing all the time he was in the employment of Mr P Gibson was authorized under Act to fix the position known as a post marked on tho South side of a run of water in New market and that he such eyiderice as may bo necessary Mr Hunter gave notice that he will move at next meeting of to have ByLaw No re King Town Line re pealed Fire Light Com was instructed to have water pipes fixed on Fire Hall ad iVTf It I Host Council July Meeting of Council held this day- all members present Minutes of last mooting were read and confirmed Communications received from Geo sheep From John Greenwood sheep 11 James Swain sheep claim 11 Municipal World bill for register and blank forms 11 Clerk of King re work on Line John Tate bill for repairs Mayor of Newmarket re lowering waters of Lake Co re ditches and water- course act Clerk of Whitchurch Petitions received from Squires and others re Statute Labor con From Thos Burns and others re 1 Ion of slaughter bouse Messrs James Squires and appeared before the Council in re of matters The Public Health was amend so that the definite distances as luted in re of the location of slaughter houses may he varied upon unanimous of the Board of Health On motion Geo Coal appointed Road Overseer in con and the Council also by motion acknowledged the courtesy of J D Graham In presenting the several members of ths Council with a copy of bis Jubilee song re Canadas Greet- to Her Majesty Queen ByLay was amended by erasing the grant of made to con and a of 810 for repair of sidewalks and for gravel was made to said division Payments were ordered as follows Shuttlewortb James8wain John Greenwood Municipal World 22 George Riley 28 John Tate v I Counoil adjourned to meet in on August the Indian who strangled his squaw with her own hair near has been caught The safe of P Stuart Govs oat meal mill at Ingorsoli was robbed of during the accountants absence at tea County Commissioners Chester and Woodcock Warden Davidson and Engineer wore at Mark- ham last inspecting bridge over the Rouge the Markham They will have necessary stops taken at once and the townships will bo asked to bear portion of the expense in H note the 50c Ladies worth i and 125 5a New York Muslins worth White Sailors worth Ladies Black Cotton Hose worth Cashmere Embroidered 22lbs Granulated Sugar for 100 Not hear as good value as a lot of Dry Goods we are selling at clearing out prices 25 New Books the low pricemarked Corsets a lot worth 1 and 125 5c Handkerchiefs Mens Ladies Wrappers White Muslins Ladies Belts cheap at Ladies Shoes See them Mens Pants Look at them Red Cap Binder Twine in the Basement Blue Ribbon in the Hardware Dep Yukon Gold Region A letter received from City under date June 18 contains many interesting facts The writer Arthur Perry a wellknown citizen of Seattle says The first discovery of gold on the Klondike was in the middle of August 1890 by George Carmack on a creek emptying into the Klon dike on the south called by the Indians Bonanza Ho found to the pan on a high rim After making the find known at Forty Mile he went back with two Indians and took out in three weeks with three sluice boxes The creek was soon staked from one end to the other and all the small were also staked and recorded About Sept a man by the name of Whipple prospected a creek emptying into the Bonanza and named it Whipple Creek Ho afterwards sold out and the miners named it Eldorado Jimmy McLean took out during the winter just in prospecting the dirt Clarence Berry and his partner Anton panned out about the same in the same manner Mrs Berry used to go down to the dumps every day to get dirt and carry it to the shanty and pan it herself She has over taken out in that manner When dumps wore washed in the spring the dirt paid better than was expected Pour boys on a Jay in Eldorado took out in four months Frank who own ed the Grand had some men hired and cleaned up for the winter Mr has cleared up Louis Rhodes No Bonanza clear ed up last winter This is probably the richest placer ever known in the world They took it out so fast and so much of it that they did not have time to weigh it with gold scales They took steel yards and all the syrup cans were fill ed Mrs was thrown from her carriage and killed at Amprior Saturday The Baptist Young Peoples Union of America have selected as their next place of meet ing Severe storms accompanied with Vivid lightning that did some small damage reported from western On tario In a barn raising near Port Elgin the structure collapsed and Messrs Crowe and were badly in jured Winnipegs Industrial Exposition enjoyed a most successful opening on Tuesday and the city is crowded with visitors A detachment of the Northwest Mounted Police has been ordered to the Crows Nest Pass to maintain order upon the railway construction works The shipment of cheese from the port of Montreal this season far ex- the quantity sent for the cor responding period last year Plentiful rains reported throughout Northwest Provinces of India and the Government will shortly reduce the extent of the relief works Mr W Buchanan of Hamil ton has resigned office of General Manager of tho Templars of OF em This affords and opportunity of securing a good article at a greatly reduced price Trouser Hanger Free with every order A supply of Coat Hangers always on hand at and Call Early and secure your choice NNMDOU ALL MY TAILOR WHERE TO GET MY MONEYS WORTH Where I get the Quality and Assortment as well as Cheapness He does not advertise anything which he has not in and his goods are the best to be obtained at the prices Here are a few prices for Saturday Ladies Button Boots Oxford White Canvas Shoes Leather Slippers Mens Fine Lace Boots Kid Oxford Lace Boots Plow Boots CI ill It l worth 2 2 a Low Prices Boys and a Boots at so to Remarkably James Stephenson collector of customs at Owen Sound for the past years has been suspended and Mr Shaw of Kingston is temporarily in charge The suspension follows the inspection of the office by A Mc Kay July Peter a farmer one mile north of Pickering village was killed this morning while cutting hay Him team ran away and he had evidently fallen below the machine and was dragged some distance before the horses were stopped When taken out he was un conscious and died in about one hour was old He leaves a wife and two sons The sons Donald and Malcolm live at Indian Head J exbailiff of the township of King made arrange ments to have three of the thirtyfive suits against the neighboring fanners j iMftde which shows that the mammoth taken up after vacation as test coses have been at least thirty feet in Temperance and editor of Temp- 1 the result of the whole will height and sixty length In that pond upon the verdict in the three the bo about ten feet The bailiffs of King township are long and the ears about 8x5 feet having an unfortunate time of it Messrs Robinson Lennox having today issued a writ against George E Reynolds sue- InnnUDTI V for illegal seizure It appears I Moore Kerr dry goods mer chants of have made an as signment to of To ronto The liabilities are about 12000 and tho assets The Archbishop of St Boniface is making a determined effort to se cure increase of tbo FrenchCana dian population of Manitoba and with that object in view has commissioned the Rev Father to act as an immigration and repatriation agent in eastern Canada and the United States PATENTS ll that George Gillies of Parry Sound deoided to move to and shipped iHHon household effects At in stance of William Reynolds a creditor tho bailiff seized the goods but Gillies claims that goods all be longed to his wife and that in any event they were nearly all exemptions MARION buttock ly bring you Mrs Brown wife of Brown was seriously injured in a run away accident at on Saturday John Dewey of Hamilton thrown from a wagon and his head struck a big stone chances of recovery are poor Another mastodon has been un earthed in County While digging a drain through a swamp on his farm Charles came upon part of the remains of a mastodon He found the two horns one of which measured eight feet six inches in length and weighed over two hundred the other being somewhat smaller also a tooth measuring seven in length and four inches across the base Some other portions of the skeleton were also found Bibs and a portion of the head were discovered later on A calculation has been I

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